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SOC201 Introduction to Sociology CRN 41664 1

Citrus College
SOC 201 CRN 41664
Introduction to Sociology
Summer 2020

Course Information
Course Name and Call #: Introduction of Sociology – CRN 41664
Units: 3 Units
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course
Course Meeting Times: MTWR, 10:20-12:30p.m. Location: Online
Contact Information: Ann-Marie Bradley, LMSW

Office Hours: By appointment.

*Please email at any time if you have questions about the course. When emailing me please
provide your first and last name and indicate the class you are in (SOC 201).
*Please allow 48 business hours (meaning not weekends or school holidays) for replies.

Required Text
The Real World: an Introduction to Sociology, 5th ed., by Kelly Ferris and Jill Stein. 

Course Description/Course Objectives

Sociology is the scientific study of human behavior that is shaped by society. This class will
emphasize that larger social forces shape our attitudes and behavior. Though everyone is
unique, our situations fit into common patterns. With this new outlook, we can open our minds
and understand how we behave and why we behave the way we do.

This course will introduce you to the discipline of sociology by examining the history of
sociology, the early and contemporary sociological thinkers, important concepts and theories,
and research methods. We will discuss various issues such as culture, deviance and crime, social
class, race and ethnicity, gender, and family, to name a few. We will apply sociological concepts
and theories to further understand these topics on a broader level. By the end of this course,
my hope is that you will apply these new ideas to social phenomena, as well as your own lives in
order to better understand yourselves and the world around you.

Course Overview
This course covers the text, lecture notes, videos/movies, class discussions, in-class activities,
observation assignment, exams, and other assignments as they arise. Students are expected to
read the text and other material in accordance with the course timeline. A MAJOR portion of
the text and other reading material are for self-study and may not be covered in class lecture;
however, you may be called upon to discuss a particular topic. Not all exam questions will be
covered or discussed in class. Lecture material is designed for augmentation, knowledge
enhancement, class or group discussion, and may or may not be covered on the exam.
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology CRN 41664 2

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

Student Learning Outcome IDEA Objective Assignments Used to

Communication (personal Students will develop an analytic Class Quizzes,
expression and information understanding of sociological Examinations (written
acquisition). theory. and oral), essays,
student projects,
assignments and
student presentations.

Students will examine Learning to analyze and critically Examinations (written

sociological research and evaluate ideas, arguments, and and oral), essays,
methodology. points of view. assignments,
student projects and
student presentations.

Community/Global Students will demonstrate an Class Quizzes,

Consciousness and Responsibility analytical understanding of Examinations (written
culture and the cultural diversity and oral), essays,
that exists within society and assignments,
the world. student projects and
student presentations.

Discipline/Subject Area Specific Students will be able to evaluate Class Quizzes,

Content Material social inequality. Examinations (written
and oral), essays,
student projects and
student presentations

Class Policies
I will be posting the lectures on Canvas. Please log in daily to read announcements or
post in the Discussion Board. If you miss class time, you must get review the recorded
lecture or get notes from a classmate.

Class discussions will typically focus on the assigned readings. Make sure to read the
material assigned for a particular week before the week starts.
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology CRN 41664 3

Drop Policy
Students who do not attend the first two class meetings will be dropped to allow room for
others who wish to take the course. Excessive absences will also result in a drop. If you have
more than 4 unexcused absences you may be dropped from the class. Discontinuing your
attendance at class does not constitute an official drop. Students are responsible for ensuring
that they are officially dropped from the class. (See Citrus College catalog for details
regarding program changes.)

Academic Dishonesty
The act of plagiarism, defined as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and
thoughts of another author and the representation of then as one’s own original work,” will
result in serious consequences in this class (“F” grade for the assignment and possibly the
course). Cheating during examinations will result in a failing grade or expulsion from the course.
(See Citrus College catalog for further information about cheating.)

Make-up Work
Make up work will not be accepted unless a valid excuse is presented (for example, illness,
death in the family, or an issue that we have previously discussed). I require that you provide
proof of absence (for example, a doctor’s note). If you must miss a class be sure to check with
me or a classmate to find out what you missed (we may stray a bit from the tentative course
outline). Also, be sure to get notes from a classmate.

Once a student has been verbally warned for disruptive behavior (excessive tardiness,
frequently leaving early, constant personal conversations during lecture, phone usage, sleeping,
disrespect toward the instructor and/or classmates, etc.), the instructor reserves the right to
dismiss him/her from the class.
In addition, the instructor reserves the right to dismiss any student from a particular day’s class
or automatically credit them with an unexcused absence, if they are participating in behaviors
determined to be detrimental to the learning environment or displaying a lack of commitment
to the enrichment of their peers’ educational experience. This includes such activities as
choosing to use your laptop or cell phone for surfing the web, chatting, e-mailing, instant
messaging, text messaging, or playing games during class. If a student is asked to leave a class,
they will be credited with an unexcused absence for that day’s class.
Students may be dismissed for cheating or plagiarizing as well.

