Verified Optho Past by Chaaaato Sangat 45

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LCIEEEE NO) SEINE (3 ies ata @)o) haere Past ered enon Mero) eco eb em gSL Be eee ree Pe aL Pee SS nent te ee eee eae e) go cea! oS Sly gla! S ull FA omETy. iC eIe S a ) OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY : Vy SHAHEED MOHTARMA BENAZIR BHUTTO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY j @ CHANDKA MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL LARKANA ‘ 0 IS IT Dated: 05-05-2018 p-E1-E2 4" YEAR MBBS BATCH-43 (GROU pSSION 2014-15 Roll No: otal Marks: 100 NAME: 4. The first line of treatment in chemical injury is a. Admission if severe b. Topical antibiotics Topical cycloplegia d. Neutralization of ph by irrigation e Oral analgesia In blow out fracture the commonest bone to fracture is Maxillary (floor) Zygomatic (lateral wall) Lachrymal (medial wall) Frontal (roof) Ethmoidal (medial wall) eaccen Following are the features of orbital floor fracture Diplopa on upgaze and downgaze Damage to supra-orbital nerve Haemoptysis, Numbness of lateral canthus Haziness of ethmiodal sinus on x ray paocaw 4. The commonest painless lid swelling is a = Sle b. Cyst of moll Cyst of zeis Internal hordeolum Chalazion Orbital pseudo-tumor ‘Thyroid ophthalmopathy patient presents with red eye, decreased visual acuity A y, raised Intraocular & shallow anterior chamber, The likely diagnosis is : yye and visual \ ith painful red e ee F Pressure and new bio, hore was raised Intraocular except. 7. Female with uncontrolled diabetes present acuity is also decreased. On examination th vessels on the iris. The treatment includes all a Atropine b, Beta blockers cc. Steriods \ 4 e Pain killers. Pilocarpine The commonest cause of catarac! Trauma Diabetes Hypo-parathyroidism Torch infections Old age Regarding Phaco-Emulsification, better visual outcome is expected when Operation is performed via superior clear corneal incision Operation is performed via superior scleral tunnel incision Operation is performed via supero-temperal clear corneal incision Operation is performed via temporal clear corneal incision Operation is performed via temporal scleral tunnel operation Phaco-Emulsification is done except in immature cataract Mature cataract Hyper-mature cataract Hype-mature morgagnian cataract Dislocated cataract ‘On gonioscopy following structures are visible Most anterior is bowmans layor Next is trabecular meshwork Next scleral spur d. Next ciliary body And lastly iris recess In Addition to High IOP and High vertical cup-dise ratio, risk factors for POAG include all of the following except Old age Family history Retinal nerve fibre defects Parapapillary changes Hypermetropia 3. The earliest visual field defect in POAG is. Isolated paracentral nasal scotoma Bjerrums scotoma Arcuate scotoma ‘Aitudinal Scotoma Centrocecal scotoma Chronic simple glaucoma, is a generally bilateral, but not always symmetrical disease, characterized by: An IOP 21mmHg. Angle grade Il. _ Glaucomatous optic nerve head damage. Alttudinal field defects sign of glaucomatous damage is, Baring of circumilinear blood vessels ‘Bayoneting ‘The laminar dot sign 'or Inferior polar notching ofthe cup in myopia . id of eye ball is short 4 ‘orneal radius of curvature is less i tans is less spherical I. Image forms in front of the retina wher ina when the patient accommodates €. Patient can see far objects clearly when he exerts accommodation Br iad of cataract include all of the following except b. Decreased vision in iow illumination © Decreased vision in bright light a. Glare e Sudden loss of vision 18. Treatment op! a. —_Pilocarpine b. Beta blockers c 4. e. Ins in POAG may include all except Prostaglandin analogues Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Atropine 19. WHO grading of trachoma includes all except a TF follicles b, —_Tlinflammation c TS scarring d. TT trichiasis e TP pannus 20. Least common cause of sudden loss of vision is a. Vitreous hemorrhage b Optic neuritis c Central retinal venous occlusion d. Central retina artery occlusion e Retinal detachment 21. _ Best vision in moderate myopia is achieved by a glasses b. ‘soft contact lenses c. _rigid. gas permeable lenses a Laser vision correction procedures kerato-melieusis Complications of contact lenses include all of the following except Allergy Corneal infiltrates Corneal ulcer Permanent loss of vision Corneal pigmentation Pupil in acute anterior uveitis is Miosed and regular with poor reaction Miosed and irregular with poor reaction Dilated and irregular with good reaction Dilated and regular with poor reaction Mid-dilated and oval with poor reaction ‘According to WHO a person is blind when Vision in better eye is less than 2/60 and/or visual field is less than 30 degrees in better eye Vision in better eye is less than 3/60 and/or visual field is less than 30 degrees in better Eye ‘Vision in better eye is less than 3/60 and/or visual field is less than 20 degrees in better eye ‘Vision in better eye is less than 3/60 and/or visual field is less than 60 degrees in better eye ‘Vision in better eye is less than 5/60 and/or visual field is less than 30 degrees in better eye The most cor Trachoma Diabetic retinopathy Refractive errors Glaucoma Cataract mmon cause of reduced vision in the world is A Young mate of 22years present with gradual decrease of visual acuity in both eyes and change of refractiv © error on examination with retinoscope there was high astigmatism. Giy, likely diagnosis? Keratoglobus Keratoconus Megalocornea Buphthaimos Keratitis A young boy presented in ‘emergency with watering and photophobia in right eye. Which test is appropriate? Schirmer test Tear breakup time Rose Bengal staining Applanation tonometry Flouroscine staining When the eyo is medially rotated, the Inferior rectus Inferior oblique Superior oblique Inferior rectus and inferior oblique Lateral rectus Prime depressor muscle of eye ball mp examination shows hypopyeon in anterior chamber after trauma, which is due to Pus in anterior chamber Celis in anterior chamber Protein in anterior chamber Blood in anterior chamber Foreign body in anterior chamber A patient have blunt trauma with tennis ball and having hyphoma, which is Pus in anterior chamber Foreign body in anterior chamber Uveal tissue Blood in anterior chamber Cells in anterior chamber Calculation of IOL power is called Biometry Tonometry Ophthaimoscopy "Benign tumors of eye excopt Limba! dermoid sented discharge both eyes and extreme congestion of conjunctiva, al agence the ophthaimianeontron whichis coused oy Timolol is Bata blocker ‘arbonic anhydrase inhit Antibiotic eer Alpha blocker Calcium channel blocker Aphakia can be pepit o Corrected by following Contact lenses Anterior chamber IOL, Posterior chamber |OL All of above sepatient presented with diplopia in primary position along with ptosis in left eye. The eye was deviated infrolaterally. The diagnosis wil be” oe , : Fourth nerve palsy Third nerve palsy Sixth nerve palsy Seventh nerve palsy All above Retinoscopy is done for Examination retina Examination optic nerve Refractive power of eye Axial length of eye To find out the power of IOL 4 patient presented with sudden painless loss of vision in left eye. Patient is known diabetic. How you are going to examine the patient except $ Retinoscopy Direct ophthalmoscopy Indirect ophthalmoscopy Slit lamp examination Examination with triple mirror A young patient presented with Rosette shaped cataract which is characteristic of Senile cataract Complicated cataract Secondary to diabetes Radiation induced cataract ‘Traumatic cataract with blunt trauma A patient presented with photophobia and watering in left eye. On examination with fluorescein staining revealed dendritic ulcer which is caused by Staphylococci Fungal Herpes simplex virus Herpes zoster virus Mycobacterium Distichiasis is Misdirected eye lashes Accessory row of lashes Everted lid margin Inverted lid margin Drooping of upper lid Traucoma is associated with except Tranatas dots Follicles Nasolacrimal duct opens in ‘Superior meatus Inferior meatus Middle meatus Nasopharynx None of above A pationt of 4S years old presented with facial palsy. The epiphora in this patient was duc Ectropion Entropion Lagophthalmos Lacrimal pump failure Hyper screction of tears foreign body sensation can be produced by all except Allergic conjunctivitis, Viral conjunctivitis Cataract Contact lens wear Trichiasis Exophthalmos associated with thyroid ophthalmopathy have following cli Proptosis| Ptosis Lid retraction Conjunctival chemosis Extraocular muscle thickening A patient presented with gross decrease of ‘conjunctival congestion and pupil mised. Which is the probable diagnosis Anterior uveitis Acute congestive glaucoma Conjunctivitis Scleritis Foreign body cal signs except ff vision. On torch examination there was A patient with sudden painless loss of vision and no fundal view was possible. Which of the investigation is helpful to see the retina. Keratometry Pachymetry B-Scan A-Scan Indirect ophthmoscopy ‘A hypertensive and diabetic patient presented with sudden painless loss of vision. What are the possibilities except RAO cRVO Vitrous Hemorrhage Retinal detachment Neovascular glaucoma Myopia is a condition which is Farsightedness Correction with concave lens Correction with convex lens ye formed behind the retina Eye ball is small Scanned by CamScanner Answer Key CCCWHYHWdHnHHNtcHtCOWMWWWOOWOMOM SENG THONG GS = Ol 03 $1 10 <0 coe BMOFDOVUBMFBDOMFOamMSyOromMroura “The End” Scanned by CamScanner 1. A young boy came in eye OPD with c/o serve pain in his right eye, on examinat eye lid is tender , red and ede ts towards the lid 1 jous and pus poi I | a), What is your diagnosis? b)_ What complication could occur in this Pt:? |) How will you treat? Ans. a) .Hardeolum externum (Stye) b) . Pre-spectral cellulitis - Orbital cellulitis Cavernous sinus thrombosis ¢) Evacuation of pus when points toward: Pulling out the effected ey clash “Warm compress for 10 minutes, 4-5 times daily Topical antibiotic “Systemic antibiotic Analgesics is lid margin. t i | I in eye OPD with a pinkish, red lesion on ght by P n pressure and swells 01 CF Q2. A 06 months old child was 02 br Child’s left eye which blanches 0 s? a) What is your diagnosis? b) Whatis clinic course of this disease? ‘) What are treatment options? Ans. a) capillary Haemat b) .complete resolution it ¢) steroid injection in lesion Laser therapy to occlude vessels. _ Surgical excision. ma. in 40% by four years and 70: 86 by 7 years Of 26 aht /eye. On ‘A 60 year old diabetic pt came in eye OPD with severe pain in his r Examination: VA in - rightleye is PL#ve, red and congested, The 1OP sommllg? yossible cause? a. What could be the most p' thy & diabetic maculopathy - _p.Classify diabetic retinopa Neurovascular glaucoma. ~ coma, classify it briefly deseribe whieh structures contribute in angie yp Glaucoma is a progression optic neuropathy with characterstic optic dise chanves an yi field defects in which raised [OP is a major risk factor. hb, Classification 1. Primary Glaucoma © Primary open angle © Primary angle dosure 2. Secondary Secondary open angle Secondary closed angle 3. Congenital Glaucoma * Primer congenital/entitle © Juvenile carrying 4. Normal tension glaucoma ¢. Anterior chamber angle structure From anterior to poster formed by 1. Schwalbes line 2. Trebucular mashwrok 3. Scleral spur 4, Anterior surface of ciliary body Scanned by CamScanner cs] ; quo Allare seem in 3rd nerve patsy except A. Prosis BL Diplopia CC. Miosis (Pe Ouwards eye deviation FE. Mydriasis Q21 Keratoconus is tagnosed by all except A. Munson’s sign B. Oil droplet reflex on ophthatmoscopy ©. Scissor reflex on retinoseopy D. Distortion of pl lacido dise reflex over soreal surface Me Shallow anterior chamber Q22 Band keratopathy can be treated with AX Nevyag laser B. Argon laser C. A chelating agent like EDTA D. Green laser E. Krypton laser Q23 Keratoconus is treated by A. Antibiotic drops B. Bateriod drops C. Keratoprosthesis ene | | \ E, Endothelium Q26 Blow-out fracture oceur in A. Fallon hard object a lead injury idden rise in introrbital pressure D. Lateral wall of orbit E. Roof of orbit Q27 Exophihalmos associated with thyroid ophthalmopathy have following « slinical signs exeept AL, Proptosis Prosis C. Lid retraction 1D. Conjunctival chemosis E. Lid tag Q28 Orbital cellulitis A: Is subacute inflammation of orbital oh x Is an ac cute inflammation of the orbital soft tissue C. Isan acute inflammation of paranasal_ sinuses, D. Isa chronic inflammation of the orbit E. Preseptal orbital cellulitis is more ‘dangerous than postseptal orbital Q29 One of the following condition can __ cause bilateral Proptosis A Dermoid cyst (ahs Opureeve gin QUO Trichiasis Is caused by A. Bacterial conjunctivitis B. Hordeolum Internum C._Hordeolum Extermum, WO. Trachoma E. Viral conjunctivitis QUL. AN of the following are characteristic changes that might be observed in the optic nerve head in primary open angle glaucoma except AL Increased cup to dise ratio B._Notching of the neural rim c ise hemorthage New vessels within the dise FE. Nasalization of di essels Q12 The most important risk factor for developing primary open angle glaucoma is A B. Increasing age Thin central comeal thickness C. African-american race D. Excessive intraocular pressure E. Hypertension Q13 All of the following conditions may mimic glaucomatous visual field loss except A. Branch retinal artery occlusion Q15 Primary angle closure glaucoma A. Anterior chamber is normal WO Characterized by optic dise cupping C. Commonly occurs in myopic eyes D. Commonly Females are more affected E, Isa painless condition Q16 Bitemporal hemianopia is seen in the lesion of A. Optic tract B, Aptic nerve weet D. Optic dise E, Optic vesicle QI7 In complete third nerve paralysis the | direction of the affected eye in the primary position is A. Inward |B, Outward Outward and up | Outward and down EB. Downward QI8 Retro-bulbar optic neuritis is characterized by | ‘A__Marked swelling of the optic dise head ‘Impaired direct pupil light reflex in * the affected exe C, Impaired consensual pupil light reflex. inthe affected eye ~~ FRE FRoFE Pa ie 44 rae ee . QI Aphakia Q5 Phaca-Emulsifiention is dane exeept ln Isa condition of absenee of lens in the Ac Tmimature entaract 1, Mature eataraet B. leads to hypermetropia with retained yper-matare esti accomodation Iype-nnature morpaenian ¢ C. Isdefined as replacement of natural lens EE, Dislocated cataract with Q6 The est palates Hl yveling antificial lens (IOL) AL St D. Is.associated with shallow anterior chamber of moll C. Cystorzeis E. Is associated with iridodialysis |B. Internal hordeotum, Q2 Phacoemulsification is | ME Chatazion A. The time honoured method Qi he following common 1B. The safe procedure fora begging (eatute of chinks rgeon i. A. Complete spontancns resolution Associated with least postoperative with time astigmatism 1, Conjunetival side ofthe lesion snot 5, eames 8, Conjunetval side ofthe lesion isnot th laser equipment involved E. Performed manually C. Transformation to malignancy Q3 The commonest cause of cataract is A. Trauma i B. Diabetes Q8 The anterior and posterior lamellae of \ ©. ypaserstigrcitiens ‘hed can be separated at the level of the D, Torch infections tad margin by the Old age A. Lash line QU Regarding Phaco-Emulsification, better ee land orifices visual outcome is expected when Ciayiins ‘A. Surgery via superior clear con De Mcacatansimajuection a |B. Tarsal suleus incision Fenn we anterior lamella of eye B. Surgery via superior scleral tunnel 2 Be SCRE mai contains incision cs 1m pein . Surgery via supero-temperal clear ay = ms | . Zeis glands — Mio at) corneal incision 3 ©. Glands of Krause D, Meibomian glands = E, Glands of Manz, ‘Surgery via temporal scleral tunnel operation wars D. Surgery via temporal clear corneal Scanned by CamScanner Kote bilateral conjunctivitis by Chatamydtia Vrachomatis WNPE AL BRC wed OY Ch ia Serotype DK bet ea medically with single of Erythromyein t be treated medically with ‘ Doxyeyeline 100mg 6 hourly daily for 10 weeks QS0 Persistent unilateral conjunctivitis is ‘ usually due to A. Puralent conjunctivitis. B. Chronic dactyocystitis ©. Mucopurulent conjunctivitis, YD. Forcign boy. wit E. Comeal ulcer?" ‘out Regarding signs of uveitiy O45 ‘The most ‘A. Ciliary congestion is seen in posterior uveitis A. Awopine B. Cells in the anterior chamber are sign B. Homatropine of posterior uveitis CL Scopolamine NE Keratic prescipitates are deposits of D._ Cyclopentolae inflammatory cells over the MAS Tropicamide endothelium, of comea Q46 With regard to the selera, which statement is LEAST. likely to be correct VAF It consists of regularly spaced collagen fibres |B. tt fuses posteriorly with the dural | . sheath of the optic nerve ©. tis pierced by the vortex veins D._ Keratic prescipitates are present mostly in the upper half of the comea Koeppe's nodul are the inflammatory ‘eposits over the anterior surface ofthe Peripheral iris Q42 The iris and ciliary musctes develops from | Posterior to the equator |. Wis thinnest behind the insertions of A. EBetoderm | ». the rectus muscles B. Endoderm |B. tteonsistsofiregulary spaced iS B-soseon I collagen fibres D. Surface ectoderm | Me ‘Neural ectoderm Q47 Episcleritis ‘membrane is A. Isa painless condition B._Isan chronic inflammation of < 13. A perimetry is used to measure Central and peripheral fields Visual act ssintra ocular pressure Central field only Peripheral field only 14. Characteristic findings on fundoscope of a myopic eye is Tractional detachment Hemorrhagic spots Lacqer cracks Neovascularisation Alllof the above 15. Soft lenses are made up of material named PMMA HEMA Silicone Cellulose acetate Perspex 16. Kayser flescher ring is present in Pigment dispersion syndrome Traumatic hyphema Hepatolenticular degeneration Haematochromatosis None of the above 17. In marfan syndrome there is usual manifestation of Krukenberg spindles Hyphema Prosis Ectopic lens Cataract 18. Common treatment for posterior uveitis is Antibiotics ‘Sympatamatic Steroids NSAIDS 7. Most common cause of failure of surgical repair for tractional retnal detachment is Neovascular formation Proliferative viteroretinopathy Infection after surgery Hemorrhage Retinal breaks 8. Clinical assessment of cataract progression is done through Snellen visual acuity test Direct ophthalmoscope Indirect ophthalmoscope Retinoscope Premetry 98. Which of the following is not the differential diagnosis of congenital glaucoma Megalocornea Comeal clouding ‘Traumatic rupture of descements layer Mucopolyscaccridoses Calcification of lens 10. Snowflake or punctuate dot cataract is seen in Trauma ‘Ocular contusion After cataract surgery Diabetes Hyperthyroid 11. At the time of birth the eye of neonate is Hyperopic. stigmatic Myopic Presbyopic 12. Tonometer used when comeal surface is irregular