Mansour 1988

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3 [m3 s-11 Volumenstrom Literatur

VR [m31 Reaktorvolumen
= [SI mittlere Verweilzeit [l] de Rooij, A. H.; Dijkhuis, C.; w n Goolen, J. T.J.: Chem. Technol. 7
(1977) Nr. 5, S. 309/315.
[2] Werner,M.; Lindner, D.;Schumpe,A.: Chem.-1ng.-Tech. 59 (1987)
Indices Nr. 1, S. 72/73.
[3] Werner, M.; Lindner, D.; Schumpe, A., in: Recent Trends in
Chemical Reaction Engineering (B. D. Kulkurni et al.), Bd. 2,
HA Hydroxylamin S. 5021517, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi 1987.
1 Bildung von HA aus Nitrat [4] w n de Moesdijk, C.: Dissertation, T H Eindhoven 1979.
2 Bildung von Ammonium aus Nitrat [5] Lindner, D.; Schumpe, A.: AIChE J. (eingereicht).
3 Hydrierung von HA zu Ammonium [6] Lindner, D.: Diplomarbeit, Univ. Oldenburg 1986.
4 Zersetzung von HA [7] Chung, K. R.;Chen, H . W.; Wan, C. C.: J. Chem. Technol. Biotech-
o Anfangswert bzw. Wert im Zulauf nol. 34A (1984) S. 237/242.

Generalized Explicit Equation for the Table 1.

Cross-sectional Constants c, 4 u and b [3].
Friction Factor for Newtonian
and Non-Newtonian Fluids in Both Circular Cross-section c = 16/(u + b ) # = l/(u + b) u b
and Non-Circular Ducts circle 16.00 1.00 0.25 0.75

A. R. Mansour and 0. T. Rajie* rectangular 0.0 24.00 0.667 0.50 1.00

a* = 0.25 18.23 0.878 0.3212 0.8182
0.50 15.55 1.029 0.2440 0.7276
1.00 14.23 1.124 0.2121 0.6766
1 Introduction
concentric 0.0 16.00 1.00 0.25 0.75
The flow of non-Newtonian fluids has been the subject of increasingly annuli t* = 0.05 21.57 0.7418 0.4270 0.9263
extensive study for many years. Several researchers obtained differ- 0.50 23.81 0.6720 0.4935 0.9946
ent expressions for non-Newtonian flow in ducts of various cross sec- 1.0 24.00 0.6667 0.50 1.00
tional geometries. However, no one has yet presented a generalized
formula explicitly predicting friction factors for Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids in both circular and non-circular ducts. The purpose of the present paper is to present a new efficient and ex-
The most widely accepted generalized equation for the friction factor plicit equation which is applicable to Newtonian and non-Newtonian
for non-Newtonian fluids in smooth circular ducts is developed by fluids flowing in circular and non-circular ducts.
Dodge and Metzner [l], which is given by:
2 Development of Correlation
1 4.0 0.4
fl n’3.75
Ig (Re’fl-f”) --n1.2
In a recent publication, the present authors developed [5] the follow-
ing explicit equation to predict the Fanning friction factor for
where Re’ is the generalized Reynolds number and n is the non- Nowtonian and non-Newtonian fluids flowing turbulently in smooth
Newtonian flow-behavior index. circular ducts:
The latest equation developed to describe the flow of non-Newtonian
fluids in non-circular ducts of different cross-sectional shapes is that fMansour = y (Re’, n) ep (Re’, (3)
published by Kozicki at a1 [2]. Kozicki’s equation is given by:

where Re’ is the generalized Reynolds number, n is the non-

40 0.4
Newtonian flow behavior index. For the special case of Newtonian
fluids, n = 1.0. j3 and y~ are two explicit functions of Re’ and n and
given by:
where u and b are geometric constants whose numerical values are
given in Table 1 [3].
Kozicki clearly added the last term to the Dodge-Metzner correlation
/3(Re’, n ) = (& - 2 9 /lo00 n2.11 , (4)
[given by Eq. (l)] in order to correct for the non-circular cross-
sectional geometries.
Kostic and Humett [3] used Eq. (1) for non-circular ducts by replacing
the Reynolds number, Re’, with a modified generalized Reynolds
number Re*, which depends on the geometry of the duct moss
ty(Re’, n) =
t“n0.75 [ Ig Re’ + (n - 2) Ig
Unfortunately, all the above equations are implicit in friction factor
and therefore have to be solved either by iteration or from a chart,
neither of which is convenient.
(lg Re’ + 0.910 n - 1.81) - 0.4’ I-$ -2

