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Electrophoresis 2020, 0, 1–6 1

Bence Mátyás1,2 Research Article

Júlia Singer3
Máté Szarka4,5,6
Daniel A. Lowy1,2,7 Determination of complex type free,
Boglárka Döncző5
Péter Makleit8
non-conjugated oligosaccharide glucose
Virgilio E. Failoc-Rojas9
Andrés Ramirez10
unit values in tomato xylem sap for early
Pedro Martínez10 detection of nutrient deficiency
Zsolt Sándor2,8
Ida Kincses8
Although knowledge on glycan biosynthesis and processing is continuously maturing,
András Guttman4,11
there are still a limited number of studies that examine biological functions of N-glycan
1 Genesis Sustainable Future Ltd., structures in plants, which remain virtually unknown. Here, the statistical correlation be-
33 Rákóczi St., Sárospatak, tween nutrient (nitrogen) deficiency symptoms of crops and changes in 8-aminopyrene-
B-A-Z, H-3950, Hungary 1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (APTS)-labeled complex type free oligosaccharides is reported. While
2 Research Group of Applied
Plant Glycobiology, Dama deficiency symptoms are predicted by multispectral images and Kjeldahl digestion, APTS-
Research Center limited, labeled complex type free oligosaccharides are identified by their glucose unit (GU) values
Kowloon, Hong Kong in tomato xylem sap, using capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence de-
3 Accelsiors Ltd., Budapest,
tection (CE-LIF). Given the limited number of structures obtained from plants, archived
4 Horváth Csaba Memorial in the literature, in the future, it is intended to create an open access database of promis-
Laboratory of Bioseparation ing indicators, namely, glycan structures that are presumably responsible for the nutrient
Sciences, Research Center for deficiency caused stress in plants (
Molecular Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, Doctoral School of
Molecular Medicine, University Keywords:
of Debrecen, Hungary Capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection (CE-LIF) /
5 Institute for Nuclear Research
Free oligosaccharides / N-glycosylation in plants / PCT-FNGs
(Atomki), Debrecen, Hungary DOI 10.1002/elps.202000254
6 Vitrolink Ltd., Debrecen,

7 Northern Virginia Community Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Infor-
College, Alxandria, VA, USA mation section at the end of the article.
8 Faculty of Agricultural and Food
Sciences and Environmental
Management, University of
Debrecen, Hungary
9 Unidad de Investigación para la
Generación y Síntesis de
Evidencias en Salud,
Universidad San Ignacio de
Loyola, Lima, Peru
10 Centro de Investigación y
Transferencia de Tecnología -
CIITT, Universidad Católica de
Cuenca, Azogues, Ecuador
11 Translational Glycomics Group,
Research Institute of
Biomolecular and Chemical
Engineering, University of
Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary

Received August 30, 2020

Revised October 4, 2020
Accepted October 27, 2020

Correspondence: Prof. Dr. Bence Mátyás, Ph.D., Genesis Sustain- 1 Introduction

able Future Ltd. 33 Rákóczi St., H-3950 Sárospatak, Hungary.
E-mail: N-linked protein glycosylation is a topic of interest in plant
Abbreviations: APTS, 8-aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid; science [1–7] as it can modify various biological functions
CE-LIF, capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluores- [8,9], and affect growth, physiology, and development of liv-
cence detection; FGs, free glycans; FNGs, free N-glycans; GC- ing organisms. N-glycans are linked to asparagine residues
MS, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry; GU, Glucose
unit; PCT, plant complex type; SF-HPLC, size-fractionation
in eukaryotic proteins [4]. Free forms of these glycans, free
HPLC; TCI, triangular chlorophyll index N-glycans (FNGs), exist both in plants [4,10] and animals

