When Were You Under Me

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When Were You Under Me?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/41383779.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Character: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Howie "Chimney" Han,
Bobby Nash, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Ravi Panikkar, Original Male
Additional Tags: Pining Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Jealous Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Getting
Together, First Kiss, Light Angst, Biting, So many kisses, Light Choking,
Possessive Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Not Actually Unrequited Love, based
on a scene from the show FRIENDS, Idiots in Love, Light breathplay,
Use of obnoxious names for oc, Implied Sexual Content
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-08-30 Words: 6160

When Were You Under Me?

by Jujubee326


“You’re over me?” Buck whispers.

“Oh dios” Eddie cries as he slowly slips off of Buck.

“What, uh. You’re, you’re over me?”

That is when Eddie starts to really panic. He’s on the verge of an actual panic attack. He
quickly walks to the couch and plummets face down while he continuously whispers “oh
dios” to himself.

“When, when were you under me?” Buck asks as he walks in after Eddie.

Or that infamous Ross and Rachel moment in FRIENDS, but make it Buck and Eddie.


FRIENDS is one of my all time favorite comfort shows. I was watching this episode the
other day and just thought, “Hmm imagine this but with Buck & Eddie.” And well here we

I hope you guys enjoy

See the end of the work for more notes

Four months.

It’s been four fucking months since Zeus has been in Buck’s life and Eddie has hated every single
minute of it.

Honestly who even names their child Zeus when he does not in fact look like Zeus. I mean sure
some may think he’s attractive, with his slicked back, jet black hair, and his piercing green eyes,
and his broad shoulders that give Buck’s a run for their money. And sure, maybe he’s taller than
Eddie by an inch and has a nice smile. But Eddie stands by his initial assessment. Who names their
child Zeus?

Eddie hates Zeus. Because Buck has been dating Zeus for four months now and slowly breaking
Eddie’s heart with each passing day.

You see, just when Eddie thought enough time had passed since Buck broke up with Taylor and he
wanted to come out to Buck, while simultaneously asking him out on a date, Buck told him he was
casually seeing Zeus.

Eddie had to plaster on his best smile while he told Buck how happy he was for him. Then, that
night he tried really hard not to cry himself to sleep. It didn’t work, but he did allow himself that
one night to fully mourn the loss of what he could’ve had.

It would’ve been fine if Eddie hadn’t accidentally overheard Buck tell Bobby that the reason he
was even seeing Zeus was to get over his feelings for Eddie. Eddie? Buck liked Eddie and he didn’t
think he had a chance with him because Eddie hid his true feelings from Buck. He never told him
about his sexuality and how he’s come to terms with the fact that he’s gay. So naturally, Buck
gave Zeus a chance and things seem to be going very well for the pair.

Since then, Eddie has tried to be supportive. He just doesn't care to ask much about Zeus. He loves
Buck, he does, but he thinks he will actually commit a crime if he has to hear about how
wonderfully Zeus works with his hands one more goddamn time.

Because he should be the one showing Buck how talented his hands are. He should be the one who
gets to love Buck unconditionally. But that chance was taken away from him because he was too

Unfortunately for Eddie, working 50 some hours with the love of your life isn’t helpful when said
love is dating someone else and constantly bringing him up.

Like today for instance. Buck is talking about how Zeus suggested they get a cat and he’s worried
they’re moving too quickly.

“I mean it’s only been what, 3 months since you guys have been dating?” Hen asks what everyone
is wondering.

“Four,” Eddie replies instead while rolling his eyes.

“Yeah it’s been four months. Thanks Eddie,” huffs Buck.

“I just, I don’t know. It seems as if he’s moving way too quickly and I don’t know if I’m ready to
be cat parents with him ya know?”
Eddie glances at his best friend and sees him worrying his lip. He seems nervous and Eddie wishes
he could reach out and comfort him. But he needs to follow his own set boundaries to prevent his
heart from further damage.

“Buck, it's just a cat. He’s not asking you to move in,” Bobby offers.

