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Obligatory Instructions

Title: How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci

Subtitle: Tapping into the Extent of Human Potential and Discover the
Hidden Genius in You
Minimum Word Count: 25.000 Words
● More is even better and preferred - there is no maximum word count.
● The references + disclaimer will be deducted and do not count! If you
consider the word count in Microsoft Word, aim for 26.000+ words since the
disclaimer and your references will add up to around 1000 words .

Summary about the book

This book serves as a solid and practical guide on the key things to developing and
discovering your hidden genius through the lens of Leonardo da Vinci’s principles of
the creative method.

Important Note - Read the entire document before

starting on this project.

Please include the word „Cake“ in your proposal, so we know you

had a look at this document.
Table of Contents

Notes For Our Collaboration On This Project

How To Work Through This Outline
Content Requirements
Images, Tables, Diagrams, And Other Graphics
Direct Citations

Writing Characteristics
❌ Writing Mistakes
✅ Writing Style
✅ Writing Tone
✅ Writing Principles

Book Structure
Following A Specific Formula
When To Write It
The Formula

Chapter Names
Reader Avatar
Outline Overview
Outline Requirements
Chapter Outline
Notes For Our Collaboration On This Project

● The quality of our books is the foundation and the absolute most important component of
our publishing business.
● We will not accept this book if it’s not at its highest possible quality and “reader ready.”
● Ask yourself: Would I be happy and satisfied to spend my money and valuable time on
this book?
● We live by the mantra of the famous investor and Warren Buffet’s business partner,
Charlie Munger, “Don’t sell anything you wouldn’t buy yourself.”
● For the best results, we should build a healthy relationship and work together through
the writing of this book.

If you can’t tell already, quality is #1 for our books.

We chose to work with you because we trust you will complete the job to the highest standards.

We are very excited to work on this project with you and create the best book yet on this topic. If
you have any questions, please reach out to us.

We made a Frequently Asked Question file to cover some

technicalities about our collaboration.
Working Through This Outline:
Here are tips on approaching the book's creation and working through this document.

● Take your time to read this document to understand what we expect from you.
● An overview of the stages and processes to focus on during the book creation:

Before doing research

● Outline
● Book Structure
● Content Requirements

Before starting to write the book

● Writing Characteristics

After the book is written

● Conclusion
● Naming Chapters
● Introduction
Content Requirements
● In-Depth: Rather than listing several aspects and describing/ explaining them in a few
sentences, pick the most important and relevant aspects (not more than 5) and provide
detailed information about them.
● Original & Interesting: Focus on novel ideas and avoid inserting common knowledge
statements. The readers will perceive information people have heard repeatedly as filler
● Practical Advice:
○ The 5W’s: Do not merely describe things and circumstances. Make sure you
answer the 5Ws: who, what, when, where, why (and how, where applicable) on
each section and subsection of the book.
○ Examples: Use relatable examples, formulas, and case studies to illustrate your
● Reader Avatar: Always remember who you are writing for: focus on the reader avatar.

● Reference List: All sources of information are listed in the References section at the
end of the style sheet that you have to use for the book.
● Scientific Sources: Content needs to be backed up by science. Use scientific studies
from renowned journals to prove your writing. At least 20 studies (primary sources) for
the whole book are required!
● Other Sources: Any other good sources like famous books, besides the previously
mentioned scientific studies, can also be added in the References chapter. Remember
that the required total number of sources will be higher than 20 if you use other sources
than scientific studies (primary sources). PsychologyToday, for example, is not a primary
● Referencing System: Use the Harvard OR the APA referencing system. Stick to the
one you prefer and use footnotes in the text for each specific piece of evidence. Please
don’t use the footer. Instead, link each note to the References chapter, where all
references are numbered. The numbers in the text do not have to be clickable, but
please use hyperlinks for the sources in the references chapter. -> It will look like this:
Images, Tables, Diagrams, And Other Graphics
● Visual elements are not a must but are highly appreciated. They can greatly increase the
quality of our book.
● If you use them, do not use elements that infringe any copyright, personal or proprietary
rights of others. Only use copyright-free elements that are allowed for commercial use.
● Creating your visual elements is acceptable, and you may use tools like Canva.

Direct Citations
● Keep direct citations at a minimum and only use short ones.

● Proofread the book manually + electronically in the end. You can use Grammarly or
similar software.

We provide you with a style sheet, which should be your only file for writing the text of this book.
As much as one tries, copying text from one file to paste into another always results in more
work than simply writing in the recommended sheet. So please type your content DIRECTLY in
the style sheet.
Writing Characteristics
❌ Writing Mistakes
● Repetitions
● Wordiness, Unspecificity, Filler Information & Fluff
● Passive Voice - for example:
○ ❌Passive Voice: The squirrel was chased by the dog.
○ ✅ Active Voice: The dog chased the squirrel.
● Complex & Long Sentence Structure - for example:

● Sentences And Words Like:

○ “Thank you for purchasing this book”
○ “We hope you will like it”
○ “Please do not hesitate to read on”
○ “The reader,” “in this book,” “this book” (Several times)

✅ Writing Style
● Popular Scientific
● Clear & Specific
● Informative
● Actionable
● Easy To Understand And Follow
● Entertaining
● Engaging
● “Good Flow.”
✅ Writing Tone
Voice Frame #1: Conversation with a friend
● Common mental frame to use. Envision yourself talking to a friend.

