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Looked at from the … point of view, the distinction between …, as it is usually

explained, rests upon the assumption that …

…’s distinction is reminiscent of that drawn for … by … and adopted for … by …

between … It is also similar to …’s broader distinction…

There are (two) possible ways of treating these … in linguistic description: (a) they may
be given … status; (b) they may be given …

They have concentrated on what is distinctive and idiosyncratic in them rather than on
what they have in common.

Of particular importance in this connection is the principle that …

The distinction between … and … will be introduced first.

There are two ways in which to understand the term “…”. We can apply this term to ….,
or perhaps to …. Alternatively , the … can be understood as a …

Leaving aside the question of how we can possibly know which …, we may ask whether
there is any justification for treating… as privileged for… .

Because it also seems to be relevant to the needs of …, an explanation of the origins of

this alternative … will now be given.

Among the most (adj.) & readily (adj.) (noun phrase) is (noun phrase). They are pivotal
to the characterization of …

… (these) form the subject matter of the present chapter .

In our discussion of the various types of … we have taken for granted so far that we are
dealing with …, that is to say, …

So far , I have only described … as a loosely related cluster of …

The (theoretical description of … ) may, therefore , benefit from looking at … from

another angle, where ….

Today we might prefer to argue that …, such as …, are really not …, but such a quibble
does not detract us from the important distinction that is made here between (the
scientific, conceptual and everyday notions) .

At this point, I also want to anticipate the standard objection that , since …., it must
follow that …. This simply does not follow. What does follow is that ….

What I am describing here in a superficial way is ….

My description of the development of … is obviously meant to highlight ….

I want to propose a meaning for the term “…” that differs in important respects from
what has come to be the standard meaning of the term in recent ….

As we stated in the introduction to this (book) , our main concern is with the implications
for … of a view of … which takes into account the fact that ….

The crux of the matter here is that ….

The desirability of this form of explanation is suggested by…

The difficulty that immediately arises is that … can legitimately be regarded as different
from other types of …

Therefore, to explain …, it will be necessary to examine such cases rather than to try …

However, this treatment requires that one of … in question be taken as more basic than
the other.

To keep the paper within manageable proportions the … must be carefully distinguished.
Discussion is restricted to …

The characteristic feature of …, notably …, comes to be (not) …

It will be necessary to introduce a distinction , which has up to now not been needed ,
between … (two kinds of element relevant to ...)

At this point we might consider how these facts about … could be accommodated within
… (the ideographic description)

There is unfortunately no neat way of characterizing …

Once we have acknowledged that …, we must ask ourselves what …. is.

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