Eddie sees Buck’s whole body shiver. Hm seems like Buck isn’t all that excited about his new
boyfriend. No, he needs to stop with this hopeful back and forth thing.

“That’s the thing. First it’s coparenting a cat. Then he moves in. Then he asks me to meet his
parents and before I know it we’re getting married.”

Eddie honestly cannot be here because if he has to imagine Buck getting married to a man named
Zeus, he thinks that panic attack will be his official undoing.

He stands up to leave, but before he even can get a chance to walk away, Chimney says, “You're
worried about coparenting a cat when you’ve been coparenting a child for 5 years?”

Buck drops his coffee mug and it shatters all over the station kitchen floor.

He tried to avoid looking at Eddie but that’s all Eddie can do. He can’t look away because
Chimney is saying the thing they've been too scared to for years.

“Buck you’ll be fine. You love cats. It’s not a big deal. I’m gonna go call Chris.”

And with that Eddie hurries down the stairs to get away from all of those unspoken, repressed

Truth is, Buck has been coparenting Christopher for years now. That’s why Eddie fell in love with
him. Ok maybe not the only reason, but it was a big part of it. How natural Buck has been with
Christopher since day one. How Chris trusts and loves Buck like he does Eddie. How Buck saved
his son many times. If Buck does eventually marry Zeus, Eddie doesn’t think either Christopher’s
or his heart will be able to handle it.

Just then his phone pings. He looks down to see a notification from one of the dating apps Karen
made him sign up for when he told her about trying to get over Buck on one of their wine nights.
He never actually planned on using it, but he’s just itching to do something tonight to get over the
fact that Buck is getting a damn cat with Zeus.

He replies quickly to the guy and asks him if he’s free later on tonight. He has to do this. He needs
to get over Buck one way or another. What better way than dating other guys?

With plans confirmed to go to a nice Italian restaurant, Eddie goes on with the rest of his day. He
purposefully does not tell Buck what his plans are on his kid free evening and hurries to go home
and get ready for his first date with a man. He can do this. He can get over Buck.

He can’t do this.

The date with Gerard is most definitely not going well. The man, who does not have a preferred
nickname and insists on being called Gerard, won’t shut up about his law firm. Eddie thinks the
elder Buckley’s would actually love Gerard since he’s so against nicknames.

He’s a corporate lawyer, which has got to be the boringest occupation to ever exist in Eddie’s
opinion. He hasn’t asked Eddie a single question about himself and Eddie can’t stop drinking red
wine in hopes of losing some brain cells so he doesn’t have to put up with Gerard ever again.

After his third glass of wine, Eddie cuts Gerard off when he’s mid-talk about his upcoming oil
merger case.

“How long do cats live?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Cats. How long do they live? Figuring you don’t throw them under a bus or something?”

Gerard seems to be really thinking of a smart answer to Eddie’s question.

“Um I would say maybe 15, 16 years. My ex-husbands cat died after 17 years so possibly 17 years.
It depends.”

“Well that’s just fuckin great,” he says as he takes another large gulp of his wine.

Gerard looks at him and sips his own wine.

“Cheers I guess.”

Eddie rolls his eyes and asks the waiter for another glass of wine.

“Are you thinking about getting a cat?” Gerard asks him.

Eddie raises his brow because that’s the first question he’s asked him all evening.

The waiter tops off Eddie’s glass and Eddie signals him to just leave the bottle. At this point he’s
gonna need another one to forget Buck, his damn cat, and this date.

“No, not me. My best friend. He’s thinking about getting a cat with his new boyfriend.”

Gerard takes another sip and signals him to continue.

“I mean he just started going out with him. Four months and three days fo be exact.”

“Is this guy an ex boyfriend of yours?”

Eddie scoffs.

“Yeah he wishes.”

Wine apparently makes Eddie smug and ballsy. He thinks that maybe he should’ve drank wine and
confessed his love for Buck when he had told him about Zeus. It would’ve saved him a lot of
heartache that’s for sure.

