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Conversation Lessons the natural language of conversation Ron Martinez 2% HEINLE ©& CENGAGE Learning” Australia - Brazil - Japan - Korea Mexico » Singapore - Spain - United Kingdom - United States u oe HEINLE CENGAGE Learning” Conversation Lessons ‘The Natural Language of Conversations; An Intermediate Course Ron Martinez Copyright 2002 Heinle, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means ‘raphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or informationftorage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior ‘written permission of the publisher. For permission to use material from this text or product, ‘submit all requests online at Further permissions questions can be mailed to ISBN 13: 978-1-899396-65-8 ISBN 10: 1-899396-65-9 Heinle 25 Thomson Place Boston, MA.02210 USA. Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Lid Visit Heinle online at Visit our corporate website at The Author Ron Martinez, a native of California, has taught English as a Second and Foreign Language at all levels and ages. He has taught speakers of Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, German, Italian and many more. He specializes in the development of very useful and practical classroom materials which are based on solid theoretical principles. He is actively involved in teacher development and linguistic research, including the analysis of computerized corpora and natural spoken discourse. He is currently teaching at St. Giles College in San Francisco. ‘Acknowledgments The author would like to thank: ‘Michael Lewis for being an infinite source of ingenious ideas and good sense Jimmie Hill for his patience, thoroughness, practicality, and valuable contributions. Mark Powell for his useful input and help in bringing out the best in the book Judy Boyle for being the inspiration for many of the drama-based activities in the book. ‘Angela Blackwell for her enthusiasm and help with some trouble spots. Wendy Harry for helping pilot material 2,000 miles away. kelly Langer for piloting, valuable feedback, endless optimism and helpful support. Jeff Mohammed for all his personal and professional support and guidance. Cover design by Anna Macleod Illustrations by Jonathan Marks Photographs courtesy of Zefa Pictures, The Moviestore Collection, and the Kobal Collection, Printed in the United States of America 2122 23 12 11 1009 08 re TO THE USER What is Conversation Lessons? Conversation Lessons is designed with both the frustrated student and teacher in mind. It is easy to use and very practical. The student will find language to help him or her sound more natural. The teacher will find exercises that are both easy to manage and student-centered. What is different about this book? First of all, this book is largely based on a Lexical Approach. This means that the focus is on larger, easily recalled, natural-sounding ‘chunks’ of language. The language chosen is widely used and is easy to pronounce. Most importantly, the language is put into activities where there are many opportunities to practice, but where there is always a focus: to become a better speaker in conversation. Getting the best out of this book This book was designed for speaking. However, it is up to you to decide how long to spend practicing. Encourage students to personalize their input. Let the book be just a starting point. For example, if you use a phrase that has not been included, by all means include it! This book was designed to inspire. Be creative! Dream up as many opportunities to practice as you can! How to use the tape The accompanying tape is designed to make the dialogues come to life for the student. There are many ways of using the cassette. You may choose to play the cassette first before reading the dialogue, or after, depending on your aims. You can also try ‘pause-listening’ — a technique where you pause the tape in key places to have the student complete the phrase. It is also a good idea for students to listen to the dialogues later to remind themselves of language they need to remember. Why the dialogues are the way they are The dialogues are designed to be funny and interesting, but most importantly, they are designed to put the language being studied in each unit in a natural spoken context. When you first read a dialogue, you may not notice any special language at all. This is what is supposed to happen After all, in real life we listen for meaning only, not for particular language, In this book students have a do both. What to do with the exercises Again, the focus in this book is on speaking. It is not recommended that you spend much time writing things down. When it comes time for speaking practice, however, it is recommended that some time for preparation be allowed for the student. This will help the student reduce the stress involved in speaking in front of others and make for a more useful practice. Feel free to use the activities in a different order if you wish. Also, don’t be afraid to have fun! Students using the book for self-study Although this book was mainly designed for use in the classroom, it can also be used by itself. If this applies to you, then the only thing that will be different is that you will have to supply the people and situations to practice with. Remember: practice makes perfect. Ron Martinez, Berkeley, California CONTEN Introduction Questionnaire .... 0.2.0... 00. c ccc ete eee 6 Lesson | Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson I! Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Remembering ........... 0. cece e cece ccc een eee eee teens 8 “It slipped my mind." Ingrid the Informant Decisione 12 “I can’t make up my mind." Fickle Fernando Conversation Frame | “Nagt bad considering Atsuko's Trip to Paris Priorities 0 20 “That's the bottom line.” The Nitty Gritty Encouraging “Go for it!” Rick takes a risk. Conversation Taboos 1 .........6 6.6 eee e cece 28 ‘| don't care.” The Parent-Teacher Meeting Difficult Explanations. ...............0. ee 32 It's kind of hard to explain.” Silly Tatiana Describing the Impossible ............ 