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1, FEBRUARY 2017 279

High-Frequency, Half-Wavelength Power

Transmission Scheme
Yang Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Wilsun Xu, Fellow, IEEE, Yun Wei Li, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Tian Hao, Student Member, IEEE

Abstract—The half-wavelength power transmission scheme has is not enough to make the scheme competitive based on the
some unique advantages and disadvantages for power transmis- findings of [3], [4]. This paper proposes to generate power di-
sion. This paper presents a new concept to take advantage of rectly at higher frequencies, thus creating a single generation-
the scheme while overcoming its main limitation. The concept in-
volves a power generation transmission unit. This unit generates transmission unit. For simplicity, it is called the high-frequency
and transmits power at a specific high frequency so that the dis- half-wavelength (HFHW) power transmission scheme. The idea
tance between the generator and the receiving end is equal to a will save one terminal for frequency conversion and has some
half-wavelength of the voltage/current of the system. As a result, other major advantages. It is specially conceived for cases where
a far-away generator becomes electrically located at the receiv- a large amount of power needs to be transmitted from a remote
ing end as if there is no transmission line separating the sending
and receiving ends. The proposed concept represents an innovative location to a load center.
and promising scheme to transmit a large amount of power over
long distances. II. THE PROPOSED SCHEME
Index Terms—Power transmission technology, power electron- A high voltage line can be approximated as a lossless
ics, frequency changer, half-wavelength, high frequency generator. line for transmission capacity studies. For such a line, the V
and I at distance x from the sending end can be determined
I. INTRODUCTION as follows:
ALF-WAVELENGTH transmission line (HWTL) means Vx cos(αx) −jZC sin(αx) V
H that the line length between its sending and receiving ends
is about half of the wavelength of the AC current carried by the
−jsin(αx)/ ZC cos(αx)
· s

where subscript s stands for sending  end. Zc is the surge

line. Power transmission at this distance has one very attractive
impedance of the line which equals to L0 /C0 , α = 2π/λ,
feature: the total line impedance becomes virtually zero (for
and λ is the wavelength. If x = λ/2, (1) becomes
lossless line). As a result, the sending end can be considered as
just at the receiving end [1]. In recent years, the scheme regained Vx −1 0 V
= · s (2)
the interest of industry and academia due to worldwide power Ix 0 −1 Is
system developments [2]–[4].
At the 60 Hz frequency, the half-wavelength is 2500 km and The above equation implies that there is zero impedance be-
is a fixed length, which is too long and inflexible for practical tween the sending and receiving end of the line, as if the line
applications. Solutions proposed to solve this problem in the did not exist. The line only reverses the phase of the voltage
past include the use of artificial lines made of LC elements [5]. and current.
The added components bring new problems, such as the over- The main drawback of the HWTL scheme at 60 Hz is its
voltage at the capacitor banks and increased costs. Technical excessive and fixed length. One solution to this problem is to
and economic comparisons between the half-wavelength trans- change the frequency of the carrier voltage. The wavelength is
mission scheme and the HVDC scheme were made recently [3], related to the carrier frequency f through λ = v/f , where v
[4]. It was found that each scheme has strength and weakness is roughly equal to the speed of light. If the frequency is raised,
depending on the application scenarios. the corresponding half-wavelength length can be shortened.
With the advancement of power electronic technology, it has This paper further proposes to use high-frequency generators
become economical to convert frequencies. This makes it pos- to produce a required frequency that leads to a half-wavelength
sible to change the half-wavelength. However, this idea along matching the distance between the generator and the receiving
end, as shown in Fig. 1. In this scheme, the generator and the
line are designed and constructed as one unit that just works for
Manuscript received March 24, 2016; revised May 27, 2016; accepted June the required transmission distance.
27, 2016. Date of publication July 9, 2016; date of current version January 20,
2017. Paper no. TPWRD-00371-2016.R1. The proposed scheme is not intended for networked opera-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, tion. Its primary goal is to bring a large remote generating plant
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, (e-mail: closer to a load center or a regional network using the HWTL.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at For example, a nuclear plant can be built at a remote location
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2589761 for safety purposes. But the plant is located at the load center
0885-8977 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. High-frequency half-wavelength (HFHW) power transmission


