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● The AACSB accredits 6 on-campus and 2 online MBA Hospitality Management Programs.

● The lowest 10% of Hospitality Managers earn less than $28,870 and the highest 10% earn

more than $96,570.

● Employment of hospitality managers is projected to grow 6% through 2026, about as fast as

the average for all occupations.

● An MBA in Hospitality Management will cost you between $20,684.00 to $96,855.00 year.

● You will need a GMAT score between 479.70 and 590.50 to get into program that offers an

MBA in Hospitality Management.

● There are 3,254 Hospitality Management Jobs listed today on, 220 that pay

$80,000, and 39 that pay $120,000.

● List of Campus & Online MBA Hospitality Management Programs

What is an MBA in Hospitality Management

An MBA in Hospitality Management is a surefire way to propel your career as a future leader in the

hospitality industry. Whether you plan on managing group sales for a luxury hotel chain or manage

the seasonal reservations at a ski resort, the sky's the limit for holders of an MBA in Hospitality


Providing an optimal customer experience for all guests/patrons is at the core of the hospitality

industry. Your MBA studies will include real-world hospitality experiences complimented by a solid

foundation in business principles. Hospitality professors will share their personal experiences as

top-level managers, and teach the latest technology the industry has to offer prospective B-Students.

Graduates of MBA in Hospitality Management programs are poised to become leaders within

high-end restaurants, luxury hotels, resorts, and corporate settings all over the world. If you love to

travel and want a career that takes you to the hottest tourism spots, an MBA in Hospitality
Management is a well-respected credential in the industry. Whether it’s operations management,

customer service and sales management, marketing strategies, or global leadership, B-students are

equipped with the latest approaches to lead effective teams. They'll also learn how to:

● Manage organizational change

● Quantitatively analyze market opportunities

● Strategically analyze Human Resource issues

● Observe management challenges in the global hospitality industry

From deepening your knowledge of analytics, financial management, marketing and economics to
international business studies, Hospitality B-students are well-rounded business professionals
groomed for entrepreneurship.

Career Outlook for Hospitality Managers

Employment of hospitality managers is projected to grow 6% through 2026, about as fast as the

average for all occupations. Expected growth in tourism and travel will be the driving force behind

the growth for Hospitality Managers. Those with an MBA degree will have ample opportunity to go

from middle-management to executive level positions, whether it’s working in a casino, a resort,

corporate restaurant chain or managing a high-end hotel chain. Those who have real-world

experience by way of internship/externship and also have the MBA credential will differentiate

themselves from fellow applicants new to the industry. The most reputable MBA programs will have

coursework in both international business and hospitality management. AACSB-accredited programs

understand the importance of globalization and will tailor their curriculums accordingly.
What Are the Average Salaries for
Graduates with an MBA in Hospitality

The median annual wage for hospitality managers is $51,840. The lowest 10% earned less than

$28,870 and the highest 10% earned more than $96,570. Those with an MBA in Hospitality

Management will have the greatest opportunity to secure leadership positions in some of the most

coveted positions.

Career Path for MBAs in Hospitality


Graduates with an MBA in Hospitality Management may seek higher-level positions within global

organizations that require international business experience. In the highly competitive hospitality and

tourism industry, professionals are needed to manage all functions of a hospitality business

(operations, finance, marketing, HR, purchasing and buying). They are also responsible for the

recruitment and training of all staff members. From Group Sales Managers to Revenue Managers,

the Hospitality industry has an ever-growing list of career paths for MBA graduates.

General managers oversee the department operations of a hospitality business including

housekeeping, HR, concierge, marketing and sales, purchasing, security, maintenance, recreational

facilities, and other activities. The most effective GM’s have the people-skill to motivate and lead

teams and the quantitative skills to analyze the financial health of the business.
Revenue managers are concerned with protecting the company’s bottom line. They are the financial

wizards making sound decisions based around profits and losses. A revenue manager works closely

with bookkeepers, accountants, and buyers to ensure that expenses are limited and profits are


Front-office managers whether it’s training the concierge desk or managing the incoming

reservations, front-office managers are responsible for employees that greet hospitality patrons.

