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Pratical Report II

Thazin Linn
Assignment II
Thazin Linn

Test No.1 : Determination of Specific Gravity of Portland Cement

Objective : To determine the weight per unit volume of the cement particles

Apparatus : Specific gravity bottle, stopper, flask, balance and weights, kerosene free
from water

Procedure : (1) A sample of cement weighing 20 g is taken.

(2) The weight of the specific gravity bottle, including the stopper, and the
flask with kerosene to a point marked on the bottle is taken.
(3) The weight of the kerosene in the bottle is determined and the specific
gravity of kerosene is calculated.
(4) A small portion of the kerosene is taken from the bottle and a known
weight of cement (20g) is slowly introduced into the bottle being careful
no to have any of the cement adhere to the side of the bottle above the
liquid level.
(5) The weight of the kerosene displaced is determined by the cement with
this known weight calculated the weight of equal volume of water.
(6) Knowing the weight of the cement simple, and the weight of equal
volume of water it displaced; the specific gravity of the cement is

Wt. of cement = 20 g
Wt. of specific gravity bottle (w1) = 60.5 g
Wt. of bottle + kerosene (w2) = 139.6 g
Wt. of bottle + kerosene + cement (w3) = 154.24 g
Wt. of bottle + kerosene + cement (w2 + 20) = 159.6 g
Wt. of 20cc kerosene (w2 + 20 – w3) = 5.36 g
Specific gravity of kerosene = 0.79
Specific gravity of cement = 2.951

Conclusion : Basically, specific gravity defines that the substance is how much heavier
than water in reference substance of the same volume. The specific gravity of cement is
not an indication of the cement’s quality; its principle use is in mix design calculations.

Test 3 : Determination of specific gravity of coarse aggregates.

Objective : To determine the specific gravity of coarse aggregate for the use in concrete

Apparatus : Balance and weights: Graduate Flask

Procedure : (1) A 50g sample is selected which shall be as representative as possible of

the coarse aggregate. Spread the sample out on a flat surface and allow to
air dry until the surface moisture has evaporated and the material is freely
flowing. It is mixed thoroughly and weighed out in gram.
(2) The flask is filled to 100 cc. Marks on the lower neck with water at room
temperature, pure into the flask slowly the 50g. Sample of coarse aggregate
contents to free any entrained air. The combined volume in cc. or the upper
neck of the flask.
(3) The specific gravity is calculated from the formula:
500 50
Specific gravity = 𝑉−200 : 𝑉−100

Where V = the combined volume in cc of the water of coarse aggr in the

flask. Duplicate determination should be agreed within 0.05.
Wt. of coarse aggregate. = 50 g
Wt. of water in flask V = 100 cc
Combined volume V1 = 120 cc
Volume of aggregate V1 – V = 20 cc
𝑤𝑡.𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒
Specific gravity of aggregate = 𝑉𝑜𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒

= 50/20 = 2.5

Test 3 : Determination of specific gravity of coarse aggregates.

Objective : To determine the specific gravity of coarse aggregate for the use in concrete

Apparatus : Balance and weights: Graduate Flask

Procedure : (1) A 50g sample is selected which shall be as representative as possible of

the coarse aggregate. Spread the sample out on a flat surface and allow to
air dry until the surface moisture has evaporated and the material is freely
flowing. It is mixed thoroughly and weighed out in gram.
(2) The flask is filled to 100 cc. Marks on the lower neck with water at room
temperature, pure into the flask slowly the 50g. Sample of coarse aggregate
contents to free any entrained air. The combined volume in cc. or the upper
neck of the flask.
(3) The specific gravity is calculated from the formula:
500 50
Specific gravity = 𝑉−200 : 𝑉−100

Where V = the combined volume in cc of the water of coarse aggr in the

flask. Duplicate determination should be agreed within 0.05.

Wt. of coarse aggregate. = 500 g

Wt. of water in flask V = 200 cc
Combined volume V1 = 395 cc
Volume of aggregate V1 – V = 195 cc
𝑤𝑡.𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒
Specific gravity of aggregate = 𝑉𝑜𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒

= 500/195 = 2.56

Test 4 : Sieve analysis of fine (sand) and coarse (gravel) aggregate

Scope : This method of test covers procedure of the determination of the particle
size distribution of fine and coarse aggregates using sieve with square
openings. This method is also applicable to the use of lab. Screens with round

Apparatus : (a) the balance of scale sensitive to within 0.4 percent of the weight of
sample to be tested.
(b) Sieves: (ASTM) ¾”, 3/8”, No.4, 16, 30, 50 and 100.
(B.S.S) ¾”, 3/8”, 3/16”, No.7, 14, 25, 52 and 100.

