Business Communication Answer Sheet

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A letter is a written message conveyed from one to another through a medium. The
letter may be formal or informal. There are different types of letters we write in day-to-
day life. A persuasive letter is a letter written to convince an organization or person, to
accept the issue of the sender’s interest or perspective. The persuasive letter may be a
cover letter, complaint letter, petition letter, or sales letter. You need to write a letter
confidently to convince the reader about your issues and opinions. Although a
persuasive letter cannot be successful in its purpose, it increases awareness about the
matter addressed.

The pandemic has forced us to switch our homes to offices spaces. Besides the advantages of
comfortably working from home, this setup posed a serious inconvenience between working
hours and personal time. Amaan is also a victim of this situation, writes a persuasive letter to
Date: 20.10.2021
Amaan Patel,
Senior Data Analyst.

Mr. Pradip Vaswani,
The HR Manager,
Tech Mahindra Pvt. Ltd.
Pune, Maharashtra.

Sub: Concern Regarding Working Hours.

Respected Sir,
Hello. Hope you’re having a good time in this pandemic. This letter is to grab your attention
to some of the matters that I find difficult to accept as being a part of this highly estimated
company. But first I want to express my gratitude for the transparent relationship that you’ve
set with staff and your encouragement for an open, honest, and safe atmosphere. That is one
of the main reasons I’m able to write such correspondence.
Since the Covid19 outbreak, we are working from home. With a new work style comes new
fair challenges. One of them is being lacked differentiation between the office and nonoffice
hours. As a team leader, you know most of my free time is spent attending meetings,
explaining tasks to team members, and communicating with overseas clients at odd hours
usually after midnight. And this has been a continued practice for more than a year and a half.
I request you to enforce the previous working hours from 9 am to 7 pm unless there is an
emergency or an international caller to attend. This will ensure that employees get enough
free time to spend with their loved ones and run their errands. I trust your judgment and
desire to enforce a fair and productive working environment. Thank You.

Yours Sincerely,
Amaan Patel.
Etiquette refers to guidelines/customary codes of polite behavior in a society or among
members of a particular profession or group. Many individuals feel uncomfortable in a
business situation. They don’t cover proper etiquette at times, such as leaving a person
wondering what should they say and how should they act. All business messages
demand proper attention to ethics and etiquette.
Etiquettes to be followed in business writing are-
• Every letter should have its purpose and this purpose needs to be laid out in the
communication clearly.
• Don’t forget to add the subject line as this line gives an idea about the entire
communication to be followed. Also, Expand and support your opening claim to build
your reader’s interest.
• Avoid jargon, as this may lead to confusion in the reader’s mind showing unclear
intent about the letter.
• Read the entire document and detect any readability issues, grammar issues, or
misspellings. These common mistakes wouldn’t be acceptable in any form of writing.
• Always include salutation and signature while writing letters as well email. The
salutations serve as greetings to the other person.
• Recall the memory of the recipient regarding past communications. This will avoid
confusion and the recipient will be certain about past discussions.
• Check the name and address before sending the envelope or mail. Sharing the
information with the wrong person can lead to trouble.
• If you’re writing the negative message provide a reason and additional information
why the news is negative. Clearly state the bad news as positively as possible, using
tactful wording.
• Choose your approach accordingly, direct approach for people who are aware of the
outcome and indirect approach for people who are unaware of the news might be
shock or surprise for them. An indirect approach is used for the people who are
emotionally connected to it.
• Anticipate and answer potential objections complementing with pros and cons.
• Close on a respectful note. Express best wishes. Suggest actions to be taken by the
reader. Encourage further communication only if you’re willing to do.
• Avoid targeting someone in your writing.
Sentences using communication etiquette-
a) Registrations made before the due date are considered for the conference.
b) Together with your better half, we invite you to the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the
c) Asian Manager Mr. Pradeep Patel and Senior Accountant Mr. Rajat Sharma will join
the conference from our side.
d) An efficient salesman creates a good image of the product in the client’s mind.
e) John is a suitable candidate for the post among others.
f) Goods can be returned and refunded only if the packaging is intact and under saleable
g) Some alterations are needed in your mail.
h) With sufficient manpower, the project can be done in time.
Mountains and Dunes is a travel company doing business in India. The company
created an attractive and illustrative brochure for its prospective customers. A
brochure is a small book or magazine containing pictures and information about the
company. The brochure carries the company’s image to its customers. The insensitive
content writer created the brochure wrongly which will sure crash the business of the
company. While reading the brochure following inappropriate elements were found -
1. The common mistakes like grammar issues, misspelling issues detected lead to
readability issues.
For example, there is no need to write ‘a’ before ‘relatively’ in the ninth sentence of
the brochure. And in the second last sentence, the word our is replaced by out.
2. The brochure shows the company’s image of economic inequality between
customers. Market targeting is good but a company should treat all its customers
equally. The Brochure tells that the company only wants to serve the luxurious class
of society.
For example, we all know Apple is a luxurious brand of smartphone. They sell their
product to each class of society without any economic inequality.
3. The brochure also shows that men are the first choice of the company and women
and kids come after that. A negative message of gender-biased will pass on to the
4. Entire brochure creates jargon and shows the wrong image of the company with
insensitive language.
For example, the brochure is already saying that the rates of tour packages are
relatively high. This will create an early confusion in the client’s mind that the
company’s rates are high and he can’t afford it even if he affords it.
5. The Brochure is failed in delivering a powerful message to attract its clients. In
opposition, it shows the overconfident image of the company.
If I have been given the task of rewriting the paragraph it should be like as follows –

Say Namaste to Incredible India! Join us in exploring the undiscovered part of India. This
festive season, Mountains and Dunes invite you to fall in love with the adventures and treks
that we provide. Your safety is our concern. We choose the best affordable tour packages for
you and your loved ones. We offer a luxurious stay in our seven-star accommodations with
attached art kitchens that you will enjoy and won’t regret. Keep all your worries on us with
our 24*7 staff service. Be a part of our happy family and let us serve you better. Remember
– The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So let’s get out and live a

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