Most Front-office managers are customer service specialists knowledgeable on how to treat guests

as loyal patrons. Most of their day-to-day is spent interacting with guests, training new employees,

and handling billing via a centralized customer relationship management system.

Convention service managers special events, conferences, and business meetings are usually

organized through a convention service manager. They deal with the corporate side of event

planning and usually have to coordinate with hospitality staff to ensure smooth operations. These

managers are responsible for billing, booking, and organizing large corporate venues.

Types of MBA in Hospitality Management


Hospitality Managers come from all walks of life. If you love working with people and are a natural

problem-solver, an MBA in Hospitality Management might be the right fit. If you choose the

Hospitality Management concentration, you will receive a world-class business education applicable

to industries outside of the Hospitality if you decide to change your career down the line.

The Career Advancer: This is the hospitality manager already thriving in the industry and looking to

build upon their work experience. They’ve noticed that most of the executives have their MBA and

handle a lot of the back-end financials of the organization. An MBA in Hospitality Management or a

more specialized Master’s in Hospitality Management would further develop their leadership skills

and delivery a credential that sets them apart as an experience manager.

Entrepreneur: This is the restaurateur, event planner, buyer, or lodge owner that wants to run a

successful enterprise. They have a business plan ready-to-go and now they need to learn all

functions of business in order to take their incredible idea to the next level. This could also be the

small restaurant owner who wants to expand their operations or build a franchise of similar

restaurants throughout a particular territory.

Career Switcher: This is someone who might have work in retail management, finance, real estate,

education, or marketing that wants to switch careers. This is the person who’s decided to follow their

passion and pursue a career in hospitality. They’re usually customer-centric employees who love

rolling up their sleeves and working with people.

Family-Owned Business: If you’re ready to take over the family business and want to keep it

successful, an MBA in Hospitality Management will give you the business tools needed to run the

operations. If you want to take the family business to the next level and learn the latest cutting-edge

technology, an MBA in Hospitality Management is a great choice.

Career Starter: If you’re a recent college graduate and you see yourself managing a hotel,

restaurant, or high-end resort, this is the logical next step.

Academic/Researcher: Whether you want to pursue the MMH degree or an MBA in Hospitality

Management, a graduate degree in hospitality is the credential needed to apply to PhD programs

and start conducting research in the industry. Most terminal degree programs require 3+ years of

working in the field alongside an Master’s in Hospitality degree. This will position yourself as an

academic researchers and the potential to have your extensive knowledge in the field published.

Typical Classes for an MBA in Hospitality

Management Program

Facilities Management

Operations Management
Institutional Management

Management Information Systems

Hospitality Real Estate Management


Consumer Behavior

Services Marketing


Financial Management

Human Resources Management

Campus vs. Online MBA in Hospitality

Management Programs

Hospitality employers value work experience. This is especially true if you plan on managing a

high-end restaurant chain, a luxury hotel brand, or well-established lodging facility. There are plenty

of hospitality managers that have worked their way up through the ranks and have no formal

education. They have extensive on-the-job training which some employers value over classroom

experience. Whether you choose a traditional on-campus MBA in Hospitality Management or an

Online MBA program, it’s important to work in the industry. An on-campus MBA in Hospitality

Management allows you to interact with like-minded hospitality professionals and will provide ample

opportunity to network with professionals already in the industry. On-campus programs will most

likely have recruiting events and a career opportunities department to help assist in your job search.

You can certainly build relationships with an online community; but most likely, they will be students
from all over the world; therefore, it may be a bit more difficult to secure employment via an

eLearning platform.