© 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

2 B. Mátyás et al. Electrophoresis 2020, 0, 1–6

[1,11,12], being produced by peptide N-glycanase (PNGase), can database, Glycostore ( lists mainly
in a process, which involves an acidic PNGase (aPNGase) [4]. HPLC-based retention values, instead of CE-based ones. As
Free, non-conjugated N-glycans (PCT-FNGs) found in there are no available plant-related structures to serve as stan-
various plants have been reported [1–7], however, their bio- dards, we compared Glucose unit (GU) values obtained for
logical function has not yet been clarified. To the best of our healthy and nutrient-deficient plant samples with GU values
knowledge, these compounds are involved in salt stress tol- listed in We found that several peaks from
erance for Arabidopsis [8]. Fanata et al. [9] reported that PCT- the CE profile of healthy crops are different from all peaks
FNGs play an essential role in several plant species. Hence, present in the profiles of nutrient deficient crops. Assuming
in mutant rice, lack of PCT-FNGs caused reduced seedling that this finding is related to nutrient deficiency, we hypoth-
development; such plants died prior to reaching their repro- esized that possible glycan structures with peak differences
ductive stage. between healthy and nutrient deficient plants, are associated
The most widespread methods for glycan analysis are liq- with stress caused by nutrient (nitrogen) deficiency. Next, we
uid separation techniques (CE, and LC-MS) and NMR [13]. attempted to determine whether there is a universal norm
Carbohydrate microarrays, having their solid surface modi- pertaining N-glycan functions, which can be related to nutri-
fied with several different glycan structures, arranged in a ent deficiency and/or diseases caused stress. To answer this
well-defined pattern, enable versatile and sensitive analysis question, we scrutinized the literature of physiological pro-
of altered glycosylation in complex biological samples [14]. cesses, for samples originating from either plants or eukary-
Tsujimori and co-workers [15] used HPLC to assess the otes, in general.
presence of PCT-FNGs and several exoglycosidases in the As the initial step of our experimental work, we per-
xylem sap of tomato plants. According to their study, PCT- formed the quantitative determination of nitrogen by Kjel-
FNG derivatives are secreted and decomposed in the apoplast dahl digestion. We found average total nitrogen content of
fluid or xylem sap. Reily et al. [16] documented in human 2.19 m/m% in nutrient deficient tomato samples and 4.30
studies that glycans play multiple crucial roles in cellular re- m/m% in healthy tomato samples, respectively. A statistically
sponse to environmental stimuli and in cellular growth and significant difference between the mean N content of healthy
differentiation, as well. Similar response can be observed in and nutrient deficient plants: mean difference (healthy ver-
plants, where specific changes in glycan composition can be sus ND) was 2.1% and the p-value of the two-sided t-test was