HWTL LENGTH WITH DIFFERENT POLE# (P) AND GENERATOR SPEED (NS) Fig. 2. An example topology of AC-DC-AC converter for the proposed HFHW
Pole Ns = 3600 rpm Ns = 7200 rpm Ns = 14400 rpm
increased, then a smaller diameter turbine would be required to
P=2 2500 km (60 Hz) 1250 km (120 Hz) 625 km (240 Hz)
P=6 833 km (180 Hz) 417 km (360 Hz) 208 km (720 Hz) maintain the same power, thus reducing the cost and size.
P = 12 417 km (360 Hz) 208 km (720 Hz) 104 km (1440 Hz) As for a hydro power unit, its rotation speed can also be
increased through hydraulic design. Increasing the number of
poles may not be an option since hydro generators have many
poles already.
electrically using a HWTL, as the line impedance is close to
zero between the generator and the receiving end.
B. Transformer & Transmission Line
According to the relationship between the generator speed
(Ns ) and the pole number (P ), f = Ns × P/120, sample Two custom-made high frequency transformers are needed
combinations of Ns and P to produce various half-wavelength for the scheme. At higher frequencies, a transformer can be
is shown in Table I. Please note the isolated generation can be made with smaller size and weight for the same power level.
at any speed and frequency not only those in Table I; thus, Note that high voltage transformers are always custom made
the transmission distance is quite flexible for the proposed even at 60 Hz. So the proposed scheme does not add more work
HFHW scheme. for transformer procurement.
The proposed scheme needs only one frequency changer or The proposed HFHW scheme operates up to roughly a few
converter station at the receiving end. Since there is only one hundred hertz such as 180—360 Hz shown in Table I. At these
frequency changer needed, the scheme becomes attractive in frequencies, the technical issues facing a transmission line are
comparison with the HVDC scheme. Other technical feasibility similar to those of the 60 Hz line. The losses may be higher
considerations for the proposed scheme are discussed next. due to the increased resistance at a higher frequency. It might be
possible to design conductors with larger equivalent surface area
III. FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS to alleviate the skin effect. Operating at much higher frequencies
is also possible but it is not clear at this stage if new technical
Preliminary technical feasibility analysis is carried out for problems may appear.
the proposed scheme, especially for its four major components:
generator, transformer, line and frequency changer. C. Frequency Changer
Frequency changer is the key equipment of the proposed
A. Generator scheme. The frequency conversion can be realized by single-
The rotation speed of industrial steam turbine is quite flexible stage AC-AC conversion or two-stage AC-DC-AC conversion.
and can be as high as 20000 rpm. For example, steam tur- Single-stage AC-AC conversion can achieve higher efficiency
bine SST-600 produced by Siemens has a speed range varying while the two-stage conversion with DC-link is more flexible in
from 3000 to 18000 rpm, and has been widely used for power control and thus could enable more features to improve output
generation. Hence, high frequency power generation is easy quality and system reliability. For two-stage AC-DC-AC con-
to implement. verters, the front end can be active or passive rectifiers and the
In fact, running a turbine at a higher speed has two additional output stage can be either current source converter (CSC) or
benefits [6]: (1) Higher efficiency and lower cost. Each steam voltage source converter (VSC). With the half-wavelength line,
turbine has its optimum rotation speed where the efficiency is the generator is ”located“ electrically at the frequency changer
the highest. Normally, this speed is higher than the generator’s site. Therefore, reactive power compensation is not required and
speed. Existing solution to deal with this problem is to use power factor can be controlled to be close to 1.0 using simple
gearbox, which causes extra energy loss and requires cooling generator control. As a result, passive rectifier with diodes or
system. The proposed transmission scheme can increase the multiple-pulse diode can help to reduce the cost of the frequency
generator speed and hence the efficiency could be optimized changer significantly in comparison with the HVDC convertor.
without using gearbox; (2) Space-saving. The power developed Fig. 2 shows an example two-stage AC-DC-AC converter sys-
at the turbine shaft is a function of the torque developed at the tem with 12-pulse diode rectifier at the front end that could be
turbine blades and its rotation speed. If the turbine speed is used for the proposed HFHW scheme. It is important to note that


Voltage R ( Ω/km) X ( Ω/km) B ( μS/km) Z s u r g e (Ω) SIL (MW)

138 kV 0.2140 0.4801 3.4321 374 51

240 kV 0.0626 0.3681 4.4936 286 201
345 kV 0.0370 0.3670 4.5180 285 418
500 kV 0.0280 0.3250 5.2000 250 1000
Per unit vary 0.00126 0.00126 1 1

Fig. 4. Voltage profile of the lossy 180 Hz HWTL.