If you plan on completing your MBA in Hospitality Management online, be sure to ask your B-School

about internship/externship/job placement opportunities for Online MBA students. Here is a quick

snapshot of the Pros/Cons of online vs. campus-based learning:

The pros of online learning include lower overhead cost which includes online textbooks, dormitory

expenses, and commuting cost. The convenience and flexibility of choosing your own times for

learning, and the comfort of learning in your own home.

The cons of online learning include limited social interaction, computer and software issues as well

as cost of high-speed Internet, often requires the student be self-motivated and disciplined progress

through the program

The pros of campus-based learning include face-to-face and in-person interaction with instructors

and fellow students, regularly scheduled class hours, use of the school’s library, athletic facilities,

and laboratories.

The cons of campus-based learning include the requirement to travel to classes, lack of time

flexibility, and housing costs.

One of the benefits to online learning as it relates to tuition cost is that a number of schools offer free

textbooks online and include these texts in the price of tuition.

How Much is Tuition for MBA Hospitality

Management Programs
If you plan on attending an MBA in Hospitality program it's best to start

thinking about your finances. A prospective B-Student in Hospitality Management needs to weigh

their options, whether it's tuition rates, job opportunities, and starting salary. A highly reputable MBA

program can pave the way for a great starting salary by way of on-campus recruitment from luxury

hospitality organizations. An online MBA program can provide the flexibility of completing a program

while being employed in hospitality. With that being said, the lowest in-state tuition for on-campus

MBA in Hospitality programs is $20,684.00 compared to the highest average in-state tuition of

$96,855.00. There's a significant tuition range for in-state programs. The average in-state tuition is

$61,135.80 compared to an average out-of-state tuition of $66,511.40 for traditional on-campus MBA

in Hospitality programs. If you have the option of attending a highly reputable in-state program, it

may be worthwhile to upwards of $12,000 in tuition costs. If geography is a limiting factor, then a

well-respected online MBA program may be the best option for aspiring Hospitality students. The

average in-state online MBA program in Hospitality is $58,769.50 compared to the average online

out-of-state program of $72,208.50.

Campus Tuition

Campus In-State MBA Hospitality Management Tuition

● Lowest In-State Tuition: $20,684.00

● Highest In-State Tuition: $96,855.00

● Average In-State Tuition: $61,135.80

Campus Out-of-State MBA Hospitality Management Tuition

● Lowest Out-of-State Tuition: $44,140.00

● Highest Out-of-State Tuition: $96,855.00

● Average Out-of-State Tuition: $66,511.40

Campus Out-of-Country MBA Hospitality Management Tuition

● Lowest Out-of-Country Tuition: $47,140.00

● Highest Out-of-Country Tuition: $96,855.00

● Average Out-of-Country Tuition: $67,231.40

Online Tuition

In-State Online MBA Hospitality Management Tuition

● Lowest In-State Tuition: $20,684.00

● Highest In-State Tuition: $96,855.00

● Average In-State Tuition: $58,769.50

Out-of-State Online MBA Hospitality Management Tuition

● Lowest Out-of-State Tuition: $47,562.00

● Highest Out-of-State Tuition: $96,855.00

● Average Out-of-State Tuition: $72,208.50

Out-of-Country Online MBA Hospitality Management Tuition

● Lowest Out-of-Country Tuition: $48,162.00

● Highest Out-of-Country Tuition: $96,855.00

● Average Out-of-Country Tuition: $72,508.50

GMAT Scores for MBA Hospitality
Management Programs

It's important to note that not all MBA in Hospitality programs require a

GMAT Score for acceptance; but most AACSB programs do. There are other factors that ultimately

decide an admissions decision. They include undergraduate GPA, professional hospitality

experience, letters of reference, CV, and a personal statement. The GMAT measures a prospective

students' ability to quantitatively analyze data. The MBA in Hospitality is considered a more practical

hands-on program because of the requirements needed to enter the industry; therefore, GMAT

scores may take a back seat to a strong undergraduate GPA and professional experience. The

average GMAT score for on-campus Hospitality programs is 546 compared to an online GMAT of

480. If you have a specific program in mind, it's best to boost your GMAT to improve your chances of

acceptance. With a GMAT Score range of 480 to 591, there's plenty of opportunity to attend a

high-quality MBA in Hospitality program.