00.000. c cece eee eens ++. 36 “If you only knew.” Grandpa Talltales Conversation Frame 2.......... 60. c eee cece neces tee eeeees 40 “It has to be the best.” Enthusiastic Mario Telling a Story .. “You wouldn't believe it! A New Item on the Menu Being Polite 0000 48 “It's OK, I guess.” Proud Wilbur Conversation Taboos 2 ....... 6. cece eee eee eee eee e eee eens 52 “Don't make me laugh!" Dance Class Reacting PredictaDll © 0 00 54 “It figures...” Stuart gets sacked. (COMPOING ee 58 “Don’t worry about it.” Maryanne the Musician 224 44 Lesson 15 Lesson 16 Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Answer Key Conversation Frame 3.. 2.2.2... 0s ee cece eee cence eee teen 62 “T mean, | could see if Not a nice Daddy Sharing Secrets . 00... ccc ce teen e eee eens 66 “Off the record Insider Information Angry with Yourself... . “Me and my big mouth.” Eddie's Disastrous Date Conversation Taboos 3... 0... 1. cece e cece eet eee e teen nee 74 “Are you married?" The Stranger Sharing Problems. . “I know the feeling English Troubles The State of Things ..... Go000G5000 600000 000005coco5GGG0g505c6 82 “It’s come a long way.” A Good Opportunity Conversation Frame 4. . “What good is a CD player’ Dale is not impressed. Being Negative. ..... 0... cc cece cece scene neste nenesecees 90 “How should | know?” The Information Booth Guessing. .............. “Just off the top of my head Car Problems Conversation Taboos 4... 1.6... eee eee eee 98 “Y'll see what I can do.” The Deadline Avoiding Commitment. .........0000 00.00 c cece cece eeeteeeeeeee 100 “Don't quote me on that.” The New Girl Termination “Let's get this over with.” Helga the Health-Nut Conversation Frame 5... 0... ec eee e cece eee een nee 108 “It may be small, but Self Defense Surprise ........ “I can’t believe it! Amazed Amy Conversation Taboos 5 ........... sees eee Ioocodcc0 ee 114 “I'm just looking, thanks.” Shop Talk Compliments... Gonooocons 116 “I'm not just saying that. | mean it.” Stepping Out - 86 INTRODUCTION QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire will help you think about your English. What kind of English do you want to learn? It will prepare you for some of the ideas in this course. When you have completed the questions, discuss your answers in the whole class. Do you all have the same opinions? 1. When you speak English, how would you like to sound? Check as many as you like: a) friendly b) formal, °) neutral d) natural e) educated f) impressive 8) informal h) cool i) exotic 2. When you speak English, do you want to sound: a) like a native speaker b) like yourself ©) foreign with a foreign accent d) American but with a foreign accent 3. What would you like to be able to do in English? a) function at work b) be able to know what to say in almost any situation c) make relationships d) watch TV e) watch movies f) have interesting conversations with native speakers g) use English on holiday 4. If you were surprised about something, which of these would you be happy saying: a) Jeez! b) Jesus! c) Wow! d) Really! e) You've got to be kidding! f) No way! 5. If you heard really bad news, which of the following would you be happy saying: a) Oh my God! b) Oh God! ¢) Oh no! 6.When you meet a friend, what would you say: a) Hi! b) How are you? c How you doing? d) Hey! What's up? e) Hey! What's new? 7. If a friend said to you How are you, how would you reply: a) Great! b) Fine thanks, and you? c) Not so great d) Lousy, e) Not bad 8. Which of the following statements is closest to your view: a) 1 want to speak perfect English. b) I don’t mind making a few mistakes — after all, I'm only learning ¢) | don't care how many mistakes | make — | want people to like me. 9. Each of the following is a typical student mistake. In your view, which is the most serious and which is the least serious: a) Correct! As far as I'm concerned, she’s the best I've ever seen. Incorrect: As far as I'm concern, she’s the best I've ever seen. b) Correct: My brother lives in Sacramento. Incorrect: My brother — he live in Sacramento. ¢) Correct: Could | have some more dressing, please. Incorrect: You must give me dressing. 10. Which, if any, of the following would you feel silly saying? a) What are you doing? b) What're you doing? ° What're ya doing? d) What're ya doin? e) Whatcha doin? 11. Do any of the following sound too informal? a) Do you have any questions? b) You have any questions? c) Have any questions? d) Any questions? e) Questions? 12. Which of the following topics do you NOT want to talk about in class? a) the weather h) homosexuality b) food i) religion ic) death penalty i abortion d) homelessness k) drug abuse e) sports I) computers f) healthcare m) your family g) politics n) holidays REMEMBERING Ingrid The Informant Ingrid arrives late for her appointment with Inspector Gordon. How does he get from her the information that he needs? Inspector: Ingrid Inspector: Ingrid. Inspector Ingrid. Inspector: Ingrid Inspector: Ingrid Inspector: Ingrid Inspector: Ingrid 8 Ingrid. You're late. Did you forget our appointment? I'm sorry. It must have slipped my mind OK, Ingrid. We want you to tell us where Biggs is hiding. I'm sorry. | seem to be drawing a blank. I see. Maybe this will help refresh your memory. ‘The inspector gives Ingrid fifty dollars Come to think of it, | do seem to remember something about a bridge. Which bridge? The name escapes me. The inspector hands Ingrid another fifty dollars Hmm it's on the tip of my tongue. He gives her a hundred dollars. Oh, yes! The Bay Bridge One last thing, Ingrid. Is there a shipment coming in tonight? Now that you mention it, | think there is, but for the life of me | can’t remember at what time Maybe you need a little inspiration He hands her fifty dollars. Wait. It’s coming to me now He gives her a hundred dollars. That's right! There's a shipment coming in at 11:30 tonight. Thanks, Ingrid. You've been a big help. Remind me to take you out to dinner sometime Your treat? | I } 1 Matching In pairs, make a phrase by matching the correct words and phrases. Try to do it without looking at the dialogue. 