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Prper / Subjecr ilidc: {60M / Lfu IlImkrting,

fimr: 2lt Hrs.

N.B. t. All quxtionr arc computsory

LFigurer ta the rtght lndlcrtt rrcrk

Q.l. (A) Ithtch the column (eny Eighr)

Group A ' .' ' Grouo B
A hotluccd & consumed at sarne pkcc I
B Senricx cannot bc stored ) d.Nli,fid.ltrr.0lnoTrcirrhtfodqss,'-.-
C Pcople Bascd Scrvices 3 IhlFiiP $..eni$ooi"{rsco,t*
D $clf &rvicc 4'- .
E Servicc Scape 'r,;o .'
F Blue print ',.. ,.*-,' ..
.,'\: t"\ hbpuri${+1t_ I
\J Branding
H r&t. :

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J Benchmarkbg '" r ". !':i
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inuagc of serrrics marketer.

and Berry.
is onc ofthc ahical issucs in ser,ricc
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i :8.' oftbe globol s&ttcgy, ttrc multimtional rtategy and

.: O 'P mix bccaue it gives peruption of thc quality.

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ofscrviccs ud itr implicatiour. (08)

ma*cting and Ssviccs Mukaing (07)
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Scanned by CamScanner
prpcr I $ubiect Code I 46004 / Mrrkcting:Scrvlced lvtrrtretiug
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2- ^ v nc"
FnS , (C) What arc the different ways of distributing services? Explaip the roie ptayed by
t .. d V f*o.hising in distributing services' (0s)
n \SLF (D) What is service mappingl Explain the four lines of service olip
t''(DO.r. '-' ,:

(A)ExplaintheGapModelofscrvicequalirv' l. .
(B)Explain the strategies for managing capaciry to nuitch demasd : (04

(C)Explain the concept of service

(D)What is Service Quality? What are the

Q.4. (A) what are the international and (08)

.:: , .;':
(B) Explain the concept ofzone of ,.!i"u, '; r" (07)
'. -:'
(C) What are the recent trends (0t)
(D) What are the unethical (0n

Q.5. (A) Explain the strategy


Q.S.Write a short (ls)

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