Voice Frame #2: Help a stranger heal the same pain you had
● This is very similar to the “conversation with a friend” frame. Envision yourself helping a
stranger solve a severe problem.

➡ Combine the two. If you envision yourself talking to a friend AND helping them through something
difficult that you’ve already done, it will result in the best approach.

- Both methods allow you to get out of your way and let your voice come through naturally
because you aren’t thinking about your voice. You are focused on the reader, a super
powerful technique you can use at every stage to create an effective, successful book.
- Don’t worry about being a writer. Just help people, and your voice will shine through.

✅ Writing Principles
1. Short (this is the most important one!)
● Keep your writing short on all levels.
○ Short chapters, usually no more than 4k words. Short paragraphs of 2-3
○ Short sentences, between 5 and 20 words.
● Make it as short as possible, but don’t leave out essential ideas!
2. Simple
● Even difficult and complex ideas can be broken down into short sentences.
● If you cannot explain your idea simply, perhaps you don’t understand it.
● Simple words and sentences also help more readers understand your writing.
● Any word that’s not necessary to convey your point must go.
3. Direct
❌ Passive voice, jargon, multiple clauses, heavy use of adjectives and adverbs.

✅ Make each sentence a clear statement. Don’t put multiple thoughts in one
Book Structure
● Chapter Hook

○ What: This should be a personal story, an anecdote, a question to the reader, a

shocking statement, or anything that draws the attention and sets up the chapter.
○ The main thing, before you get into the content, is to show why it matters.
○ How: The best chapter hooks tend to be emotionally intense (e.g., some sort of
○ The best way to start a chapter is by “coming in late.” Begin with a scene, quote,
or something that jumps right into your point.
○ Some other things to think about when finding your hook:
■ Is counterintuitive and it violates expectations or reverses them
■ It’s not going to be the first story you think of
■ It’s the story people always ask you about
■ It is never the story that makes you look the best

● Thesis of chapter
○ Once you’ve written the chapter hook, plainly state what you will discuss in this
○ This should be the same or similar to the Key Takeaway.

● Supporting content
○ This is the bulk of each chapter and the main content.
○ Subchapters: You’ll notice that we haven’t included subchapters, allowing you
more flexibility in the writing process. If you come up with a subchapter, make
sure it has at least 500 words - otherwise, there’s no need to delimitate it.
○ Requirements: The aspects mentioned here are the minimum requirements, so
ensure you integrate all aspects listed.
○ Use these questions to fill out this section:
■ What is it/ What is it not?
■ The science behind it
■ Where does it apply?
■ Who is this for or involved in it?
■ When? Is there a concept of time involved?
■ Why does this matter?
■ Examples. Mention examples where the concept or idea applies.
■ How? Describe step by step how to make use of this or how it works.
■ What Not To Do? If something can easily go wrong or you have to take
care of tiny details to make it right, make that clear..

● Stories & Examples

○ Why: Effective stories are crucial to the success of a book. They are a great way
to make the book and its takeaway points more memorable. Many readers forget
facts after they read a book, but anecdotes and stories stay with them.
○ How: Make sure your stories are specific and highly relevant. You are not
looking for a generic story in these points; rather, the story that fits precisely in
the chapter content and illustrates the message you want to convey.
○ Where: Integrate stories and supporting content in the hook section and
throughout the supporting content.
○ Framework: Good stories contain certain elements and phases. Below, you’ll
find some specific elements and phases. Make sure to include all of these
aspects when telling stories.
○ Organization Tip: We recommend collecting the stories in one place, as it’s not
always clear which stories to use and where. Listing them allows you to figure
this out as you go.

Essential elements of a story

● Identifiable characters: use one or several distinct characters one can identify
with and care about. Include a few details about the character, such as age, a
personality trait, a physical characteristic, etc., to build out the character's image
in the audience's mind.
● Authentic emotion: it doesn’t have to be overly dramatic. It can be as simple or
common as the character's frustration, wonder, or curiosity, not what the story
receiver experiences.
● Significant moment: A specific point in time, circumstance, or space that sets
the story aside from the rest of our existence. Zoom in tight to give the audience
a better view.
● Specific details: The use of specific, descriptive, sometimes unexpected details
and imagery relevant to the intended audience to create and draw the readers
into a world that sounds familiar to them. The finer the detail, the better. The
strongest stories are those that master this final component. If, for example,
you‘re telling a story to a 1980s audience, one detail could be a boombox.

Essential phases of a story

● Beginning - Normal: Start by establishing the normal, the way things were
before something changed. Introduce key characters and emotions and create a
sense of familiarity for the audience. Take a happening and make it matter to the
● Middle - Explosion/Happening: The moment things change. It could be a big
thing or a small thing, a good thing or a bad thing. It could be a realization,
decision, or an actual event. It’s a good idea to start with this phase once you
develop your story. We don’t notice a story is happening until we get to the
explosion and until we’re in the middle of it.
● End - New Normal: Share what life is like now, after the explosion. Tell them
what the character knows now, why the character is wiser or stronger or how he
improved (or is still trying to improve).