Fig. 3. Voltage profile of the lossless 180 Hz HWTL.

the proposed HFHW scheme needs only one converter station

Fig. 5. Transmission capability curves of lossy transmission lines.
at the receiving end. In comparison, two converter stations, one
at the sending and another at the receiving end, are needed for
the HVDC scheme.
As the field of power electronics is advancing rapidly, many of the generator reactive power output control and 2) to assure
new frequency changers and variable frequency drive schemes having a full half-wavelength during the frequency variation
are being proposed. Unlike the industrial variable frequency [1].
drives, the proposed HFHW scheme only requires to convert The results reveal the following unique characteristic of the
from one fixed frequency to another fixed frequency. So there proposed HFHW scheme: the voltage profile exhibits a large
are opportunities to create novel frequency changers that serve change along the line. It rises at the middle point of the line.
this specific need at a much lower cost. More discussions of the The degree of change is in proportion to the line loading level
frequency changer are provided in the Section V. (in the form of multiple of SIL level). A higher loading level
results in higher voltage at the middle point.
B. Power Transfer Capability
This section presents a basic analysis on the voltage profile
The power transfer capability of traditional transmission lines
and transmission capability of the proposed HFHW scheme.
is constrained by voltage stability, angular stability and con-
The data of typical transmission line is shown in Table II. Note
ductor thermal limits. Since the impedances of such lines in-
that if we normalize the data using the rated voltage and surge
crease with the transmission distance, the maximum power that
impedance loading (SIL) level of the respective lines as the base
can be transmitted will decrease. The relationship between the
values, all transmission lines have the same per-unit reactance
maximum transferable power versus transmission distance is
and admittance values (the last row of Table II). The per-unit
described as the St. Clare curve [7].
values are used to conduct analysis.
Fig. 5 shows the comparison of the power transfer limits as
a function of the transmission distance. Since the HWTL line
A. Voltage Profile has very small impedance between the sending and receiving
The voltage profile of a 500 kV, 180 Hz HWTL is shown in ends, its transmission capability is essentially not constrained
Figs. 3 and 4 respectively. Fig. 3 shows the lossless line and by the stability limits, i.e. the transmission distance. Its maximal
Fig. 4 includes line losses (0.028 Ω/km). The voltage profiles power transfer capability is determined by the voltage level at
of the line under other frequencies are similar. The length of the the middle point. For example, if one allows the voltage rises to
HWTL is 190 electric degree, rather than the exact 180 electric twice of the rated voltage by design, around 2 × SIL power can
degree. The reasons are 1) to reduce the required sensitivity be transmitted regardless of the transmission distance. Since