1. refresh your a. right! 2. come b. ablank 3. it slipped my c. tongue 4. That's d. memory 5. to draw e. to think of it 6. for the life f. escapes me. 7. it's coming g. you mention it 8. It's on the tip of my h. mind 9. Now that i. tome now 10. The name j. of mel can’t remember 2 Sorting Sort the phrases above into the two boxes below. Compare with a partner. Remembering Forgetting 3 Dialogue Practice In pairs, one person play Inspector Gordon and the other Ingrid. 1. Read the dialogue sitting down 2. Read it while physically acting out the scene 3. Do it without the script as much as possible, until you feel comfortable 4, Do it for the class to see which pairs could win an Oscar. Pair Work | 6 Role Play - Do you have any comment? Work in pairs with the following information. Prepare alone for a few minutes. Using the phrases above, what's another way of saying: Student A Student B 1. To help someone remember. 2. “At first [ did not remember, but after some more thought, now I do.” 3. “lam very close to remembering and saying something.” 4. “I would not have thought of it otherwise, but what you have just said has 1, The money for the presidential campaign. made me remember.” Where did it come from? (You have a document with the exact figures.) What is the name of the largest contributor? 2. Stories about when the candidate was at college. 5. "Right now | am remembering.” Drug use? (Several old college friends swear that the recent statement denying any involvement is a whitewash.) 3. Rumors about a trip to Rome last year. Reports in the Italian Press last year about an affair with the famous Italian opera singer Maria Bellini were denied by the Press Office, but there are tumors of compromising photographs 6. “My memory right now is failing me completely.” 7. “It is difficult for me to remember the name.” . . 7 Discussion Are you the kind of person who remembers everything — every little detail - or can you never 8. To forget to do something. remember anything ~ even your own telephone number? 1. What techniques do you use to remember things? 9. “I'm trying very hard to remember, but it’s not working.” 2. How do you remember new vocabulary? 3. How do you remember people's names? 4. Do you ever forget a face? 5. What do you do (and say) when you see someone you know but can’t remember their name? What if you have to introduce that person to a friend? 6. What is the most embarrassing situation you have been in when you could not remember something? 7. Would you ever reply to the advertisement below? Do you know anyone who would / should? 10. “I now remember!" Where were you? HAVE YOU EVER SUFFERED THE AWFUL EMBARRASSMENT OF MEMORY LOSS? Forgotten someone's name at that crucial moment? Wanted to drop through the floor and disappear? Never again let your failing memory fail you in public. We run evening sessions which guarantee complete success within 4 hours. Enrol now and put all those embarrassing moments behind you! Dial 471-7676 - a number you won't forget for a course you'll always remember, Many people can remember where they were when something important happened — for example, when they heard the news of the TWA crash Many older people can remember precisely what they were doing when they heard the news of the assassination of JFK. Have you any memories of some important event? Where were you and what were you doing at the time? 10 LESSON 2 | DECISIONS ckle Fernando ernando is talking to his sister. What is his problem? Complete the dialogue using the hrases at the bottom. There is only one correct order. =rnando: lercedes =rnando: lercedes: smnando: ercedes: -rnando ercedes: nando: ercedes mando: ercedes: I can’t make up my mind 1 About Adela and Karen. Right now I'm leaning toward Adela. But then again, Karen is also good. 2. | have mixed feelings about them.On the one hand, Adela has a good sense of humor. On the other hand, Karen has a great car. Ee I could go either way. On the plus side, laughter makes the relationship fun, but on the minus side she keeps laughing even when we're kissing. 4 Yeah, but | kind of had my heart set on Adela. So I'm debating whether to break up with Karen or simply not tell her about Adela 5: You're right. | think I'm going to go with telling the truth. On second thought maybe | should just stay with Martha 6, 1 Phrase Jumble Re-write the following in the correct order. le N wa a ~ ° toward I'm leaning Adela I way go either could I'm go going with to vanilla mind my | can’t up make But tea also again then like | I mixed about feelings them have I heart my on had set food Mexican On thought chocolate second I'll the have one I'm whether debating to call her or letter her write a On side the plus beautiful it’s; minus the on expensive side it’s On hand one the we out go can; other the on hand home stay can we TV and watch Now go back and underline the part of these expressions which you want to remember. Dialogue Practice 1. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 2. Take turns being Fernando and Mercedes. 3. Practice until you can do the dialogue without reading it. 4. Do it for the class. 3 Cloze Only one phrase is possible to complete the sentence. I. Maybe | will, , maybe | won't. a. but then again b. | had my heart set on c. on the one hand d. on the minus side 2. stay at home or go out tonight a. | had my heart set on b. on the plus side c. on second thought d. I'm debating whether to 3. [think buying a new car instead a. on the one hand b. on second thought i c#l'm going to go with d. | could go either way | : : | 4. reallly. 