Normal: Things are how they are

Explosion: Something happens
New Normal: Things are different

● Callback to/ wrap-up of opening chapter hook and segue to next chapter
○ This is an optional section, but most books benefit from tying the end of the
chapter to the hook and then giving some sort of segue to the next chapter.

● Chapter Summary
○ This should be the summary at the end of the chapter. It lays out what the reader
needs to know from this chapter.
○ Essentially, you tell them what you just told them.
○ Use 3-6 bullet points to summarize the chapter.

Important note to the structure explained above

● The structure above gives you a general framework. This structure might work for all
chapters. Whenever it is the case, leave out elements or adjust their order in a way that
makes sense.
● Example: It might be more suitable to develop the supporting content only for certain
chapters. In some other chapters, it might be better to integrate stories in the supporting
content section.

Book Structure Examples

I collected examples from the famous non-fiction book Atomic Habits to give you a better idea of
how these sections can look and how to transition from one to another. Because this book does
not have a specific Action steps section, I got an example from another book.

The Chapter Hook & Story part will probably be the hardest for you to develop, so I collected a
bunch of other examples here.

Chapter Hook:
Transition From Hook To Thesis:
Thesis of Chapter

Supporting Content

Action steps:

Callback to Hook & segue to next chapter:

Chapter summary:
IMPORTANT: The introduction is arguably the most important section in our book. If
people look inside our book on Amazon, they can read the full introduction and decide if
they’ll buy the book or not.

The job of the introduction is to convince the reader and answer their question, “Why
should I spend my time and money to read this book? ”

I encourage you to study the following material and carefully craft your introduction.

Following A Specific Formula

● There is a formula for effective introductions, and you should follow it.
● You can be creative within the boundaries of the formula.
● If you don’t stick to it, the readers will prematurely dislike the book, even if they don’t
know why.

When To Write It
● The introduction must be written last after completing the book.
● You can’t effectively tease if you don’t fully understand how it will play out in practice.

● The introduction is essentially a sales pitch for the book, so treat it that way. It must be
engaging and make the reader want to read more.
● Do not make it a book report. That is not going to convince anyone to continue reading.
● Introductions are built from these elements:
○ Hook the reader
○ Tell a story about the reader’s current pain
○ Tell a story about the reader’s potential pleasure
○ Tell them what they’ll learn
○ Describe the author’s background/ the origin of the book
○ Tell what the book is and what is not
○ Set up the book with a call to action.

The Formula
1. Hook the reader

● An introduction must hook the reader fast. It should grab them by the lapels and force
them to sit up, take notice, and read the next line.
● Here are examples of hooks. They start average and then get much better:
○ “Let’s start with a question: Why do certain groups perform better than other
○ “You’ve been told a lie. Everything you know about sugar is wrong.”
○ “I thought I was going to die.”
● There is not a specific formula for figuring out your hook. Use these three questions to
determine the hook:
○ What is the book's most interesting story or claim?
○ What sentence or fact makes people sit up and pay attention?
○ What will the intended audience care about the most, be most interested in, or
shocked by?

2. Tell stories about the reader’s current pain

● Answer the implicit reader question: “Why do I care?” - What problem were they looking
to solve?
● People pay special attention to stories that resonate with their problems, pain, and
conflicts. Once they are in touch with those pain points, they want to hear about
solutions that provide relief and pleasure and maybe even take them somewhere new in
their life.
● The story or stories in the introduction should dive deep and describe the massive pain
the reader is suffering by not taking the advice or lessons in your book. Pain induces
● Have a look at the Reader Avatar to know the exact pain points of our audience.

3. Tell stories about the reader’s potential pleasure

● Tell a story that describes the pleasure of taking action. Show them why the results are
so amazing and that the goal is worth the pain.
● Have a look at the Reader Avatar to know the exact pleasure points of our audience.

4. Tell them what they’ll learn

● What to do: Explain how you will help them solve their pain and get to their pleasure.
● Make sure this is clear and simple enough that even a seventh-grader could understand.
● It should be as basic as, “I will show you precisely how to do this. I’ll walk you through,
step by step, until you have mastered everything necessary to get your results.”
● Make the biggest promise you can keep.
● Include Reader Objections: Address the common reader objections overwhelm, value,
skepticism, fear, and complacency and tell them why they need to buy the book. The last
three (skepticism, fear, and complacency) are the most important ones for you to cover:
○ Overwhelm: “I don’t have enough time,” “I am too busy.” ➡ Simplify the solution
and show why our solution meets our reader’s needs easily.
○ Value: “I can’t afford it,” “It’s too expensive” ➡ Point out what our reader stands to
gain from reading our book and what he stands to lose by leaving it behind.
○ Skepticism: “Will this work for me?” “How do I know this will really work?” “I tried
that before, and it didn’t work” ➡ Show proof that you, your product, or your service
will do what you say. Offer credentials, case studies, and testimonials of what other users
○ Fear: “I am not ready yet,” “I am not sure this is the right time” ➡ Address genuine
concerns about the reader’s pain point. Do they really want to continue with the way
things are?
○ Complacency: “I already know all the stuff,” “I am good with what I know,”, “I can
do it on my own” ➡ Present the FOMO – that is, the Fear Of Missing Out. Our reader
may not be aware of what life can be like … how he can solve a key pain point… or that
he even has a pain point.
● Writing Style: Don’t explain “how” our readers will achieve the solution; just mention
“what” it is. To learn how our solution actually works and to get the specifics, they must
read our book! Sell it like a secret.

