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Death is Not an Escape!


10. Banshee’s Keen. You carry the banshee’s cry. When you wail, all
You’re turned away at death’s door. Your soul is creatures with 3 or less HP immediately die.
trapped by its mortal coil. You have unfinished
business. It isn’t your time. Rise revenant and roll 11. Geist Hand: Your hand has become a ghostly apparition. It can float
freely from your body and lift objects less than five pounds but if the
for Death’s gift upon your first death. hand takes damage, you take that damage, and the hand is gone until the
following dawn.

Roll d20
12. Living Shadow. Your shadow is alive, corporeal, and can break away
from you. It can’t attack or speak but you share a telepathic bond. If it
takes damage, so do you.

13. Eternal Darkness. Your eyes are black orbs that can see in total
1. Death Sight. Your eyes melt away leaving empty sockets. You gain darkness. You have the power to extinguish all light sources, but all your
perfect awareness of your immediate surroundings but are blind. DRs are +2 in bright light.
2. Deathly Cold. Your body is as cold as a corpse. You are no longer 14. Abaddon Infestation. Your walking corpse is
affected by cold and your unarmed attacks inflict 1d4 cold damage, but infested with insects. Anyone may consume
you defend against fire at DR 14. the insects as food but, excluding you, there
is a 1-in-6 chance of becoming infected.
3. Entropic Being. You’ve begun fading into the abyss. You may
become incorporeal for up to one minute, passing through solid objects 15. Tongues of the Dead. You hear the
unable to attack or be hit, but there is a 1-in-10 chance that you lose 1 cries of the dead. You may ask a corpse
Strength to the void. If you ever go below -3, then you are lost one question, but when someone dies near
forever. you, all your DRs are +2.
4. Death Worm. You are the host of a Death Worm. It 16. Voice of Melancholy. Your voice
produces a dose of lethal poison that spoils after 24 hours makes people feel hopeless. Enemy
and inflicts 2d12 damage, drop the lower die, each day but Morale is -2, but all Presence DRs are
you require twice as much food. +2 when you speak.
5. Mouthless. You have no mouth, but you must scream. 17. Stygian Waters. Water seeps
You don’t need sustenance and you can’t speak, but you from your pores, eyes, and orifices.
can communicate telepathically within shouting distance. You don't breathe, but anything that
requires grip has DR +2 and your
6. Psychopomp. Your soul resides in a raven that steps slosh while leaving a trail of
accompanies your body. If your body dies, then you water.
may assume control of a human corpse you can see,
but if the raven dies (1 HP) then you die 18. Death Toll. You were given
permanently. Charon’s toll. You have 2 silver coins,
that when spent/lost, reappear upon
7. Oracular Eye. An eye grows on your palm. It your eyes after sleep, but you can’t
can see an impression of an object’s past and cross running water while you don’t
makes Defense DR 10 against one target, but possess them.
that hand’s grasp can’t be used as the eye
won’t permit it. 19. Dreadful Hunger. You hunger for
the hearts of men. You never gain more
8. Headless. You were decapitated. Your than 1d4 HP from rest, except when you
head is now separate from your body, consume a fresh human heart you regain 1d8
but your head senses normally. You upon rest.
don't need to eat.
20. Decaying. Your body never stopped
9. Whispers from Beyond. decaying after your death. Your body fluids are
Malevolent voices speak to you. diseased and you’re immune to infection, but if you
You may listen to them rolling take 6 or more damage, you are broken.
1d6. 1-3: They lie. 4-6: They
tell the truth.


Death is Not an Escape! is an independent production by Wayward Polyhedral and is not affiliated with
Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

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