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Area between two curves

In order to find the area between two curves, a graph is essential for a better visualization

of the two curves, the area between them and their intersections. Firstly, sketch the graphs of two

functions in the same x-y coordinate plane. Then equalize the two functions in order to find the

points of intersection. By equalizing the two functions, the x-es of intersection will be found, that

is why it is necessary to pick one of the functions and apply the found x-es in order to find the y-

s. Then, by looking at the graphs, the area can be evaluated by integrating the division between

the curve of the function that appears at the top with the curve of the function that appears at the

bottom. As boundaries of integral, use the x-es found at the points of intersection, where a is the

x intersection that appears in the left side of x-axis and b is the x intersection that appears in the

right side of the x-axis. In the end, don’t forget to add the units.

Example: Find the area between y = x2 and y = x3.

The first function is quadratic, the second is cubic.

x2 = x3

x3 - x2 = 0

x2 ( x - 1) = 0

x1= 0 x2=1

y1= 0 y2=1

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Points of intersection (0,0) and (1,1)

Boundaries: the upper is 1 and the lower is 0

Difference: the quadratic function – cubic function (by graph)

x3 x 4 1 1 0 0 4−3 1
∫ x −x dx = |1
2 3
− |0 = [ - ¿ - [ - ¿ =
3 4 3 4 3 4 12

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