Some examples:

✅ We’ll tell you about 3 thinking errors you need to avoid to make better decisions.

✅ You’ll learn more about the most common logical fallacy almost everybody is making.

✅ The crucial difference between efficiency and effectiveness.

❌We’ll tell you about the Halo effect, the Anchoring bias, and the confirmation bias that might hinder
your decision-making.

❌You’ll learn about the fallacy that almost everybody is making.

❌You’ll understand the crucial difference between efficiency and effectiveness.

5. Describe your background/ the origin of the book

● Explain who you are, why you wrote the book, and why the reader should trust what you
say. Establish your authority.
● The best way to do this, again, is to tell a story.
○ Why does this subject matter to you?
○ How did you learn enough to be in a position to teach what you know? If you are
not an expert, your expertise derives from a love of the topic.
○ Why are you qualified to write this book?
● This is where you can talk about your hero’s journey — what did take for you to get here.
● BUT: they only care about you and your story insofar as it applies to the book and your
expertise. Do not give them an autobiography.

6. What the book is and is not

● Set the right expectations: tell the reader what the book is and is not.
● You can do this by stating the things they will not find and get out of it.

7. Segue to the first chapter + Call to action

● Include a simple transition to get the reader ready to dive in and start engaging the book.
● A simple example that works for any niche: “Are you ready to [goal]? Keep reading.”

Further resources: Look at these articles if you need further explanations or inspiration:
● This is the article from which I gathered most of the information
● Some more hook + story examples
● How to address reader objections

The Formula
1. Grab the reader with a great hook
● Every chapter should start with a hook, even the last one.
● Use a story that summarizes the book or closes a loop from earlier in the book.
● The easiest and most compelling way to begin the conclusion is by referring to one (or
more) of the topics discussed.

2. Restate the book’s mission/thesis

● From the first chapter to the final chapter, your book’s primary message should be

3. Summarize chapters
● Summarize the key points so succinctly and clearly that the reader can understand your
lessons the same way you do.
● What are the takeaways that matter?

4. Call to action
● What’s the first thing you want your reader to do when they put the book down?
● You could use a version of “Now that you have all the tools, go out there and use them.”

❌What NOT to do:

● Do not introduce any new content. New stories or anecdotes are fine.
● Too long. Rule of thumb: It should be the shortest chapter of the book.
Chapter Names
● Naming Scheme: The only acceptable form is chapter number + chapter title. For
subchapters, we will only have a title without any number:
○ “Chapter 1: *Insert Chapter Name*”
○ *Insert Subchapter Name*
➔ Example:
○ Chapter 1: Informal Fallacies
Faulty generalization
Relevance fallacy
● Chapter Outline Names: DO NOT use the chapter names mentioned in the chapter
outline, try to find better-suited titles.
● Secretive: They must be interesting and NOT give away the book content. If the
customer looks at the ToC, he should not know the solution presented in this chapter.
You can use questions or hint at but not simply mention the solution.

● The Big Secret Of Dealing With People
● Do This, And You’ll Be Welcome Anywhere
● A Simple Way To Make A Good First Impression
● If You Don’t Do This, You Are Headed For Trouble
● How To Make People Like You Instantly
● A Formula That Will Work Wonders For You
● An Appeal That Everybody Likes
● The Movies Do It. Tv Does. Why Don’t You Do It?
● When Nothing Else Works, Try This
● How To Criticize And Not Be Hated For It
● Why You Should Visit Cemeteries
● Does Harvard Make You Smarter?
● Why You See Shapes In The Clouds
● If Fifty Million People Say Something Foolish, It Is Still Foolish
● Why You Should Forget The Past
● Don't Accept Free Drinks
● Leave Your Supermodel Friends At Home
● Why We Prefer A Wrong Map To None At All
Reader Avatar
We created this avatar for all of our books to help you picture our dream customer. The
text in bold is information that applies exclusively to this book. Keep especially
this information in mind when writing the book.

1. Who is the primary audience? (The micro-tribe our book must reach to achieve
its objectives)

Our readers are in their late 30s or early 40s. They are diverse people - writers, painters, actors,
dancers, amateurs, hobbyists, and professionals. Even those people who seek to tap on
their intelligence and are curious about the idea on how to think like Leonardo da Vinci.

They seek guidance, input, and inspiration to master the potential of their brains and unleash
their creative genius.

