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This is a tool that I use commonly, because I work with groups of young
adolescents, and many of these adolescents come together because they need help,
companionship or they need motivation. It has become clear to me that listening to
people, hearing their stories and problems is great. It helps and not only they grow, but
me too. Because they let off steam and I learn more from people, in these times of
pandemic in which there is a lot of unemployment, I know several people who have
started to undertake, and some others who are undecided to do so, so I decided to
apply what I learned in design thinking, above all I wanted to know how much a person
can influence to tell me their story and this has motivated their entrepreneurship and
made them make important decisions.


I have a co-worker who is very intelligent, he was not studying at the university, I did not
mention that he would be part of this experiment, or anything related to the Design
Thinking course, he is a 20-year-old boy with whom I speak frequently, in One occasion
he said that he would not be able to study due to the low resources he had, especially
due to family expenses, and he did not know if he would measure up studying
engineering at the university, I asked him about his motivations to study, he told me that
it is mainly Due to the lack of money in his family due to the pandemic and the lack of
employment, that studying would be an additional expense, I was listening to him for
more than an hour, between one and a thousand words that he told me, in the end I
asked this question: Do you think your story could prompt you to change positions if you
improve your skills?

Well, as expected, I had to tell him part of my story, the part that best suits the subject, I
told him how I risked changing jobs to improve my quality of life and that of my family, it
was a new job, without experience in the industry, and that at that time I had perhaps
the same or more doubts than him, but I also analyzed my life, everything I had studied
and how much it had cost me to pay for my studies, that he had asked me the same
thing as me I asked him, if it was time to give my story another adventure, and that it
was time to fly and start my career, and what motivated me was my own story, there
was that of doubts and insecurities, and that many of those answers were In Myself.
He listened to me attentively and was encouraged to comment on his idea; There was a
place available at the job for junior developer, so he wanted someone to help him with
tutorials to improve and apply. so I put him in contact with another person who would
give him free tutorials, after a while he applied and now he is a developer junior, which is
changing his life and giving him the opportunity to start studying at university.


So I put him in touch with another person who would give him free tutoring, after a while
he applied and now he is a junior developer, which is changing his life and giving him
the opportunity to start studying at university.

I thought and I reminded him of our last conversation, he told me that he had decided
and that he was about to enroll in university to study systems engineering, he knows
that he can fail at times, but that will not stop him from being successful in any case this
will it will help in your personal and professional life.

The Design thinking course has helped me a lot personally, especially this section of
telling our story, day by day or in each new stage of my personal or professional life, I
know that the first motivation is in me, in my story, in what I have lived and gone to get
to where I am.

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