Campus GMAT Scores

● Lowest Average GMAT Score: 480

● Highest Average GMAT Score: 591

● Average GMAT Score: 546

Online GMAT Scores

● Lowest Average GMAT Score: 480

● Highest Average GMAT Score: 480

● Average GMAT Score: 480

Student / Faculty Ratio for MBA Hospitality

Management Programs

The best MBA Student/Faculty ratio in Hospitality is 1.31 compared to

the worst on-campus Student/Faculty ratio of 14.37. The lower the ratio, the better it is for students.

This is especially true in the field of Hospitality where hands-on practical experience is critical to the

B-Students overall success. Students attending a graduate Hospitality program receive personalized

one-on-one attention from faculty mentors who have extensive experience in the industry. The

Student/Faculty metric is a matter of personal preference and for those students who excel in large

groups, may not need the low Student/Faculty ratio. The best Student/Faculty ratio for online MBA

programs is 3.35 compared to the worst online Student/Faculty ratio of 9.00. The combination of

cutting-edge eLearning platforms and innovative Blackboard courses make the online experience a

rewarding one for prospective Hospitality students. The Student/Faculty ratio comes down to

personal preference. For a B-Student interested in networking with professors and fellow students

via a cohort style classroom environment, it's best to look for Hospitality programs with lower

Student/Faculty ratios. If you don't mind the lecture hall environment, then a higher Student/Faculty

ratio may be a suitable option for the prospective MBA applicant.

Campus MBA Student / Faculty Ratio

● Best MBA Student / Faculty Ratio: 1.31

● Worst Student / Faculty Ratio: 14.37

● Average Student / Faculty Ratio: 6.24

Online MBA Student / Faculty Ratio

● Best Student / Faculty Ratio: 3.35

● Worst Student / Faculty Ratio: 9.00

● Average Student / Faculty Ratio: 6.18

Student Population for MBA Hospitality

Management Programs

Every B-School has a strategy behind their enrollment sizes. If a

prospective Hospitality graduate student is looking for networking opportunities, wants to attend job

fairs, and plans on joining student organizations, B-School enrollment size plays an important role in

the decision-making process. On-campus recruitment is critical for Hospitality graduates. Hospitality

graduates will most likely compete for corporate hospitality positions with their fellow classmates for

these positions are highly coveted. For the B-Student interested in the smaller cohort-style/hands-on

classroom experience and thrives in more intimate hands-on settings, a manageable enrollment size

is the preferred option. This is especially true for Hospitality cohort MBA programs where students

stay together for the entire program. The average MBA in Hospitality full-time enrollment for

on-campus programs is 712 compared to the average online MBA program of 611. The average
MBA part-time enrollment for on-campus is 412 students compared to the average part-time online

enrollment of 487. It's important to note there is a significant difference between the online study

experience versus the traditional classroom experience.

Campus Student Population

Campus MBA Full-Time Student Population

● Smallest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 173

● Highest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 1,100

● Average MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 712

Campus Part-Time MBA Student Population

● Smallest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 129

● Largest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 845

● Average Part-time MBA Students: 412

Online Student Population

Online MBA Full-Time Student Population

● Smallest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 205

● Highest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 1,017

● Average MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 611

Online Part-Time MBA Student Population

● Smallest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 129

● Largest MBA Full-Time Enrollment: 845

● Average Part-time MBA Students: 487

Student Population from the United States

The ever-changing global hospitality industry has produced countless

corporate managerial positions for those with international business experience. Just like a the

employee demographics of a highly successful hotel chain, an MBA in Hospitality program should be

a reflection of members of the global hospitality, tourism, and lodging community. The more

international students, the better the program – especially for the aspiring hospitality professional. A

company that hires employees from other countries evolves into a well-rounded organization. The

employee talent should represent the company's most important asset: its patrons. The average

percentage of students from the U.S. in traditional Hospitality MBA programs is 75% compared to

an average of 79% for online MBA programs. If you want to collaborate, network, and learn from

global business leaders, it's highly recommended that prospective B-Students attend an institution

that accepts a higher percentage of international students compared to students from the U.S. If you

are serious about learning from the global hospitality community, you will most likely learn from

industry professionals who have travelled all over the world.