They need some sort of reassurance that they do the right thing, especially when the results
aren’t obvious or people question their authority. And understand its concepts and the ways
to integrate Da Vinci’s creative methods in their lives.

2. Description of a typical person in our primary audience. What are they like?

James is a curious and inquisitive person, a free-thinker who is willing to test things out
in his own experience. He wants to tap to the extent of his brain's potential and what he
can do more.

He is working hard and sets high goals for himself. He’d like to progress even further but doesn’t
know what to do.

James wants to strive for more, to discover more of what he can do. He knows that he can
achieve even greater things and is willing to invest in getting there.

3. What pain are they experiencing because they’ve not read our book?

James believes that there are more to the human mind that only needs the right avenues
to develop and discover. He wants to take up his creative potential to the next level, but
he is not sure of what to do and how to do it.

He is taken aback to take a step higher because of his bad and unproductive habits, the lack of
motivation to do more, and his emotional instability along with some life problems.
All this weighs on him and the stress he’s dealing with impacts his creative thinking.
These blocks prevent him from discovering more of his intellectual potential.

James would like to address all these issues. He is confident that he can and has the ambition
to do it, but doesn’t know where to begin with, what to do to unleash more of his intellectual
potential, how to overcome creative blocks, and where he could find the solutions.

4. What benefit will they get from reading and implementing our book?

By reading our book, James will be able to explore and unleash his creative skills and potential.
He will finally do more than his usual routine. He will start to integrate out-of-the-box ideas and
cultivate them to produce a more productive outcome, and will be able to better understand the
blocks that prevent him from taking his creative skills further, thus using these to better achieve
his goals and improve himself in the process.

He will also acknowledge and accept his shortcomings, and gain a clearer view of the areas he
needs to work on. Having a rational overview of himself and discovering the creative process
with the aid of fun exercises will help him practice and develop his skills and bring it to a higher

5. What is their experience on the topic?

This book on How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci opens up avenues in the readers’ minds that
they probably never thought existed. It has some great techniques on how to "think outside the
box" and will be helpful to anyone who needs to address a group of others on learning issues.

The readers will be able to walk away from this book with a whole new outlook on learning and
whole brain thinking, and find themselves reflecting on it when trying to compose creative
writing and solve problems.

This book emphasizes that we are all much more creative than we realize. When the readers
open themselves to this message, they’ll find applications that can make a real difference in
their lives. The book has a wealth of suggestions and a broad reading list. It provides a program
of exploration and self-development that the readers can begin at once and continue to unfold
for years.
Outline Overview

1.000 Words


1.000 Words Understanding the concept of intelligence: its nature and functions.


3.000 Words Diving into the theory of multiple intelligence.


2.500 Words A view of Leonardo da Vinci’s creative output through the lens of


2.500 Words The effect of brain organization on creativity.


3.000 Words Understanding the link between da Vinci’s art and the laws of science.


3.000 Words Leonardo Da Vinci’s seven principles of creative methods.


2.000 Words The blocks that hinder creativity.


2.000 Words Important ways on how to integrate Lenardo da Vinci’s principles on
creative methods.


2.000 Words Understanding how your brain works and using it to tap on your potential.


2.500Words Necessary exercises to stimulate the different sides/elements of

500 Words
Outline Requirements
● We are not experts on the topic of this book
That’s why we hired you, an expert in the field: to harness your knowledge on this topic
into a book. We did our best to research and gather information, especially from other
famous books and customer reviews on amazon. If something we put in the outline
doesn’t make much sense or doesn’t align with the book topic, feel free to make
adjustments as long as you know it is the correct thing to be put into that section of the
book. Please notify us in the case that this occurs!
● Sticking To The Chapter Outline
It’s essential to stick to these bullets as closely as possible and to build upon them as
accurately as possible. Do not talk about other aspects unless it relates to a bullet point.
● Chapter Order,
The chapters’ order is fixed. Should you feel that switching chapters makes sense,
simply contact us so we can discuss this matter.
● Words Counts
The assigned number of words per chapter is also fixed. Feel free to discuss this with us
if there’s a need to adjust it.
Chapter Outline
Book Characteristics

● Explain ideas through simple and straightforward language.
● Try to always maintain a logical flow of ideas from one discussion to another and link them
as needed to give the reader a more cohesive appreciation of the reading process.
● Keep the tone informative yet light by using practical examples, especially whenever
elaborating on the concept of the modern science and psychology of creativity and in
explaining clinical situations.
● Convey and discuss knowledge, not opinion.
● Provide clear, colorful, and practical illustrations that are easy to understand. Include
graphics and labels on sections of the brain appropriate to the subject discussed.

● Do not use jargon idioms.
● It’s possible that some ideas may overlap across more than one topic; to avoid repetition
and monotony, rephrase/res-state ideas.

Word Count: 500 - 1.000 Words
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Introduction goes FIRST in the book, but we recommend writing it
Book Hook The first sentence: a scene, conversation, or anecdote that grabs the
reader and forces them to keep reading.