linked directly to nutrient deficiency, which represents a kind 0.0017.
of abiotic stress. In response, signal transduction pathways,
so called stress hormones (like ethylene, salicylic acid, jas-
monic acid, and abscisic acid) mediate the effect of the stress.
2 Materials and methods
In nutrient deficiency, the concentration level of such hor-
mones rises. Kumar et al. [17] found two-fold higher sali-
Multispectral analysis was performed in quadruplicate for
cylic acid concentrations in cucumber seedlings, when no
three tomato specimens per each group (healthy and nutri-
nitrate supply was made available. Dubois and colleagues
ent deficient plants) to determine the chlorophyll content.
[18] reported that nutrient deficiency induced ethylene syn-
Experiments were conducted on March 4, 2020, under natu-
thesis. Stress hormones trigger several mechanisms, such
ral sunlight, at Campus Sur of Universidad Politécnica Sale-
as the induction of glycosyltransferases. Langlois-Meurinne
siana, in Quito, Ecuador. Nutrient deficient plants were se-
and coworkers [19] found that members of the D glycosyl-
lected according to their symptoms visible to the naked eye.
transferases group had distinct induction profiles subsequent
The following warning signs were considered: (a) pale green
to infection with Pseudomonas syringae pv in tomato or af-
or yellowish spots on the upper leaf surface; (b) blackened
ter treatment with salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate in Ara-
(necrotic) areas on the stems, (c) twisted and/or cupped up-
bidopsis. This finding indicates the potential role of glycosyl-
per foliage, and (d) expanded bronze areas.
transferases in stress or defense response.
Next, xylem sap was extracted from the same plant spec-
To establish whether quantified PCT-FNGs can serve as
imens, on the same day.
markers of plant health status, we examined the relationship
between nutrient (nitrogen) deficiency and the types of com-
plex oligosaccharides. For evaluating plant health chlorophyll
content was determined via multispectral imaging. We quali- 2.1 Chemicals, reagents
fied possible PCT-FNGs in tomato xylem sap by capillary elec-
trophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection (CE- Glacial acetic acid, sodium-cyanoborohydride (1 M in THF),
LIF). This is a sustainable technique, given that CE is suit- water (HPLC grade), and acetonitrile (99.8%) were purchased
able for miniaturization and has a low mass/power/volume from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, U.S.A). Fast Glycan La-
requirement relative to other liquid phase separation tech- beling and Analysis Kit was obtained from SCIEX (Brea,
niques [20]. Due to scarcity of literature data, it was chal- CA, U.S.A.) with a set of reagents included in the kit,
lenging to conduct this study. It must be noted, that struc- namely, 8-aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (APTS) tagging
tures found in databases originated from mammalian mon- dye, the maltooligosaccharide ladder, maltose, and magnetic
oclonal antibodies, rather than from plants. Even the gly- beads.