is Schiotiz tonometer Goldman tonometer Parkins tonometer Pneumatic tonometer Tono pin Eye to Eye BCQs. 1. Most widely used mydratic in clinics is Phenylephrine Atropine ‘Scopolamine Homatropine Cyclopentoiate 2, Intraocular pressure in acute congestive glaucoma 10-21 mm hg 22-24 mm hg 30-35 mm hg 90-100 mm hg 3. Best investigation for foreign body localization is Bscan Ascan MRI CT scan Xray 4. Condition that develops in eyelid of a diabetic patient is Stye Chalazion Basal cell carcinoma Piosis Sq cell carcinoma 5, Regarding basal cell carcinoma of eyelid Grows slowly but is painful in nature Infitrative in nature Is related to diabetes mellitus Is radiosensitive Is related to high rate of recurrence after excision 6. Most common cause of cataract is ‘Smoking Heredity ‘Systemic disease such as diabetes Ageing Toxins, Severe itching ropy discharge exudation tearing prearicular adenopathy hyperemia and itching 48, Aqueous humor is Proteineous material in ant chamber Watery material in ant chamber Watery material in post chamber Connective tissue material in ant chamber 49. Prulent conjunctivitis is caused by Gram positive cocci Gram negative cocci Gram positive bacilli Gram negative bacili Acid fast bacteria 50. Profuse tearing occur in Viral conjunetivitis Bacterial Chlamydial Allergic Allof these 51. Sore throat and fever are occasionally associated with Viral conjunetiviti Bacterial = Chlamydial 52. Infection associated with soft contact lens using Herpes Staphylococcus ‘Acanthomameba Fungal infection Adenovirus epinephrine mannitol 42, Rubeosis iridis is seen in Central retinal vein occlusion Central retinal artery occlusion Hypertension Hyperthyroidism Glaucoma 43, Best examination for lens is with Silt lamp only Slit lamp and dilated pupil Direct ophthalmoscope Indirect ophthalmoscope Fundoscope 44, Most common acquired cause of cataract in young patients ‘Smoking ‘Connective tissue disorder ‘Trauma Infection Malignancy of any part of eye 45. Visual acquity of 1/60 implies that a person is Low vision Myopic Hyperopic: Presbyopic Legally blind 46. Most common type of myopia is Axial curvature refractive simple all of these are equally frequent 47. Symptoms with which a person present with spring catarrha are Extra capsular extraction Co? laser surgery Yaq laser Argon laser Phecoemulsification 37. Pigmented retinal scar or macular hole is seen in Central serous chorioretinopathy ‘Commotion retinae Myopic eye Macular edema Angiod streaks 38. Most common age related corneal degeneration is, Arcus senilis keratoconus band keratopathy ‘Salzmann s nodular degeneration Droplet keratopathy 39, Large ant chamber is seen in condition Myopia Glaucoma Hyperopia Astigmatism Presbyopia 40. Refractive index of cornea is 1 18 15 18 2 41. Immediate treatment of acute angle closure glaucoma is Acetazolamide apracionidine pilocarpine Post surface of comea Lens ‘Aqueous humor Vitrous 31. Glands present at the anterior margin of eyelid are Zeis glands Moll glands Meibomian glands Allof these Both a and b 32, Proliferative diabetic retinopathy is best treated by Pan retinal photocoagulation Pneumatic retinopexy Scleral buckling Par plana vitrectomy Gas tamponade 33. Success rate of scelral buckling in retina detachment is 50% 60-65% 70-75% 80-90% 90-94% 34, Vitreous is composed mostly of Collagen fiber matrix Hyauronic acid Water All three are in equal proportion 35. Surgical treatment for myopia with minimal complications Clear lens extraction Lasik Contact lenses or spectacles. Lasek Prk 36. Treatment for after cataract surgery consequences is Nasolacrimal duct obstruction Nasolacrimal duct stenosis 25. Keratomalacia is due to deficiency of ita vit vite vitd vile 26. Most common cause of visual impairment in old age is Glaucoma Cataract Macular degeneration Retina; detachment Systemic disease 27. Drug that causes retinopathy due to long term usage is Chlorthiazide Chioroquinine Vigabatrin Corticosteroids Phenothiazine 28. Hypopyon is seen in Bacterial infection Viral infection fungal infection all of these both a andc 29. Indication for cataract surgery Uveitis Glaucoma Loss of vision Retinal disease Both b and c ‘30. Most of the retraction occurs at the site of Ant surface of cornea Both a and c 19. Most important infection in HIV is CMV retinitis Toxoplasmosis, Tuberculous uveitis Sarcoidosis of eye Styphlococcus infection of lid and cornea 20. Photophobia is minimal in ‘Styphlococeus ker Adenovirus keratitis, Herpetic keratit Varicella zoster keratitis Exposure keratitis 21. Rarest canalicular anomalies of lacrimal system is Imperforate puncta Accessory puncia Canalicular fistula Agenesis of canalicular system All are common 22. Most common cause of blindness in developing countries is Trachoma Onchocerci Xeropthalmia’ Leprosy Cataract is 23. WHO safe strategy is given for Herpes infection Trachoma = = = ‘Onchocerciasis Adenovirus infections 24. Most common cause of cronic dacrocystitis Haemophilus infection ‘Staph aurus infection Candida infection Retinoblastoma 65. Most common epithelial tumor of lacrimal gland is Sq cell carcinoma Pleomorphic adenoma Adenoid oystic tumor Mixed tumor Adenosarcoma 66. The lesions to optic chiasma are most due to Bony erosion Pituitary gland tumors, Craniophrangioma Hemangioma of cavernous sinus All causes are frequent 67. Which of the following is not associated with amaurosis fugax (transient retinal ischemia) Retinal emboli Arterial disease Haematologic disease Mechanical disease Hyperthyroidism 68, Probable diagnosis of painless visual loss within period of seconds is due to Trauma Retinal detachement Macular edema ‘Commotio retinae Cebtrak retinal artery occlusion 69. Reduced visual acuity in the absence of detectable anatomic defect in the eye or visual pathway is Ametropia Amblyopia Xerosis ‘Scotoma Presbyopia 59. Glaucoma causes Central 30 degree field loss Central 60 degree field loss Peripheral 30 degree field loss Peripheral 60 degree field loss 60. Tractional retinal detachemnet occur in Diabetes Hypertension Carotid artery stenosis Polycythemia arteritis 61. Major complication of trachoma that can cause blinding is Comeal searing and entropion Follicles formation Papillary hypertrophy Comeal searing and ectropion 62. Ideal site for intacapasular lens transplant is Posterior chamber Anterior chamber Vitreous Aqueous humor Both a and d are favourable 63. Most common cause of optic atrophy in young patients is Multiple sclerosis Tobacco and alcohol amblyopia Drug induced optic atrophy trauma increased intracranial pressure 64. Most common cause of proptosis in children is Dermoid ‘Sinus muccele Meningocele Orbital cellulitis 53. Characteristic finding associated with pharangioconjuctival fever is, Non tender lymph nodes Tender lymph nodes Raspberry tongue tonsiltis prulent conjunetivitis 54, Herberts pits are found in Trachoma Ectropion Fungal keratitis, Herpetic keratitis None of these 55. Sceleral buckling is done in Proliferative diabetic retinopathy Retina detachment Retinal edema Retinal hemorrhage Angiod streaks 56, Regarding keratoconus Degenerative unilateral common disease Associated with turner syndrome Comeal clouding and pointing of cornea are symploms ‘Vogts lines are found in basements membrane Is one of the coomon indications for corneal transplant 57. Regarding Salzman s nodular degeneration Degeneration of superficial layer ocours Deep layer degeneration occurs Rigid lenses have no effective role ‘Symptoms include itching Fleischer s rings are visible in comea 58. Earliest finding in diabetic retinopathy is Micro aneurysm Macro aneurysm Both of above None of above 40. A pationt presented with photophobia and watering in loft aye. On examination with fluorescein staining revealed dendritic ulcer which is caused by a. Staphyiecoce: Fungal Herpes simplex virus 4. Hetpes zoster virus Mycobacterium 41. Distichiasis is ‘Misdirected eye lashes ‘Accessory row of lashes Everted lid margin Inverted id margin Drocping of upper td 42, Traucoma Is associated with except a. Tranatas dots Folicies Papitae Herbit pits Corneal pannus 43. Nasolacrimal duct opens in a Superior meatus inferior meatus Middle meatus 4. Nasopharynx None of above 44. Appationt of 45 years old presented with facial palsy. The epiphora in this patient was due to Ectropion, Entropion Lagophthaimos LLacrimal pump failure Hyper serection of tears epoce 45. foreign body sensation can be produced by all except a. Aletgic conjunctvits b. Viral conjunctivitis © Cataract 4. Contact ens wear fe. Tichiasis 4. Seventh nerve palsy e — Allabove 37, Retinoscopy is done for a Examination retina Examination optic nerve Refractive power of eye 4 Axiallength of eye . —_Tofind out the power of lOL 38.A patient presented with sudden painless loss of vision in left eye. Patient is known diabetic. How you are ‘going to examine the patient except 2. Retinoseopy 1b. Direct ophthamoscopy indirect ophthaimoscopy 4. Siitlamp examination Examination with tiple mirror 38. A young pationt prosented with Rosette shapod cataract which is charactoristic of, ‘Senile cataract Complicated cataract Secondary to diabetes Radiation induced cataract Traumatic cataract with blunt trauma 28.When the eye is medially rotated, the prime depressor muscle of eye ball Inferior rectus Inferior obique ‘Superior oblique Inferior rectus and inferior obique Lateral rectus eapee B ‘A patient on slit lamp examination shows hypopyeon in anterior chambor aftor trauma, which is due to Pus in anterior chamber Cells in anterior chamber Protein in anterior chamber Blood in anterior chamber Foreign body in anterior chamber 30. A pationt have blunt trauma with tennis ball and having hyphema, which is. Pus in anterior chamber Foreign body in anterior chamber Uvea! tissue Blood in anterior chamber Celssin anterior chamber 34. Calculation of |OL power is called 2 Blomotry b.