“You ever get a pet with a boyfriend?” he suddenly asks.

Gerard just rolls his eyes and takes a large gulp of his own wine. It’s going to be a long evening.

Two bottles of wine later and Eddie could not shut up about the damn cat.

“I mean, it’s a cat, you know? It’s a cat. I share a son with Buck. We have a child together. That’s
more important than a stupid cat right?”
Gerard burps and looks at Eddie stunned.

“I thought you said he wasn’t an ex?”

Eddie chuckles, “He’s not. He’s just my partner. My coparent but nobody fucking talks about it.
Not even us.”

“Can we get the check please?” Gerard asks their waiter, who was going to ask if they would like
some dessert.

“You’re not having fun with me huh? You know this was my first date with a guy. Guess I blew
it,” Eddie slurs a bit. He’s definitely way past buzzed, slowly heading towards full blown drunk.

“I mean, dude you spent the entire evening waxing poetic about your partner, who you’re very
much in love with by the way. And cursing an unknown cat and wishing death upon it. Not cool
man. It’s a cat.”

Eddie rolls his eyes and crosses his arms across his chest. He’s gearing up for a fight with stupid

“Well you were boring me to death with all your stupid oil talk Gerry. I wanted to drink oil just to
escape this date.”

“Hey not cool man. My firm is gonna do amazing things. Don’t take your unrequited feelings out
on me. And it’s Gerard!” he yells in response.

Eddie sees red. He wants to throw his wine at Gerard like the real housewives he watches with
Buck do. But he doesn’t want to get arrested again.

Just then Gerard clears his throat and Eddie glances up. He sees two of him, which is a frightening
thought considering he clearly dislikes the one.

“Look man, I'm sorry. I’ve been through a divorce. You’re gonna be fine…eventually. You just
can’t see it now because you haven’t had any closure.”

Eddie snaps his fingers and the bulb inside his head goes on.

“Closure! That’s what it is. That’s what I need. Dios you’re brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that?
How do I get that?” he asks excitedly.

Gerard seems to actually think about his response. He’s also had a few glasses of wine and none of
them have a clear mindset between them.

“Well, it can be a number of different ways. It’s just, whatever it takes so that you can finally say to
him, ‘I’m over you.’” he suggests.

Eddie smiles because that’s exactly what he needs to do.

“‘I’m over you.’ Closure. Yes, that's exactly what I need to do.”

He then pulls out his phone and dials Buck’s number.

“Uh what are you doing?” Gerard asks him.

“Shhh. I’m getting closure.”

Eddie looks up to see Gerard looking at him like a train wreck waiting to happen. He rolls his eyes
when the call goes to voicemail. Buck’s probably doing things with Zeus that Eddie would rather
not think about.

“Voicemail. Just waiting for the beep,” he informs Gerard.

Gerard just nods his head and takes another sip of his wine. He looks like he’s settling in to watch a
horror movie or something.

“Buck? Hi, it’s Eddie. I’m just calling to say that, um everything’s fine. And I'm really happy for
you and your cat. Who, by the way I think you should name Gerard. And you see, there, I'm
thinking of names so obviously I am over you. I, am over, you . And that, my friend, is what they
call closure .”

He hangs up and chugs the remainder of his wine. Gerard laughs and claps at Eddie’s words. They
struggle to get up to leave. Leaning into each other, they stumble out of the restaurant and towards
their Ubers.

Eddie feels lighter about this already.

“Fuck yes to getting closure!”

He says goodbye to Gerard and gets in his Uber to go sleep off his wine buzz. Tomorrow will be a
new day and he hopes to wake up a better man. A new man who’s one hundred percent over his
best friend.

Eddie wakes up to the worst headache he’s had in recent years. Yup drinking that much wine will
do it to you.

He can’t lift his head off his pillow. He looks down and sees he didn’t even get his pants fully off.

By some miracle, he gets up and takes his clothes off. He needs something comfortable. And he
needs to brush his teeth because something definitely died in his mouth.