Frame the Similar to what can be found in the Reader Avatar section
reader’s pain

Frame the Similar to what can be found in the Reader Avatar section
reader’s benefits

Tell them what ● Key takeaways for the reader

they’ll learn in the ● Common reader objections

Describe author’s Why should the reader trust the author?

of the book

Tell them what the Make sure you signal clearly to the right readers
book is and isn’t
Segue to the first “Are you ready to [objective]? Keep reading.”
chapter/Call to


Minimum Word Count: 1.000 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Provide a general idea of what intelligence is and discuss its nature and functions.
● Give general examples if necessary.

● Do not get into a deep discussion about intelligence so as not to pre-empt the
succeeding chapters.
● Avoid providing complex examples.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of Understanding the concept of intelligence: its nature and functions.


Supporting ● Discuss the concept of intelligence.

content ● Provide the general idea of the nature of intelligence.
● Discuss the function of intelligence.
● Give a thorough explanation and definite examples of the following
types of intelligence:
○ Logical-Mathematical
○ Verbal-Linguistic
○ Spatial Mechanical
○ Musical
○ Bodily-Kinesthetic
○ Interpersonal-Social
○ Intrapersonal
● Elaborate on the different factors affecting intelligence.

Action steps Exercises, tasks, or challenges the reader should now do to apply the
new learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Key reader Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
takeaways points

Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion
to How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking
● Discover Your Genius: How to Think Like History's Ten Most Revolutionary


Minimum Word Count: 3.000 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Clearly and objectively discuss the theory of multiple intelligences and relate it to
Leonardo da Vinci’s intelligence.
● Provide examples that are highly relatable.

● Do not be technical or wordy in describing concepts.
● Do not dwell too much on giving more reasons so as to not preempt the following

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of Diving into the theory of multiple intelligence.


Supporting ● Relate the concept of multiple intelligence to Leonardo da Vinci’s

content intelligence. Give a thorough discussion and examples of him being a
● Discuss the different fields that he mastered and his accomplishments
in each field:
○ Anatomy
○ Innovation and invention
○ Architecture
○ Art
○ Science

Action steps Action steps, exercises, tasks or challenges the reader should now do to
apply the new learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points

Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion
to How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking
● Discover Your Genius: How to Think Like History's Ten Most Revolutionary


Minimum Word Count: 2.500 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Focus on the idea of science and how it relates to Leonardo da Vinci’s creative output.
● Provide examples to help elaborate the main idea.

● Do not be technical or wordy in describing concepts.
● Do not dwell too much on giving more reasons so as to not preempt the other

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of A view of Leonardo da Vinci’s creative output through the lens of

chapter neuroscience.

Supporting ● Provide an elaborate discussion on the psychology of creativity and

content modern brain science.
● Highlight the discussion about the left brain and right brain myth, the
theory of split brain, and provide the researchers’ argument that both
sides do roughly the same amount of activity to all people as opposed
to the left and right brain myth. Cite relevant studies.
● Provide an understanding on how the right and left brain works and its
corresponding functions.
● Elaborate on the networks of the brain:
▪ Executive attention network
▪ Imaginative network
▪ Salience network
● Now, relate the previous concepts on Leonardo da Vinci's creative
output through the lens of modern brain science.

Action steps Exercises, tasks, or challenges the reader should now do to apply the
new learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points
Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking
● Discover Your Genius: How to Think Like History's Ten Most Revolutionary


Minimum Word Count: 2.500 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Keep the definition and explanation of ideas straight to the point, and whenever
appropriate, provide a follow-up or supporting description on the evolution of brains.
● Cite only practical and highly relatable examples.

● Avoid overlaps in the discussion by sticking only to the evolution of brains and how it
relates to Leonardo da Vinci’s brain.
● When citing studies, refrain from getting too detailed about the research and just focus
on the purpose, highlight, and outcome.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of The effect of brain organization on creativity.


Supporting ● Begin the discussion on the central argument on how Leonardo da

content Vinci’s brain was organized, which means the structure of his brain and
its unique wiring diagram (his neurocircuitry) . Explain thoroughly.
● Elaborate on how do brains organize themselves according to nature and
● Explore the effect of creativity on brain organization by highlighting the
discussion on what extraordinary neuro configuration did Leonardo da
Vinci possess that allowed him to attain his regular place in history.
Provide necessary examples and cite relevant studies.
● Further the discussion by diving into an understanding of Leonardo’s
legacy in neuroscience.
● Cite Leonardo’s own studies on his own brain.

Action steps Tasks or challenges the reader should now do to apply the new learned

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points
Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion
to How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking


Minimum Word Count: 3.000 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Give clear elaborations on the link that connects Leonardo da Vinci’s art and the laws
of science.
● Provide illustrations and examples of the points discussed.
● Give elaborate examples as necessary.

● In citing studies, refrain from getting too detailed about the research and just focus on
the purpose, highlight, and outcome.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of Understanding the link between da Vinci’s art and the laws of science.