— Pachymety —Tonometry 4. Keratometry @——Ophthaimoscopy 32. Bonign tumors of oye excopt a. Limba dermoid b. Chiazion © Orbital cyst 4. Dermoid cyst e Rhabdomyosarcoma 33.An infant presented with sticky discharge both eyes and extreme congestion of conjunctiva. Provisional ‘diagnosis is the ophthalmia neonatroum which is caused by a Gonococcus ECol Staph aureus ‘Streptococcus. Diphtheria 34, Timolol is a Bota blocker b. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor Antibiotic Alpha biecker Calcium channel biocker 35, Aphakia can be corrected by following a Specticies Contact lenses Anterior chamber OL. Posterior chamber IOL All of above '36.A pationt prosented with diplopia in primary position along with ptosis in loft eye. The eye was deviated infrolaterally. The diagnosis will be 3 Fourth nerve palsy Third nerve palsy © Sixthnerve palsy 23, Pupil in acute anterior uveitis is '@—__miosed and reguiar wth poor reaction ‘mised and irregular with poor reaction ited and inegular with good reaction diated and reguiar with poor reaction mid-diated and oval wth poor reaction 24, According to WHO a person is blind when ‘a. vision in better eye is les than 2/60 andlor visual fd is less than 30 degrees in better eye 'b. vision in bettor eye is less than 3/60 andlor visual fiold Is loss than 30 degroos in better eyo cision in better eye is less than 3/60 andlor visual feid is less than 20 degrees in better eye 4. vision in better eye is less than 3/60 andlor visual fd is less than 60 degrees in better eye . vision in better eye is less than 5/60 andor visual fed is less than 30 degrees in better eye 25. The most common cause of reduced vision in the world is 2 trachoma b. diabetic retinopathy refractive errors glaucoma e —cataract 26. Ayoung male of 22years present with gradual decrease of visual acuity in both eyes and change of refractive ‘error on examination with retinoscope there was high astigmatism. Give likely diagnosis? keratogiobus keratoconus megalocomea ‘buphthaimos keratitis 27. Ayoung boy presented in emergency with watering and photophobia in right eye. Which test is appropriate? ‘Schirmer test Tear breakup time Rose Bengal staining Applanation tonometry Flouroscine staining @ Laser vision correction procedures kerato-meieusis 22, Complications of contact lenses include all of the following except a ‘Alergy Cornea’ infitrates Corneal ulcer Permanent loss of vision Corneal pigmentation Arcuate scotoma Attudinal Scotoma Centrocecal scotoma 14, Chronic simple glaucom: {is a generally bilateral, but not always symmetrical disease, characterized by: ‘a AnIOP 2immHg. b Angie grade I ¢ —_Glaucomatous optic nerve head damage. 4. Alttudinal fled defects 415. Specific sign of glaucomatous damage is 2 Baring of circuminear biood vessels, b—Bayoneting © —Thelaminar dot sign 4 —_Dischaemorthages © Superior oF inferior polar notching of the cup 16. in myopia a. Length of eye balls short b. Corneal radius of curvature is less cc —_Lensis less spherical 4 image forms in front ofthe retina when the patient accommodates & —_Patient can see far objects clearly when he exerts accommodation 17, Symptoms of cataract include all of the following except a Halos Decreased vision in iow ilumination Decreased vision in bright ight 4 Gare @ Sudden loss of vision 18, Treatment options in POAG may include all except a plecarpine beta blockers prostaglandin analogues 4. carbonic anhydrase inhibitors atropine 19. WHO grading of trachoma includes all except wu a TFfolices b.—Tlintammation TS scarring 4 TTirehiasis e TP pannus 20. Least common cause of sudden loss of vision is 2. Vitreous hemorrhage Optic neuritis © Central retinal venous occlusion 4. Central retina artery occlusion ©. Retinal detachment 21. Best vision in moderate myopia is achieved by a glasses soft contact ienses © figid gas permeabie lenses thyroid ophthalmopathy 6. A pationt presents with rod eye, decreased visual acuity, raised Intraocular pressure & shallow anterior ‘chamber. The likely diagnosis is a cataract open angie glaucoma © tetinal detachment 4. hyphema @ acute angle closure glaucoma 7. Female with uncontrolled diabetes presents with painful red eye and visual acuity is also decreased. On ‘examination there was raised Intraocular Pressure and new blood vessels on the iris. The treatment Includes all except. a atropine beta blockers c — steriods 6 pain kilers e_pilocarpine 8. The commonest cause of cataract is a trauma bd diabetes © hype-parathyroidism 4. TORCH infections e old age 8. Regarding Phaco-Emulsification, better visual outcome is expected when ‘a. Operation is performed via superior cear comeat incision Operation performed via superior sciera tunnel incision (Operation is performed via supero-temperal clear comeal incision Operation is performed via temporal clear comeal incision Operation is performed via temporal scloral tunnel operation 410. Phaco-Emulsification is dono except in 2 immature cataract Mature cataract ——_Hyper-mature cataract 4. Hype-mature morgagnian cataract @ Dislocated cataract, 411. On gonioscopy following structures are visible 2. Most anterior is bowmans layor b—_Nextis trabecuar meshwork Next scleral spur 4. Nextciliary body And iasty iris recess 12. In Addition to High IOP and High vertical cup-dise ratio, risk factors for POAG include all of the following except ld age Family history Retinal nerve fore defects Parapapillary changes Hypermetropia 413. The earliest visual field defect in POAG is ‘. Isolated paracentral nasal scotoma b. -Bjertums scotoma SIE o2c 278 52C 03 D 28E 53 A O48 29C 54A 05 D 30.558 06D31E56E 07B32A57A 08A33E58A 09 E34C59A 10035 BGOA 11A36C61A 12D37B62A 13A38A63A 14C39A64D 15B40B65B 16 41A66B 17D 42A67E 18C43B68E 19A44C69B 20C45E70E 21D46A 71B 22E47A72A 23B48A73B 24D 49B74A 25A50A75C Eye Bcqs part 2 41. The first line of treatment in chemical injury is ‘admission f severe topical antibiotics topical cyciopiegia ‘neutralization of pH by irrigation oral analgesia 2. In blow out fracture the commonest bone to fracture Is a maxillary (loor) zygomatic (lateral wal) lachrymal (medial wall) frontal (roof) ‘ethmoida’ (medial wail) 3. Following are the features of orbital floor fracture a diplopa on upgaze and downgaze damage to supra-orbital nerve haemoptysis numbness of lateral canthus haziness of ethmiodal sinus on x ray 4. The commonest painless lid swelling is stye cyst of moll ‘st of zeis internal hordeolum chalazion ‘5. The most commont cause of proptosis is b c 4 orbital infection orbital hemorthage obit! tumor orbita! pseudo-tumor 70. Which condition is not associated glaucoma Rubeosis iridis, Uveal tract melanoma Chandler s syndrome Uveitis Corneal degenerative diseases 71. Cause of glaucoma in pleateau iris is due to Depth of ant chamber is very shallow Ant position of ciliary process Occlusion of mesh formation Aniridia Lens dislocation 72. Glaucoma is more common in Myopic persons Astigmatic persons Hyperopic persons Comeal degeneration Both a and b 73. Keratic precipitates if found are usually located in Calots triangle Arlt s triangle Heislebach triangle Mayo triangle 74, Keratorefractive surgery implies ‘Changing curvature of ant eye surface ‘Surgery to treat myopia ‘Surgery to treat hyperopi ‘Surgery to treat glaucoma 75, Retinoblastoma is associated in some cases with Ostecid osteoma Osteoma Osteosarcoma Fibrosarcoma Liposarcoma OA 26C saree eanee passes paces ‘58. Exophoria is Latent convergent squint ‘Aernate divergent squint ‘Associated with accommodation refiex Latent divergent squint None of above ‘56. Which of the following regarding atropine is true Increases IOP Used in neovasular glaucoma Mists ‘Atropine is weak cycioplegic ‘Al of above 57. Pathognomic clinical signs of proliferative diabetic retinopathy is Micro aneurysms Hard exudates Deep retinal hemonhages Neovascularization of retina Vitreous hemorrhage ‘58. A child of one year old presented with watering in left eye and sticky discharge. On examination ‘regurgitation test was positive. What is the diagnosis? Nasolacrimal duct block ‘Common canaliculus block Punctal atresia ‘Buphthaimes None of above 58. Regarding probing and syringing test, which statement is true Recommended for acute dacryocystits Regurgitation is positive Congental nasolacrimal duct block Chronic dacryocystis in old age None of above 60. Optic disk oedema is seen in all except Papilloedema cRVO ‘Open angle glaucoma Hypertensive retinopathy Papiltis panes eanse paoese pane ganee eapoe pases wanes parce 48. Exophthalmos associated with thyroid ophthalmopathy have following clinical signs except Proptosis Prosis Ud retraction Conjunctival chemosis Extraocular museie thickening 47. pationt presented with gross decrease of vision. On torch examination there was conjunctival ‘congestion and pupil miosed. Which is the probable diagnosis, ‘Anterior uveitis ‘Acute congestive glaucoma Conjunctivitis, Selertis Foreign body 48. A pationt with sudden painioss loss of vision and no fundal view was possible. Which of the Investigation is helpful to see the retina. Keratometry Pachymetry B.Scan AScan Indirect ophthmoscopy 49. A hypertensive and diabetic patient presented with sudden painless loss of vision. What are the possibilities except CRAO ‘cRVO \Vitrous Hemorrhage Retinal detachment Neovascular glaucoma 50. Myopia is a condition which is Farsightedness Correction with concave lens Correction with convex lens Image formed behind the retina Eye ball is small ‘51. Hypermetropia is a condition in which except ‘Axial length of eye ball is smal Correction with convex iens Image formed behind the retina Refractive error can be diagnosed by retinoscopy Rays of light converged behind the retina when accommodation reflex is active ‘52 A patient who was operated for cataract four months back comes to you with foggy vision. On ‘examination there was posterior capsular thickening, which mode of treatment is most useful. Excimer iaser YAG-Laser ‘Argon laser Krypton laser Diode laser '53. n diabetic retinopathy the new vessel formation is due to following pathology Retinal hemorthage Vitreaus hemorrhage Retinal oedema Retinal ischemia Retinal breaks 54. Esotropia is Divergent squint Latent convergent squint ‘Associated with accommodation reflex Associated with accommodation and hypermetropia ‘None of above : i i i S Te S: 1. ATTEMPT ANY SIX QUESTIONS, 2. EACH QUESTION CARRIES EQUAL MARKS, 3. TOTAL MARKS 30. 