the proposed scheme does not have a 1.0 pu voltage profile, Beside the existing proven topologies, the HFHW scheme
the current at two ends can be large. The conductor size and also offers a new motive for developing novel AC/AC and
sag could be another design limit to consider if the high rated multilevel converter topologies.
voltage can be adopted.
B. Devices
Diodes, thyristors and IGBTs are all widely used and their
The frequency changer is a critical component in the proposed power ratings are continuously increasing while the prices are
HFHW scheme. With the existing technologies for HVDC and falling. In general, the price of a single IGBT module with its
high voltage drives, some simple and mature frequency chang- gate driver rises significantly as the power rating goes up, thus
ing schemes could be adopted directly. New ideas that make full thyristor based or diode based converters have advantages on
use of the HFHW characteristics could also be developed. cost in high power applications, especially the diodes. However,
IGBT based VSC converters are 50–60% more compact than
A. Topology thyristor based ones [11], leading to smaller converter stations
Many proven topologies from high power drives and HVDC size and thus the overall cost of VSC converter stations is only
industries can be considered for designing the frequency 10–15% higher comparing to LCC stations.
changer. For single-stage AC-AC converter system, the naturally Meanwhile, next generation power switches—wide band-gap
commutated cycloconverter is probably the most economic op- devices, such as SiC MOSFETs or IGBTs, make it possible to
tion at present, due to its simple structure and single-stage con- further increase the rated voltage of semiconductor devices.
version. Particularly it fits very well for large-power, frequency Although some multilevel converters can realize high voltage
step-down applications. Cycloconverter can be constructed by application with low voltage semiconductor devices, developing
thyristor. Therefore, the successful series-connect application high voltage high frequency devices is still helpful to simplify
of thyristor in the HVDC system benefits the high voltage/high the system structure and thus increase the reliability. Consid-
power application for cycloconverter, making it capable of con- ering the large power that flowing through the converters, effi-
necting to high voltage transmission lines. Moreover, the con- ciency is another important concern, which can also be improved
struction, operation and maintenance experiences in high power by applying wide band-gap devices. The main disadvantage
drive system can also be applied to cycloconverter based HFHW of these devices at the moment is the cost. However, as wide
scheme. According to the data supplied by [4] and [8], the an- band-gap devices tend to be more adopted applied, the cost is
nual cost of one cycloconverter based station is estimated to becoming more acceptable considering the benefits they bring.
be only 1/3 of two line-commutated converter (LCC) HVDC Therefore, further improvements on reliability and efficiency of
stations. For a relatively large change of frequency as required the frequency changer are very possible. This will benefit the
in the proposed scheme, the cost of cycloconverter could be proposed HFHW scheme as well as the HVDC scheme.
slightly higher than 1/3. Such type of cost data is not available
yet. Besides, the other AC-AC topologies like matrix converter C. Control Strategies
and other novel AC-AC topologies [9], [10] with lower cost Power electronic equipment will handle the high power flow
could be considered as well. like in a HVDC system, instead of working as an auxiliary ap-
As mentioned earlier, a unique feature of the proposed HFHW paratus like active power filter (APF) and STATCOM. Thus,
scheme is that diode front end can be used for the two-stage reliability will be very important for the frequency changer.
converter system. In this case, the diode rectifier requires series- Specifically for the proposed scheme, the frequency changer’s
connect technology to bear the high voltage stress, but the cost main task is to deliver the power generated by the remote gen-
is much lower than active rectifiers (like thyristor-based rec- erator to the load center. Therefore, proper power flow control
tifiers or other multilevel converters). For the rear end, many using the frequency changer will be required. In case the load
options can be employed. Thyristor-based LCCs, for example, center is not connected to a stiff power frequency grid, control
have been widely used in HVDC transmissions. Along with the the load center voltage (magnitude and frequency) and main-
diode front end, it will be a very cost-effective scheme. Modular tain superior power quality would be necessary. Additionally,
Multilevel Converter (MMC) is also a good candidate, boast- although reactive power from the front end is not needed due to
ing its modular structure and capability of operating under high the fact that the generator can control reactive power, reactive
voltage with low voltage components. The modular structure power can be easily produced from the back end converter to
makes MMC easy to maintain with high reliability. Since the support the load center. Finally, the control strategies that enable
output frequency is fixed at grid frequency in this application, the frequency changer to operate under harmonic distortion, grid
MMC will not suffer from the severe capacitor voltage fluc- faults (symmetrical or unbalanced), and component failure are
tuation under low fundamental frequency. Cascaded H-bridge key for operating such the HFHW system.
(CHB) converter is another VSC based topology that can be
applied. This topology suits very well for multi-pulse diode
front end with multi-winding isolation transformer. As VSCs VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
with DC-link, MMC and CHB are capable of injecting reactive A 180 Hz half-wavelength power transmission system with
power and interfacing weak grid. These advantages make them frequency changer, depicted in Fig. 6, is built in PSCAD. The
attractive even considering their relatively high cost. frequency changer is a two-stage AC-DC-AC system with a

Fig. 6 System diagram of simulation model.

Fig. 9. Load voltage (line to line) generated by the frequency changer.