Samples : Samples for sieve analysis shall be obtained from the mat to the tested by
the use of a sample splitter or by the quartering method shall thoroughly
mixed in the moist condition.
Wt. of fine agg for sieve analysis …………………….500g
Wt. of course agg (3/4” max) ………………………….5000g

Procedure : (a) The sample shall be separated into a series of sizes using such sieve as are
necessary to determine compliance with the specified for the material under
test. The sieving shall be conducted by means of a lateral and vertical motions
of the sieve, accompany by jarring action so is to keep the sample moving
continuously over the surface of he sieve. In no case shall he fragments in the
sample be turned or manipulated through sieve by hand. Sieving shall be
continued until not more than 1 percent by wt. of the residue passes any sieve
during 1 min. (The British standard Stipulates that each sieve should be sheens
separately for at least 2 min and until only a trace of the mat passes ft.)
(b) The wt. of each size shall be determined on a scale or balance to within
or percent of the weight.

Sieve wt. wt. of percent Accumulated Percent

Sr. No clearing sieve + sand retained percent passing
sieve g
mm sand retained % retained %

4 4.75 422 423.5 1.5 0.3 0.33 99.67

8 2.38 388 389 1 0.2 0.53 99.47
16 1.18 324 325.5 1.5 0.3 0.83 99.17
30 0.6 328 336.5 8.5 1.7 2.53 97.47
50 0.3 321 452 131 26.3 28.83 71.17
100 0.15 327.5 651.5 334 66.8 95.7 4.3
200 0.075 306 317.5 11.5 2.3 98 2
pan 0 231 241 10 2 100 0

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑

Fineness modulus = 100

= 128/100
= 1.28
Test no.5 : determination of normal consistency of Portland cement

Object : the determination of the amount of mixing water to make a cement paste
of a given consistency. The cement paste of normal consistency is 0.78 of that
required to give a paste which will permit the vicar plunger to penetrate to
a point 5 to 7 mm from the bottom of the Vicat mould.

Procedure : (1) 400 g of cement is mixed with 20% of water in the following manner.

(2) The cement is placed on a non-absorbent surface which has not been
moistened. From a carter and the water is poured in. The material is
turned on the outbred towards the center with the towel. After an interval
for the absorption of the water, complete the operation be continuous
vigorous mixing, squeezing and kneading with the hands.

(3) The paste turns quickly into a ball with the hands with the ball resting
in the palm of one hand, press the paste into the larger end of the mound
hold in the other hand. Remove the excess paste on a glass plate with a
single stroke of the trowel. The top is smoothened if necessary. The elapsed
time from the moment to adding water to the dry cement to completing
the filling of the mound shall not be more than 5 min.

(4) The sample is placed under the plunger. The plunger is brought into
contact with the surface of the paste and is released quickly. Allowing it to
sink into the sample.

(5) If the first trail does not give the desired penetration, repent the test
using now batch of cement with a different amount of mixing water.
repeat until desired consistency is obtained.

Conclusion : Tests are performed to determine of a cement paste remains plastic long
enough to permit normal placing of concrete. The length of time that a
concrete mixture reaming plastic generally depends more upon setting
time of cement.
Mix design calculation

[Design parameter]

-an unreinforced, air-entrained cubic

-in cold climate
-no statical data
-three 15 cm3 blocks
-28 days compressive strength M.R=30MPa


Step 1,
From table 7, the required mix design strength
Fc’= 30+8.3= 38.3MPa

Step 2, water cement ratio:

From table 9, for 38.8MPa, w/c= 0.39
Use w/c = 0.39

Step 3, maximum size of aggregate:

Max aggregate= 1” (or) 25 mm

Step 4, air content:

From table 10, max aggregate 25mm air content=4%
From table 11, Moderate exposure, air content= 4%
Use air content=4%

Step 5, Desired slump:

From table 6, slump = 25mm to 75mm

Step 6, quantity of ingredients for 1m3 concrete

From table 5, volume of coarse aggregate= 0.8m3
Weight of coarse aggregate= 0.8×1731=1384.8kg=1385kg
From table 11, Slump 25mm, maximum aggregate=25mm
Approximate water=122kg
Weight of cement= 122×1/0.39=312.8kg=313kg
From table 8, Maximum cement content=335kg
Use cement content=335kg
Coarse aggregate=1385/2.85×1000=0.486m3
Fine aggregate= 1-(0.04+0.114+0.486+0.122) =0.238m3
Weight of fine aggregate=0.238×2.4×1000=571kg
Ingredients for 1m3 of concrete
Fine aggregate=571kg
Coarse aggregate=1385kg

Slump test

Object : to determine the consistence of concrete when the normal maximum size
of aggregate does not exceed 3.74 “

Apparatus : slump testing apparatus teaming rod , balance and weights and
measuring cylinder .
Procedure : (1)Cement concrete is mixed with water cement ratio.