4, TIME ALLOWED 60 MINUTES, Years old girl presented with gradual decrease of vision in both eyes. nt direct snc ees shows oil drop reflex ana ‘oscopy shows cissor reflex: . What could be Possible diagnosis of such Presentation? . Enumerate clinical res, complications and treatment options Of such disease, 5 years old male, farmer showing triangular reddish fibrovascular wth on nasal side of right eye globe with visual discomfort: A. What could be the possible diagnosis of disease? 8B. What are its treatment options and preventive Measures? 30 years male presented with painiess, Bradual di ith eyes for one year. Distant direct Op! flex in both eyes: A. How will you assess the patient? B. How will you manage such patient? 3 years old child has got injury with pencil in his right eye. hows central corneal Perforation about 2mm in size with iris prolepse. hallow anterior chamber and traumatic cataract: A. How will you manage such case? limness of vision in nthalmoscopy shows loss of red What is retinal detachment, describe its types and treatment options? What is diabetic retinopathy? Give its clinical Classification and treatment options. Write short notes on: me Pilocarpine 2% eye drops ¢. Trebeculitis a diabetic pation, or + eee a Back groung Haber, whe 6. Pre-proliferative Gig) Stina pare Mi c. Proliferative dade we * ~ D. Focal wet diabetic ru thy Se €. Diffuse ischemic di he, bi “ope, Ocular traum A. Globe perforatio,, Seen B. Traumatic Cataract Be c. Corneal abrasion, D. Eyelid cut —. Vitreous hemorrhage Metastatic So bom rent 3. Air born infection . Injection born infection Insect bite born infection i rae 2. TIME READIED SD MAINES RD yess wit prt presemet with grata s EE | eee ti eee ase py oes cose wefiex vefiex Whar coi be possi sagas of such e 3 Emme dimes! femurs: soma —— oso ds ications ane treat > Sees ee, See Stig Tee ae pret ocesi ste et — giope with a Wher oui es Se ee wssual discomfort ene st STS iagnoss of disease? = aagttiors and preventive 2 3 aes meer measures pointes, gradusa! dimness of wiston in pot eyes er ne yee De direct aprteimascapy shows toss of red 4, TIME ALLOWED 60 MINUTES, — 1. A17 years old girl presented with gradual decrease of vision in both ey: Distant direct fundoscopy of her eyes shows oil drop reflex and retinoscopy shows cissor reflex: A. What could be possible diagnosis of such presentation? B. Enumerate clinical features, complications and treatment options of such disease. 2. A35 years old male, farmer showing triangular reddish fibrovascular growth on nasal side of right eye globe with visual discomfort: A ‘What could be the possible diagnosis of disease? B. ‘What are its treatment options and preventive measures? dimness of vision in Q Clinical feature of rimary open a weucomaincudes ” “Pen anele A Burning sensation Foreign body sensation C. Optic dise cupping D. Shallow anterior chamber E. Small hypermetropic eyes Q Clinical feature of Primary angle closure glaucoma includes ‘A. Normal Anterior chamber B. Optic disc cupping Myopic eyes Commonly Females are more affected E. Painless condition B, Cc D. Q Bitemporal hemianopia is seen in the lesion of D. Optic disc E, Optic vesicle complete third nerve paralysis the Geet atthe attected eye i the | | | | Q Keratoconus is diagnosed by all except ‘A. Munson’s sign B, Oil droplet reflex on ‘ophhalmoscopy . Scissor reflex on retinoscopy D. Distortion of placido dise reflex over comeal surface E. Shallow anterior chamber Band keratopathy cam be treated with h Né‘yag ser Bh Argon laser . A chelating agent ike EDTA D. Gree iaser BL Krypton laser yreated by Q Keratoconus is t ‘A. Antibiotic drops B. Steriod drops C. Keratoprosthesis 1D. Soft contact lenses 1. Keratoplasty usually trophies are ocorneal @y : ‘Autosomal recessiv® Rapidly prowess 0 oe et cS payer oO OMA. Epitheters ayer 4g membrane Q Which of the following be « common feature of © Transformation to malignancy GD Presessted ns nde nthe eye Painful condition Q The anterior and posterior lamellae of ‘A. Lash line B. Line of meibomian gland orifices GS Gray tine DB) Mucocutaneous junction EE Tarsal sulcus Q The anterior lametta of eyetid mainly contains 2 Orbieateetaits A Is subacute * ote fartion of orbit an sete ln 1a st lnartion of he ©. san acute tflarmmation, petenasal sinwoes D, Ia chron inflammation of he © One of the tuttomin ‘causes bilateral Pe > M A. “Deemoid eye % Bia a | Q Fat enpten B Chace | © Orbital eyst Dermoid eyst Rhabdomyouan opical cycloplegics D.N Decrease refractive index | Q Astigmatinn is duc t A. Difference in between two meridians ‘comeal curvatures B. Increased axial length of eye ball C. Decreased axial length of eye ball D. Deep anterior chamber E. Shallow anterior chamber Q Tropias are ‘A. Temporary deviations BB Permanent deviations | C. Detectable on examination of affected eye only ‘Always associated with Nystagmus E. Detectable only on circumduction | D.Fr ) 8 TA” Cental Retinal Artery Occlusion QWhich One OF The ‘An Ocular Emerge | E Oral anaigesicn | @ In blow out fracture the commonest bone to be fractured ‘A. Maaillary Bone B. Zygomatic Bone ©. Lacrimal Bone Ethamoidal Bone | Fetowing rete tenors of ole ove fronere "A Diplopa oa upgaze snd dowagaze B. Damp previa ve C. Hacmopeyia D, Numboess of lateral cntios E. Haziness of ethioda sinas on PNS ~Kreye Q Regarding signs of uveitis A. Ciliary congestion is seen in anion of patient ization of PH by irrigation Bone posterior uveitis. Q Retinoscopy is done for B. Cells in the anterior chamber are ‘A. Examination of retina indicative of posterior uveitis B. Examination of optic nerve C. Keratic prescipitates are deposits of C. Measurement of refractive power of inflammatory cells over the eye endothelium of comea D. Measurement of axial length of eye D._ Keratic prescipitates are present E. Measurement the power of IOL mostly in the upper half of the ’ comea (intra ocular lens) ' Yaa inflammatory deposits over the anterior surface of the peripheral iris b. itis used 10 examine the a ‘i Use to ¢: &. all of above | O48: AVASCULAR § RUCTURE OF EYE Is Choroid b. Lens mis 4 © Conjun d. ary body P ANTERIOR CHAMBER IS FOUND IN a Myopi b. Psuedophakia © BohAgB 4. hypermetropia : BETWEEN @. Endothelium THELIUM AND STROMA OF CORNE,\ LIES b. Descement membrane Bowman's membrane None of above = SEQ QI. WHAT IS GLAUCOMA ? WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL FEATURES OF ACUTE CONGESTIVE GLAUCOMA? ‘HOW YOU WILL MANAGE. 1b. Upper palpebral conju & Limbus 4. all of above Inferior forniy 1: RETINAL DETACHMENT OCCURS IW i @. Choroid & Bruch's membrane 1b. -RPE & rads cones © RPE & Bruch's membrane . ion ell ay INA CAUSE BY d. exudative rd ‘SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OF RD E a. Floaters b. Flashing light ¢. Decrease vision CEPT J. White optic dive ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE TRUE, REGARDING HYPERMETROPIA EXCEPT a. Axial length of eye ball is small b. correction with convex lens . image formed behind the retina when accommodation refley is active 4d. rays of light converged behind the ret Q:45; CRAO TYPICALLY PRESENT WITH? a. cherry red reflex. bb, dot spot hemorrhage vitreous hemorrhage d, all ofabove WHICH PROCEDURE IS FOLLOWED IF PATIED a. hand movement b. counting figure torch light of above G OPHITHALMOSCOPE of eye r Cs N"T SEE FROM 3M Page No: 06 of 08 Right Superior Kectus & 1 blight Superior Rectus & Right Lf Right Superior Rectus & Left Superior Inter © d. ALOF Above a.Pigmented Layer Of Ciliary Body Epithelium b.Non Pigment Epithelium Layer OF Ciliary Body Both A& 1 4.Ciliary Body 3: DILATOR PUPILLEA MUSCLE INNERVANTIONS BY Sympathetic Nervous System b.Para Sympathetic Nervous System c.B.oth A&B d.Neuro Vascular System J: INTHE RIGHT MEDIAL RECTUS MUSCLE PALSY RIGHT EYE WILL BE DEN IATE a.lnward b.Upward Outward d.lnward & Outward 15: THE FUNCTION OF INFERIOR OBLIQUE MUSCLE IS aulntorsion Elevation Adduction bilntorsion Depression Abduction celntorsion Depression Adduction d.Eatortion Elevation Abduction PERIMETRY 18 USED TO MEASURE a.Central And Peripheral Field snplete visual Field) b. Visual Acuity Intra Ocular Pressure ield Only DING RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA ty Disorders Page No: 05 of 08 —_. Right Super DARigME Sup Reclus & i ‘Right Superior Rectus & Lett © AN OF Above #32: AQUEOUS HUMOUR PRODUCE Pigmented Layer OF ¢ b.Non Pignn uperior Inferior by iry Body Epithelium m Layer Of Ciliary Body EE pithy eoth A & 1 Ciliary Bouy : DILATOR PUPILLEA MUSCLE INNERVATIONS BY Sympathetic Nery System b.Para Sympathetic Nervous System cBothaA& B Neuro Vascular System INTHE RIGHT MEDIAL RECTUS MUSCLE PALSY RIGHT EYE WILL BE DEVIATE alnward b.Upwand Outward dilnward & Outward | | 235: THE FUNCTION OF INFERIOR OBLIQUE MUSCLE IS a.Intorsion Elevation Adkluction balntorsion Depression Abduction exlntorsion Depression Adduction dLExtortion Elevation Abduction ERIMETRY IS USED TO MEASURE ‘a.Central And Peripheral Fiekl(complete visual fild) b.Visual Acuity entra Ocular Pressure Central Field Only |ARDING RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA idity Disorders isorder RR CONJUNCTIVA FIRMLY ATTACHED AT. sand fascia bulbi Page No: 05 of 08 . Inereaved [OF , All of the above 0:24: MYDRIASIS BY TROPIC, MYDRIASIS IS PRODUCED WITHIN FOLLOWING MINUTES 1s correct 9.20 t0 40 min b.40 10.45 min ¢, 3510 30 min. OWING 9:25: CYCLOPLEGIA IS OBSERVED BY THE a, 60 10.70 min b, 40. 