He wobbles to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As he is chugging his water, the front door opens
and he hears Buck put his keys in the ceramic bowl Christopher made in art class.

“Eddie?” Buck calls out.

“In the kitchen. Please stop shouting,” he responds.

His migraine is actually trying to kill him and he needs to find some aspirin before it becomes

Buck skips into the kitchen dressed in Eddie’s favorite pink sweater and navy jeans. Eddie sighs as
he turns over to rummage through his drawers in hopes of finding the aspirin.

“Hey Eds. Um you ok? You don’t look too great,” Buck asks as he walks closer towards him.

Eddie ducks away from Buck’s hands because he thinks he will melt if Buck puts his hands on him
right now.

“Yeah I’m alright. Just had a lot of wine last night, is all.”

His voice sounds gravelly to his own ears and by the look of Buck’s face, he can hear it too.
“Is that what you were doing last night? Drinking wine by yourself?”

Eddie panics because he didn’t tell his best friend about his first date with a man. Not only that, he
has yet to still come out to Buck. There wasn’t a proper moment to do so because Zeus popped up
in their lives and Buck’s been happy and preoccupied and Eddie just can’t right now. So he opts for
a change of subject.

“Did we speak on the phone last night? Did you call me?”

For some reason Eddie can’t get a phone call out of his head. He doesn’t seem to remember too
much about last night. But he does recall a phone call of some sort.

Buck does his cute confused face that makes Eddie weak in the knees every time and he shakes his

“No. I stayed at Zeus’ last night. We were googling adoption places and things we need for a cat.
My phone ran out of charge and he doesn’t have an iPhone so he didn’t have a charger. Which is
weird right? Is that some kind of red flag I should be worried about?”

Eddie rolls his eyes fondly. Only Buck would fixate on something like a damn phone.

“No Buck, that's not a red flag.”

It’s worth it for the cute smile that his words bring to Buck’s face. He looks away because he’s
learned that looking too long at that smile is kind of like looking directly into the sun.

Buck slowly walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder to turn him over.

“Here you go,” he holds out his hand for Eddie to take the pills.

Eddie takes them and washes them down with water.

“Which reminds me, I gotta check my phone. I had some missed calls and texts. I finally got some
juice in my phone on my way here.”

Eddie laughs and lets him be. He takes a seat at the kitchen table while he waits for Buck. He’s
about to take another sip of his water when he hears.

“Oh hey I got a voicemail from you Eds.”

The glass falls from his hands and spills all over the table. He looks up to see Buck standing in the
doorway with his phone held to his ear. He’s smiling but Eddie can see the little scrunch in his

“Who’s Gerard?” He asks.

“Oh my god. Oh my god no Buck hang up the phone. No Buck gimme the phone. Gimme the
phone, gimme the phone.”

He jumps on Buck’s back and tries to wrestle the phone out of his hand. He can’t have Buck
listening to the voicemail that he now very clearly remembers leaving him last night.

He attempts to get the phone away from Buck, while simultaneously trying his hardest not to be
turned on by the fact that Buck isn’t even struggling with Eddie’s full weight on him.

Eddie wraps his arms around Buck’s torso and his legs around his waist. He holds on tightly for
the fear that this may be the last time he has Buck in his arms.

Buck pulls his phone away and puts it on the kitchen counter.

He stands there and Eddie can feel every ounce of tension in his body. Their faces are squished
together and he is very aware that they’re sharing the same air right now.

“You’re over me?” Buck whispers.

“Oh dios” Eddie cries as he slowly slips off of Buck.

“What, uh. You’re, you’re over me?”

That is when Eddie starts to really panic. He’s on the verge of an actual panic attack. He quickly
walks to the couch and plummets face down while he continuously whispers “oh dios” to himself.

“When, when were you under me?” Buck asks as he walks in after Eddie.

“Oh dios. Oh dios,” he keeps repeating to himself. He pulls his hair because he can’t believe how
stupid he was to do that last night. He fully blames the wine.

