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Nasa made a HUGE discovery on Pluto. It literally changed the way we saw Pluto.

Is the dwarf
planet an insignificant ice cube floating around in the cosmos? Or does it hold a mysterious
power, alien to the human world?

Pluto is a really small, and horribly cold planet, floating in the background of our cosmos
indifferently. However, NASA's new horizon mission changed everything. The way we saw Pluto
was molded into a completely different thing. Massive ice plains and ice mountains were
captured, as the new horizon finally reached the planet on July 14, 2015, 10 years after its

However, due to lighting issues new horizons were only able to capture part of Pluto that was
bright. The darker part of the planet remained in the dark. The problem in taking pictures of the
dark side of Pluto is our Sun. Pictures of the dark side of Pluto will be incomprehensible due to
the overwhelming light of the Sun behind the planet.

What secrets does the dark part of the little chunk of ice hold? The flames of curiosity were too
high to be extinguished without answers, an idea stuck into the minds of scientists. A team of
researchers found that Pluto's largest moon Charon might reflect enough light to be used as a
spotlight on the planet. The images will be captured at a specific angle blocking out the sunlight.
360 short photographs were taken, with each being just 0.4 seconds long. And what the pictures
revealed was out of this world.

The photographs revealed volcanoes that LITERALLY spew out ice. Volcanoes spew due to
internal heat of the planet, however the heat resulting in volcanoes oozing out ice was
something incomprehensible and alien to the scientists. The little chunk of ice holds more than a
barren icy surface. The peaks of the two volcanoes are 5-6km above the surface with rims being
more than 150 km wide.

Earlier, it was thought that Pluto is too small to power a volcano- as volcanoes generally need a
high amount of energy. However, discovery of these two volcanoes resulted in more questions
than answers. What is it that is keeping the planet warm?

Not only this, images of new horizons found that seasons on Pluto move very very slowly, with
each season literally being DECADES long! The seasons depend upon how much nitrogen is
present in the atmosphere in gas form and how much is frozen down on the surface. If more
nitrogen is above, the atmosphere is thicker and the planet is warmer. If more nitrogen is frozen
down on the surface, the atmosphere might actually collapse completely.

The last summer on the planet was a decade before, however still a large amount of nitrogen is
in the atmosphere, implying that there is SOMETHING.. something really weird, keeping the
planet warm.
What is it? What is powering the little chunk of ice? Missions are planned to uncover the secret
truth of pluto. Until then, watch this video.. It will blow your mind:

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