Eq. (3) was compared with previously published experimental and

theoretical work by Dodge und Metzner, Metzner and Reed, and other
* Prof. Dr. A. R. MU~SOW
and 0. T. Rujie, Departments of Chemical investigators for circular ducts [1,4,6]. It was shown that Eq. (3) is in
& Mechanical Engineering, Yarmouk University, Irbid - Jordan. excellent agreement with other works in literature. Therefore Eq. (3)

304 Chem.-1ng.-Tech. 60 (1988) Nr. 4, S. 304-306 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1988
0009-286X188/0404-0304 0 02.5010
has been tested to predict the friction factor for non-circular ducts by Table 2.
following Kuzicki and replacing Re' by Re* in Eq. (3) for the non- Extended Geometry Function #, vs. n 131.
circular case, given by Kustic and Hartnett [3], as follows:
n 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0
Re* = $, Re' (6) 1.0 1.035 1.066 1.095 1.125
a*= 0.5 1.007 1.014 1.022 1.029
where Re' = p2-"D,/[K (3n + 1/4n)" 8"-l] (7) 0.25 0.955 0.925 0.900 0.878
#, = Re*IRe'
K = zw y" (8) 0.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
r* = 0.05 0.903 0.838 0.785 0.739
where y ist the shear rate and 0.50 0.876 0.794 0.729 0.672
1.0 0.874 0.791 0.724 0.667
#,, = [(l + 3n)/(4a + 4bn)P . (9)

The functions 4 und 4,, are geometric and extended geometric func-
tions for power law fluids, which are defined by Eq. (9) and by Eq.
(lo), below:

# = 16/c = l/(a + b) . (10)

Physically, $, provides a measure of the departure of a non-circular

cross-section from the circular one. The geometric constants a, b, c,
and #,, for different cross-sectional shapes and for different values of n
are presented in Tables 1and 2 which are given by Kostic and Hartnett
It is apparent that Eq. (6) reduces to the generalized Reynolds num-
1 9-3
10' 2 4 6 103 2 4 6 104 2 * 6 105

Reynolds Number, Re'

Fig. 3. Fully developed friction factor of 0.72 "LO carbopol solution

in tap water (n = 0.8) in 1 x 1 cm square duct; 0 0 Experimental
data [3], -Mansour-Rajie Eq. for 3 x lo3 < Re' < lo5.

ber of Metzner, Re', for the circular pipe, and to the conventional
Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter, Re, for a Newtonian
fluid in circular pipe flow [3].

3 Comparison between Proposed Equation

and Previous Work
1 000 LO 000 100 000 A numerical comparison of Eq. (3) with previous experimental and
&2-n theoretical data was conducted. A matrix of 2590 test points was
Reynolds Mlmber Re' = -
formed in the ranges (0.3 5 n 5 2.0) and (lo3 5 Re Ilo6), though
Fig. 1. Friction factor, Chart for Newtonian and non-Newtonian non-Newtonian fluids with generalized Reynolds number greater
fluids. than lo5 may not be of frequent practical interest due to the viscous
nature of most non-Newtonian fluids.
The absolute deviations relative to implicit equations and experimen-
I\ f,64
tal data were respectively computed from Eqs. (11) and (12)

where fi, and fexp are, respectively, the implicit and experimental
values off.
Figs. 1-4 show excellent agreement between the proposed equation
and other experimental and theoretical data. The mean absolute
deviation for both circular and non-circular ducts is about 0.8 %.

4 Conclusions and Recommendations

The presented formula is a very practical substitute for other formulas
presented in the literature for the calculation of friction factors for the
Fig. 2. Data of Koch and Feind [1958] for radius of 0.4 circular following reasons:
tube (Newtonian fluid); + +
Experimental data, - Mansour- 1. It is explicit and it predicts f directly without any iterational
Rajie Eq. for 3 x lo3 IRe' Ilo5. process.

Chem.-1ng.-Tech. 60 (1988) Nr. 4, S. 304-306 305

The efforts of Dr. Othmun Hamad of the Chemical Engineering
of University of Jordan during the course of this study is greatly ac-