“Eddie. Eddie. Do you? I mean were you? What?” Buck rambles off. He can’t seem to form a
coherent sentence and Eddie doesn’t even blame him one bit.

Eddie sits up and avoids looking at his best friend because he’s honestly scared of what he’ll see.

He clears his throat.

“Ok, ok. Well uh. Basically lately, I uh. I’ve uh. Sorta had feelings for you,” he mumbles quietly.

He looks down at his fingernails and refuses to meet Buck’s eyes.

“Huh. You’ve had feelings for me?” Buck asks. There’s clear disbelief in his voice and a little bit
of hurt. Hurt that Eddie put there.

“Yeah, what so? You had feelings for me first!“ Eddie finally looks up at him. He doesn’t know
how else to react other than be defensive.

Buck widens his eyes and looks at Eddie like he hit him.

“Whoa. You know about my? I mean. You know I had. I mean you know?”

Eddie looks at him and quietly answers, “I heard you talking to Bobby about it.”

“When, um when? When?” is all Buck can respond.

Eddie shakes his head. He’s trying really hard not to break down in front of Buck right now but
there’s just so much they’re not saying to each other.

“When you first started dating Zeus.”

Buck takes a step back. He shakes his head and he looks like he’s five seconds away from running.
Not that Eddie would blame him.

“Zeus, oh my god. Oh god. Zeus. Ok I need to lay down.”

Eddie quickly makes room for Buck to lay down on the couch. He sits next to Eddie, then
immediately gets up.

“No, you know what I think I’ll stand. I’m gonna walk. I'm walking. Nope, I’m gonna stand.”

He paces back and forth and it’s not really helping Eddie’s hangover but these turn of events have
definitely sobered him the fuck up.

Buck approaches Eddie and looks at him. Close up, he can see the disappointment in his eyes.

“And now you’re over me? I didn’t even know you were into men, Eddie. You’re over me,

There’s a hint of pleading in his eyes. Like he’s begging Eddie to answer the question correctly.
Eddie really doesn’t even know the right answer himself. So of course he answers it with a question
of his own.

“Are you over me?”

His voice breaks with the question. Eddie doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath because a lot is
riding on Buck’s answer. They’re just looking into each other’s eyes, leaning into each other’s
space. Before Buck can even give Eddie some sort of answer, his phone goes off, thus breaking
whatever was about to happen.

“Fuck that’s Zeus. He’s waiting for me at the animal shelter. Dammit.”

Eddie is heartbroken. He can’t help but think he’s already lost Buck. Now he has to sit there and
watch them become a family with a damn cat. Maybe even bring some kids into the mix later on.
Yeah he’s definitely spiraling.

“You gonna go?” he asks Buck.

Buck quickly finishes typing a text response and looks at Eddie.

“Of course I’m gonna go Eddie. I’m getting a cat today. A cat with my boyfriend. My boyfriend
who likes me and isn’t afraid to say it.”

Ouch. That fucking stings but what else can Eddie do? He told him he’s over him. This is the
moment where he should confess his feelings. Buck’s eyes are begging him to. But he just can’t.
Something stops him.

“Well then, I hope you guys are happy together with your cat.”

Buck looks at him with sudden tears in his eyes.

“Why does that sound like a goodbye Eddie?”

Eddie can’t do this. He can’t sit there and be happy for Buck when his entire heart is shattering.

“It’s not. Just go get your cat. We’ll talk later.”

He doesn’t try to hide the tears running down his own face. He steps away and lets Buck leave his
house, hopes he doesn’t walk away from his life altogether.

Buck walks to his car and drives off without another word. Eddie turns around and walks back into
his room to cry some more over the fact that he was too scared to fight for his best friend. He falls
asleep crying into his pillow.
Eddie wakes with a start. He just had another nightmare about losing Buck and what is he doing?
Why is he letting Buck settle down with some Greek god wannabe?

He needs to get up. Buck is the love of his life. He is the other father to their son. Buck is Eddie’s
partner, his right hand man, his person. He’s not going to lose him without a fight.