Supporting ● Start by providing a discussion on Leonardo da Vinci being both left and
content right-brained. Provide and cite evidence from the notes on his notebooks.
● Relate how creativity engages all aspects of the human brain and calls
upon different functions on both sides.
● Cite examples of Leonardo’s arts that involve or contain the laws of

Action steps Exercises, tasks or challenges the reader should now do to apply the new
learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points

Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion to
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking
● Discover Your Genius: How to Think Like History's Ten Most Revolutionary Minds
Minimum Word Count: 3.000 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Keep the definition and explanation of ideas straight to the point and whenever
appropriate, provide a follow-up or supporting description of the concepts involved.
● Cite only practical and highly relatable examples.

● Careful not to dwell too much on giving more reasons so as not to do away with the
main topic of the book.
● Do not over-discuss and reserve other discussions of its applications in the proceeding
● Avoid being repetitive and redundant.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, question to reader, shocking statement or anything that
sets up the chapter

Thesis of Leonardo da Vinci’s seven principles of creative methods.


Supporting ● Elaborate and provide concrete examples of the seven principles of

content Leonardo da Vinci’s creative methods:

1. Curisoita - An insatiably curious approach to life and an

unrelenting quest for continuous learning.ediscover the childlike
curiosity that is our birthright. Once you've really developed that
passionate curiosity, you then learn the discipline of critical
thinking, really thinking for yourself. And it's so cool that Leonardo
gives actual advice on how to do this. He says you have to
discipline yourself to look at important issues from multiple

2. Dimostrazione - A commitment to test knowledge through

experience, persistence, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
look at things from at least three perspectives so you can say that
you've really thought about it.

3. Sensazione - The continual refinement of the senses, especially

sight, as the means to experience. Sharpen our senses to become
today that the contemporary popular word for: mindfulness of the

4. Sfumato - A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and


5. Arte/Scienza - The development of the balance between

science and art, logic and imagination. "Whole-brain" thinking.

6. Corporalita - The cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness and


7. Connessione - A recognition of and appreciation for the

interconnectedness of all things and phenomena. System thinking.
● Highlight each principle with excerpts from Leonardo’s notebooks and
illustrate it with sketches or paintings.

Action steps Exercises, tasks, or challenges the reader should now do to apply the
new learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points
Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion
to How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Optimize Interview: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci with Michael Gelb


Minimum Word Count: 2.000 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Focus on the idea of creativity blocks in relation to the previously discussed
intelligence and modern science.
● Identify the barriers that hinder or block creativity.
● Provide examples to help elaborate the main idea.

● Careful not to dwell too much on giving more reasons so as not to do away with the
main topic of the book.
● Avoid being repetitive and redundant.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of The blocks that hinder creativity.


Supporting ● Provide a discussion and distinct explanations on the traditional

content concept of IQ and its flaws:
○ First flaw - Intelligence is fixed at birth and immutable.
○ Second flaw - The verbal and mathematical reasoning skills
measured by IQ tests are the sine qua nons of intelligence.
● Provide distinct examples of the flaws of the traditional concept of IQ
by relating it to Leonardo da Vinci’s IQ.
● Provide a redefinition of intelligence and creativity based on the flaws
of the traditional understanding of IQ + Da Vinci's life/legacy.
● Define and provide elaborate examples on how to conquer
roadblocks, the different ways/tactics:
○ SCAMPER method (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M)
minimize/magnify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R)

Action steps Exercises, tasks or challenges the reader should now do to apply the new
learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points
Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion
to How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking


Minimum Word Count: 2.000 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Focus on the idea on the ways on how to integrate Lenardo da Vinci’s principles on
creative methods.
● Provide examples to help elaborate the main idea.
● Give illustrations and examples.

● Careful not to dwell too much on giving more reasons so as not to do away with the
main topic of the book.
● Avoid being repetitive and redundant.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of Important ways on how to integrate Lenardo da Vinci’s principles on

chapter creative methods.

Supporting ● Provide a discussion on the importance of integrating Leonardo da

content Vinci’s principles on creative methods.
● Elaborate on the different ways to integrate Da Vinci’s principles on
creative methods:
○ Present yourself based on what you want to become -
highlight current interests that you are able to deliver.
○ Become a T-shape person - Use knowledge from different
topics to allow creativity to emerge.
○ Know when you are wrong - Adjust your beliefs to fit new
information, use facts to find a new theory to live by.
○ Collaborate with other people - Inspiration and
improvement comes by working with others, not alone.
○ Be wary of perfectionism - finish with what you are doing to
move forward, rather than leaving it unfinished.
○ Embrace your inner child / inner animal. Childlike curiosity
and playfulness are essential. Think of life as a ride,
especially in difficult times.
○ Accept your weaknesses but focus on your strengths.
Embrace the fact that you will never know everything or be
good at everything, but that practice allows you to be among
the best at some things.
○ Don't take ANYTHING for granted... including yourself.
Think out of the box. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself by
exploring ideas inconsistent with your frame of reference and
seriously consider any rational argument against your position.
○ Recognize science as a method rather than a collection of
facts. Trust the scientific method but not the scientist. The
scientific method never fails, but scientists fail all the time.
○ Reject blind faith in anything... including scientific
statements... including your own perception. Accept the
likelihood that biases or personal preferences color your
perception as well as your memory of any event and that this
applies to everyone. Be willing to change your opinion on
○ Do not compartmentalize your knowledge but integrate it.
Reject cognitive dissonance by consistently adjusting your
frame of reference until all cognitive dissonance is gone.
○ Don't think in black-and-white. Learn to recognize the many
shades of gray in between polar opposites.
● Elaborate on the Ten Power Questions to personal growth and
○ When am I most naturally myself? What people, places and
activities allow me to feel most fully myself?
○ What is one thing I could stop doing, or start doing, or do
differently, starting today that would most improve the quality
of my life?
○ What is my greatest talent?
○ How can I get paid for doing what I love?
○ Who are my most inspiring role models?
○ How can I best be of service to others?
○ What is my heart's deepest desire?
○ How am I perceived by: my closest friend, my worst enemy,
my boss, my children, my co-workers etc?
○ What are the blessings of my life?
○ What legacy would I like to leave?

