SG 2022 Lesson1 Relationship With God

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WEEK 1: “OUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST” we have become His children.

Outside our identity in Jesus, we

would wear ourselves out in proving our worth and in
Start the SG with these questions: seeking the approval of others. Performance becomes a “must”
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? for acceptance. But in Christ, there is nothing left to prove. In
2. What is challenging you? Him, we are valuable and loved, apart from anything we do.
Lead an opening prayer for the group. Even while we were of no use whatever to Him, while we were
still wallowing in our sinfulness, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
Describe yourself in one sentence. We are transformed from darkness to light.
Where do our ideas of identity come from? Do they come from We are ambassadors of Christ.
what we say about ourselves or what others say about us?  We are changed by Christ's death and resurrection.
 We now belong completely to Christ, we are in God’s Family.
 We have been crucified with Christ.
COMPREHEND: (2 Corinthians 5:15-21)  We are dead to sin and alive to God.
 We have received Christ's righteousness.
 The Holy Spirit of Christ lives in us.
 We are New in Christ.
CONTEMPLATE:  We are completely loved and accepted by Christ.
(Read the questions and let them share their answers)  We have victory.
1. What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus? When our identity is anchored in Christ, there is no need to
pursue validation in relationships and/or social media. The hunt
2. What does this passage teach us about people? for validation in physical attributes, power, performance, and
position is over and done in Christ.
Who are you? CONSIDER:
It’s a simple question with a complex answer. Simple because it
can be answered point-blank. But because one’s name isn’t What two things about your new identity in Christ mean the
usually enough, it becomes complex. We supply add-ons to our most to you? Why?
names like status or achievements to somehow increase our What should you do this week in response to this passage?
sense of worth. In the sight of God, we are more than our (Use “I will …”)
abilities, accomplishments, and assets.
By believing and accepting Jesus as our Savior, He has given
us the full right to become His precious children. This is who we Ask for their prayer request and end your sharing by
are. This is our most privileged identity. We do not deserve it. praying for each other.
There is no way to earn it. Out of His initiative and pure grace,
every member of this church did for the service of the Lord.
Ephesus is an amazing church! However, there is more to this
WEEK 2: “DEVELOPING PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP church than meets the eye. Sadly, the church has forsaken her
WITH GOD” first love. Christ was no longer first in their lives.
This busy, working, persevering church suffered from "heart
Start the SG with these questions: trouble" – they abandoned their first love. Jesus was no
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? longer their priority. They were putting the affairs of the church
2. What is challenging you? first – the programs, services, ministries, and fellowship of the
Lead an opening prayer for the group. church. They had become more attached to the church than
they were to Christ. Their love for the church manifested in the
CATCH: ministries they do and in their defense of the truth. They love the
church. There is no doubt about it. But in their quest to love the
Kumusta kayo ni Lord? (use the emoji by using your hands and
church to the fullest of their ability, they have forsaken Christ.
faces to express your present relationship with the Lord.)
We can love the church but not Christ. But we cannot love
Christ without loving the church.
We must be cautious because our service for Jesus may
become the most significant challenge for our devotion to Him.
Our service must be the outflow of our love and devotion.
Service to Christ can never compensate for our commitment to
Tell us something about your relationship with God. Him. If Jesus does not take first place in our lives, then He is not
COMPREHEND: (Revelations 2:1-5) where He should be.
READ THE PASSAGE Ways to have a personal and intimate relationship with God:
1. Schedule a time-alone with God and His word in worship.
CONTEMPLATE: 2. Buy devotional books and use them in your quiet time.
(Read the questions and let them share their answers)
3. Daily memorization of Bible verses and prayer journaling.
1. What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus?

