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Updated Date: April 22nd, 2022

This material is confidential property of FreightVerify, furnished for review in connection with
your participation with FreightVerify. By accepting this material, you agree that it will not be
reproduced for or disclosed to others.

LOGGING IN & ACCOUNT CREATION ....................................................................................................................... 3
HOW TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
THE LEFT NAVIGATION .................................................................................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
THE HOMEPAGE EXPLAINED ......................................................................................................................................... 5
CARRIERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
SEARCH RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
SEARCHING FROM HOMEPAGE .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
SEARCH RESULTS PAGE EXPLAINED ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
VIN DETAILS EXPLAINED ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 30

USER MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

How to Create an Account
Once an administrator has invited a user to the platform, the user will
receive two separate emails. The first is a welcome email that outlines the
URL and provides additional instructions.

The second email is a password reset email that provides a URL to the
login screen of the production platform. The new user will need to click the
URL from the body of the email in order to log into the platform.
Note: This will come from the address

The left navigation is dynamic based on the individual logged into the
platform. If the individual is an Organization User in the platform, they will
have the following left navigation options:
• Shipments
o Shipment Exceptions
o Create Shipment
• Finished Vehicle
o Milestone Dashboard
o Create Milestone Event
o CarrierView
• Administration
o Location Management
• Training & Resources
o User Guides
o Onboarding Docs
o API Reference
o Reference Docs
o Telematics
o API Utilities

If the individual is an Organization Administrator in the platform, they will

have the options above as well as:
• Business Intelligence
o BI Dashbaord
o Report Builder
• Administration
o User Management

The CarrierView homepage contains different sections that are referred to
as homepage widgets. There is a Finished Vehicle VINs widget, Watched
VINs widget, and a Saved Search widget. The homepage is customizable
for you to choose which VINs and what information you would like to see.


This dropdown is available across each page of the CarrierView product

and shows the total number of new Notifications and notification cards for
each VIN that the user has Watched (New Comments) or set up the Alert
Me feature (New Milestone & Event Updates) for. The Notification

dropdown will also notify the user when large data files are available for
download. These notifications will populate from most recent to oldest.

Within the Notifications dropdown, the user can navigate directly to the
VIN Details by clicking the blue “Go to” arrow, Refresh notifications or Mark
all as Read.

Note: If a User would like to receive VIN Milestone & Event updates, the
Alert Me feature can be set up to receive text, email, or platform
notificiations as outlined in the VIN Details section of the guide.

CarrierView Homepage Widgets
Finished Vehicle VINs
This widget shows the total number of active VINs that have a
transportation plan with the final destination at your dealer organization.
The widget also captures the Delivered VINs which are the total number of
VINs that have been delivered to the final dealership within the last 30

Watched VINs
Users may select VINs to Watch on the VINView Homepage by selecting
the Watch feature from Search Results. This table allows you to navigate
directly to the VIN’s Details. This can be handy when there are special VINs
to monitor.

Note: When a user selects a VIN to Watch, they will receive notification
when a comment is added to the Comment Feed for that VIN. This is
indicated as an icon on the Watched VINs table, Search Results Table and
on the Notifications dropdown.

My Saved Searches
This section truly allows you to customize the information you see on your
homepage. The Saved Search section allows you to apply one or many
filters to the VIN information and create a homepage widget displaying the
desired information. This can be handy when there are frequent search
parameters used to monitor inbound VINs.

Searching from Homepage
From the CarrierView Homepage, a user may search against different
categories of information. By selecting the drop down next to the search
bar, they can drill down into the following categories to refine your search:

• VIN • Product Type

• Order Number • Last 8 of VIN

If none of these categories are capturing what you’re looking for, you may
Search Everything to broaden your search criteria.