1 like both public transit and driving. a. | could go either way b. On second thought c. I'm leaning toward driving d. But then again, driving 5. I don’t know which to choose. Right now the blue one. a. | could go either way b. I'm leaning toward c. I'm going to go with d. [had my heart set on 6. I'll write her a letter. , 'll give her a call a. On second thought b. But then again c. On the plus side d. On the minus side 7, A: Where are you going this summer? B: I don’t know. a. | could go either way. b. | can't make up my mind c. But then again, no. d. On the other hand, yes 8 _ CC, Erik is responsible, , Kristina is responsible and efficient. a. On the one hand, on the other hand _b. On the plus side, on the minus side c. On the other hand, on the one hand d. On the minus side, on the plus side 9. A: I thought you wanted to buy the house on Market Street? B: Sure | like the one on Market, but the one on Church. a. on second thought b. then again c. on the one hand d. | had my heart set on 10. Well, . it's close to where | work; _ it’s far away from the beach. a. On the one hand, on the other hand b. On the plus side, on the minus side c. On the other hand, on the one hand d. On the minus side, on the plus side 4 Pair Work In pairs choose one of the following ideas. Then write the pros and cons in the grid: 1. living together before marriage 2. driving an automatic 3. living in the city 4. being a dog 5. eating out 6. owning your own business Arguments For Arguments Against Using the phrases from the dialogue, tell the class what you think. 5 Role Play - At a Restaurant Play the following characters, using phrases from the dialogue. Waiter: You never know what to recommend Customer |: You're on a diet. Customer 2: You're a vegetarian. Customer 3: You're on a budget. All three customers can't make up their minds. Use this menu. After practicing, show the class. Can you guess which customer is which? 1 Matching Working in pairs, match the sentences below. 1. Well, it isn’t the greatest car I've ever Well, it isn’t the nicest wine I've ever Well, it isn't the most interesting film I've ever Well, it isn’t the liveliest party I've ever _ Well, it isn't the cheapest restaurant I've ever Well, it isn’t the most elegant poem I've ever Well, it isn’t the most intelligent thing I've ever Well, it isn’t the warmest day we've ever Well, it isn’t the funniest joke I've ever Well, it isn't the easiest class I've ever Sec erawrawn said, but not bad considering I was half asleep. written, but not bad considering | just wrote it taken, but not bad considering how much | learn. thrown, but not bad considering the guests. tasted, but not bad considering it's American. mepange eaten in, but not bad considering the food. driven, but not bad considering how old it is. zm heard, but not bad considering you're only five. i. had, but not bad considering it’s winter. j. seen, but not bad considering it’s a documentary. CONVERSATION FRAME 1 Atsuko’s Trip to Paris Now practice the completed sentences with a partner. One person reads the first part of the sentence and the other person completes it. Tomo: Did you enjoy your trip to Paris? 2 Negative Comments Atsuko: Well, it wasn’t the most exciting trip I've ever taken, but not bad considering | on . In English it is common to avoid a very negative word by using not very + a positive word. only had a few days. , For example: Tomo: What were the people like? It's avful > It's not very good. Atsuko: Well, they weren't the kindest people I’ve ever met, but not bad considering all Change these examples in a similar way: the things | had heard about them Tomo: And the food? pod one) Atsuko! Well, it wasn't the most delicious I've ever tried, but not bad considering | only 2. cold not very ate at McDonald's 3. rude not very Tomo: And was the weather alright? 4. stupid not very Atsuko: Well, it wasn’t the the most beautiful weather I've ever been in, but not bad | 5. slow not very considering it was winter. Tomo And the flight back? oe ae Atsuko: Well, it wasn’t the most entertaining thing I've ever done, but not bad 7. dirty not very considering it was a twelve hour flight. 8. unhygienic not very } Rationalizations In pairs, think of ways of saying the following so as not to upset someone. Check with your teacher and write the answers in the spaces. He's ugly. 7 She's poor. He's fat. His house is small He's crazy. That city is dirty. She's so slow. . He's stupid? She looks old. Your room is quite messy. SS aAarawawn 11. Our business is failing 12. Your taste in clothes is old-fashioned. Pair Work Work in pairs. Use the model below to have 12 mini-conversations based on the ideas in Exercise 3 above. A: He's ugly. B: Well, | have to admit he isn’t the best-looking guy I've met, but not bad considering what he was like when he was in high school. | mean, he had so much dandruff, his shoulders looked like the Swiss Alps! Personalities Study this conversation. it is fairly typical of what many native speakers say. A: He's one of the worst-looking guys in the school. B: Well, he’s not exactly Tom Cruise Fill in the names of the famous people in the following. Then work in pairs and try to say these dialogues in as natural a way as you can. Use the following names: Elizabeth Taylor Carnegie Whitney Houston 1. My parents are really tight with money. > No, mine aren't exactly called 2. My friend Kelly told me I had a lousy voice. > Well, she isn’t exactly 3. My aunt was married six times! >I know, and she wasn’t exactly y Now try to make up more similar conversations in pairs. herself. 18 6 Knock-downs Answer the questions below individually. 