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There are several important conclusions that can be drawn from ……

This point will be explained and illustrated in the following section. But first we must
introduce some further .…. in terms of which we can classify ……

For this purpose we will make use of the general concept of … , which derives from…

There is still a great deal to be said and a great deal of work to be done

… as will be discussed more fully in the next chapter, …

At this point we might consider how these facts about … could be accommodated within
a … description.

In this chapter I shall attempt to clear the way for the consideration, in later chapters, of
the various aspects of … , first, by (discussing two unsatisfactory views of …) which
provide no solution to …problems, and secondly, by attempting to set out some of the
more important distinctions that have to be made …

In the last chapter a distinction was drawn between …, which deals with …, and …,
which deals with …

In the last section we spoke of a growing understanding of ways in which …

In this chapter we shall be looking at some relations between words that are …

This permits them (linguists, dictionaries, etc.) to add … to their repertoire.

By focusing on (…) evidence, however, they (semanticists, linguists, etc.) neglected

questions concerning … . It is now possible to envision ways in which the omission
might be repaired.

The 20th century has seen the emergence of …

Both (linguists) and (psychologists) have explored in considerable depth the factors
determining… .

Beginning with … at the turn of the century & continuing down to …, , … have
discovered … .

The initial idea was to provide an aid to use … in doing sth. As the work proceeded,
however, it demanded a more ambitious formulation of its own principles and goals.

How the leading … theories should be exploited for the project was not always obvious.

Unfortunately, most research of interest for … has dealt with relatively small samples of
the English (lexicon) , often concentrating on (sth.) at the expense of (another thing).

The present paper / chapter / section addresses that need in developing a more rigorous
& critical theoretical underpinning for what … is and should do.

Before addressing this issue / these questions, I would like to establish two basic
assumptions that will figure prominently in my suggestions for …

Chapters 1 and 2 have been very much concerned with … Throughout both chapters we
constantly implied that such phenomena cannot be properly understood without
examining the effects of … In this chapter we turn to look in greater detail at some
aspects of … This may involve rethinking our attitudes to traditional lexico-grammatical
approaches, but the result is an integrated view of discourse. The grammatical and lexical
categories we have chosen to look at in this chapter are not comprehensive ; they are just
taken as examples of an approach which, we feel , could be applied to any lexical or
grammatical feature.

In this section I would like to discuss some empirical data which would appear to …

In this and the following section I would like to explore …

As will be discussed more fully in the next chapter …

Now that we have the outline of an approach to the study of …, we can turn our attention
to the task of providing a more exact characterization of …

In the previous chapter a number of important decisions were taken (made) which enable
us to establish …, that is to say, to …. We must now confront the rather more daunting
problems of differentiating….

Beginning with this chapter, and running through to chapter (12 ) , the principal topics of
discussion will be various types of …

This chapter deals with …

It will be argued in this section that the key to … is …

In this section, the principal resemblances and differences between … will be briefly
surveyed .

Up to now we have been more or less concentrating on …

An attempt will be made in this section to isolate … and to identify ….


It is worth noting that almost no attempts at determining the types of the existing …..
have been made, though some experts in the field felt that there is some difference
between them.

Our goal will not be so much to show how …varies, but to discover some of the
underlying … that different … have in common . In other words, after dividing … in
Chapter (..), we shall now bring things together more to see what implications … have

It was proposed in the previous section that …

With this preliminary definition , I want now to introduce the notion of …. I shall ease
into this notion and avoid any mention of … until the next chapter , where it becomes the
central focus . Here I speak of … in only the most general introductory fashion.

The previous discussion illustrates that it can be an advantage to … to see how… The
discussion also underlines that analysis of … can reveal …

The conclusion reached in section … suggests that …

Of particular interest in the present study are/is … because …

The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of … to see whether …

As a beginning let us draw a distinction between ….

So, it is now possible to develop an understanding of ….

In this book our main, although by no means exclusive, concern is the design of …..

The first point to note is that …

The point to be noted here is …

Let us begin with a minor place where …

In the following we will discuss …….

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