The Advanced Search functionality on the homepage allows the user to

filter the VINView information by using one or many filter options which
• Order Type • VIN Exception (Ex. Delayed)
• Shipper • Current Location
• Product Type • Delivery Date
• VIN Status

The Batch Search functionality within the Advanced Search section allows
you to search multiple VINs or Product Types (Ex. Make and/or Model) by
uploading a CSV of information or manually typing into the text box. To
search multiple VINs or Product Types, you must click the Batch Search
link within Advanced Search, which generates a pop-up window.

From here you can select if you want to search by VIN or Product Type in
the drop down.

Once you have selected a Batch Search category, you can manually add
a VIN or Product Type to each line of the “Enter VINs/ Enter Product
Types” field or import a CSV file to perform your batch search.

Once all VINs or Product Types are either uploaded or typed into the
popup, clicking Import will perform the batch search within CarrierView and
take you to the search results page.

Note: FreightVerify recommends utilizing the VINs or Product
Type Download Template which includes the expected column header
and CSV format.

Search Results Page Explained
Once you have performed a search and are directed to the CarrierView
Search Results page, you will see a table full of VINs that met the search
criteria. There are six columns of information on this page:
• Watch (Checkbox) • Last Update: The last Shipment,
• VIN: VIN, Order Type and Connected Car or Milestone
Order Number location update
• Last Milestone: The last • Origin Details
milestone received • Destination Details

The Advanced Search functionality will allow you to select one or many
choices for each filter on this page. You may also execute a Batch Search
or check the Watch checkbox to track that VIN via their Watched VINs on
the Homepage from here.

Users also have the ability to Multi-Select, Select All, Select Matching or
Select Empty options from a search filter. To execute a search, click the
blue Search button. They may also check the watch checkbox to track that
VIN via their Watched VINs on the homepage.

For example: If there are two Product Types the user wants to focus on,
they will be able to select matching options in the Product Type filter
beneath the search bar.

The Delivery Date filter is searchable by Actual Dates. Select the Date
Type, input the date range and click Search to view results.

The Search Results page also allows you to download the data into a CSV
that you see on the screen in the search results table. Once the Download
Data option is selected you will have the option to wait for the download or
continue browsing CarrierView while the data is downloaded.

If you choose to continue to browse CarrierView, your data download will
appear at the top of the CarrierView application under the Notifications

How to Create a Saved Search

Once a search is executed from the homepage, you will be directed to our
Search Results page. This is where you may drill down deeper into your
organization’s available VINs by utilizing the Advanced Search filters.

If there is a particular search criterion you utilize more often, you can
“Save Current Search”. This will create a saved search card on the your
homepage for quick accessibility. Once “Save Current Search” is clicked, a
pop-up displays allowing you to name your saved search and edit any
additional filters. Once saved, the Saved Search will display on your
homepage under the My Saved Searches tab. This allows you to execute
that search directly from the homepage instead of rebuilding your search
criteria each time.


VIN Details Explained
The VIN Details screen outlines the key information about a specific VIN
and its planned journey from ultimate origin to ultimate destination. This
planned journey is pulled from the VIN’s Transportation Plan that is sent in
from the shipper. The Transportation Plan will contain the ultimate origin
and pick-up timeframe as well as the ultimate destination and drop off
timeframes (as well as applicable intermediary stop details).

End to End View

By default when navigating to the VIN Details page, you will land on the
“End to End” view of that VIN’s associated transportation plan. This page
allows a user to:

• Utilize the Map to view the prospective and current route the VIN is
expected to travel between the ultimate origin and ultimate
• Set up text, email and/or platform notifications for Milestone and
Event updates and see the high level Details
• Share a snapshot of important VIN details (Product Type, Current
Location & Map) to any email contact
• View the Current Location of the VIN along with source of location
• Review the Actual Arrivals for the Ultimate Origin, Ultimate
Destination within the Arrivals and Departures section
• Read or Create a message within a shared Comment Feed
• Review Advanced VIN Level information including: Exceptions,
Coordinates, Order Details, & VIN Details

The following information is provided on the End to End view to provide a

high-level snapshot of the pertinent VIN level information:

Map View Options
The VIN Details map provides several different views for the user. At the
top of the map there is a clickable fire icon that will display all of the
location updates for that shipment in a heat map view. This allows the user
to understand visually where along the VIN’s journey the driver
experienced dwell. When there is a more intense bundling of location
updates, we know that the shipment received multiple location updates in
a confined geographical location.