(2)The mound is placed on hard , level impervious surface and fill with
concrete which should be placed for successive layers of approximately 3 “.
Each layer should be rodded 25 times . the strokes should be distributed in
a uniform manner over a cross section of the mound and for second and
subsequent layers should penetrate into the underlying layer. The bottom
layer should be tamped throughout its depth. Care must be taken that
the cone does not lift while rodding is in progress.

(3)Strike concrete off level with top f cone and immediately lift cone clear
of concrete taking care that concrete is knocked and stand along side.

(4) Measure the distance the concrete subsides. This is known as the

Conclusion :From the pratical test our concrete falls 2 inches and the standard slump
is between 2 inches to 3 inches . So our concrete was qualified . when
mixing the coarse aggregates absorb water from the mixture which caused
the water in the water cement ratio to be decreased so if we added more
water the slump would be more fall off.
Compressive strength

Compressive strength is the ability of material or structure to carry the loads on its
surface without any crack or deflection. A material under compression tends to reduce
the size, while in tension, size elongates. Compressive strength of concrete cube test
provides an idea about all the characteristics of concrete. By this single test one judge
that whether Concreting has been done properly or not. Concrete compressive strength
for general construction varies from 15 MPa (2200 psi) to 30 MPa (4400 psi) and
higher in commercial and industrial structures. Compressive strength of concrete
depends on many factors such as water-cement ratio, cement strength, quality of
concrete material, quality control during production of concrete etc.

The procedure of making concrete tubes for compressive strength test

(1) Wt. of cement, coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, cement is carried out as
in the exact weight from mixed design calculation.
(2) The cement and fine aggregate are mixed on a water tight none-absorbent
platform until the mixture is thoroughly blended and is of uniform color.
(3) Add the coarse aggregate and mix with cement and fine aggregate until the
coarse aggregate is uniformly distributed throughout the batch.
(4) Add water and mix it until the concrete appears to be homogeneous and of
the desired consistency
(5) After the sample has been remixed, immediately fill the cube moulds and
compact the concrete by hand, compact each layer with not 25 strokes per
layer and did that for 3 layers using a tamping rod.
(6) Level the top surface and smoothen it with a trowel.
(7) After 24 hours removed the specimen from the mound and keep submerges
in water until taken out for breaking. ( for around 7 days )
(8) The compressive strength of the cubes should not be less than 1600. Lb/in in at
3 days and shall show an increase on the 3 days strength sand be not less than
2500 lb/in^2 seven days
Note that depending on the water cement ratio, fineness of aggregates and inexact
times of strokes per layer and the arm strength given to make strokes there can be
uneven layer and voids and strength different from one cubes to another.

Procedure for compressive test

(1) Remove the specimen from water after specified curing time and wipe out excess
water from the surface.
(2) Take the dimension of the specimen
(3) Clean the bearing surface of the testing machine
(4) Place the specimen in the machine in such a manner that the load shall be
applied to the opposite sides of the cube cast.
(5) Align the specimen centrally on the base plate of the machine.
(6) Rotate the movable portion gently by hand so that it touches the top surface of
the specimen.
(7) Apply the load.

Properties of concrete (15 cm^3 cubes )

Slump = 15mm

Strength (7days) = 18 MPa

Strength ( 28 days) = 27.69 MPa

Target strength (28 days ) = 30 MPa

Properties of concrete ( 15 cm diameter cylinder)

Strength (7 days ) = 14MPa

Strength ( 28 days ) = 21.6 MPa

Target strength (28 days ) = 23.4 MPa


I think that the target strength and the actual pratical strength vary because of the
facts that the fineness nodulus of the aggregate are so small, inexact times of strokes
per layer and the arm strength given to make strokes are not the same and the
cement we used are not from the new-opened bag and the coarse aggregate are not
first soaked with water , so they absorbed the water when mixed causing the water in
the mixture to decrease . because of the above factors the concrete cubes break and
didn’t have the target strength.

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