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My name is John and I am into Comics, Movies, Artwork, Painting, Rock'n'Roll and Music in General and
Pop-Culture in particular. I enjoy polite discussions and requests!


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Superman Model Sheets, by Curt Swan.


Wat? Pink skin and blue hair?

Consider when this was produced, and where it was supposed to be

used. Comics used to be Buscar ungoliantschilde
published Criar conta
on newsprint. Mass reproduction Seguir ungoliantschilde
is the key idea for illustrative and comic book artwork.

Now. As an experiment, draw someone with black hair. Not dark

brown. Raven black hair. Hair is not one color. It shimmers and it
reflects light. It’s millions upon millions of strands that from a distance
look like one color. So, raven black hair. In the sun. Is it so black that
it’s just an ink blot on top of Superman’s head? No, probably not. A
lot of it is black, but the parts highlighted by the sun are not blonde or
gray either. They are a dark, almost black shade of deep blue.

So, yes: dark blue is the best for coloring the highlights of a person
with black hair.

As for skin, Caucasian people do not have pink skin. Black People do
not have black skin. Asian people are not yellow.


Curt Swan drew Superman in the ‘60s and ‘70s. No photoshop, no

computers, and the paper was the same paper used by newspapers.
Thin, and the colors rubbed off on your fingers. Comics also sold for
between .15 and .35 cents. That means they were produced for as
little cost as possible, with as many copies sold as possible. Low
quality + high volume is how comic book companies made the most
of their money. Especially when the fanbase was kids who did not
know any better. The mid 70s was an artistic awakening in comics,
the fanbase has gotten older and the stories and art had to grow to
please that emerging market.

Pink skin because Superman is Caucasian and these model sheets

were created as guides for in-house use by the DC Comics art
department, who’s mandate was to make as much money as
possible while spending as little money as possible on producing
their commodity: comic books.

#Curt Swan
#Superman Model Sheets Portfolio
#Clark Kent
#Kal El
#Master Class

1.248 notas
set. 23rd, 2018


#Curt Swan
#Clark Kent
#Kal El

#Master Class
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Superman Model Sheets, by Curt Swan.


Wat? Pink skin and blue hair?


Consider when this was produced, and where it was supposed to be

used. Comics used to be published on newsprint. Mass reproduction
is the key idea for illustrative and comic book artwork.

Now. As an experiment, draw someone with black hair. Not dark

brown. Raven black hair. Hair is not one color. It shimmers and it
reflects light. It’s millions upon millions of strands that from a distance
look like one color. So, raven black hair. In the sun. Is it so black that
it’s just an ink blot on top of Superman’s head? No, probably not. A
lot of it is black, but the parts highlighted by the sun are not blonde or
gray either. They are a dark, almost black shade of deep blue.

So, yes: dark blue is the best for coloring the highlights of a person
with black hair.
t b ac a

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As for skin, Caucasian people do not have pink skin. Black People do
not have black skin. Asian people are not yellow.


Curt Swan drew Superman in the ‘60s and ‘70s. No photoshop, no

computers, and the paper was the same paper used by newspapers.
Thin, and the colors rubbed off on your fingers. Comics also sold for
between .15 and .35 cents. That means they were produced for as
little cost as possible, with as many copies sold as possible. Low
quality + high volume is how comic book companies made the most
of their money. Especially when the fanbase was kids who did not
know any better. The mid 70s was an artistic awakening in comics,
the fanbase has gotten older and the stories and art had to grow to
please that emerging market.

Pink skin because Superman is Caucasian and these model sheets

were created as guides for in-house use by the DC Comics art
department, who’s mandate was to make as much money as
possible while spending as little money as possible on producing
their commodity: comic books.
#Curt Swan
#Superman Model Sheets Portfolio
#Clark Kent
#Kal El
#Master Class

1.248 notas

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the Superman Special # 1 Portolfio (1992)

from the top:

Barry Windsor-Smith.

Frank Miller.

Curt Swan, with Inks by Art Thibert.

Michael Golden.

Jon J. Muth.

Todd McFarlane.

