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Physics X Unit 10: Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

Review Questions
10.1 What is simple harmonic motion? What are the necessary conditions for a body to execute
simple harmonic motion?
A. Simple Harmonic Motion
Simple harmonic motion occurs, when the net force is proportional to the displacement from the mean
position and is always directed toward the mean position.
F α -x
Basic conditions to execute S.H.M
1 There must be an elastic restoring force.
2 The system must have inertia.
3 Acceleration is always directly proportional to the displacement and is always directed
towards mean position.
10.2 Think of several examples in everyday life of motion that are simple harmonic.
Example of Simple Harmonic Motion
 Motion of a body attached to the end of an elastic spring.
 Motion of the bob is a simple pendulum if it is given small displacement.
 Motion of an elastic strip.
 Motion of the prongs of tuning fork.
 Motion of the wire of a guitar or violin.
10.3 How can you define the term wave? Elaborate the difference between mechanical and
electromagnetic waves? Give examples of each.

A. Wave: A wave is a disturbance in the medium which causes the particles of the medium to undergo
vibratory motion about their mean position in equal intervals of time.

Mechanical Waves Electromagnetic Waves

 Waves which require any medium for  Waves which do not require any medium
their propagation are called mechanical waves. for their propagation are called
 Examples of mechanical waves are water  Radio waves, television waves, X-rays,
waves, soundwaves and waves produced on the heat and light wavesare some examples of
strings and springs. electromagnetic waves.

10.4 Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves with suitable examples.
Longitudinal Waves Transverse Waves
 In longitudinal waves the particles of the  In the case of transverse waves, the
medium move back and forth along the direction motion of particles of the medium is
of propagation of wave. perpendicular to the motion of wave.
 It consists of compression and  It consists of crest and trough.
rarefactions.  Examples are waves on the surface of
 Examples of longitudinal waves are water and light waves are also transverse waves.
soundwaves and waves produced in springs.

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Physics X Unit 10: Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

10.5 Draw a transverse wave with amplitude of 2 cm and a wavelength of 4 cm. Label acrest and
trough on the wave.





10.6 Derive a relationship between speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave. Write a formula
relating speed of a wave to its time period and wavelength.
Wave Equation
The relation between the velocity, frequency and wavelength of the wave is known as wave equation.
Wave is in fact a disturbance in a medium, which travels from one place to another and hence has a specific
velocity of travelling. This is called the wave velocity.
Velocity = distance/time
If time taken by the wave in moving from one point to another is equal to the time period, then the
distance covered by the wave will be equal to one wavelength.
v=λ x 1/T
1/T = f
v= λf
Above equation is called the wave equation it is true for all longitudinal and transverse waves.

10.7 Waves are the means of energy transfer without transfer of matter. Justify this statement
with the help of a simple experiment.
A. Drop a stone into a pond of water. Water waves will be produced on the surface of water and will
travel outwards. Place a cork at some distance from the falling stone. When waves reach the cork, it will
move up and down along with the motion of the water particles by getting energy from the wave. This
activity shows that water waves like other waves transfer energy from one place to other without
transferring matter, i.e., water.

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Physics X Unit 10: Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves

10.8 Does increasing the frequency of a wave also increase its wavelength? If not, howare
these quantities related?

A. No, on increasing the frequency, wavelength decreases. We can say that both are inversely related
with each other.

𝐟 = 𝐯 or 𝐟 𝛂 𝐯
𝛌 𝛌


10.1 If the length of a simple pendulum is doubled what will be the change in its time period?

A. For simple pendulum,

T = 2π 𝐿

As the length is doubled so L` = 2L

T` = 2π 2𝐿

=√2 (2π 𝐿)

T` = √2T = 1.414 T

If the length is doubled so the time period increases by 1.414 or √2 times of the previous one.

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