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Going Back to Basics

Using Vibration Time Waveform Data

Nick Williams, Advanced Maintenance Solutions Ltd


'The most difficult function for any routine CBM programme is finding a fault!' It is the routine and timeconsuming screening of the large quantities of mostly healthy data taken during a CBM programme based on vibration analysis that can itself present the biggest challenge to efficient detection and diagnosis of any faults that may exist. It is suggested that the answer to this problem is to make regular use of the most humble of the data formats the Time Waveform, the basic raw vibration data. The basic principles underlying this approach are explained and several examples are presented of its application in practice to the monitoring of rotating equipment.

or many tasked with vibration analysis, the data collector measures vibration in one of two ways: it gathers overall vibration amplitudes for use in trend plots, and it mathematically interprets the recorded data to produce a 'spectrum' of vibration frequencies for diagnostic analysis of the mechanical health of the machine being monitored (see Figure 1). But what about the basic raw vibration data gathered by the analyser to produce this data? What about the vibration Time Waveform that the data collector gathers and stores prior to the production of the vibration spectrum? Many will disregard this most basic data format, because the mathematically produced spectrum is intended to make interpretation of the measured data simpler and easier to understand. However, the Time Waveform can contain data that is filtered out of the eventual calculated displays, or is disregarded as part of the averaging processes that are designed to ensure accurate and repeatable

data representation. If the waveforms are included as part of the diagnostic process then a valuable insight into the validity of the data, or the performance of the machine, can be gained with no additional data gathering effort. The Time Waveform is the raw data gathered by the vibration analyser from the measurement transducer and is directly proportional to the chosen machine parameter. This signal is sampled by the vibration analyser before further processing derives the measurements defined within the monitoring unit's programme. If the variation of the transducer signal is plotted against a time base the signal can be monitored or examined by the analyst for visual clues indicating both measurement and machine health issues, issues that may not be immediately evident within the spectrum itself. For most plant vibration programmes, the sampled sensor will be a piezo-electric accelerometer, and the raw signal sampled will be acceleration. But whatever the sensor,


Figure 1 Trend, Spectrum and Time Waveform

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Going Back to Basics Using Vibration Time Waveform Data

Figure 2 Transducer 'Settle down' waveform

the Time-based Waveform will mimic the changes in the measured variable. For an accelerometer this will be changes in the movement of the machine casing to which the sensor is mounted, but could just as easily be shaft displacement with an eddy current probe, or true velocity from a dedicated velocity sensor. The length of the time base sampled by the analyser is determined within the data collector's software and is a function of the chosen frequency bandwidth for the displayed spectrum and of the selected data display resolution. The overall Time Waveform = (Number of Lines of Resolution) / (Maximum Spectrum Frequency), (Tmax = LOR/Fmax), and can therefore be adjusted if your data collector doesn't offer the capability of specifying Time Waveforms directly by modifying the spectral set-up appropriately. Ideally, the time base should be adjusted to allow multiple revolutions of the monitored shafts, or cycles of movement, to be seen in the recorded data.


So how can this most fundamental data be of use in supporting the more complex data manipulation available in the modern data collection programme, and why should an analyst bother? Assessment of the Time Waveform in conjunction with the spectrum can often highlight problems with the gathered data, high acceleration amplitudes, repetitive impact sources, low frequency

sources and abnormal waveforms. These problems may well be present within the vibration spectrum, but the anomalies in the waveform can often be so readily apparent that further investigation of the spectral data is initiated as a result of noticing abnormal Time Waveforms. This is particularly useful if your vibration analyser has the ability to display a Time Waveform during data collection, when the additional verification of data can be used to confirm the anomaly and trigger further machine side data collection, or at least data verification by re-sampling. For example, as data collector manufacturers strive for quicker route mode operation, problems can occur with transducers not settling correctly prior to data collection or powering up too slowly when polled for data. This can result in poor quality signals, or ski slopes, which are not always readily apparent. The data displayed in the upper spectrum of Figure 2 shows very little frequency activity, however closer examination shows a vertical line, to the left of the frequency axis, which has been produced by the low frequency roll-on effect as the sensor recovers from an event. The inclusion of a Time Waveform in the display screen of either the software or the analyser screen indicates graphically that there is a problem with the data that should be resolved. The failure to realise that bad data has been gathered is a frequent source of poor quality trends, and can lead to incorrect assumptions over the health of a machine.

Assuming that the Time Waveform is stable, then for a standard rotating machine operating in good mechanical health the waveform will usually describe a low amplitude random noise floor with very few spikes or peaks evident. Patterns in the waveforms, as shown in Figure 3, can indicate discrete fault modes, both electrical and mechanical. These forms were originally used as analytical tools in their own right, prior to the development of frequency analysers capable of simplifying the frequency composition for the analyst and presenting the data as a Spectrum plot of Frequency against Time. The forms produced are the result of combined multiple frequency sources, and the patterns can be used as confirmation of suspected fault modes. For example, imbalance will be represented in a velocity or displacement waveform as a sinusoidal form, coincident with the running speed of the imbalanced shaft, whereas multiple harmonics, as found in misalignment, can give rise to complex but repeating waveform shapes suggestive of the letters M and W. Butterfly patterns can indicate sideband modulation, such as those produced by worn gears or bearing race defects, and mechanical looseness is characterised by randomness and impacting as internal clearances are excited within support structures. Impacting is perhaps self-evident, and is obviously a characteristic to be avoided in the majority of conventional rotating equipment. However, in the majority of applications the impact itself will occur at the rotational frequency of the shaft concerned. The spectrum shown at the top of Figure 4 evidently shows the characteristic multiple harmonics of a classic looseness symptom, but it is the inclusion of the Time Waveform at the bottom of the figure that emphasises the impact forces present within the machine.