2. What does this passage teach us about people? CONSIDER:

Do you love Jesus more than anyone or anything? If you permit
CARRY: someone to look into your priorities, what would that person
A personal and intimate relationship with God starts with a deep see? Has your love for the Lord grown cold? What do you need
longing for His presence. God wants us to feel and experience to do to regain the fire and zeal of first love?
the wholeness of His Love by making our relationship with Him What should you do this week in response to this passage?
a priority. (Use “I will …”)
Jesus praises the church in Ephesus for their ministry diligence,
doctrinal vigilance, and endurance. He saw everything that
Ask for their prayer request and end your sharing by central to man.
praying for each other. In His priestly prayer in John 17:3, Jesus said, “Now, this is
eternal life: that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus
WEEK 3: “KNOWING CHRIST” Christ, whom You have sent”, He made it clear that knowing
God on a very personal level has present and eternal
Start the SG with these questions:
implications. Knowing God is not mere head knowledge, but it is
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? living in close fellowship with God as a person. To know God is
2. What is challenging you? to be in a loving and growing relationship with the Creator and
Lead an opening prayer for the group. Sustainer of the universe and in obedience to His commands.
1. God Is Infinite – He is Self-Existing, Without Origin (Col.1:17)
Read this quote and share your thought: 2. God Is Immutable – He Never Changes (Mal.3:6)
3. God Is Self-Sufficient – He Has No Needs (John 5:26)
“There’s a difference between knowing God and knowing 4. God is Omnipotent – He Is All Powerful (Psa.33:6)
about God. When you truly know God, you have energy to serve 5. God Is Omniscient – He Is All-Knowing (Isa. 46:9-10)
Him, boldness to share Him, and contentment in Him.”– 6. God Is Omnipresent – He Is Always Everywhere (Psa.139)
J.I. Packer 7. God Is Faithful – He Is Infinitely, Unchangingly True (Deut.7:9)
8. God Is Good (Psa.34:8)
9. God Is Just – He Is Infinitely, Unchangeably Right and Perfect in
All He Does (Duet 32:4)
COMPREHEND: (1 JOHN 2:1-6) 10.God Is Merciful – He is Infinitely, Unchangeably Compassionate
READ THE PASSAGE and Kind (Romans 9:15-16)
RETELL THE PASSAGE 11.God Is Gracious (Psalm 145:8)
12.God Is Loving (1John 4:7-8)
CONTEMPLATE: 13.God Is Holy – He is Infinitely, Unchangingly Perfect (Rev.4:8)
14. God Is Glorious – He is Infinitely Beautiful and Great (Hab. 3:4)
(Read the questions and let them share their answers) 15. God Is Wise – He Is Full of Perfect, Unchanging Wisdom (Rom.11:33)
1. What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus? Apart from knowing God and Jesus Christ in a personal way,
there is no life after death. There is no hope. Eternal life is
2. What does this passage teach us about people? knowing God and His Son with a life that demonstrates
obedience to His words.
To know about God is necessary information, but to know God
personally leads to transformation. Everybody may know Why do we need to learn who God is? How would you define
something about God, but not everyone knows God on a your relationship with God? Do you feel you know God? Or do
personal level. Amongst other things, this is one aspect you feel that you mostly just know about Him? Or neither? How
that sets God apart from the gods of this world. He wants us to could you know God more?
know Him personally. He desires an exciting and flourishing
relationship with Him. The value of knowing God is crucial and
What should you do this week in response to this passage?
(Use “I will …”)

Ask for their prayer request and end your sharing by

praying for each other.





This Small Group lesson is part of a Disciple Essentials

module titled, Our Relationship with God.
This series of lessons examines the relationship we
have with God. It begins by understanding our identity
in Christ which is a result of our becoming a child of
God. This series of lessons looks at the attributes of
God, how we learn about God and know Him better,
and how we develop this personal relationship. Under-
standing ourselves in God’s eyes and having a clearer
picture of who God is will help us live the life that God
designed for us.






3. What should you do this week in response to this passage?
(Use “I will …”)

CARRY: (Read and Challenge the Group with these words.)

The early church was growing fast. The apostles needed to
change their leadership style. A situation occurred when a group
TUTAM SMALL GROUP 2022 of mix-blooded women were not given fair share of the food
packs distributed by the church. (v.1) This was brought to the
attention of the leadership. After their caucus, they called for a
Start the SG with these questions: congregational meeting. They proposed that the group will
1. What are you thankful for today/this week? choose seven men and turn over the responsibility of food
distribution to them. (v.2-4) This pleased the congregation and
2. What is challenging you?
seven men were elected. (v.5) But take note their reason why
Lead an opening prayer for the group. they made such decision. "and will give our attention to prayer
and the ministry of the word."
(v.4) Few things to learn from the apostles:
Question: What is the best style of leadership? 1. They set their priorities right. Their priority was the
Answer: It depends on the situation. preaching of the gospel. Every church must be guided by a
There are different styles of leadership. clear vision statement that articulates their priority. The clearer
and simpler the vision, the better.
Every situation calls for a particular style of leader or leadership.
2. They consulted the assembly. When the matter was
A pastor should change or grow in his leadership style to match
presented to the body, they were happy. Then the ministry
his changing or growing church. John Maxwell calls this
proceeded on smoothly. As leaders we make sure that our
the law of the lid. The law of the lid states that “leadership ability
people buy in to our vision.
is the lid that determines a person's level of effectiveness.”
3. They delegated other tasks to other people. The apostles
cannot do all the job. They needed to delegate. As pastors, we
COMPREHEND: (Acts 6:1-7) can only do as much. We can only bring our church
to continuous growth as we continue to train and delegate
READ THE PASSAGE ministries to more leaders. Training leaders is the key.
Leaders must intend to pass the baton on to the next person.
CONTEMPLATE: (Read the questions and let them share Two things are crucial:
their answers)
1. He needs to prepare to pass the baton.
1. What does this passage teach us about God or Jesus? 2. He needs to know when to pass the baton. Timing is the key.
3. Is there somebody you can pass the baton on to?
2. What does this passage teach us about people? 4. Who should you share with this week?
Ask for their prayer request and end your sharing by
praying for each other.

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