He grabs his wallet and keys, opens the door to head out but stops when he sees Buck running up
the stairs.


Buck smiles as he quickly reaches Eddie.

“I don’t want a cat. I have a son, with the goddamn love of my life. We have a son Eddie. We share
a life already. I don’t want a fucking cat. I want our life together, forever. Please tell me I’m not too

Eddie can’t believe his ears. Here he was getting ready to go get his man when he was on his way
back to him.

Instead of replying, he grabs Buck’s neck and pulls him into their first kiss. Buck’s hands wrap
around his waist and he pulls Eddie in closer.

This feels so right. It feels like the final puzzle piece finally slotting into place. It feels like Eddie
can breathe properly for the first time in his entire life.

He opens his mouth for Buck, who doesn’t hesitate. Their shared breath sends chills down Eddie’s
entire being. He cannot believe this is his reality.

Their kiss is vastly becoming inappropriate for his neighbors, so Buck slowly reaches down and
grabs Eddie behind the thighs, lifts him up like nothing.

He walks them inside and closes the door with his foot. Eddie is so stupidly turned on by Buck’s
strength that he groans into his mouth, which causes Buck to chuckle and pull away.

Eddie slowly opens his eyes to a kiss drunk Buck and he has to pinch himself because he hopes
he’s not dreaming.

“Not a dream baby,” Buck says as he leans in again to take Eddie’s lips between his teeth.

“Wait, wait what happened to Zeus,” Eddie asks because he really has to know before they

Buck walks Eddie over to the couch and sits down, with Eddie very much in his lap. Eddie can’t
say he minds this position whatsoever.

“I was driving to the shelter and all I could think about was your voicemail. I’ve been stupidly in
love with you since pretty much the day I met you. I never, ever thought I would have a chance
with you. So after I broke things off with Taylor, I realized if anything was going to happen
between us, it would have happened in the months after that.”

Eddie leans in and kisses the corner of Buck’s mouth. He looks up and waits for him to continue.

“When nothing happened, I realized I really needed to move on, because loving you was starting to
affect my everyday behavior. I would wake up thinking of you, go to sleep thinking of you, dream
of you and then I have to work with you for over 50 hours a week. You were everywhere and it
was starting to hurt my heart.”

“So Zeus came along and I really tried, you know? I did. But I was literally having panic attacks at
the idea of settling down with this guy because all I wanted was you.”

“Been there, done that,” Eddie teases, which makes Buck smile.

He then grabs ahold of Buck’s shoulder and squeezes to let him know he’s still listening.

“But after what Chimney said yesterday about us coparenting Chris, and then hearing your
voicemail, I just realized I couldn’t go through with it. I don’t want a cat and if I did I would want
one with you and our son.”

Eddie smiles and leans in to whisper, “We’re never getting a cat baby. Maybe a dog.”

Buck laughs and it’s the best thing Eddie’s heard all day. He bullies his way into Buck’s pink lips
and familiarizes himself with the taste that is so inherently Buck. After a bit, he sits back to prepare
his own confession.

“Baby, I was ready. I was giving you some time after your break up because I didn’t wanna rush
into things. But before I could even get a chance to come out and tell you about my feelings, you
were talking about Zeus and how great he was.”

“I’m sorry,” Buck says because of course that’s what he takes from Eddie’s words.

He kisses the frown off Buck’s face. When he sees his little dimple, he plants a chaste kiss on that
too before he continues.

“And then I overheard you telling Bobby you were trying to get over me, which threw me in a
whole spiral and I panicked. I panicked because I couldn’t lose you but I already was. Then I went
on this horrible date last night and I got super drunk and confessed my love for you over a stupid

Buck’s laughs at the memory of Eddie’s voicemail.

“Technically you told me you were over me which isn’t really a love confession babe.”

Eddie lightly punches Buck in retaliation.

“We are so telling our friends we got together over a voicemail!”

Eddie smiles and shakes his head.

“I don’t care what we tell them. As long as we tell them we’re together. We are right?”

