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Coach 1

High Ticket Coaching Report

Q.1 What is your Niche?

Q.2 What are their core pain points?

Q.3 What are their core desire points?

Q.4 Name 3 competitor Coaches in your niche.

Q.5 What is the name of your high ticket program?

Q.6 What are the core pain points your program will be solving?
Coach 2
High Ticket Coaching Report

Q.7 Refinement Matrix – Fill the below refinement matrix for approximately 5
of the above top core pain points.

Pain Point 1 (their fear / limiting belief

and the situation it leads them to)
What Exercise(s) / technique(s)
correspond to it (Only list them not
describe them)
Measurable Outcome that it leads them

Pain Point 2 (their fear / limiting belief

and the situation it leads them to)
What Exercise(s) / technique(s)
correspond to it (Only list them not
describe them)
Measurable Outcome that it leads them

Pain Point 3 (their fear / limiting belief

and the situation it leads them to)
What Exercise(s) / technique(s)
correspond to it (Only list them not
describe them)
Measurable Outcome that it leads them

Pain Point 4 (their fear / limiting belief

and the situation it leads them to)
What Exercise(s) / technique(s)
correspond to it (Only list them not
describe them)
Coach 3
High Ticket Coaching Report

Measurable Outcome that it leads them


Pain Point 5 (their fear / limiting belief

and the situation it leads them to)
What Exercise(s) / technique(s)
correspond to it (Only list them not
describe them)
Measurable Outcome that it leads them

Q.8 Based on the above matrix, name each module, and the outcome it
corresponds to & describe it in a way that appeals to your target audience
such that they would want to buy it.
(Tip: You can have a single module correspond to each of the outcomes
above or you could have more than 1 module correspond to an outcome)

Module 1 Name
Sales Description

Module 2 Name
Sales Description

Module 3 Name
Sales Description

Module 4 Name
Coach 4
High Ticket Coaching Report

Sales Description

Module 5 Name
Sales Description

Feel free to copy paste the above table for more modules as required.

Q.9 How many modules in total do you have in this program?

Q.10 In a single sentence write out the outcome of your program in a

tangible, measurable way.

(Examples of good single sentence outcomes / taglines:

Master your mindset in pregnancy and connect with your baby
Coaching women to get into high level leadership roles
Helping busy professionals achieve their ideal weight and regain confidence)

Q.11 Based on the above outcome, what is the conversion asset you will be
creating for this target group.
A conversion asset, also called a value asset or thank you asset is
something that feels immediately valuable to your audience. It can be a
small ebook (upto 5 pages or 3000 words), a short video (upto 5 minutes
long) or an audio (upto 10 minutes long) or an exercise sheet (in a PDF) that
Coach 5
High Ticket Coaching Report

they can do at their own time and pace that does not need your intervention.
This asset should be such that it gives your audience a taste of your
coaching, and makes them want more. It gets them ready for their first call
with you. It also helps you as a coach assess how sincere or diligent your
coachee is.

Conversion Asset Name:

Format (Audio / Video / PDF):
Sales description for your

Q.12 Your Webinar Outcome – Based on your single sentence outcome,

write down the outcome statement you will be focusing on your webinar.

Q.13 Lastly, why do you as a coach feel you’re good enough to deliver this
high ticket program?
The goal of this question is to help you establish confidence in yourself as a
coach to be able to offer this high ticket program.

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