1. What painters do you like? 2. What cities do you like? 3. What fast-food items do you like? 4. What sport teams do you like? 5. What singers do you like? Now talk about your answers with the class. People in the class will comment using the following frame. he she isn’t the I've ever Well, it , but not bad considering they Discussion Work in pairs and ask and answer the following questions together: Have you ever been to Paris? If you went to Paris, what would you try not to miss? Have you ever been to Rome? . If you went to Rome, what would you definitely go and see? 5. Have you ever been somewhere really exotic? Why would you recommend it? 6. Have you ever been on vacation somewhere really awful? Why was it awful? RWNH When you have discussed these questions in pairs, report to the whole class. At the end of the discussion, take a vote on: 1. the best place for a vacation. 2. the worst place for a vacation LESSON 4 PRIORITIES The Nitty Gritty To be effective in conversation, it is useful to be able to make a point, to state a strong opinion. In this unit, you will learn how to tell someone what is most important - in your opinion, of course. Edwin, Rebecca and Kayo are discussing an important decision. Do you think they will get very far? Edwin: Rebecca Kayo; Rebecca Edwin Kayo; Edwin Rebecca Kayo: Rebecca: Kayo: Edwin. 0 The bottom line is we have to stop talking about going on strike and start doing something about it. Exactly. In the end, our words mean nothing if we don't act The fact is we need to start planning immediately. When you get right down to it, we haven't really made any progress because we only talk about it. We haven’t made definite plans yet. It all comes down to really deciding to do something. We need more than just talk. If we don’t show them we're serious nothing will change. That's the bottom line. All | know is that we can talk and talk and talk forever but the real test of our determination is what we do not what we say. It's a question of taking action. Some people talk — we act. | agree. What we're really talking about here is the most important decision of our lives. We must act. Thinking about it is useless The point is we simply can’t go on working in these conditions. We have to really plan and do something It’s just like anything else — you'll never know until you try. Exactly. I say we start no later than next week 7 Phrase Gap Fill in the missing words. Use only one word for each example. Write the completed phrases in the space below. comes question fact end down talking know anything line bottom key The bottom is we need to expand our business . It's a of knowing where to put our money and our time. hate the line. When you get right to it there is no bigger market than South America. It all down to diversification and intelligent globalization In the , if we don’t do it, out competitors will The is there is no other company out there more ready than we are. The is to do it now before they suspect anything What we're really about here is the financial security of our enterprise All is that if we don't do it now, we will certainly live to regret it It's just like else — to get something big, you've got to be prepared to give something big. Now go back and underline the phrases to do with “Saying what is most important”. Matching The following is a talk given by a teacher to a discouraged student. First try to work out how the teacher finished the sentences. The actual endings are on the next page in List 2. Match them. List 1 Soe 1 one 1 In the end, if you don't study All I know is that when you started with me i know you can pass the exam The bottom line is there's no easy way When you get right down to it, the only thing holding you back It all comes down to how much Even if you don't pass the test, The key is to speak English as much as What we're really talking If you want to learn English, you have to It's just like anything else — if at first you don't 21 List 2 It’s a question of learning the right test-taking skills. . the fact is you have improved and there's always next time. you won't learn you want to pass you could hardly speak a word to learn English. . is yourself. . work hard. That's the bottom line. sR 7~ eo ano i. about here is putting in the time that's required. j. possible and try not to translate too much. k. succeed, try, thy again. Go back and underline the phrases which mean “The thing that's most important is... .” Dialogue Practice . Practice the dialogue in pairs. . Take turns being Edwin, Rebecca and Kayo. . Practice until you can do the dialogue without reading it. . Continue the dialogue until all three characters find a solution. Do it for the class MaAWNe Role Play — The Power of Persuasion Below are lines that you can use in four different role plays. In pairs, put the lines under the correct title at the top of the next page. “All | know is | love you and | want us to be together forever.” “What we're really talking about here is your financial future.” “The bottom line is there is no one else who can do what | do as well as | do.” “When you get right down to it we are no better than other animals.” “The key is to respect all living things.” “The fact is people who finish college make much more money.” “It all comes down to how much you really “In the end there is no other company I'd want this relationship to grow.” rather work for, I'd hate to leave.” “It's a question of sacrifice. We must learn to live without meat.” “If you don't marry me, I won't have kids. And if | won't have kids, | don’t want to be with you. That's the bottom line.” 22 Role Play 1 Persuading your daughter/son to go to college Role Play 2 Persuading a friends to become vegetarians Role Play 3 Persuading your boss to give you a raise Role Play 4 Persuading sour girl/boyfriend to marry you Now, with your partner, choose one role play. Using all the phrases from this unit, write new lines under the category you chose. Use these lines to make your role play. 5 Debates Divide into groups and use the motions below to have a debate. Use some of the expressions you learned in this unit. . 