He’s nervous all of a sudden. Yes they kissed and yes they confessed their feelings for one another
but that doesn’t mean anything until they discuss where they go from here.

Buck seems to think Eddie is ridiculous because he tightens his hold around his waist and replies,
“Of course baby. We’re telling every single person that we are head over boots in love with each
other. That gooey kind of love too, that makes people roll their eyes and say ‘I want that kind of
love’ you know? You and me? We’re a forever kinda thing baby.”

Eddie can’t believe how smooth his boyfriend is. He’s definitely blushing and sporting a hard on
just from Buck’s words alone. What’s going to happen when they finally get to bed?
“You’re gonna be the death of me Evan” he says fondly and pulls him into another kiss, because
well he can.

He can forever if he so chooses to because Buck said they’re a forever kinda thing.

“Lets go to my room. I wanna show you how good I am with my tongue. Trust me you’ll forget all
about Greek gods with crackled hands.”

Buck bursts out laughing.

“I love it when you’re jealous. It’s so fucking hot.”

Eddie gets up and pulls Buck to his feet.

“I also tend to get possessive. Gonna show the world just how much of mine you are. Starting with

He leans in and bites the side of Buck’s neck. He’s working on a very noticeable mark and Buck
doesn’t seem to mind one bit.

He leans down once more and lifts Eddie up into his arms. Eddie moans and latches off of Buck’s

“Ok you doing that will never get old. Who knew I was into manhandling?”

Buck chuckles and leans in for another kiss.

“I mean I kinda knew. You can’t stop staring at my arms anytime I wear short sleeves. You look
like you wanna take a bite.”

Eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“I mean have you seen the size of those things? They’re fucking massive Buck. Maybe I wanna
take a bite. Maybe I want you to choke me with them. Who knows where the evening will take us,”
he wiggles his brows as he says that.

He feels Buck’s dick twitch in his pants. He can barely see any of the blue left in his eyes.

“Yeah ok let’s fucking go,” he breaths and rushes them into the room. He drops Eddie on the bed
and rips his shirt off without even really trying.

Yeah ok apparently Eddie is very much into macho strong men but I mean he already knew that.
He’s just very into Buck and everything he entails.

“Take off your clothes baby. I was promised a lotta things. Something about tongues and hands,”
he smirks like the little brat he is.

“I really love your hands Eds. They’re definitely better than anyone else’s I’ve ever seen. I
wouldn’t mind wearing one as a necklace,” the fucker says casually.

Eddie has never taken his clothes off quicker. He can’t breathe at Buck’s casual insinuation that
he’s into choking. The minute his boxers are off, Buck pounces on him.

He is determined to make sure Buck forgets all about that dumb Zeus. So he wraps his legs around
Buck’s thick waist and uses his MMA knowledge to flip them over so that he’s on top.
“Ok that’s hot,” is all Buck says.

Eddie looks down and Buck already looks fucked out and they haven’t even gotten to the fun part

“You’re hot,” he says as he leans in to take an actual bite out of Buck’s right bicep. He plans on
leaving his love all over Buck’s body. Starting with his arms.

“You weren’t lying about the biting thing huh? Well lucky for you, I’m a slut for being marked

Eddie whines as he twirls his tongue over his bite mark. He goes lower and sucks on the inside of
his bicep next. It’s worth it for all the withering and noises it gets out of Buck.

“Eddie, this is gonna be over very fast. You don’t understand how weak biting gets me.”

Eddie gets off and smirks.

“That’s good to know. Gonna take my precious time with you. You’re gonna be a walking
billboard with flashing lights that says, ‘I’m Eddie Diaz’s.’

Buck groans and pulls Eddie in for a biting kiss of his own.

“Mark me up baby. Make me yours forever.”

Eddie laughs and winks at him.

“Oh I plan on it. Because we’re a forever kinda thing. I love you baby.”

Buck just smiles and genuinely looks happy for the first time in a long time.

“Forever kinda thing. I love you too. So much Eds.”

