PDD Unit 1

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PDD (unt 1)

ndbceduiusn ts sdut ike rude
manacenerT (PLM)
7dut Jife cle monasemuf (PLM) e Juune
dudy. h buineis atuly reives elewe
hmana.qunge heduct drusugh tho entuo byle
Gtha {edu
9 omom nwha daa k the d u 4 moe
PLH ueenfully handlo.
preduts retlsus
a l e manag edue At l l the
phsclu nYan
mounuye tha uncome krom th uodu
drelkor olecue b to neaoe the value tedlay dute
vedud uTonas&take heldes & radwee ficoluc

educls|| Apeus Aurtuws 8tivtu owse

skls PLM
Applueotusn tactite
Dofainekmaduonnlslse lechnuguw
CsntCenca dut eule managemat

handl wedl dona & mst

umnwant reecdu potlolis
u O i a s ho Pusduur eenue, &th
en the sdut unanuad Rasu
thusughod ha ije pda e e w e t
7 handlos ths hoduet ihroughead he ble cyela,
t eturely hondles the ediu devesqumon4 redu
acade t h diuia Acet -eturely.
collalung eoask about usolunis pom , 2nguar
the morket
m t i tulobetatue t nsire csUaloialue ways u
dgn Aunpy chain radnos and alsng uh cwTem
a b t a io knew thinco no o sat a
d u theughot t ile eigela
MangemerX reduut. Auueture
Mangemand anlad lta Vault
ii)Mangemant Motodaln & lautatusn o
(atsf dlacumans
anpment ef Woalouwfnca
v Aerusel mutuhek dala aeotie thang
v wsunman oRt task diary
secuung on the produiM.
viy tanagemant dllkken documart
ralntad dosue .&pet
vi) 3dundpeation o mateial contunt in oder te lulI dlpwt
Usmnt considarndou
plica un PLn
PLM edut pudkask mashamandt
useut eidea Maomon
4noucure Management
4eutod VUuasollon
vebotion mongemen
bguom hoyect mangemert
CUs/ uoreftop mangement
Mt/ oduc tonuolwn hanagemCnd
Ltusiemer Snurelemerit
eda in r&durt tom d
lay amtiard

11 qes nsdustw eduack ter cetunueus myayemut

in the e d u c t

Noys VLtal ole ef PLM

n he entue Aecas

f oter kenet to lshustoner å evrdit idh

uapak to
in o
ieug moelueu-ly elfarrency & ualky
Ecs Pim
v h hedd úurewee in ueces e s e e ad
4edut deela1ment
Tare a e tue
tine o utonet uevermeu
a) uudunal h
aoeh uters the neub s
ntoactusn aween culsmwrs. & the
dean (sLdA
Latial aeah hs les to hew
setero bes
Ni owa adark ask0
{Heusn e
isoas hon dasugn,
manuacuung LnguaAung
vi)Jo eullemat uueluemon
handlo be konsne te makat Lempanas rar
demonolu. eleshurely
Auchas dauan
akreud he sductAu,ualenu
matuen s ehaitaw
in tha hdu gadeHir ealuve tunclen
i Cuwcnk edeck dbask minumues the last mun chaige
educt dain
) Ddut hsdus by
ouv Nauuty dola comanies aung lonu
i) h data naed to he
i) DRoduc data sonuit dokleres k poolute. f qui
and s of vowuow data alotuo io
endg haces nlomalln edest
iv) Data eues
detend cdtdrute o the
heeuct, pat
)eme olata
teduet i l te itu e el
oduwt edu
Vi) ata abo sonud
ds matiual lo esmey, Numwcal vonbel key
deugnn9 manuacluruny m
, qejcetdata kn9 handlle
al thi data y
dee PLH lay an rolo in hunue
roanuying Pn g ara
mautourungthe sdw dala
Ohedur uek low
tha tlou o wok raa sn the nhodunt olata
9 oatu Jreughsut dha (koduct lile ciycle alsng wth seee
N/ emg
tby woelw sccus
in uee the comyany e e
Ord odude he commany
h dh eng e douded actly A sontunue thieugh
shox ell douid ncturui (w tun

vIPf cdonund on mony fan poramlr pkeduc fcoloe nak

ublytes, LO,mg, Judues, ole
t) Qualdy tot athe rmoduet unclon afpredud
wok Pow.
Vi) f F Can aso aletu ao Nedu Lo, AUehlyJ
Jod tumu
umuedant s cenus a
hoouc wok (lew
inthe edu
Mexant Maes oduntdayeloment uotAs
Ihee e tuws te upde (PLe)
c oachas ol oplaununyg PLC o n
Cuue avoach & Cnstler PLC Bh tul-à
iCouentionad mateua Malarual
marlarutwng- we
n) Aadh wwt
u cwue
PLC nonaqMu


-Marant stanes af PLC

Ramanuaswne Reue waslemarthemen
*Aehases of PL
)nvoone qenalo dlleund
akoud vedue umognolo ot de
eune Jone ho dmenuon ,dosupn,h JunrhonM,
about psBdut
Rogbdye maaire Leleas ates dane it muf Je sure
Jhad ho ceu Verus d dndu) VAd
pheductien euuug
wrAunpot In thane we i l make sw lhaf
ueclut b coRhatly manlansd nd cuslomok
dacudoel in Aupod uodut oullact wnl
v)Ratwe/ dusuose In hu
phase sdusi at ralied pem
tha No comes
eu essertuelto oupaR c
lege of quodue souh
life oyele
4du evoth malud edine

1) 1nbuedudion:
4n thu
xlane nrtduc i lanched
Cuilom ndlan albeud the voduc. n
uMeuk accetowe nthu lnge
iavRy Low.
ti yusth a)nthu aage utsmex kreus nlocut ho Fonutes
A) hohey realue he copalilit sl pRoduT A kuaches
n in tho busug No, cuemek
in domand o edut st usporsmu heo eld
e)wnd ale dus to
dneeute in mahad and us
modrn tukrelay
stdun dnto managemant (PoM)

. werhing PDM


CAD /CAM conlkcl


coNer Lle

Onc oy olmand o PLM JAPpM

hnndla al the t a (edud data gen@talud oud Attoanged
ocnding to Pun
vlees vausu padiwhiu of eelucT AAe cyelk such as
handing el hodu Lenguálon
0/ Narueuu tne data k ufeaM
Kiouid o dine, manularue,aery ocdduyjior
emaunlaun pom.
)FDMmakey paay managung
aAsemynfsumas) ahe
10 kedunt axeke edegned sn deord ch0AyiMa)
i) Por dbo uiked ha otber
bh aun aqnuealons ufornualon
don uth as houn
Comeanti e POM
normatie) wwehouse
)normedtion waahoue manageman
9nha Autune
1 ustim
udmunudnauon managenent
3ntoace meeds
0rcduwt k wotlow
wePlew contomeduleAuetwe daluntuon modula
Snemaluon Management moduke.
el PpH
ntsalue he csrdral data
)Rumwate adutuure dataA
) uable do
(tnduttue deelsnmant
9Imphove Aulut managemard
Rauduce numbe T
Racuce cO ucauon
3Roduuce ime to markt
Rapdace gncy PPM eydira.ons
checg orcatu
)Rnandttuelecastug Qubllotve horarang
9 p oninion v Ind anali stodslical malhob
)Ledeny & Lmulatuon vti) Acenaue vii)Lalung / desinen,/

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