Sexual Misconduct
Citrus Community College District is committed to providing an educational environment that is
safe, friendly, accessible and free of all forms of discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual
misconduct, including sexual assault, domestic and dating violence and gender-based stalking. If
you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences gender-based violence (intimate
partner violence, attempted or completed sexual assault, harassment, coercion, stalking, etc.),
know that you are not alone.
Please be aware that all Citrus College faculty are responsible employees with reporting
responsibilities and obligations. This means that if you tell me about a situation, I may have to
report the information to the appropriate college administrator.
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology CRN 41664 4

Reports may be made to: Manager of Human Resources/Staff Diversity & Title IX Coordinator
(626) 914-8830; Campus Safety Supervisor (626) 914-8611; Health Center Nurse (626) 914-8635;
or Glendora Police Department (626) 914-8250.
For more information about sexual misconduct, please visit the Citrus College websites:
Sexual Assault-
Sexual Violence Prevention-
Sexual Harassment-
Citrus College Administrative Procedures and Board Policies –

Students are expected to actively contribute to the overall learning environment and the
intellectual development of everyone involved in the class. Students are expected to ask
questions, articulate their own perspectives, and thoughtfully participate in activities and
discussions. This class endeavors to engage the student in a cooperative learning experience in
which all involved will benefit from the dialogue. You will be graded on your weekly
participation in the class.

Students are expected to regularly check blackboard. Information and updates for this class will
be sent through blackboard. No other communication method will be used.

Computers and Technological Devices

Use of technological devices including laptop computers, cell phones, I-pads, I-pods, or any
similar device is not permitted in class. Anyone who uses any of these during class without the
expressed permission of the professor will receive a deduction in points from the
attendance/participation grade for the week.

Written Assignments
All written work will be submitted through Turn It In, which is a plagiarism checker. The act of
plagiarism, defined as "the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of
another author and the representation of them as one's own original work," will result in serious
consequences in this class - "F" grade for the assignment and possibly the course, and
plagiarizers will be reported to Dean of Student Services.
So I want to warn you to be very careful about plagiarism, and if you have any questions about
this please contact me. When you click on Submit Work you will see detailed instructions on
how to submit your assignments.
It is very important that you know that spelling, punctuation, grammar, as well as sentence,
paragraph, and paper structure counts! You should use inclusive language and metaphors in
both written and verbal communication.
Before turning in any assignment, make sure to read it over carefully to make sure that the
paper is formatted correctly and written properly. A minimum loss of one grade and a
maximum penalty of an “F” will be applied to assignments that are formatted improperly or
written poorly. Papers that are not properly written or proofread may be returned to you to be
re-written before they are graded (this will impact your grade).
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology CRN 41664 5

There will be three exams given throughout the semester (150 points total) that assess the
student’s familiarity with sociological terms found in the assigned reading.
The exams are not cumulative, meaning they will not cover information from previous exams.
Each exam will be 50 multiple-choice questions. You will be provided a study guide prior to each
exam; however it is suggested you keep up with the assigned readings each day. Each exam will
be worth a total of 50 points. Each student is responsible to bring a Scantron form #882 sheet
and a #2 pencil and pencil to every class on the days of these exams.

*Important: NO MAKEUP EXAMS will be allowed. Unless a valid excuse is presented (illness,
death in the family, or other extenuating circumstances discussed with me beforehand), you will
not be allowed to take the exam. You must provide written documentation for your excused
absence and contact me beforehand. Furthermore, on test days, if you are more than 10
minutes late to class, you will not be allowed to take the exam (unless we have spoken about it

Final Exam (50 points)

The exam will consist of multiple choice covering the assigned reading and the
material covered in class throughout the semester. You are responsible for bringing
appropriate materials including a scantron and a #2 pencil.

Class Policies

Assigned Readings
You are responsible for reading the text and supplementary material as assigned. Class
discussion is strongly encouraged. You will be called upon to participate in class discussion, and
are expected to have read the assigned material. Furthermore, not all exam questions from the
text will be covered or discussed in class.

Note Taking
You are responsible to take notes on the material presented in class. Examinations will include
questions from the text, as well as handouts, lecture notes, and videos/movies.

Some students may have challenges to overcome in order to be successful in this course.
Disabilities or having a first language other than English may present certain difficulties. Citrus
College provides special assistance to all students through the Disabled Students Programs and
Services (DSP&S) Office. If you are in need of assistance do not delay, make an appointment
with a DSP&S counselor. They can help with making appropriate arrangements to better assist
your needs. DSP& S is located in Student Services Building, first floor.  The phone number is
(626) 914-867
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology CRN 41664 6

Grading Criteria for All Assignments and Final Grade

“A” work - Outstanding

“Above and beyond the requirements of the assignment; outstanding effort,
significant achievement, and personal improvement are clearly evident. Some
measure of remarkable skill, creativity, or energy is also evident.” “A” students
have outstanding attendance. Do not expect an “A” if you do not come to class.

“B” work – Above Average

“Fulfills all aspects of the assignment and goes a bit beyond minimum
competence to demonstrate extra effort, extra achievement or extra

“C” work - Average

“Fulfills all aspects of the assignment with obvious competence and grace.
Assignments are completed exactly as assigned.”

“D” work – Below Average

“Below average either because some aspect of the assignment has not been
fulfilled or because a preponderance of errors (more than one or two per page)
interferes with clear communication. A “D” may also indicate failure to follow
directions, failure to follow specific recommendations, or failure to demonstrate
personal effort and improvement.”

“F” work – Not Acceptable

“Not acceptable, either because the student did not complete the assignment as
directed, or because the level of performance is below an acceptable level for
college work.
SOC201 Introduction to Sociology CRN 41664 7

Assessment for Grade Determination

In-Class Activities/Reading journal/Participation/Quiz 65 points

Children’s Book 50 points

Peer Review 10 points

Exams (3 Exams x 50 points) 150 points

Observation Assignment Part One 10 points

Observation Assignment Part Two 40 points

Final Exam 50 points

Total Possible: 375 points

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