Then Eddie leans in and takes a bite of Buck’s chest as he moans. He gets lost in the euphoria of
tasting Buck’s delicious skin.

“Gimme your hand,” Buck whispers.

Eddie slowly lifts his right hand up while he doubles down on the mark he’s leaving right next to
Buck’s tattoo.

Buck takes hold of his hand and brings it right over his throat. He leaves it there and Eddie
immediately looks up.

“I trust you. I love you. I want this. Make me yours.”

Eddie growls and leans in for another literal breathtaking kiss. He slowly closes his hand around
Buck’s throat. He doesn’t take his eyes off Buck, just to make sure he’s alright.

When Buck nods that he’s fine, Eddie works his way down his body and finally gets to his dick.
He licks his mouth and watches his dick twitch in response to him choking Buck.

Sex with Buck is going to be life changing for sure. He takes one last look at Buck’s beautiful face.
He has tears coming down his beautiful face. He’s red and looking back with unwavering trust in
his eyes.
Eddie tightens his hand a bit more and takes Buck in his mouth. This is the beginning of the rest of
their lives and he’s going to show just how much he loves Buck.

The following morning, they walk into work together. Buck is covered in love bites that he didn’t
even feel like covering up. He also had Eddie’s handprint on his throat which he did in fact cover
up with makeup.

“Whoa I thought Zeus was great with his hands. You didn’t tell me he was also great with his
mouth,” Hen says the moment she spots Buck.

Eddie huffs and rolls his eyes. Buck chuckles next to his possessive boyfriend

“Yeah Zeus was just average with his hands. But Eddie over here is phenomenal with both his
hands and his mouth.”

He winks at Eddie, who can’t help the flush that takes over his body.

Chimney chokes on his coffee and Bobby looks like he would rather have a fire truck fall on him
than be present for this conversation.

“Did I miss a chapter?” Ravi asks.

“Zeus is out. I’m in. We’re in love and we’re getting a dog. Meeting adjourned,” Eddie says while
he grabs ahold of Buck’s hand and pulls him into the locker rooms.

“That was so fucking hot. I love you so much that I really wanna get on my knees for you.”

Eddie chokes. “Not here baby. Bobby will fire the both of us. Not that it’s not a tempting offer.
Ugh you’re gonna be difficult aren’t you?”

Buck smirks and leans in to give him a chaste kiss.

“Well that went better than expected.”

“I honestly thought Bobby was going to have a coronary. And Chim looked like he needed bleach
for his eyes,” Buck laughs at the memory.

They quickly dress and share one final kiss because they’re going to be professional at work. As
soon as they get up to the loft, Hen brings over a cake of two men that looks like them, holding a
sign that says, “Congratulations you two!”

They look at each other and then at their team. How could they have possibly gotten this cake
when they didn’t know they were together until this morning.

Chimney answers their unspoken questions.

“We all knew after my slip up the other day that it was only a matter of time. You two idiots are
parenting a child together without speaking about it. The moment those words were out, I saw it in
both of your eyes. We all did. We felt the change in the air. So you know, Hen called her cake guy
and here we are.”

Buck and Eddie simply look at each other and laugh because their family is right. It did take
someone mentioning them acting like a couple for them to get their heads out of their asses.

“Let’s eat some cake! You two have some papers to fill out after the shift,” Bobby mentions.
“No problem Cap. I’ll sign all the stuff I need so I can work with this guy by my side.”

Eddie smiles and links his pinky with Buck’s.

“Side by side, like a forever kinda thing.”

Buck laughs and tightens his own pinky with Eddie’s.

“A forever kinda thing. Now who’s giving us the first slice of cake?”

End Notes

I’m really thinking about making this a series where I write about other FRIENDS
moments, but make them about these two idiots in love! Let me know if that’s something
you guys may enjoy?

As always if you enjoyed this, please let me know in the comments below! I’d really
appreciate any feedback

This is also rebloggable on tumblr

If you want to scream some more about these two being in love, you can find me at tumblr

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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