1. Experience is more valuable than education 2. Marriage is a ritual whose time has passed. 3. War is sometimes necessary. 4. College is not for everyone. 5. Drugs should be legalized. 23 ENCOURAGING Rick takes a Risk Rick and Angie are waiters at a Mexican restaurant. Have you ever been in a situation like this? Rick I deserve a raise. | think I'm going to ask him today. Angie: Go for it. It's certainly worth a try. Rick: But do you think I stand a chance? Angie: You stand as good a chance as anyone. There's only one way to find out Rick: \'m scared Angie: Come on, Rick. Just do the best you can. What have you got to lose? Rick My job. Angie: No, really. What’s the worst that could happen? Just give it your best shot. Rick: Maybe it’s not even worth it. Angie: Well, you never know until you try. Come on - it’s a piece of cake. Rick: Ohno... here he comes now. Angie: {t's now or never, Rick. Rick: {Clears throat) Uh Mario — Do you have a second? Mario: If it’s about a raise you can forget it. Rick: (To Angie) Told you Angie Well at least you tried 24 Phrase Jumble Put the words in the correct order. Who can finish first? Remember — there's only one correct order. 1. Go it for 2. Its a worth try 3. It's never or now 4. It’s piece cake a of 5. Give best it your shot 6. Just best can you do the 7. What lose you to have got? 8. You try until know you never 9. There's find to way one only out 10. What's happen worst the that could? 11. You chance a good as stand anyone as Practice Work in pairs. Paul's friend Abby wrote him a letter recently because she was worried about passing the examination to enter the Police Force. Fill in the blanks with an expression from the exercise above. Dear Abby, Thanks for your letter. Why are you worried about passing that exam? Just go 1 ! After all, you stand as good 2. ____. Sure, I realize that it’s a really difficult exam, and many people don’t pass, but you never know until 3. _ This is the last chance you're going to get, though, so it’s now 4. __. Imean, what's the worst that 5 2 Ican understand that you're worried that you're not good enough, but there’s only one way 6. It’s worth a7.__ Come on! Give it your 8. ! [know you can do it. It’s a piece 9._ : Just do the best 10._____. After all, what have you got 11. ? Nothing at all. Sincerely, Paul Now go back and underline the phrases used for encouragement. 25 Pause Reading Now read the letter out loud to a partner, but pause where there is a space and let your partner complete the expression. Take turns. IT'S NOW OR NEVER. Pairwork Using expressions from this unit, what's another way of saying: lL. Try it. 2. Do the best you can. 3. Your doubts will never be clear until you make an attempt 4. No one else has a better advantage than you 5. Even if you do not succeed, how much worse can your situation get? 6. If you succeed there is much to be gained. 7. You may never get another chance. 8. It is easier than you think Dialogue Practice 1. Practice the dialogue in pairs 2. Take turns being Rick and Angie. 3. Practice until you can do the dialogue without reading it. 4. Do it for the class. 26 64Role Play Using phrases from the dialogue, act out one of the following scenes: le 2. 3: 4 5. Help a colleague who wants to ask a question during a talk at a conference. You are discussing business relations with an American friend who is considering exporting his product into your country. Decide which product You're a parent trying to get your child to swim for the first time. You're a pilot of a sky-diving company, trying to convince someone to jump You want your friend(s) to try the chocolate-covered ants on the menu. It may help to write it down first. After you've practiced a little, let the class watch. 7 Class Questionnaire — What scares you the most? Think about and answer the questions below individually and then discuss the questions as a class. 'b Getting divorced __ d. Not gelling married. b Driving ccyling moted b. Changing careers 6s fOr a raise beni in puble Bd Signe in public lish on the phone 27 1 Re-write the Conversation With a partner, re-write the conversation. The phrases below will help you. It might not be a bad idea I have some concerns about .. . it’s not one of her strong points I'm a bit disappointed in... lacking a bit in you might want to consider needs a little work a little weak has a lot of potential could use a little... I'm not sure | understand ‘Teacher: Parent. Teacher: Parent: Teacher: Parent Teacher: Parent: CONVERSATION TABOOS 1 mere Parent: The Parent-Teacher Meeting Teacher You have to be very sensitive when telling someone about a deficiency. You must know how to gently make suggestions and be careful in your choice of words. Something is not right Parent: with this conversation. With a partner, decide what should be changed. | Teacher: You finally came. Parent: Yeah. What do you want? Teacher: Your daughter is doing miserably in my class. 2 7 Parent: What are you talking about? Conversation Development Teacher: Well, I'm extremely worried about her study skills 7 | 1. Ask your teacher for more suggestions. Parent: Give me an example. . : ; Teacher: Her mathematics abilities are so bad! 2. Practice the new conversation with script Parent: Oh, I know she’s lousy at mathematics 3. Practice the new conversation without script. Teacher: And she has absolutely no knowledge of spelling 4. Act out the new conversation Parent So? Do you want me to sit with her while she does her homework? 5. Show the class. Teacher: Yes. Do that. Also, you must get a tutor for her. Parent No way. ‘Teacher: Well, your daughter probably has no future, anyway — so | don't care. 28 3 Role Play 6 Discussion Decide: What makes a good teacher? Number from | to 10 according to which you think is most 1. Who is A? important, Work in groups. 