The user may also select the icon at the bottom right of the map and
choose between the standard map view, the satellite view, and the terrain
view. These may provide additional insights into the geographical
surroundings of the shipment.

• Prospective Route – Solid blue line

• Actual Route – Chevron line displaying current path & direction
• MAD – Mode Asset Descriptor displaying the position of equipment
moving a VIN (Indicated by Car icon)
• LAD – Location Asset Descriptor displaying known stops on a
transportaion plan
• Heat Map – Fire icon which indicates all location updates
• Zoom In / Out – A user can zoom in and out of the map by clicking
the icon or scrolling their mouse
• Choose View – A user can select Map view (default) or Satellite,
Terrain and Traffic conditions, traffic incidents

Details Section
• VIN • Vehicle Image
• Product Type • Dwell time
• Status • Total Transit Time
• Current Location • Watch VIN
• Exceptions (No Active Exceptions or • Current Location Source

Details Section – Actions

When a user lands on the VIN Details page, they will be able to perform
Actions on a VIN. The two Action options are Alert Me and Share.

Alert Me is the feature used to add or remove a VIN level Alert Me

notification for real-time Milestone and Event updates.

Share is the feature used to provide a snapshot of important VIN details
(Product Type, Current Location & Map) to any email contact.

Details Section – Alert Me

To make a selection or adjustment to an Alert, a user can utilize the

following steps:

Step 1: Click “Actions”, then Alert Me to receive a dialogue box to select

notification method(s)
• Email
o Receive a detailed email containing each Milestone or Event
update details
• Text Message (enter phone number)
o Receive a detailed text containing the VIN, Product Type,
Milestone/Event, Event & Received Time and URL
• FreightVerify Platform Notification
o Receive a notification on the platform that there is an update to
a VIN you have set up alerts for which can be clicked and will
direct the User to the VIN Details page

Step 2: Click ‘Save’ to set up the real-time updates.
Once Alert Me is Active, the Alert Me option will display a green Active

To Adjust an Alert, a user can click the Alert Me option and select or
deselect their desired notification method(s).

To Unsubscribe, a user can deselect all notification method(s) and click

Save. This will be indicated by the removal of the green Active indicator.

Note: A user can also Unsubscribe directly from an update received via
Text or Email by clicking the included hyperlink.

Details Section – Share

To share a status snapshot of a VIN to any email address, a user can utilize
the following steps:

Step 1: Click “Actions”, then Share to receive a dialogue box to enter email

Step 2: Adjust the map position or zoom to capture the detail you wish to
share with someone.

Step 3: Click ‘Share to send the email snapshot to your submitted


Details Section – Current Location

The Current Location provides a user with a high-level look at where the
vehicle is currently located. Shipment Telematics, Connected Car position
updates & milestone location data is factored in to provide the most
accurate Current Location. A Current Location of a VIN can be; On the
Road, On Rail, On the Water or At Location.

The Current Location of a VIN is on by default. A user can toggle the
Current Location icon by clicking the icon. From there, the user can zoom
in on the map and click the icon for additional location detail as seen

Arrivals & Departures Section

• Ultimate Origin (From Transportation • Actual Arrival and
Plan) Departures
• Ultimate Destination (From Transportation

Comment Feed

The Comment Feed provides the user the ability to write, edit and share
comments within an Organization or with a shipper on a VIN. This feature
is a useful tool for internal carrier discussion as well as external discussion
with the shipper. Any special VINs that have customer commitments,
nature impacts, etc. are good candidates for comments. By default, the
Comment Feed is collapsed and provides the total count of comments on a
VIN along with total count of unread comments on the header.