50 min 3010 20 min d. All of the above }:26: COMPLICATIONS OF CONTACT LENSES INCLUDE ALL OF TIE FOLLOWING EXCEPT a. Allergy b. Corneal Infiltrates ©, Permanent Loss of Vision d. Corneal Pigmentation 4:27: LEAST COMMON CAUSE OF SUDDEN Lt a, Vitreous Hemorthaze OF VISION IS b, Optic Neuritis ¢, Central Retina Artery Occlusion d, Retinal Detachment WITCH OF THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO PSEUDOEXFOLIATINE GLAUCOMA? ‘ait is more common in children and young adults b. it is more common in people of asian descent c. whitish material builds up on the lens of the eye whitish material builds up on the ciliary body |ARDING PRESBYOPIA Of Accommodative Ability With Age Power OF Accommodation Of Aging Process OF IRIS IS SEEN IN Page No: 04 of 08 KING UPWARD 1. Retinal detachment ar sleyenieration b. Age related ini d. Refractive errary IN COMPOUND HYPERME a Both the foci are in front of retina b. Both ROPIC ASTIGMATISM re in behind of retina 1 fo 6. One focus infront and one is behind the retina d. None of above AMBLYOPIA IS CAUSED BY a, Pathology oF aptic nerve b, Best corrected refisetive error €, Form of vision deprivation 4. Both AS Care true 218; ACCUMULATION OF ABNORMAL MATERIAL IN CORNES CAS LEAD TO cc KPS 4, None of above ): WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE REGARDING AMBLYOPIA a. It is usually bilateral b. [vis rarely bilateral ¢. Both are false 4, Allare true ): CURVATURE OF CORNE: \UMENTS? a. Placido dis b. Keratometry ¢, Corneal topography 6. All of above NERVE FUNCTION IS BEST STUDIED BY: A. CAN BE MEASURED BY WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING Page No: 03 of 08 EIN APHAKIA EXCEPI TREATMENT OF CHOIC! a. Spectacles __b. Contaet lens cc. Anterior chamber intraocular hens 4, Magnifier 8: CURVATURE OF CORNEA CAN IE MEASURED BY WHICH OF THE FOLLOS I STRUMENTS? a. Placido dise b. Keratometry Ee. Corneal topography © d. Allofabove 9: SNEELEN'S ACUITY I BASE ON THE 4. Minimum angle of solution of | minute of are atte nodal pont of the sim oF the ere ninutes of are at te nodal ps b. Minimum angle of resolution of S 4d. None of the above EACH LEG AND SPACE OF “L® SUBTENDS a, 5 min of arc atthe nodal point b. Imin of are wlal point N BY THE RETINOSCOPE NEL TRALIZED BY a. Positive lens 1b. Negative lens Cylindrical lens dd. None of them ; AGAINST MOVEMENT WHICH IS SEEN BY THE RETINOSCOPE SEUTRALIZED BY a. Positive ens Negative lens Cylindrical lens ‘d._None of them IN MYOPIA THE EVE is to0 long for its power 3. is 00 short for its power an unequally-curved commen ost its Pcusing power because of ase CH OF THE FOLLOWING LAYER OF CORNEA CAN REGENER (TE Page No: 02 of 08 {ED IN ALL OF THE FOLLOWING EXCET DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY SHAHEED MOHTARMA BENAZIR BUUTTO MEDICAL UNIV ERSELY CHANDKA MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL LARK ANA 43) SESSION 2018 WARD TEST (BCQ. ESQ & VIVA VOCE) Total Mt ‘Student Name: Roll Choose the one best answer from the follow ME BEST TREATMENT a. Orthoptic exercises b.O p FI-F2 Bate 100 IR AMBLYOPIA IS: clusi ¢. Surgery d. Best treat aller age 10 years Q:2: THE FOLLOWING CRANIAL NERVES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OCULAR MOLILETY EXCEPT a, Third nerve b, Fourth nerve ¢, Fifth nerve d. Sixth nerve Q:3: OPTIC NERVE FUNCTION IS E a. Ophthalmoscope DIED BY: b. Retinoscope «. Perimetry d, Gonioscopy OCCLUSION AMBLYOPIA a, Caused by refractive Q: rT0r Pb, Occlusion therapy of strabismus ©. Both A and Bare true - 4. Allare false Q:5: WHICH LASER IS USED FOR CAPSULOTOMY? a. Diode laser b. Carbon dioxide laser «c, Excimer laser os 4. Yag laser ILATERAL APHAKIA IS LIKELY TO BE CORRECTED BY ANY OF THE chamber intraocular lens Scanned by CamScanner = a2 —— ia . WHAT IS THE RETINAL DETACHMENT? HOW WILL YOU CLASSIFY IT. WW) (AT ARE ‘LINICAL FEATURES OF RHEGMATOGENOUS RETINAL DETACHMENT? Causes ocular hypotony: usual feature of hi c Baer ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MAYBE COMMUNICABLE DISEASE Cataract Glaucoma retinopathy 4 Uveitis € — Kerato-Conjunctivitis "MAKIA _Isassociated with shallow anterior chamber _jSpresent at bith as a common feature in ocular maltrmations As treated with Phacoemulsitication Is best treated with contact lenses Js best treated with intraocular lenses SEQ Scanned by CamScanner ‘Sanne with CamScamer INNES AT; 10.7 HE LEN I, Center anteriorly Centre posteriorly. LENS LEFT BEHIND 1S: TRACTION THE PART OF THE 3. WIRE VECTIS IS USED: o remove lens nucleus 6 remove anterior capsule in ECCE engage the anterior capsule in phacoconesis To fix the eye ball during surgery support vitreous during surgery BEST AVAILABLE METHOD OF APHAKIC CORRECTION IS: lualr envelop tic, acellular envelop lastic acellular envelop cellular envelop T REGION OF THE LENS CAPSULE IS LOCATED AI equator ‘equator and posterior equator Scanned by CamScanner “REFORMED BY «slit -Q35. TO! ICAL STEROIDS ARE USED ro" oe et Ses janation tonometry is based on indentation method ’ is performed in special circumstances just formed to check the intraocular pressure (IOP) rbital pressure Non-Contact Tonometry (pneumotonometry) COMMON CAUSE OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENT LN OLD ike infected cornea peroformed in regular surta tension .TMENT OF CONGENITAL OR INFANTILE MATURE CATARACT IS: 04" year Batch 43 MBBS fy, CHEMICAL BURNS OF EVES ‘Acids can be neutertized with normal saline ‘Acid react with lipid cellular constitute = Are most urgent o} B Alkalies cause coagulation of surface proteins e panophthalmitis, = 28, MONOCULAR DIPLOPIA IS CAUSED BY 1a. Blow out fracture © b, Immature c, Myasthenia gravis 3" nerve palsy yyroid ophthalmopathy OWING IMMUNOSU: PPRESSIVE AGENT IS USED IN a. Azathioprine b. Corticosteroids ina called index due to the change in the refraction PAE called axial due to decrease in the axial length of the exe led positional due to dislocation of the lens dex in the lens performed to see suspensory ligament of the lens d." Js performed to see pars plana of ry body srformed to see pars plicata of ciliary body in development of myopia. ociated with full accommodation. ‘year Batch 43 MBBS Scanned by CamScanner Q20. Selerotic Seatter is performed with , | Pas Pen torch © b. Ophihalmoseope Tonopen . Slitlamp “Retinoscope (ONE OF THE Age related m Central serous chorioretinopathy Endophthalmitis Posterior uveitis, “Proliferative diabetic retinopathy INOBLASTOMA OWING CAN CAUSES OF VEFREOUS IAEMORRILAGI tion 0 jar dewe 1 takes origin from retinal ganglion cells ‘takes origin from retinal muller fibers d) when grows in subretinal spa iplopia. Ciliary congestion. fF BRANCH RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION IS al contraceptives Raised intraocular pressure arcoidosis 25, THE BEST TREATM Itis « bilateral condition P with sudden loss of vision ive afferent papillary defect is always different PER 04" year Batch 43 MBBS POSTERIOR CAPSULAR ¢ st treated with surgical e; sa rare problem §E5 cours due to Intraocular Lens (1OL) decenteri J. Treatment . ed with Vag Laser aft reatment is indicated with Y i Laser afier two months post operativel UCOMA IS DIAGNOSED ON THE BASIS OF ACIFICATION pstilotomy months post operatively EGARDING TIE PRODUCTION OF AQUEOUS HUMOR 2) 10% Is produced by non pigmented epithelium of the cilia ry body 520% Is produced by non pigmented epithelium of the ciliary boy body ry body OCULAR HYPERTENSION sociated with retinal nerve fiber layer de jated with visual field defects rized by optic neuropathy creased ular pressure is normal COLYTIC GLAUCOMA IS CAUSED BY permature cataract nic antibiotics ic NSAIDS. cal antibiotics NSAIDS, steroids iE FOLLOWING IS THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CAUSE OF MYDRIASIS tional states “UNGAL KERATITIS IS MMON RISK FACTOR FOR FUNGAL KER: Dry eyes “bp. Immunosuppression Ocular trauma with agriculture t antibiotics material |. Acyclovir Famicyclovir . lodoxyuridine “ad. Moxifloxacin J Natamycin ‘ : IE FOLLOWING IS THE DREADFUL COMPLICATION OF THE CORNEAL ULCER Ja, Descematocele b. Hypopyon Iritis d, Keratactasia { cS Perforation Q10. THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF THE, a) Comeal ulcer PARACT IS Atopic dermatitis b, Diabetes mellitus ¢, Hypoparathyroidism d- Myotonic dystrophy Wilson’s disease E COMMON SYMPTOM OF CATARACT IS silateral diplopia I gradual decrease of vision full gradual increase of vision gradual decrease of vision s sudden decrease of vision DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY ZZ SUAUEED MONTARMA BENAZIR BIUTTO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY a ~~... CHANDA MEDICAL.COLLEGE HOSPTLAL LARK AS \ = | SLYEAR MBBS BATCHA3 (GROUP DID? ‘SESSION 2018 Total Marks: 100 / WARD TEST (BCQ, ESQ & VIVA VOCE) Br ‘NAMI Roll Nev a, Pneumococei 4b. Protozoa fc. Pseudomonas -d, Staphylococci ‘e. Streptococci REGARDING EYE LASHES Absence of eye lashes is called as Madarosis ». Loss of wye lashes is called Poliosis . Misdirection of the eye lashes is called dystichiasis |. Number of eye lashes is more in lower lids than upper lid Whitening of eye lashes is called Trie COMMON CAUSE OF VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS IS a. Adenovirus: b. Herpes virus ic. Picorna virus 4. e. |. Rhino virus Vaccinia virus Q4. NASOLACRIMAL DUCT BLOCK Is a common cause of ep . Itoccurs in adults due to noncanalization of nasolacrimal duct “children below lyear of age are treated with probing and syrin | children above lyear of age are treated with Dacryocystorhinostomy BILATERAL AXIAL PROPTOSIS IS CAUSED BY ithalmopathy USE OF HYPOPYON CORNEAL ULCER INCLUDE: imigatus i ITE SHORT NO1 ON FOLLOWIN IRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS wea Scanned by CamScanner * What changes are not taken place during accommodation © 8) Lens become thicker ‘Posterior border moves anteriorly ‘Anterior border moves posteriorly The iobtem with Aphakic glasses include: a)| Large image magnification sb) | Pin-cushion” distortion of the visual field |e) FReduction of visual field 4) All of the above nge-red-yellow-green-blue-indigo-violet o-violet-blue-green-yellow-orange-red | Detachment occurs b\w ‘oid & Bruch’s membrane & rods cones & Bruch’s membrane & ganglion cell layer in retina cause by 1egmatogenous rd thegmatogenous rd the following are true regardingHypermetropia except i length of eye ball is small rection with convex lens formed behind the retina tive error can be diagnosed by retinoscopy light converged behind the retina when accommodation reflex is active Scanned by CamScanner PAPER A FOR 4™ PROFESSIONAL MBBS EXAMINATION 2015. BY PROF. SHAHID JAMAL SIDDIQUI ADNEXA & ORBIT 05 EVE LIDS 02 Q1. CHALAZION Is a chronic granulomatous inflammation of glands of zeis Is a chronic granulomatous inflammation of glands of moll Is treated conservatively Presents as a painful condition Presents as a painless condition passe Q2. Which one of the following is the feature of eyelid disease a. Metamorphosia Nyctalopia Photapsia Photophobia Poliosis pao CONJUNCTIVA Q3. Bacterial conjunctivitis presents as a nacrotizing conjunctivitis presents with blood in discharge presents with Mucopurulent discharge presents with serous discharge presents with watery discharge 01 epaooe LACRIMAL APPARATUS o1 Q4. Lacrimation a. Is due to decreased production of tears b. Is due to increased production of tears c. Is due to increase in the drainage of tears d. Is due to normal production of tears e. Is due to obstruction in the drainage of tears QS. Cause of Acute Dacryoadenitis is a. Leukemia b. Lymphoma c. Trauma d. Tuberculosis e Viral such as Mumps ORBIT 01 Q6. Orbital cellulitis . is a painless condition b. isan acute inflammation of the orbital soft tissue c. isan acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses d. is chronic inflammation of the orbital soft tissue e. is sub acute inflammation of the orbital soft tissue ANTERIOR SEGMENT 15 CORNEA 4 Q7. The common cause of bacterial corneal ulcer is paoge Gonococcus Klebsella Moraxella Pseudomonas Staphylococcus aureus Q8. Microbial investigation for identification of bacterial cause in corneal ulcer is panos Calcoflour white staining Fluorescein staining Grams staining PCR 10 % potassium hydroxide staining Q9. One of the following organism causes fungal keratitis epaooe Fusarium Gonococcus Pneumococcus Protozoa Staphylococcus Q10. Herpes simplex keratitis is caused by egeaoge Adenovirus Herpes simplex virus type | Herpes simplex virus type II Varicella virus Varicella zoster virus u qu. eaooe ai2. Qi3. qua. a b. a d. e. paome ENS 4 Hypermature cataract is a cataract in which nucleus of the lens becomes liquefied is a cataract in which some part of the lens is opaque is a cataract in which there is accumulation of the fluid within the lens is a cataract in which the cortex of the lens becomes liquefied is a cataract in which there is rupture of the lens capsule One of the following ocular disease is the cause of complicated cataract a. Herpes simplex keratitis b. Iridocyclitis c. Optic neuritis d. Optic neuropathy e. Vernal keratoconjuctivitis Maternal cause of the congenital cataract is Aniridia Congenital rubella Chromosomal disorders Galactosaemia Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous Phacoemulsification . Is associated with severe postoperative astigmatism . Is a large incision surgery Is a small incision surgery . Is performed manually Is performed with laser equipment GLAUCOMA 04 Q15. Congenital glaucoma a, b. c. d. e. ._ Is associated with megalocornea . Is associated with microcornea Is associated with normal anterior chamber |. Is associated with normocornea Is associated with transparent cornea Q16. Diagnosis of glaucoma is not confirmed on the basis of a. Increased intraocular pressure b. Increased Intraocular pressure and Optic neuropathy c. Increased Intraocular pressure and visual field defects d. Optic neuropathy and visual field defects , Optic neuropathy, visual field defects and normal Intraocular pressure Q17. One of the Sign of primary open angle glaucoma is Retinal nerve fiber layer defect Red eye Lacrimation Photophobia Normal intraocular pressure paoge Q18. Normal tension glaucoma a. Is associated with deep anterior chamber b. Is associated with shallow anterior chamber c. Intraocular pressure is decreased d. Intraocular pressure is increased e. Is characterized by visual field defects UVEA 1 Q19. Noninfectious cause of Uveitis is Leprosy Sarcoidosis Toxocariasis Toxoplasmosis Tuberculosis eaoge PUPIL 01 Q20. One of the following physiological cause of miosis a. Accommodation b. Horner's syndrome cc. Miotics d. Iritis e. Pontine lesion Q-21: REGARDING ABNORMALITIES OF PUPIL: A: In anisocoria pupils are of equal size. B: Miosis-pupil size is more than 5mm. C: Correctopia-pupil is in central position. D: Polycoria-single pupil in the iris. E. Mydriasis causes difficulty in reading and near work. POSTERIOR SEGMENT 05 VITREO RETINA 04 Q22. The essential lesion in the diabetic retinopathy is a. Cotton wool spots b. Hard exudates ¢. Microangiopathy d. Neovascularization e. Vitreous haemorrhage Q-23: CAUSE OF LEUKOCORIA IN CHILDREN IS: A: Retinoblastoma. B: Corneal opacity. C: Choroiditis. D: Congenital glaucoma. E: Lenticonus . Q24. One of the following is the sign of proliferative diabetic retinopathy a. Cotton wool spots Dot blot haemorrhages Hard exudates Microaneurysms Neovascularization at the disc paces Q25. Treatment of choice for proliferative diabetic retinopathy is a. Diffuse laser photocoagulation b. Focal laser photocoagulation ¢. Intravitreal injection of Steriods d. Intravitreal injection of triamcinolone e. Panretinal photocoagulation Q26. ischemic central retinal vein occlusion a. Presents with gradual loss of vision b. Presents with mild loss of vision c. Presents with moderate loss of vision d. Presents with raised intraocular pressure e. Presents with sudden onset of severe loss of vision Optic Nerve o1 Q27. Regarding Optic Neuritis a. Associated with sudden loss of vision Color vision is normal In papilitis disc is seen normal In retrobulbar neuritis the disc is swollen Pupillary reaction is usually normal epoeoe OTHER TOPICS 10 Q28. Endophthalmitis a. Is treated with intravenous steroids b. Is the vision threatening suppurative inflammation of intraocular tissues c. Isusually treated with intravitreal steriods d. Systemic antibiotic is the treatment of choice e. Viruses are the most frequent pathogen Q29. Commonest cause of blindness around the world according to WHO estimation is a. Age related macular degeneration b. Cataract c. Corneal ulceration d. Diabetic retinopathy e. Trachoma Q30. Pilocarpine a. Causes mydriasis b. Decreases the production of aqueous humor c. Increases the uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humor d. Is a parasympathomimetic drug e. Isa sympthomimetic drug Q31. Presbyopia a. Is the inability to write and drive b. Is a decreased amplitude of accommodation leading to decrease of near vision in old age c. Is seen clinically in emmetropes around 30 years of age d. Is delayed in myopia e. Is delayed in the presence of glaucoma Q32. Hereditary causes of ectopia lentis include a. High myopia b. Hypermature cataract c. Congenital glaucoma d. Marfan syndrome e. Pseudoexfoliation Q-33: CILLIARY CONGESTION IS SEEN IN: A: Conjunctivitis . B: Bacterial Corneal ulcer. C: Choroiditis. D: Optic neuritis. E: Dacryocystitis. Q34. THE MEDICAL CAUSE OF THE THIRD NERVE PALSY IS A. Aneurysm of posterior communicating artery B. Diabetes mellitus C. Intracranial tumors: D. Trauma E. Uncal herniation Q35. Ophthalmic tissue adhesive glue: a. is used to treat bacterial corneal ulcer b. is used to treat fungal corneal ulcer ¢.is used to treat non perforated corneal ulcer d. Is the treatment of choice in Descematocele e. is used to treat perforated corneal ulcer SEQ PAPERA Q1. WHAT IS PTOSIS? WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF PTOSIS? Q2. A 40 years old farmer with history of trauma with agriculture material presented in the eye OPD with painful red eye and with white lesion on the cornea. What is the most likely cause? How will you investigate. What is the treatment? Q3. WHAT IS GLAUCOMA ? WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL FEATURES OF ACUTE CONGESTIVE GLAUCOMA? HOW YOU WILL MANAGE. Q4, WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL FEATURES OF PROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY? WHAT ARE ITS TREATMENT OPTIONS. QS. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF SECONDARY GLAUCOMA? HOW YOU WILL TREAT PHACOLYTIC GLAUCOMA. Q6. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON A. MYOPIA B. CAUSES OF RED EYE PAPER B FOR 4™ PROFESSIONAL MBBS EXAMINATION 2015. BY PROF. SHAHID JAMAL SIDDIQUI ADNEXA & ORBIT 05 EYE LIDS 02 Q1. Common cause of blepharitis is eaooe Pneumococci . Protozoa . Pseudomonas |. Staphylococci . Streptococci Q2. Regarding eye lashes epaoce . Absence of eye lashes is called as Madarosis . Loss of eye lashes is called Poliosis . Misdirection of the eye lashes is called dystichiasis . Number of eye lashes is more in lower lids than upper lid Whitening of eye lashes is called Trichiasis Conjunctiva 01 Q3. Common cause of viral conjunctivitis is eae op |. Adenovirus . Herpes virus . Picorna virus |. Rhino virus Vaccinia virus Lacrimal apparatus 01 Q4. Nasolacrimal duct block a. Is a common cause of epiphora in children and adults . It occurs in children due to stenosis of nasolacrimal duct It occurs in adults due to noncanalization of nasolacrimal duct |. children below 1year of age are treated with probing and syringing . children above Lyear of age are treated with Dacryocystorhinostomy pang ORBIT 01 Q5. Bilateral axial proptosis is caused by a. Dacryoadenitis b. Ethmoiditis c. Lacrimal gland tumors d. Orbital cellulitis e. Thyroid ophthalmopathy ANTERIOR SEGMENT 15, CORNEA 4 Q6. Infective cause of hypopyon corneal ulcer include: . Aspergillus fumigatus . Collagen disease . Exposure keratopathy |. Hypersensitivity . Marginal Catarrhal ulcer enaneo op Q7. Common risk factor for fungal keratitis is Dry eyes Immunosuppression Ocular trauma with agriculture material Systemic antibiotics Topical antibiotics pape Q8. Treatment of bacterial corneal ulcer is Acyclovir Famicyclovir lodoxyuridine Moxifloxacin Natamycin oi pBooD Q9, One of the following is the dreadful complication of the corneal ulcer Descematocele Hypopyon Iritis Keratactasia paogse Perforation LENS 4 Q10. THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF THE CATARACT IS Corneal ulcer Drugs Iridocyclitis Old age Trauma opooe Q11. One of the following systemic disease is the common cause of cataract Atopic dermatitis Diabetes mellitus Hypoparathyroidism Myotonic dystrophy Wilson’s disease cance Q12. The common symptom of cataract is Bilateral diplopia Painful gradual decrease of vision Painful gradual increase of vision Painless gradual decrease of vision paoge Painless sudden decrease of vision Q13. Posterior capsular opacification paoge Is best treated with surgical capsulotomy Is a rare problem Occurs due to Intraocular Lens (IOL) decentering Treatment is indicated with Yag Laser after six months post operatively Treatment is indicated with Yag Laser after two months post operatively GLAUCOMA 04 Q14. Glaucoma is diagnosed on the basis of Ophthalmoscopy Keratometry Keratoscopy Ocular A Scan peose Ocular B Scan Q: & poanse Q: & e pose qi7. eno op . Regarding the production of Aqueous humor . 10% Is produced by non pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body . 20% Is produced by non pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body . 40% Is produced by non pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body |. 50% Is produced by non pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body .. 80% Is produced by non pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body . Ocular hypertension . Associated with retinal nerve fiber layer defects . Associated with visual field defects . Characterized by optic neuropathy |. Intraocular pressure is increased . Intraocular pressure is normal Phacolytic glaucoma is caused by . Hypermature cataract . Mature cataract . Incipient cataract |. Immature cataract . Intumescent cataract UVEA 1 ais. poooe The treatment of acute Iridocyclitis include Systemic antibiotics .. Systemic NSAIDS . Topical antibiotics . Topical NSAIDS . Topical steroids PUPIL 01 Q19. One of the following is the physiological cause of mydriasis During emotional states Glaucoma Mydriatics Optic Neuritis 3" Nerve Palsy peaose EPISCLERITIS 01 Q20. Episcleritis a. Isa painless condition b. is an chronic inflammation of episclera isan acute inflammation of sclera 4d. is associated with pain and tenderness e. usually treated with analgesics POSTERIOR SEGMENT 05 VITREO RETINA 04 Q21. One of the following can causes of vitreous haemorrhage Age related macular degeneration Central serous chorioretinopathy Endophthalmiti Posterior uveitis Proliferative diabetic retinopathy epaoge Q22. Retinoblastoma a. b. © d. 2 Q2: 7 Pome > takes origin from retinal bipolar cells takes origin from retinal ganglion cells takes origin from retinal muller fibers when grows in subretinal space causing retinal detachment is called as endophytic . when less than 4 mm is treated by laser photocoagulation : THE FEATURES OF RHEGMATOGENOUS RETINAL DETACHMENT IS : Diplopia. Ciliary congestion. Loss of vision. Normal visual field. Normal pupillary reflex. Q24. The most common cause of branch retinal vein occlusion is poaope Hyperlipidemia . Hypertension . Oral contraceptives . Raised intraocular pressure . Sarcoidosis Q25. The best treatment option in diabetic macular edema is eae op |. Intravitreal injection of AntiVEGF . Intravitreal injection of Antibiotics . Focal laser |. Grid laser . Diffuse laser Optic Nerve 01 Q26. Papilloedema a. Color vision is markedly impaired. b. Is Usually unilateral ¢. Itisa bilateral condition d, Presents with sudden loss of vision e. Relative afferent papillary defect is always different OTHER TOPICS 10 Q27. Chemical Burns Of Eyes a. Acids can be neuterlized with normal saline b. Acid react with lipid cellular constitute Are most urgent ocular emergencies Alkalies cause coagulation of surface proteins ‘Complication can cause panophthalmitis 028. Monocular diplopia is caused by a. Blow out fracture b. Immature cataract c. Myasthenia gravis 3 nerve palsy Thyroid ophthalmopathy Q29. One of the following immunosuppressive agent is used in ocular inflammatory diseases a. Azathioprine b. Corticosteroids . § fluorouracil d. Mitomycin ¢ fe. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) Q30. Myopia a. Is an error of refraction where divergent rays of light come to a point focus front of the retina Is an error of refraction where convergent rays of light come to a light focus behind of the retina Is called index due to the change in the refraction index in the lens Is called axial due to decrease in the axial length of the eye Is called positional due to disiocation of the lens Q31. Fundoscopy a. Is performed with ophthalmoscope b. Is performed with retinoscope c._ Is performed to see suspensory ligament of the lens 4d. Is performed to see pars plana of ciliary body e. Is performed to see pars plicata of ciliary body Q32: APHAKIA: A: is the absence of lens from its normal position. B: anterior chamber is shallow. C: presence with grayish pupil. D: Results in development of myopia. E: Is associated with full accommodation. Q-33: USES OF FLUORECEIN INCLUDE: : To detect stromal keratitis. B: Schiotz tonometry. C: Lacrimal patency tests. D: Fundus photography. E: Dacryocystography 34. Examination of Optic disc and retina is performed by a. Gonioscope b. keratoscope c. Ophthalmoscope d. Retinoscope e. Slit Lamp Q35. topical steroids are used to treat a. b c. d. chronic dacryocystitis acute anterior uveitis . bacterial corneal ulcer chalazion e. stye Q36. REGARDING TONOMETRY a. Applanation tonometry is based on indentation method b. Applanation tonometry is performed in special circumstances just like infected cornea c. Itis performed to check the intraocular pressure (IOP) d. Itis performed to check the intraorbital pressure e. Non-Contact Tonometry (pneumotonometry) is peroformed in regular surface cornea SEQ Q1. WHAT IS BLEPHRITIS? WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF ULCERATIVE BLEPHRITIS? HOW WILL YOU TREAT IT. Q2. WHAT IS HYPERMATURE CATARACT? WHAT IS ITS TREATMENT? Q3. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA? WHAT IS ITS TREATMENT. Q4. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION? WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL FEATURES OF ISCHEMIC CENTRAL RETINAL VEIN OCCLUSION? QS. WHAT IS THE RETINAL DETACHMENT? HOW WILL YOU CLASSIFY IT. WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL FEATURES OF RHEGMATOGENOUS RETINAL DETACHMENT? Q6. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON: HYPERMETROPIA VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS

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