© 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

Electrophoresis 2020, 0, 1–6 B. Mátyás et al. 3

2.2 Chlorophyll and N determination

Total N was determined by the Kjeldahl method [21].

Multispectral images were captured by Parrot Sequoia
Multispectral Sensor (Parrot, Inc., France) to establish crop
health. Qgis 3.4 software was used to interpret multi-spectral
images. For calculating the Triangular Chlorophyll Index
(TCI) Eq. 1 was used, introduced by Haboudane et al. [22]:

1, 5 ∗ (R670 − R550 ) ∗ R700

TCI = 1, 2 ∗ (R700 − R550 ) − R670

where Rx is the light reflectance expressed in nm.

To realize possible nutrient deficiency in tomato plants,
Figure 1. Differences in average chlorophyll (%) index obtained
the percentage values of chlorophyll captured by the sensor
for 3 healthy and 3 nutrient deficient plant samples, respectively.
were compared. A dimensionless value was obtained in the
range from −45 235 (low chlorophyll content) to 64 244 (high
chlorophyll content). Subsequently, chlorophyll percentages
were assigned based on seven color scales, as proposed by 2.3.2 CE-LIF separation
Mendoza et al. [23]. Briefly, a pseudo color scale has been uti-
lized, from red to green, which identifies the areas with the APTS labeled filtrates were analyzed by means of a Proteome-
highest chlorophyll content, displayed in green (see Support- lab automated capillary electrophoresis system with laser in-
ing Information). Chlorophyll values were compared with the duced fluorescence detector module, equipped with a 520 nm
nitrogen concentration, using a SPAD-502 meter according bandpass filter (Beckman-Coulter, Brea, CA, USA) [26]. Exci-
to Mendoza et al. [23]. tation was done with a 405 nm diode laser (5.0 mW, Laser-
land, Wuhan, PRC). In all separations, a bare fused silica
(BFS) capillary was used (Polymicro Technologies, Phoenix,
AZ, USA), having 50 cm effective length (60 cm total length,
2.3 Analysis of free oligosaccharides and 50 μm, ID). The cartridge temperature was set at 30°C for
determination of their glucose unit values by all runs. The separation voltage was 30 kV, in reversed po-
CE-LIF larity mode (cathode at the injection side). Three-stage sam-
ple injection was utilized: (1) pressure-assisted water injec-
2.3.1 Sample preparation tion at 1 psi, for 5 s, (2) electrokinetic sample injection at
3 kV, for 3 s, and (3) APTS-labeled maltose (GU = 2) inter-
Sample preparation was done according to the protocol de- nal standard was injected at 1 kV, for 1 s. High resolution N-
scribed by Tsujimori et al. [15] and Masuda et al. [24]. In linked Carbohydrate Separation gel buffer (HR-NCHO) from
brief, the stems of tomato seedlings were decapitated at ap- the kit (SCIEX) served as the background electrolyte, and the
proximately 5 cm above their root, using a previously steril- 32Karat software package (version 9.2, SCIEX) was used for
ized stainless-steel razor blade. The first three drops of ex- data acquisition and processing. GU calculations were com-
udate were discarded from the cut surface on the root side. pleted with GUcal v1.1B software (, with the internal
Cut surface was washed with distilled water and the exu- standard option as the basis of glycosylation analysis for all
date was collected as xylem sap with micropipettes (20-μL tip) sample components of interest (peaks) in the healthy and nu-
into ice-cooled tubes. Unlike Tsujimori and co-workers [14], trient deficient electropherograms [27–31]. Relative percent-
fresh sample solutions were analyzed. The obtained filtrate age area values of the separated peaks were calculated by
(5–10 μL) was used for determining the expected free N type means of PeakFit v4.12 software (SeaSolve Software Inc., San
oligosaccharides. All filtrates were freeze-dried in a vacuum Jose, CA). Further identification was based on consistent sta-
centrifuge at 30°C (at 2500 rpm, for approximately 1 h), until tistical methods, described in detail in Section 2.5.
the liquid evaporated completely from the samples. Then, the
free, non-conjugated oligosaccharides were labeled at their
reducing ends with a charged fluorophore, APTS, using the
Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis kit from SCIEX [25]. After 3 Results and discussion
labeling, the clean-up was performed according to the manu-
facturer’s protocol, i.e., samples were passed three times over Differences in chlorophyll content between healthy and nu-
the magnetic beads included in the kit, to remove excess dye. trient deficient tomato plants were also significant, as shown
The charged fluorophore-labeled glycans were separated by in Fig. 1. In healthy samples the chlorophyll index varied be-
CE-LIF. tween 90.00 and 96.54%, while in nutrient deficient plants we

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4 B. Mátyás et al. Electrophoresis 2020, 0, 1–6

Table 1. Comparison of relative peak areas within the ANOVA framework

Estimated mean 95% CI of the mean

a) )
No of pair difference difference p value (adjusted) GU

1 0.127 0.085; 0.170 <0.0001 4.19

2 0.085 0.037; 0.133 0.0148 4.92
4 0.118 0.075; 0.161 <0.0001
6 0.136 0.088; 0.184 <0.0001
7 0.124 0.081; 0.167 <0.0001
30 −0.116 −0.164; −0.069 0.0001 9.84

Bonferroni-adjustment was applied.