The Comment Feed header is similar to the other headers in the Details
page. The user can collapse and un-collapse the header to see the feed or
add, edit and share new comment. Once un-collapsed, the user can see:

• A red line indicating Unread comments

• The most recent comments on the bottom of the feed
• Comments for internal viewing only
• Comments shared to their organization by a shipper (indicated with a
left arrow)
• Comments shared from their organization to a shipper (indicated with
a right arrow)
o Clickable Share with Shipper option
• Formatting Help
• “Enter Your Message Here” text box
• Ability to Edit a comment until it is no longer the most recent

Note: A user will be notified any time there is a new comment to a VIN
that they are watching.

Advanced VIN Level Information

The End to End view also has some advanced VIN level information that is
broken out into the sub tabs as well as a vertical progress bar that shows
the progression of the VIN through the transportation plan.

The first tab is the Trip Summary tab. This is how we display the progress
of the VIN as it travels along its transportation plan route. The vertical
progress bar displays:

• Known stops (indicated by the Customer specified FreightVerify LAD)

• Scheduled pickup/ drop off times for each stop
• Modes (indicated by the FreightVerify MAD) for each leg

• Shipment/ VIN updates for each leg

o Each trip leg with available updates can be expanded by
clicking “Updates”
§ Updates can come from Milestones or Coordinates

Note: FreightVerify will connect a trip legs when there is a gap in the trip
plan so that a continuous trip plan is displayed in the UI. This will be
indicated by a FV icon.

The Active Exceptions tab will display any active Delayed exception that
occurred to the VIN along with Exception Comments.

The Coordinates tab will display all location updates received for the VIN.
This could be from the carrier directly, from a third-party telematics
provider or from a mobile tracking device. When a coordinate is selected
from the list of coordinates, a location balloon will display at the associated
lat/long on the map and the chosen coordinate will be highlighted in blue.

The Order Details tab shows any Order information we may have received
for the VIN. This is can be any relevant metadata for that Order. Often
times we’ll find information such as: Lane Category, Route Code, Vehicle
Priority, etc…

The VIN Details tab shows any VIN information we may have received for
the VIN. This is can be any relevant metadata for that VIN. Often times
we’ll find information such as: trim, series, etc…

User Management
The User Management page allows Organization Administrators to manage
their Organization Users. They will be able to search for an existing user,
add a new user, edit user permissions, mark a user as inactive, reset user
passwords, and delete users.

How to Edit User Permissions

In order to edit a user’s permissions within the organization, an
administrator will need to navigate to the User Management section of the
platform and click the “Edit” option for the desired user. There are two
different user permission groups to choose from:

• Organization Admin
• Organization User

In addition to CarrierView, Organization Administrators have access to User

Management, which an Organization User will not be permitted to see.

How to Reset a User Password
If an Organization User has forgotten their password, an Organization
Administrator can launch the reset password process from the User
Management section of the platform. The administrator will need to search
and locate the user and click “Reset Password” from the Action column. A
pop up will display and the admin will need to click “Reset Password” or set
a password on behalf of the individual. This will launch an email to the user
to reset their password.

Note: The user will have 24 hours to reset their password before it expires.

How to Add a New User

An administrator may add a new user by clicking the “Add New User”
button from the User Management section of the platform. Once clicked, a
pop-up displays prompting the admin to enter the email address and
assign the appropriate permissions for the new user. Once the appropriate
information is filled in, click Create.

How to Delete an Existing User
An administrator may delete a user or mark a user as inactive from the
User Management section of the platform. This should be done in an effort
to keep the organization users list cleaned up. Both actions will display a
pop up to confirm the user change.

User Role Descriptions

FreightVerify Provides the following list of user roles to an Organization
Admin to manage the Users for the respective Organization.
• Organization Admin – A user with Organization Admin role will have
access to all the Products purchased by the Organization along with
the Administration tools. Administration tools allow the Organization
Admin to Add, Remove Users for the Organization.

• Organization User – A user with Organization User role will have
access to Shipments, CarrierView and Documentation.


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