System parameters Values

Generator Frequency 180 Hz

Load Frequency 60 Hz
Voltage of Transimission Line 500 KV
Load voltage 138 KV
Step down transformer 500 KV/138 KV-Y /138 KV-Δ
Frequency changer parameters Values
Sub-module Voltage of MMC 4.7 KV Fig. 10. Balanced sub-module voltage (upper phase arm of three phases).
No. of Sub-Modules on each phase-arm of MMC 50
Switching Frequency 960 Hz
Transmission line parameters Values by the 12-pulse rectifier at the end of the transmission line to
Line resistance (R ) 0.021 Ω/km feed the MMC. Fig. 8 shows the output voltage of MMC, where
Line inductance (L ) 0.864 mH/km
Line capacitance (C ) 13.5 nF/km
the 101-level line to line voltage contains only high frequency
Surge Impedance Loading (SIL) 1000 MW harmonics. After light filtering with output inductors, the 60 Hz
Distance 860 Km sinusoidal load voltage is shown in Fig. 9. It can be seen that
the frequency changer can effectively realize frequency control
and guarantee the output voltage quality.
Voltage balance of MMC is implemented in the case study to
guarantee continuous and reliable operation of MMC. Fig. 10
shows the sub-module voltages of the MMC. The sub-module
voltages in one phase-arm as well as among three phase-legs are
controlled to be well balanced. This example is used to illus-
trate the technical feasibility and characteristics of the proposed
scheme. It does not suggest the scheme is economically compet-
itive in comparison with the HVDC scheme. More discussions
Fig. 7. Output voltage of high frequency generator (phase voltage). on economics are presented in the next section.


The proposed HFHW scheme offers a unique advantage for
power transmission, namely, ”locating“ a remote generator elec-
trically at the load center. It thereby overcomes the number one
challenge of transmitting power over long distances. However,
the scheme exhibits considerably different voltage and current
characteristics in comparison with the traditional transmission
lines. These characteristics could be a challenge for its imple-
Fig. 8. Output voltage (line to line) of MMC. mentation, but they may also represent opportunities for further
cost savings.
For example, the varying voltage profiles of the line may
12-pulse diode rectifier front end and a MMC rear end. lead to designing a transmission line that has a few different
The output of the two three-phase diode rectifiers are series voltage and current ratings along the line. In addition, the pro-
connected as the dc-link. The simulation parameters are shown posed scheme could also promote the research in high-frequency
in Table III. generators, high-frequency transformers, and HFHW based
The operation of the frequency changer is shown in frequency changers.
Figs. 7–10. Fig. 7 shows the 180 Hz output voltage of the gener- Reference [4] has presented an economic comparison be-
ator. This voltage is stepped up to 500 KV for transmission and tween HVDC and the 60 Hz HWTL schemes. According to
then stepped down by a multi-winding transformer and rectified the analysis, the major factor making the HWTL costly is its