observed values lower by almost one order of magnitude (in

the range from 11.99 to 12.04%).
As expected, a significant difference (p-value = 0.0053
estimated within the mixed model) was found between
the mean chlorophyll (henceforth: Cl) percent contained in
healthy (mean value of 95% CI) and nutrient deficient tomato
plants (32%). Chlorophyll indices are comparable those re-
ported by Mendoza and co-workers [23], who examined the
response to nitrogen content in tomato plants. Observed mul-
tispectral images and different chlorophyll percentages are
provided in Supporting Information. Table 1 and the IDs (the
serial number of pairs) showed on the X axis of Fig. 1 re-
veal that each chlorophyll percent-value of nutrient deficient
plants was lower than values recorded for healthy plants.
We identified 56 peaks for healthy tomato plant speci-
mens and 49 peaks from nutrient deficient tomato plants, re-
Figure 2. Comparative CE-LIF separation profiles of APTS labeled
spectively. All samples were analyzed in triplicate. 18 peaks
complex free, non-conjugated glycans. X-axis represents migra-
pairs (healthy; nutrient deficient) were selected for further tion times; y-axis displays Relative Fluorescent Unit values. Up-
analysis based on GU matches (Table 1). per trace: peaks of nutrient deficient tomato plant samples (ND).
From Fig. 2 and t-test results, we identified 6 peaks Lower trace: peaks of healthy tomato plant (H). Peak pairs in-
present in the profile of healthy crops as being different from cluded in the statistical analysis are numbered. Separation con-
ditions: APTS labeling, 50 cm (effective) BFS 50 um ID capillary,
all other peaks (in places with p value ≤ 0.0148; but mostly p
HR-NCHO separation gel buffer as BGE, and temperature of 30°C.
< 0.0001), resolved for nutrient deficient crops (Table 1). the Pressure-assisted water injection at 1 psi, for 5 s, then electroki-
authors believe that the presence of these structures in xylem netic sample injection at 3 kV, for 3 s, and APTS-labeled maltose
sap is associated with nutrient deficiency caused stress. internal standard was injected at 1 kV, for 1 s.
Lukacik et al. [32] stated that N-glycans are likely re-
sponsible for structure stabilizing and they commonly pro-
tect the main protein from stress-causing proteases. Also, of the GU value of 0.1 for 91% (≤0.2 for 97%), for neutral
Omtvedt and co-workers [33] detected the A2BG2 structure structures, and 0.2 for 95%, for charged structures. Our
and substantiated that glycan profiling can provide one addi- results are comparable to those reported by Campbell et al.
tional diagnostic opportunity in immunoglobulin-related dis- [35]; out of 105 possible structures analyzed, 91% had SD
eases [32,34]. Exoglycosidase-based sequencing should con- < 0.2. Therefore, to distinct oligosaccharide structures,
clude the structural match as part of a different study. two-sample t-tests with Satterthwaite correction were used,
which allowed to compare the mean of GU values of replicate
measurements on samples for all possible combinations of
3.1 Statistical analysis healthy and nutrient deficient plant peaks, at a two-sided 5%
significance level. No adjustment for multiplicity was made,
The aim of statistical analysis was to detect potential differ- as the simple null hypothesis of equal means was combined
ences between the profiles of healthy and nutrient deficient in a conjunctive manner into a composite null hypothesis,
plants, and to identify peaks in the electropherograms, which was rejected if and only if all simple null hypotheses
where the difference in CE separation of oligosaccharides could be rejected for a particular peak.
would occur. The approach described by Campbell et al. To compare relative peak areas, their values were first
[35] was applied to determine different peaks based on the logarithmized (i.e., logarithmically transformed via natural
SD of parallel measurements. The authors reported an SD logarithm), and then normalized to the total sum of all

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Electrophoresis 2020, 0, 1–6 B. Mátyás et al. 5