Action steps Exercises, tasks or challenges the reader should now do to apply the new
learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points
Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion
to How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking
● How to Be a Genius: Leonardo da Vinci's 5 Rules
● 19 Rules For Life (How to Think like Da Vinci)


Minimum Word Count: 2.000 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Keep the definition and explanation of ideas straight to the point and whenever
● Connect the solutions here to the problems from the previous chapter.
● Cite only practical and highly relatable examples.

● In citing studies, refrain from getting too detailed about the research and just focus on
the purpose, highlight, and outcome.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of Understanding how your brain works and using it to tap into your
chapter potential.

Supporting ● Give definitions, elaborations, and examples of the truths about the
content workings of your brain and the extent of your potential:
○ Your brain is more flexible and multidimensional than any
○ Your brain can learn seven facts per second, every second, for
the rest of your life and still have plenty of room left to learn more.
○ Your brain will improve with age if you use it properly.
○ Intelligence is located not only in the brain, but in the cells that
are distributed throughout the body.
○ Your brain is unique. Your creative gifts, fingerprints, expressions,
○ Your brain is capable of making a virtually unlimited number of
synaptic connections or potential patterns of thought.

Action steps Exercises, tasks or challenges the reader should now do to apply the new
learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points
Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking


Minimum Word Count: 2.500 Words
Chapter Characteristics

● Give elaborate/comprehensive exercises that readers can use to practice and
enhance their potential intelligence and creativity.
● Flesh out the ideas of Chapter 9 through how-to illustrations and fun tests.
● Give concise and practical exercises.

● Avoid providing exercises that do not directly relate to the book’s topic in general.
● Avoid providing tests that are impractical.

Chapter Hook Story, anecdote, a question to the reader, shocking statement, or

anything that sets up the chapter.

Thesis of Necessary exercises to stimulate the different sides/elements of

chapter intelligence.

Supporting ● Provide practical exercises to practice and integrate the discussed

content principles on intelligence and creativity.
● Integrate easy-to-understand and practical illustrations.
● Provide sample exercises that would apply to da Vinci’s seven
principles on creative methods.
● Create and include fun and easy tests to develop the reader’s
comprehension and retention.
● Integrate the following helpful exercises:
○ Mind mapping exercises - tools to articulate interests and
strengths and draw connections.
○ Journaling
○ Hundred Questions - the key is if you persevere, most people
seem to break through this barrier of their habitual mind, and
they shift into a different kind of consciousness and
expression, and they surprise themselves by getting to the key
questions of their lives. The process of questioning your sense
is that the quality of our lives is determined by the nature of the
questions that we ask every day. The hundred question
exercise is one of the tools, along with the 10 power questions,
and just generally paying attention to the nature of what you're
really curious about, because that's also going to determine
what you're really good at. Look at them and notice the
themes that will surface.
○ Exercises focusing on growth mindset, diverse skill
development and unlocking potential are reflective, specific,
and engaging.
○ Great exercises on how to stimulate the many-sided elements
of our intelligence.
○ Also, provide an annotated reading and resource list to
guide the readers in exploring and applying each

Action steps Exercises, tasks or challenges the reader should now do to apply the new
learned knowledge

Callback to Callback to opening story/anecdote and segue to next chapter

Hook & segue
to next

Chapter Lay out what the reader needs to know from this chapter in 3-6 bullet
summary points
Recommended Resources:
● How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
● The How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci Workbook: Your Personal Companion
to How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci
● Leonardo's Brain: Understanding da Vinci's Creative Genius
● Think Like da Vinci: Practical Everyday Creativity for Idea Generation, New
Perspectives, and Innovative Thinking
● Discover Your Genius: How to Think Like History's Ten Most Revolutionary
● Optimize Interview: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci with Michael Gelb
● How to Be a Genius: Leonardo da Vinci's 5 Rules
● 19 Rules For Life (How to Think like Da Vinci)

Word Count: 500 Words

Chapter Hook Lead with anecdote or story that wraps up the book

Thesis of book Re-state book’s main idea/thesis

Tie together each State the key takeaway(s) of the entire book and summarize the
chapter’s takeaway book
with the
overarching theme
of book

Call to Action What should the reader do when they finish the book?

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