The Fight Within

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Diet & nutrition

The fight within

sleep disturbances, headaches Common GI issues include Marcus, an eight-year-old increasingly recognised. Enzyme
and migraines, epilepsy, hearing constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, autistic patient of ours, had deficiency can be an issue in a
and vision impairment, auto- microbiome imbalances and become increasingly uncooperative significant number of children. In a
immune conditions, hypertension, enzyme deficiencies. and aggressive over a two-to-three- subset of children, an adequately
and type 1 diabetes. A non-verbal seven-year-old boy year period following a viral illness monitored diet without gluten and
Parents may despair when their autistic However, autistic individuals
experiencing pain or discomfort
with chronic constipation and
significant behavioural problems,
at age five. Tests revealed that he
had raised antibodies to
often without dairy has successfully
reduced symptoms and sometimes
child becomes aggressive, because there is may not be able to identify the
physical location of that pain/
including biting himself and others,
was assessed by our clinic. We
streptococcal bacteria, as well as
signs of reactivation of Epstein Barr
alleviated them completely.
Removing food colourings,
Stella Chadwick is the
founder of

little medical understanding or help to stop it. discomfort within their body. They
often end up having their
gave him appropriate supplements
to help with constipation and
virus. Working with a medical team,
we found the usual antibiotics did
additives, and phenol-containing
foods (found in berries, apples,
Brainstorm Health®
and an experienced

But aggression is often driven by underlying symptoms dismissed.

It is not surprising that, for some
carried out lab tests that showed
an intolerance of dairy products, so
not make a difference. He
subsequently underwent a
tomatoes, cheese and many other
coloured fruits and vegetables) can
nutritional and
biomedical consultant
health issues. Nutritionist Stella Chadwick in extreme discomfort, these these were removed from his diet. tonsillectomy, which improved his be a complete game-changer. You who specialises in
conditions can manifest in Within four weeks, he opened his symptoms significantly. With dietary will find a detailed article about the working with adults
highlights the many causes to consider aggressive outbursts. A recent bowels daily and aggressive changes and micro-immunotherapy, impact of phenols and salicylates and young children
example in our clinic was a outbursts reduced significantly. his symptoms were almost gone (another kind of natural chemical on the autism
Aggression in autistic people is conditions than the general 17-year-old man with severe autism within six months. made by plants) on behaviour, sleep spectrum. www.
often seen as “part of autism”. population. They also consistently and a history of unexplained Chronic infections and cognition in the spring 2021 brainstormhealth.
Rarely are medical investigations face barriers in accessing aggression. He was found to have Infections can be a GI issue, Allergies and edition of Autism Eye Magazine,
carried out to ascertain if there may appropriate medical care. The high a Helicobacter Pylori infection. perhaps of yeast or bacterial intolerances available from the back issues
be a treatable cause of what prevalence of comorbidity has Once the infection was eradicated, overgrowth. They can also take Allergic reactions are recognised page on the Autism Eye website.
appears to be a behavioural issue. been confirmed in the US by the the aggressive behaviour stopped. the form of a persistent causative factors of anxiety and A five-year-old girl with
But our children don’t harm Centers for Disease Control and streptococcal infection. When we mood disorders, including regressive autism came to us with
themselves or others or behave Prevention, as well as by large- Gastrointestinal issues look closer we often find there are aggressive behaviour. Other key episodic aggressive outbursts,
aggressively for no reason. It is scale studies examining the records Gastrointestinal (GI) issues are additional viral issues that are symptoms include an inability to frequent night-waking, and very
their way of communicating that of 2.5 million adult autism patients. In pain: significantly over-represented in contributing to mood instability and fall asleep, hyperactivity, daytime smelly stools. Tests revealed a
something in their body feels wrong. Conditions can include gastrointestinal autism. They can often be related behavioural symptoms. fatigue, poor concentration and high reaction to gluten, dairy and
persistent upper respiratory issues are to problem behaviours, including Appropriate tests can help to excessive sweating. soya. Within six weeks of removing
Is it medical? infections, dental pain, ear and common in aggression, obsessive-compulsive ascertain the infectious agents, Checking for celiac disease the offending foods, sleep and
Children and adults on the autism sinus infections, food and inhalant autism and can disorder (OCD), sensory which can then be addressed with should be standard, but it is also bowel movements normalised, and
spectrum are at a much higher risk allergies, asthma and atopic lead to problem processing difficulties, anxiety, a combination of medical and important to note the issue of non- aggressive outbursts were almost
of suffering from various medical dermatitis, gastrointestinal issues, behaviours irritability, and dis-regulated sleep. biomedical approaches. celiac gluten sensitivity, which is entirely resolved.