Geof Darrow.
#the Superman Special Portfolio
#Master Class
#Barry Windsor-Smith
#Barry Windsor Smith
#Barry Smith
#Frank Miller
#Curt Swan
#Art Thibert
#Michael Golden
#Jon J. Muth
#Todd McFarlane
#Geof Darrow
#Clark Kent
#Kal El
#Lois Lane

159 notas
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the cover to Action Comics (1938) #305 by Curt Swan and George
#Clark Kent
#Curt Swan
#George Klein
#Action Comics
#Master Class

60 notas
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Action Comics, Vol. 1 # 583 by Curt Swan, with Inks by Murphy
Anderson.   Buscar ungoliantschilde Criar conta Seguir ungoliantschilde

this was part 2 of the “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?”

storyline that Alan Moore wrote, and Kurt Schaffenberger inked Curt
Swan’s interior artwork for this issue. This was also the last
significant time that Curt Swan worked on Superman.

#Curt Swan
#Murphy Anderson
#Kurt Schaffenberger
#Alan Moore
#Action Comics
#Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow
#DC Comics
#Master Class

20 notas
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Superman, Vol. 1 # 423 by Curt Swan, with Inks by Murphy


This is part 1 of “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?”, and

the interiors were Inked by George Perez. This cover, and the cover
for part 2 of this story are the last of the “Swanderson” Superman
covers, and they are the last time that Curt Swan worked on the
character he defined.

Curt Swan is, hands down, the best
Buscar Superman artist of all time. Criar conta
ungoliantschilde Seguir ungoliantschilde

#Curt Swan
#Murphy Anderson
#George Perez
#Alan Moore
#Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow
#DC Comics
#Master Class
#Cover Process

17 notas
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Superman by Curt Swan, with Inks by Jerry Ordway.

plate # 5 in the History of the DC Universe Portfolio.

#Curt Swan
#Jerry Ordway
#the History of the DC Universe Portfolio
#Master Class

59 notas

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Superman by Curt Swan, with Inks by Jerry Ordway.

plate # 5 in the History of the DC Universe Portfolio.

#curt swan
#jerry ordway
#the history of the dc universe portfolio
#master class

59 notas

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Superman: Secret Origins #3, Page 26 by Gary Frank & Jon Sibal


It is my belief that Gary Frank is the definitive Superman artist of the

last decade. The guy is like a modern version of Curt Swan. And his
use of Christopher Reeve as a model for his depictions of the Man of
Steel is an inspired, yet reverentially nostalgic choice that works
perfectly. For me, Gary Frank drawing Superman was an absolute joy
to read.

I honestly did not care too much for the completely unnecessary
Superman: Secret Origins mini, but his Action Comics work with
Geoff Johns was awesome. As far as the miniseries is concerned,
my issue was not with the artwork in anyway (It was just a bit of a
completely unnecessary book, and it paled in comparison to
Superman: Birthright in terms of content). The artwork was gorgeous
though, as is plain to see from the images above!
#Superman: Secret Origins
#Gary Frank
#Jon Sibal
#Geoff Johns
#Lois Lane
#Clark Kent
#Kal El
#Splash Page Process
#Splash Page

184 notas

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DC Comics Presents #87 - “Year of the Commet” (1985)

written by Elliot S. Maggin

art by Curt Swan, Al WIlliamson, & Gene D'Angelo


I don’t make a huge habit of reposting something I wasn’t directly

involved in, but I really really really like this issue and maybe by
some horrible chance you’ve never read it.


As usual, Doc’s right. It was a fantastic issue. One of those

Superman books that reminds you about why you like Superman.

I had forgotten that Curt Swan was inked by Al Williamson in this

issue. So… Yeah. It’s… it’s gorgeous. The best Superman artist from
the Silver-Bronze era, with Inks by probably the best of all time.
Yeah It’s a pretty book
Yeah… It s a pretty book.

 Buscar
It is also the first or second ungoliantschilde
in-cannon Criar conta
meeting between Earth One Seguir ungoliantschilde

Superman and Superboy Prime.

Making the fact that Superboy Prime became… Well, read Infinite
Crisis. But suffice to say that Superboy Prime in Infinite Crisis was a
gut punch basically because of the issue Doc just reblogged.
#Superboy Prime
#DC Comics Presents
#Elliot S. Maggin
#Curt Swan
#Al Williamson
#Gene D'Angelo

380 notas
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warm-up sketches and cover roughs by John Buscema

#John Buscema
#Master Class
#Conan the Barbarian
#Captain America
#Nick Fury
#Red Sonja

69 notas

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