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The Suffragettes and suffragists were a women's
suffrage* movement in Britain, aiming to achieve 'Votes
For Women' or to enable women to vote in
parliamentary elections. They Campaigned in the late
19th and early 20th centuries and used many kinds of
tactics to draw attention to their cause, from art,
debate, and propaganda, to attacks on property
including window smashing and arson. They
Campaigned in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The main difference between suffragists and suffragettes was that suffragists
campaigned using only peaceful and constitutional methods such as lobbying
while suffragettes were determined to win the right to vote for women by any
means, and went to great lengths including illegal, violent, and militant
campaigns. A popular example of a suffragette was Emeline Pankhurst, she was a
leading suffragette for 40 years. A popular example of a suffragist was Millicent
Fawcett, she served as the leader of the suffragists for 50 years

The suffrage movement ended in 1918 and the

suffragettes disbanded after their success and

Britain granted women voting equality with men,
providing voting rights to all British women over

the age of 21. They battled racism, economic
oppression, and sexual violence, along with the
law that made married women little more than
the property of their husbands, but in the end,
the goal was achieved and the women were
given the right to vote.

*Suffrage means the right to vote in political elections.

I have used hpl attributes
analysing and empathetic, as I
have used my analytical skills to
find the right and fitting
information to complete all of the
criterion, and I used empathetic
by trying to imagine and put
myself In 20th century womans
shoes and get a better
comprehension on their feelings
and emotions which helped me
understand this topic

I have linked this to

the SDG goal gender
equality as this topic
was all about giving
women the same
rights as men which is
a display of gender

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