log-transformed peak areas for each crop separately. Data Table 2. Pearson correlation between chlorophyll content and
peak areas (statistically significant results only, ordered
was pre-processed to identify the pair of peaks present for
by the extent of correlation)
both plant conditions (healthy and nutrient deficient). We
considered that one peak corresponds to a certain GU value No of pair Correlation p-value
in both healthy and nutrient-deficient samples, if the follow-
ing condition was met. Only pairs with at least five resolved 1 −0.896 0.0157
peaks were included in the analysis; we defined as a complete 4 −0.888 0.0182
3 −0.886 0.0189
match, when the respective peak was present in at least five
2 −0.815 0.0482
electropherograms out of a total of six. Hence, the meaning
of match was that the peak could be detected in three healthy
samples and three nutrient-deficient plant samples, as well
or, alternatively in at least five of the six electropherograms. suggest that changes in free glycan profiles detected in xylem
These pairs of peak areas were then compared by con- sap represent an early indicator of plant disease. Hence, CE-
trasts within an ANOVA framework, accounting for plant LIF should prove useful for determining the number and ra-
condition as a fixed effect, and the random factor of plant tio of N-glycans in plant samples.
nested within the condition. The Bonferroni correction was Limitation of the study: For rapid detection of nutrient de-
applied for multiplicity, meaning that in order to preserve ficiency in plants, we used multispectral imaging, as stated in
the overall type I error rate of 0.05 the test-wise signifi- the Methods section. Nutrient deficient plants were selected
cance level was divided by the total number of comparisons according to their symptoms visible to the naked eye.
The two conditions of the plant (healthy and nutrient de-
ficient) were also compared in terms of mean percentages of 4.1 Recommendations
chlorophyll content. A mixed model ANOVA was applied, ac-
counting for the fixed effect of condition and the random crop Future studies should be complemented by genomic tests
effect (nested in condition). for different plant diseases and/or nutrient deficiency (in
Correlation between chlorophyll content and peak areas this case shortage in N) to validate multispectral data prior
could not be studied within a multivariate model, because to further analyses. Methods used in the study (multispec-
of the low number of crop samples (i.e., three for each con- tral analysis and capillary electrophoresis with laser induced
dition). Univariate Pearson-type correlations were computed fluorescence detection) enabled sustainable measurements
between the mean chlorophyll content of each specimen and and novel technological solutions. Exoglycosidase digestion
their normalized peak areas (only for peaks for which all six based structural confirmation was beyond the scope of this
data were available). study.
We compared each GU value originating from healthy Given the significant correlation found between GU val-
and nutrient deficient plant samples in which significant dif- ues and crop health, the authors will continue working on
ferences between normalized peak areas were observed, with large scale glycan-profiling of plant samples, and will make
structures that match our separation conditions (e.g., APTS their results available to the scientific community in an open-
labeling, HR-NCHO separation gel buffer, separation temper- access database, named (pre-launched).
ature 30°C, etc.). Considering that GU values are listed in the
Glycostore database up to two decimal places, we also con- The authors express special thanks to all members of the
sidered matches at this degree of accuracy [36,37], but only Biotechnology Engineering of Natural Resources, Universidad
as a guide to follow for GU accuracy, rather than for struc- Politécnica Salesiana, for their assistance in sample preparation.
tural comparison. All calculations were performed with SAS Authors are indebted to Mr. David Loja (Agroscan); and Prof. Dr.
version 9.4. Lenin Ramirez for multispectral imaging, and initial discussions
on the choice of statistical methods. Authors gratefully acknowl-
edge support by Genesis Sustainable Future Ltd., Hungary; Dama
4 Concluding remarks Research Center limited, Hong Kong, and BIONANO_GINOP-
2.3.2-15-2016-00017 project and the V4-Korea Joint Research
Statistically significant, negative correlation between chloro- Program, project National Research, Development and Innova-
phyll content and normalized peak areas was found for four tion Office (NKFIH) (NN 127062), both grants provided by the
peaks, as shown in Table 2. Hungarian Government. The authors also benefitted of EFOP-
We revealed a statistical correlation between nutrient- 3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00009, co-financed by EU and the Euro-
deficient symptoms of crops (predicted by multispectral pean Social Fund. This is contribution #178 made by the Horváth
images and determination of total nitrogen content) and Csaba Memorial Laboratory of Bioseparation Sciences. The au-
changes in suspected free, non-conjugated N-glycans (PCT- thors thank Ms. Alice A. Lowy for proofreading the manuscript
FGs) profiles (based exclusively on GU values, determined and giving useful suggestions.
by CE-LIF alone). Therefore, we intend to further investigate
how specific these findings were. Beyond doubt, our results The authors have declared no conflict of interest.

© 2020 Wiley-VCH GmbH

6 B. Mátyás et al. Electrophoresis 2020, 0, 1–6

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