In the example shown in Figure 5, taken from the bearing of an 11KV 1MW extraction fan,

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Figure 3

Waveform shapes

which was being monitored for the first time following installation on a new plant, the overall vibration amplitudes required for comparison with international standards of acceptance were found to be well within tolerance, and the machine had accordingly been signed off by the manufacturer's commissioning engineer. The non-drive-end bearing for the fan was running with elevated bearing temperatures of 70 C, and this concerned plant engineering staff. During the collection of the vibration data, the vibration analyser was set to display the waveform as a matter of course, and the analyst noted a low frequency modulation in the waveform for the non-drive-end bearing. When measured, the spacing of modulation was found to be 23% of the fan rotational frequency and a problem with the bearing cage rotational speed was suspected. The fan itself was extracting gas at around 100C, and the suspended

shaft distance between the fan bearings was quite long at three metres. The installed SKF CARB bearing should have provided considerable clearance in both its axial and radial planes, allowing a high degree of both shaft misalignment and thermal growth capability. However, upon discovering the cage modulation in the Time Waveform at the machine

side examinations were centred on the radial clearance for the bearing, which was found to be low against specifications. Bearing race frequencies were readily apparent in both the Time Waveform and the calculated spectrum. However, the cage rotational frequency only appeared in the Time Waveform. Attention to the bearing's correct set-up saw running temperatures for the unit fall to 27 C and enabled this bearing to operate for a further twelve months in service, preventing a costly plant outage. A second example, taken from a rolling mill pay-off reel gearbox, is shown in Figure 6. Data gathered from one of the reel's two drive gearboxes showed development of overall amplitudes in the spectrum, indicating a change at shaft rotational frequency. However, it was Time Waveform anomalies that caused the greatest concern, with development of acceleration amplitudes and impacts at a repeating cycle which matched the gearbox output shaft speed. From the shape of the disruption to the waveform, and the relative size of the impact, concerns were raised for the condition of the drive's output gear, which was examined during a scheduled stop period and found to have two partially broken gear teeth preceded by an area of tooth damage consistent with a foreign object having travelled through the mesh. The fact that the spectrum showed no evidence of the damage is thought to be due to

Figure 4 Impact forces

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Going Back to Basics Using Vibration Time Waveform Data

Figure 5 Cage rotational frequency

over four months, suggesting improved condition. However, the machine continues to run within alarm. A cursory examination of the vibration spectrum shown below the trend plot appears to show some minor running speed harmonics which may indicate mechanical looseness, and a baseline noise floor possibly indicating some internal wear to the bearing, indicating that lubrication should be checked and accelerated if further service life is required. Note the total acceleration level at 1.21G Pk, which is mildly elevated. Inclusion of the Time Waveform, however, adds a further dimension to the data display. At the bottom of Figure 8 overleaf, the additional waveform shows significant impact sources of 9Gs Pk- Pk. This discrepancy in acceleration amplitudes is due to averaging processes and the calculation from the average value of the wave form. A close up view of the waveform, in this case in the velocity domain (see Figure 9 overleaf ), shows that the primary vibration source frequency is 120Hz, which is non-synchronous with the shaft rotation speed. Also evident is an amplitude modulation of the 120 Hz frequency by the machine's running speed, as denoted by the vertical black lines. This modulation effect indicates that the rotating shaft is acting to affect the primary vibration source, in this case a race defect frequency for the pumps drive-end bearing, to change

Figure 6 Damaged gear teeth

the fact that only a small section of the teeth was missing, leaving the gear mesh largely unaffected. In this case the gears were dressed by hand in situ, and the gear continued in service.


This last example shows how useful the routine inclusion of the Time Waveform can be for general analysis. The data in Figure 7 are from a large centrifugal pump, being driven by a 3.3Kv induction motor at 995 RPM. The historical trend data at the top of the diagram shows how vibration amplitudes have improved by 35%

Figure 7 Trend and spectrum

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the amplitude of vibration in a cyclic fashion. (Note the so called 'butterfly' patterns in the waveform). In this case the defect frequency is produced by an inner race defect on the bearing, and the modulation is the effect of the defect rotating in and out of the bearing's load zone. Reference back to the original spectrum (see Figure 10) confirms the defect frequency, and the modulation can be seen as sidebands around the fundamental defect frequency.

Figure 8 Trend, spectrum and waveform

Figure 9 Vibration waveform

In the last case described above the defect is identifiable in the spectrum because the fault mode was fairly well advanced, but this is not always the case. Bearing race defect frequencies are often buried in other vibration symptoms at lower frequencies. There are various methods for determining that the bearing is faulty. However, the examples given illustrated how obvious the presence of the fault was when the Time Waveform was added to the display screen on both the analyser itself and within the data displays, and is used as a matter of course. The beauty is, that this most basic of data is already being gathered, and its inclusion to your vibration programme requires no additional effort or special equipmentit is, in data collection terms, free!


Nick has been involved directly in the development and application of CBM techniques to industrial plant for the past 22 years. He was instrumental in establishing and managing the operation of a successful centralised CBM group for a major UK heavy industrial manufacturer, involving assessing plant CBM requirements, and disseminating both derived information and practical application knowledge to plant staff, at all management levels, through practical training and machine health reporting systems. For the past seven years, following the establishment of AMS Ltd, Nick has been working to offer the benefits of the same corporate approach, and integrated CBM philosophies, to a wider client base.

Figure 10 Fault identification

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