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Ricardo Yañez Cook Ricardo Palma University


Underline the subordinate clauses in the following sentences and label them. Then, tell the function they fulfill inside the sentence.

1. Tommy scrubbed the bathroom tile until his arms ached.

2. Quite upset at the news, Victoria started strolling along the corridor.

3. She heard Charles tell a lie.

4. My dog Sprinkle, who loves pizza crusts, eats them under the kitchen table, where he chews and drools with great enthusiasm.

5. Snarling and skidding on the smooth tile, Oreo and Skeeter, Madison's two dogs, competed for the hardboiled egg that bounced across the kitchen floor.

6. He left the party and went home, not having anyone to talk to.

7. The person we talked to yesterday told who the students want to win what the prize would be.

8. There were so many animals that it was a complete chaos.

9. Now interested and talkative, he reflected how even his business life managed to avoid such infelicities.

10. I watched them play.

Mr. Ricardo Yañez Cook Ricardo Palma University

11. Anthony ran for the paper towels as cola spilled over the glass and splashed onto the counter.

12. By the end of the day, although exhausted, Mark did not feel quite as tired as he had in the past.

13. Anthony ran to get paper towels for the cola that had spilled over the glass and splashed onto the counter.

14. I was startled to hear a local radio announcer refer to a contest.

15. The monk thanked the people so that they could realize he was in favor.

16. You have to look at the picture really carefully in order to see all the detail.

17. Now a mother of a large family, she felt really happy.

18. While Carol was sending messages, the host told the guest that Carol’s sister had passed away.

19. Chewing with her mouth open is one reason why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie.

20. Because my dog loves pizza crusts, he never barks at the deliveryman.

21. Josephine's three cats bolted from the driveway once they saw her car turn the corner.
Mr. Ricardo Yañez Cook Ricardo Palma University

22. We heard her sing.

23. The proposal, if accepted by Parliament, will mean fundamental changes to the education system.

24. Laughter erupted from Annamarie, who hiccupped for seven hours afterward.

25. The missing eyeglasses are in the refrigerator, where Damien absentmindedly set them down while eating his roommate's leftover fried rice.

26. Diane felt manipulated by her beagle Santana, whose big, brown eyes pleaded for another cookie.

27. A dog that eats too much pizza will soon develop pepperoni breath.

28. Once in a flat, where Hartmann would be sitting in front of the television, she would find the ideas that had suggested themselves.

29. After her appointment at the orthodontist, Danielle cooked eggs for dinner because she could easily chew an omelet.

30. Whoever ate the brunch is in big trouble.

31. After having spent sixteen hours in the operation room, they eventually were all burnt out.

32. Whenever lazy students whine, Mrs. Russell throws chalk erasers at their heads.
Mr. Ricardo Yañez Cook Ricardo Palma University

33. The old girl to whom the police officer helped told us that because of her dizziness.

34. You really do not want to know what my dog did in the living room today.

35. Helped by local volunteers, staff at the museum have spent many years sorting and cataloguing more than 100,000 photographs.

36. After her appointment at the orthodontist, Danielle cooked eggs for dinner because she could easily chew an omelet.

37. The lazy students whom Mrs. Russell hit in the head with a chalk eraser soon learned to keep their complaints to themselves.

38. Don’t forget to fill in the form attached to the letter.

39. The thief tiptoed into the room so that nobody could hear.

40. I bade him come.

41. Although very tired, Pablo insisted on giving his wife a hand with making dinner ready.

42. I caught the boy smoking a cigar.

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