line cost including capital and operating costs. Therefore, the [3] Y. Song, B. Fan, Y. Bai, X. Qin, and Z. Zhang, ”Reliability and eco-
HVDC scheme has clear advantages for long-distance trans- nomic analysis of UHV half-wave-length AC transmission,“ Proc. IEEE
POWERCON, Oct. 30–Nov. 2, 2012, pp. 1–6.
mission. The proposed HFHW scheme has a shorter distance. [4] M. L. Santos, J. A. Jardini, R. P. Casolari, R. L. Vasquez-Arnez, G. Y. Saiki,
In addition, it does not encounter stability constraints so a line T. Sousa, and G. L. C. Nicola, ”Power transmission over long distances:
with lower voltage rating could be used. These two factors can Economic comparison between HVDC and half-wavelength line,“ IEEE
Trans. Power Del., vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 502–509, Feb. 2014.
make the line cost more competitive for the proposed scheme. [5] F. S. Prabhakara, K. Parthasarathy and H. N. R. Rao, ”Performance of
However, the scheme requires a frequency changer. Since the tuned half-wave-length power transmission lines,“ IEEE Trans. Power
frequency changer works on a fixed frequency and there is lit- App. Syst., vol. 88, no. 12, pp. 1795–1802, Dec. 1969.
[6] H. P. Bloch and M. Singh, Steam Turbines: Design, Application, and
tle requirement on control capability (see Sections III–C and Re-Rating, 2nd ed., New York, USA: McGraw-Hill, 2008, pp. 243–245.
V), its cost can be attractive in comparison with that of the [7] J. D. Glover and M. Sarma, Power System Analysis and Design, 2nd ed.,
HVDC converter (especially considering single converter sta- PWS, 1994, pp. 237–238.
[8] S. Liu, X. Wang, L. Ning, B. Wang, M. Lu and C. Shao, ”Integrating
tion requirement in the proposed scheme in comparison with the offshore wind power via fractional frequency transmission system,“ IEEE
two converter station requirement in the HVDC scheme). Tak- Trans. Power Del., [Early access], 2016.
ing into account of all these factors, there is a range of distance [9] F. Z. Peng, L. Chen, and F. Zhang, ”Simple topologies of PWM AC–AC
converters,“ IEEE Power Elect. Lett., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10–13, Mar. 2003.
where the HFHW scheme could be attractive economically in [10] J. W. Kolar, T. Friedli, J. Rodriguez and P. W. Wheeler, ”Review of three-
comparison with the HVDC scheme. Based on the information phase PWM AC–AC converter topologies,“ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,
of [4] and [8], a very rough estimate of the breakeven distance vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 4988–5006, Nov. 2011.
[11] R. L. Sellick and M. Akerberg, ”Comparison of HVDC light (VSC) and
is about 1000 km. Note that this estimate is for the purpose of HVDC classic (LCC) site aspects, for a 500 MW 400 kV HVDC trans-
presenting a rough idea on the potential cost. It is not to declare mission scheme,“ in Proc. 10th IET Int. Conf. AC/DC Power Transm.,
the cost competitiveness of the proposed method. Birmingham, U.K., 2012, pp. 1–6.
In summary, the main competitor of the proposed HFHW
scheme is the HVDC transmission scheme. It is worthwhile to
note that the economics of the HVDC scheme were not attractive
either when the scheme was conceived. It has taken more than Yang Wang (S’12) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2012 and is currently pursuing the
50 years’ effect to make the scheme a technology with industry Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Alberta,
acceptance. The proposed scheme is in its infancy and it needs Edmonton, AB, Canada.
time and effort to grow. The main characteristic of the scheme, His main research interests are power system measurement, power quality,
and novel power transmission schemes.
almost zero electrical distance between the sending and receiv-
ing ends regardless of the physical distance, is so technically
unique and appealing. Through persistent research, the scheme
may find some interesting applications unforeseeable today.
Wilsun Xu (M’90–SM’95–F’05) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engi-
neering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, in
Currently, he is a Research Chair Professor with the University of Alberta,
A new transmission scheme, high frequency power genera- Edmonton, AB, Canada. His current research interests are power quality, power
tion and half-wavelength transmission in one unit, is proposed disturbance analytics, and power system measurements.
in this paper. The scheme is not affected by the distance be-
tween the generator and load center: it operates as if there is
no electrical distance between the sending and receiving end
even through the actual physical distance is large. Preliminary Yun Wei Li (S’04–M’05–SM’11) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engi-
feasibility analysis indicates that the scheme is highly feasible neering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree
from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2006.
technically. It has additional advantages such as improving the In 2005, he was a Visiting Scholar with Aalborg University, Aalborg, Den-
efficiency of generators. The proposed scheme also opens op- mark. From 2006 to 2007, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Ryerson
portunities for power electronics, as frequency changer is a key University, Toronto, ON, Canada. In 2007, he was also with Rockwell Au-
tomation, Canada, before he joined the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
component in the system. It is hoped that this paper will serve Canada, in the same year. Since then, he has been with the University of Alberta,
as a step stone in creating innovative power transmission and where he is a Professor. His research interests include distributed generation,
power electronics technologies for the future power systems. microgrid, renewable energy, high-power converters, and electric motor drives.

[1] F. J. Hubert and M. R. Gent, ”Half-wavelength power transmission
lines,“ IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-84, no. 10, pp. 965–974, Tian Hao (S’12) received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in electrical engineer-
Oct. 1965. ing from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2011 and 2014, respectively, and
[2] R. Dias, A. Lima, C. Portela, and M. Aredes, ”Extra long-distance is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the University of Alberta, Edmonton,
bulk power transmission,“ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 26, no. 3, AB, Canada.
pp. 1440–1448, Jul. 2011. His research interests include distributed generation and power quality.

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