Our children don’t harm

themselves or others or
behave aggressively towards
others for no reason”

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Diet & nutrition

Online learning for parents,

carers and professionals
The unsavoury
Access trusted, side of sugar
Blood-sugar imbalance has to be one of

flexible and affordable

the most significant issues in the children
we assess. Kids addicted to carbohydrates
and refined sugar often have blood sugar
that goes super high and then crashes Five-to-one

autism learning rule for shop-

throughout the day. If you have ever felt ‘hangry’
(bad-tempered as a result of hunger), you will have a small
insight into the world of someone with uncontrolled blood- bought snacks
sugar balance. Simply put, ensure that you serve protein and We know parents have to rely on
healthy fat with any carbohydrates: this will slow down digestion packaged foods sometimes, and
Brought to you by the organisers of The Autism Show, we share in-depth knowledge and release the sugar from the carbohydrates into the bloodstream these are often very high in sugar
more steadily. and carbohydrates. A simple hack
on key topics to help you at home and in the workplace. Starting the day with a breakfast full of protein and fat instead of the usual is to ensure that the carbohydrate-
carb-heavy one of cereal and milk is a good move. Once blood sugar swings out of to-protein ratio is no more than 5:1.
Join us for live and interactive learning on Zoom webinars, or stream webinars at balance, it’s hard to get it back under control. A full-fat yoghurt with berries and For instance, a ‘cereal bar’ with 25g
your own pace over 30 days. nuts or seeds is a good swap for cereal. Remember there’s no such thing as
‘breakfast food’, so if your child wants sausages with some veg for breakfast, that’s great!
of carbs should contain at least five
grams of protein to balance it out.

Whichever option you choose, you’ll be gaining an exclusive audience with a hand
picked team of renowned autism professionals, who’ll explore the practical symptoms can be completely
Behaviours that may indicate an underlying alleviated. Our clinic assessed a
approaches which can make a real difference. Here are just a few of the areas we cover: illness, pain or discomfort
16-year-old girl with a diagnosis of
autism and PANDAS (short for
 oss of previously lW
 alking on toes chewing on clothes Pediatric Autoimmune
acquired skills lC
 overing ears with hands lR
 epetitive rocking or Neuropsychiatric Disorders
l S udden change in lP
 osturing or seeking other new repetitive Associated with Streptococcal
behaviour pressure to specific area movement Infections). She suffered with
l Irritability and low mood l B
 ehaviour around l S
 obbing ‘for no reason depression, anxiety and aggressive
l T antrums and evacuation at all’ outbursts, which had become
oppositional behaviour l A
 ggression: onset of, or l V
 ocal expressions: increasingly pronounced over the
l F requent night-waking or increase in, aggressive moaning, groaning, previous three years.
general sleep disturbance behaviour sighing, whining She was found to have low
l T ooth grinding l F
 acial grimacing or brow l A
 gitation: pacing, ferritin (a blood protein that
l C hange in appetite or furrowing, wincing, tics jumping up and down contains iron), low vitamin D, and
dietary preferences l S
 elf-injurous behaviour: l B
 linking, sudden extremely low levels of lithium and
l H eightened anxiety and/ biting, hitting/slapping screaming, spinning and other minerals.
or avoidance bahaviours face, head-banging, fixed look She was also found to have
l T apping or touching unexplained increase in significant intolerance to eggs.
behaviour (for example, self-injury Removing the problem food,
fingertapping on throat) l C
 onstant eating/drinking/ Source: Medical Comorbidities in replenishing missing nutrients and
l S ensory hyper- swallowing (‘grazing’ Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Primer using adrenal-supportive
responsivity: hyperacusis behaviour) for Health Care Professional and Policy supplements turned things around
(low tolerance of sound), l F
 requent clearing of Makers, Second Edition, Prepared by for her within two weeks.
tactile defensiveness, throat, swallowing Thinking Autism, ESPA Research and
sensitivity to light l M
 outhing behaviours: Autism Treatment Trust Other considerations
There are several other conditions
to consider. These include absent
Stress hormones relating to the gene responsible for seizures, reactions to medications,
It will come as little surprise that processing stress hormones. low cholesterol, auto-immune
many individuals on the autism But the body is often under conditions, mitochondrial disorders
spectrum have pronounced fight- constant stress from chronic and cerebral folate deficiency, all
or-flight responses. They can react infections, gut dysbiosis, food of which can contribute to
in what seems like an exaggerated allergies, immune disregulations aggressive outbursts and mood

For more information visit way to situations, and it can take
them a long time to calm their
nervous system down. This can be
and nutrient deficiencies.
Assessing and addressing the
root contributors to the stress
disorders. In this article, I have
highlighted our most common
findings in our practice.
partly due to genetic response is the only way to To learn more, visit www.
Accredited by Media Partners Organised by
polymorphisms (multiple forms of achieve long-term gain and reduce and www.
PARK the same gene in different people) symptoms. In some cases,
CONFERENCES Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 4 7 53

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