Campus MBA Student Population from the U.S.

● Smallest % of Students from US: 54%

● Largest % of Students from US: 94%

● Average % of Students from US: 75%

Online MBA Student Population from the U.S.

● Smallest % Students from US: 64%

● Largest % Students from US: 94%

● Average % of Students from US: 79%

Faculty Information for MBA Hospitality

Management Programs

Highly competitive B-Schools recruit part-time and full-time professors

that are both academics and industry influencers. They are the subject matter experts in their

Hospitality industry. Most Hospitality, Tourism, and Lodging professors have experienced success in

the industry and have written extensively in their chosen field. The number of highly-qualified

full-time faculty is directly related to the reputation of most elite MBA in Hospitality programs. The

average number of full-time on-campus MBA faculty is 114 compared to 134 for part-time

on-campus programs. The average number of professors with doctorate degrees is 91 for

on-campus MBA programs compared to 90 doctorates for online MBA programs. You want to learn

business from industry influencers and academics who are on the front lines of their respective

industry. Looking at business professor bios, their published work, and their professional history is a

great way to determine if your MBA programs hires quality faculty. You will find that most have

worked at luxury hotel chains, managed five-star restaurants, are industry consultants, or have

started their own restaurant.

Campus MBA Faculty Numbers

Campus Full-Time MBA Faculty

● Fewest Full-Time MBA Faculty: 46

● Most Full-Time MBA Faculty: 202

● Average Full-Time MBA Faculty: 114

Campus Part-Time MBA Faculty

● Fewest Part-Time MBA Faculty: 57

● Most Part-Time MBA Faculty: 236

● Average Part-Time MBA Faculty: 134

Campus MBA Full-Time Faculty with a Doctorate

● Fewest Doctorate Degree MBA Faculty: 79

● Most Doctorate Degree MBA Faculty: 120

● Average Doctoral Degree MBA Faculty: 91

Online MBA Faculty Numbers

Online Full-Time MBA Faculty

● Fewest Full-Time MBA Faculty: 51

● Most Full-Time MBA Faculty: 113

● Average Full-Time MBA Faculty: 82

Online Part-Time MBA Faculty

● Fewest Part-Time MBA Faculty: 61

● Most Part-Time MBA Faculty: 113

● Average Part-Time MBA Faculty: 87

Online MBA Full-Time Faculty with a Doctorate

● Fewest Doctorate Degree MBA Faculty: 89

● Most Doctorate Degree MBA Faculty: 92

● Average Doctoral Degree MBA Faculty: 90

List of Campus and Online MBA Hospitality

Management Programs

● The number of on-campus MBA Hospitality Management concentrations offered: 6

● The number of online MBA Hospitality Management concentrations offered: 2

Since the MBA in Hospitality concentration is considered a highly

specialized concentration, there's a limited number of programs to choose from in the MBA Guide.

There are 6 on-campus traditional MBA in Hospitality programs in the U.S. compared to 2 accredited

online programs. As mentioned previously, Hospitality is one of the most specialized MBA

concentrations delivering a super concentrated course of study for B-Students. Specialized

Hospitality courses are designed to create well-rounded managers in both luxury hotels, high-end

restaurants, and tourism settings. There are plenty of career paths for an aspiring hospitality student.

An MBA in any specialization is a highly respected credential and the perfect launching pad for

leadership positions in a competitive industry like Hospitality.

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