Received: April 22, 1987 [K 9331

m Symbols used
c loo -
a, 6, c Geometric parameters, defined by Kozicki [2]
'1 D Internal pipe diameter
DH Hydraulic diameter (= area/perimeter)
5 E Deviation, defined by Eqs. (11) and (12)
c f Fanning friction factor, 2 z w / p V 2
G, lo-' K Constant in power-law model defined in Eq. (8)
n Non-Newtonian flow-behavior index.
r* Inside to outside diameter ratio of concentric annular duct
Re Newtonian Reynolds number, DVp/p
Re' Non-Newtonian generalized Reynolds number
D"V2-"p/[K(3n 1/4n)" W ' ]
Re* Generalized Reynolds number for non-circular ducts, de-
1 I 1 ,,,I L I 1 1 , . , , 1 I I 1 ,,,, fined in Eq. (4)
V Axial fluid velocity in duct
1o2 I o3 lo4 lo5
a Aspect ratio, short to long side ratio of rectangular duct
II Non-Newtonian absolute viscosity
Fig. 4. Friction factor for rectangular ducts for aspect ratios near 1:1, P Newtonian absolute viscosity
3:1, 1O:l and 26:l (Newtonian fluid); mo+OA A Experi- z Wall shear stress
mental data, -Mansour-Rajie Eq. for 3 x lo3 i Re' 5 lo5. P Fluid density
Function of Re' and n, defined in Eq. (4)
p" Function of Re' and n, defined in Eq. (5)
Q Geometry function defined in Eq. (10)
Q" Extended geometric function, defined in Eq. (9)
2. It is very accurate and reliable.
3. It is applicable for non-Newtonian fluids as well as Newtonian
ones. References
4. It is applicable for both circular and non-circular ducts.
5. After further modifications in the exponential part of the equa- [l] Dodge, D. W.; Metzner, A. B.: AIChE J. 5 (1959) p. 189.
tion, it may be used for all ranges of flow, i. e. for laminar, transition, [2] Kozicki, W.; Chou, C. H.; Tiu, C.:Chem. Eng. Sci. 21 (1966)
p. 665.
and turbulent flows.
[3] Kostic, M.; Hurtnett, J. P.: Int. Comm. Heat. Mass Transfer 12
In conclusion, it can be said that the proposed equation may be con- (1984) p. 345.
sidered a primary stepping stone towards developing a universal equa- [4] Meter, D . M.; Bird, R. B.: AIChE J. 30 (1964) p. 878.
tion for all fluids and ducts, and for all flow regimes and conditions. [5] Mansour, A. R.; Rujie, 0.: Chem.-1ng.-Tech. 59 (1987) Nr. 4,
Furthermore, it may serve as a basis for unifying the analysis of differ- p. 330.
ent processes of mass, heat, and momentum. [6] Metzner, A. B.; Reed, J . C.: AIChE J. Z(1955) p. 434.

Entscheidungskriterienfur Einstrang- 1 Zuverlassigkeit und Dauerverfugbarkeit

und Mehrstrang-Anlagen Vereinfacht betrachtet existieren fur ein Element einer technischen
Anlage bzw. auch fur die gesamte Anlage zwei Zustande: ,in Betrieb"
Ulrich Otto und Hans-Georg Schecker* (Zustand I) und ,auler Betrieb" (Zustand 11). Der Ubergang von Zu-
stand I nach I1 wird durch die Ausfallrate Aangegeben, der Ubergang
In vielen Bereichen der Technik findet man sowohl einstrangige als von I1 nach I durch die Instandsetzungs-(Inbetriebnahme-)rate v.
auch mehrstrangige Fuhrung von Anlagenteilen bzw. von ganzen An- Hierbei gilt:
lagen, z. B. bei der redundanten Ausfuhrung von Pumpen oder Pro- mittlerer Ausfallzeitabstand, MTBF (mean time between failures) =
duktionsstrangen. Die Entscheidung fur die moglichen Alternativen l/A, mittlere Auler-Betrieb-Zeit (mean down time) = l/v.
wird dabei nach verschiedenen, z. T. empirischen Kriterien getroffen. Die mittlere Auler-Betrieb-Zeit beinhaltet die Zeit fur die Fehler-
Es stellt sich dabei die Frage, wieweit sich die jeweils denkbaren Al- Erkennung sowie die Zeiten fur das Abfahren des Anlagenteils, fur
ternativen (Einstrang, Zweistrang, Mehrstrang) in ihrer Zuverlassig- die Reparatur sowie fur das Anfahren und ist somit weiter gefalt als
keit und in ihrer Wirtschaftlichkeit unterscheiden. Ziel der hier vor- die ,,mean time to repair", MTTR.
liegenden Arbeit sol1 es daher sein, fur einen gegebenen Prozel Aus- Die Dauerverfugbarkeit A einer Anlage gibt an, wie lange sich eine
sagen uber die Verfugbarkeit und die Wirtschaftlichkeit der einzelnen Anlage uber einen groleren Zeitraum gemittelt in Zustand I befin-
Alternativen abzuleiten. det:

* Cand. Ing. U. Otto und Prof. Dr. H.-G. Schecker, Univ. Dortmund,
Abteilung Chemietechnik, Postfach 50 05 00, 4600 Dortmund
50. G1. (1) gilt fur eine Einstrang-Anlage. Fur die moglichen Zustande

306 Chem.-1ng.-Tech. 60 (1988) Nr. 4,S. 306-308 0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1988
0009-286X/88/0404-0306 $ 02.50/0

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