2. Who is B? 3. Where are they? How old? Makes the class fun 4. Finish the conversation and find a solution. Uses many different kinds of material May I go to the toilet? No, you may not. Gives a lot of homework Makes students work together Explains everything A B: A: B: A B: Talks a lot ’ Lets the class talk 4 Who said it? Some of the things below were said by a very critical teacher, and the others were said by a father who wants to protect his daughter. In pairs, decide who said what. Gives challenging tests Is well prepared Is flexible / Will change the lesson if necessary She talks too much. What makes a good language student? Write the five most important things below. I 2. She's a bit on the talkative side 3. I was just like her when | was her age. lL. 4. She's going through a lot of changes. 2 5. This is a difficult time for her. 6. She refuses to listen 3. 7. She takes after her mother. 4 8. I'm getting fed up with her. 9. Her heart's in the right place. 5 10. She means well 11. I'll do anything I can to help. 12. I've done everything | could to help. 13. I've lost hope. Is this a description of you? How could you become a better learner? What could you do more of? What could you do that you are not doing now? 14. She's got a lot of energy. a, _ | 15. Girls will be girls. | (~ GHerisrRy NOT. : 54 i PGINTS IS IT? 5 Who is it? \ Think of a very important person in your life. (It might be someone in your family, a friend, or even someone in your class.) Don't tell anyone who you are thinking of. Complete the following sentences about them. Then read your sentences to the rest of the class while they try to guess who you are talking about. 1. too much. 4 is a bit on the side. 2. refuses to 5 takes after his / her 3.___'s got a lot of . 6. Thisisa time for 30 31 RO ed DIFFICULT EXPLANATIONS Silly Tatiana Tatiana has had a very interesting experience. How well does she describe it? Complete this conversation using the sentences at the top of the next page. Interviewer: So you say you've seen a UFO? Tatiana: That's right Interviewer: And what happened exactly? Tatiana a) Interviewer: Well, why don’t you start with what you saw first. Tatiana (2) Interviewer: Did anyone come out? Tatiana Yes. Interviewer: And what did they look like? Tatiana (3) Interviewer: And did they speak to you? Tatiana (4) Interviewer: | see. And what did they, er. . . say? Tatiana: (5) Interviewer: Souvenir? Tatiana (6) Interviewer: And what did they want? Music? Some photographs? Tatiana (7) Interviewer: Oh 32 a. Well, for lack of a better word, like frogs. | can’t think of any other way to describe them b. Something to the effect that they wanted something to bring home with them as a — what do you call it c. Well, it's kind of hard to explain. Let's see. .. . how can I explain it d. Right - something they could remember humans by. e. California f. OK. Well, first there was this big ship — I don’t know what else to call it and it landed right in front of my car. g. Well, they didn’t exactly speak, they What's the word I'm looking for? You know like when you can read someone's mind, or what have you. Phrase Jumble Ben is asking Gabi to marry him, but he’s having trouble finding the right words. Put Ben's words in the correct order. Ben: 1. Gabi, I think | 7: call what it do you Gabi: Love me, Ben? Ben: 2. Yeah, something that to effect Gabi: Me too, Ben Ben: 3. And maybe it’s time for a ? I'm what's looking the for word Gabi: A commitment, Ben? Ben: 4 For better a of word lack Gabi: And what would you like to do about it? Ben: 5. Sign a contract. call what it else | know don't to Gabi: A contract? Ben: 6. . | other describe to way it any think can't of Gabi: So you would like us to become, like, business partners? Ben: 7 Or couple a...have or what you Gabi: But Ben, we're already a couple. Ben: 8. Yeah, but know you like real a couple Gabi: A real couple? Ben: 9. It's hard kind explain to of Gabi: | don’t understand Ben: 10 0 How it I explain can Gabi: Are you asking me to marry you? Ben: Yeah Gabi: No. Now go back and underline the important expressions. Then read the conversation in pairs So that it sounds as natural as possible. How many different ways can you say the last line? 33 2 Cloze Which expression does not complete the sentence correctly? 1. He said I wasn’t very reliable, a. (or) something to that effect b. you know, like he didn’t trust me c. [can't think of any other way to describe it 2. [thought it was just incredibly unfair, a. what do you call it. b. I can’t think of any other way to describe it c. [don’t know what else to call it. 3. He's the manager , you know, the guy in charge a. or what have you b. you know, like c. or something to that effect 4. Can you pass me the That thing over there. a. what do you call it? b. what's the word I'm looking for c. for lack of a better word 5. You want to know why we didn’t call you? Well, a. or something to that effect b. it's kind of hard to explain c. how can! explain it 6. The sign said ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’ or a. what have you b. something to that effect c. you know, like 7. A: So you think the reaction was, shall we say, hostile? a. B: Well, for lack of a better word, yes. b. B: What do you call it c. B: Well, I can’t think of any other way to describe it. 8. She made this face. when you have to sneeze. a. You know, like b. What do you call it c. It's kind of hard to explain 9. The driver of the other car was yelling a. what do you call it b. something to the effect that we were all to blame for the accident c. you know, like we were all to blame and he'd get fired 10. No. That's not what | mean. a. For lack of a better word b. How can | explain it. | mean c. It's kind of hard to explain 34 Dialogue Practice 1. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 2. Take turns being the Interviewer and Tatiana 3. Practice until you can do the dialogue without reading it. 4. Do it for the class. Expansion Below are some of the words and phrases that English-speakers use when having problems explaining or describing something. Below, choose the phrase that is most similar to the phrase in boldface. He talked about his life and so on and so forth. a. and many other things b. other things that | dare not mention 2. The food is a little on the spicy side. a. quite spicy b. not spicy enough 3. It's greenish-blue. a. half is green and half is blue b. between green and blue 4. It’s very human-like, a. like a human b. pleasing to humans 5. The restaurant is very arty. a. full of paintings b. used by creative people 6. She's sort of tall. a. very tall b. more tall than short 7. It's a cross between an alsatian and a sheepdog. a. very much like both b. has qualities of both 8. | didn’t eat it because there were these insects in it. a. the insects in my hand b. undefined / non-specified insects 9. He told me to give it to some guy. a. aman no one knows b. a man whose name is not important to me 10. She said that it would cost such-and-such amount. a. exact amount not important b. she never said the amount 11. And we said, “Hello”, blah, blah, blah. a. you probably know the rest b. and no more Storytelling Now use the expressions you have learned and try to describe ONE of the following. Take five minutes to write down what you will say, and then tell it to a partner. Share it with the class. 1. Your first date (Who? Where? What did you do? What like? Conversation? Wearing?) 2. A game you played in your childhood (Who with? When? Where? Who taught you?) 3. A strange dream you've had (In color? When? Who? Clothes? Where?) 4. An exotic food you've tried (Taste? Ingredients? Restaurant? Cost?) 5. Asong you like (The words? The message? What does the music sound like?) 6. Your hometown (The people? Their accent? Their clothes? What is the nightlife like?) 35, Phrase Jumble Re-write the following important expressions: LESSON 8 1. You could that say 2. If only knew you 3. I stories you tell could 4, Let's put it’s this big it way 5. That's should my other you see nothing car 6. Suffice say it it’s to cheap not 7. Let's just not say he’s an Olympic athlete 8. It's mildly to it warm put out DESCRIBING THE IMPOSSIBLE Fog Grandpa Talltales This unit will try to help you to say a lot, with just a little, in English. Johnny and his grandfather are fishing at a lake. Does Johnny believe his grandfather's story? I've name to few a China, Japan, and Singapore just been to 10. Just than idea learn get to you harder so an it's English Johnny: Grandpa, Did you really see a Great White Shark when you were a sailor? Se Se Grandpa: Did I? | could tell you stories. | AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT! | Johnny: But were they big? i / Grandpa: Just so you get an idea, | once mistook one of them for a ship. I “The man who ts too old to learn was probably always too ald to learn.” Johnny: Were they bigger than Daddy's car? | Henry 8. Haskins | Grandpa: Let's just say they could have eaten Daddy's car as an afternoon snack nr . Johnny But did you ever fight one? Use five of the ‘phrases above to respond in these situations: Grandpa If you only knew. I have had to go one-on-one with octopuses, man-eating sharks, and even pirates — just to name a few. . II. Have you been in Asia? Johnny: Did a shark ever bite you? > Grandpa Didn't | ever show you my left knee? 12. | love your red convertible! {Grandpa lifts pant leg to show a scar . Johnny Wow! Did it hurt? 13. Your boyfriend looks like he needs a little exercise. Grandpa You could say that. That's nothing — you should see the one | have on my back. : Johnny: Is it really big, Grandpa? 14 jacket? Grandpa: Big? Let's put it this way: | don’t know where my neck ends and that scar begins nee ti weat aac! Johnny; Wow. Did a lot of people die, Grandpa? > Grandpa Not many people survived, to put it mildly. Suffice it to say, | was one of the 15. understand Tokyo is an expensive city, lucky ones. > Johnny: Wow, Grandpa. No one can tell totally unbelievable stories like you can. 36 37 2 Wrong Use Which phrase is natural and which is not in these pairs: 1. a. He's not exactly handsome, let’s put it that way. b: He's not exactly handsome, let's put it this way. a. Smart? Let's just say she is intelligent. b. Smart? Let's just say she makes Einstein seem dumb. a. He is so, so old — to put it mildly. b. He's not young anymore — to put it mildly. . Just so you get an idea, here's my car. Just so you get an idea, here's a picture of my car. of 5. a. They have dogs, cats and fish ~ just to name a few. b. They Have several pets — just to name a few. 6. a. You work too hard. If you only knew. b. Do they work too hard? If you only knew. 7. a. That's nothing — you should see my other one. b. That's nothing — you'd better see my other one. 8. a. Was she strong? | could tell you stories. b. They say she’s strong. | could tell you stories. Dialogue Practice 1. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 2. Take turns being Johnny and Grandpa 3. Practice until you can do the dialogue without reading it. 4. Do it for the class Complete the Sentence Complete the following with your own personal information. Then work in pairs. Take turns asking questions to get these responses: 1. Am I good looking? Let's just say 2. I'm multi-talented. | can -and ,and — just to name a few. . Suffice it to say my English is Am! ? If you only knew! i money, to put it mildly. . Is that your salary? That's nothing, Am | intelligent? Lets put it this way . . Famous? Just so you get an idea, the other day, ? You could say that. SoG ton = Dol ? I could tell you stories. 38 5 Role Play — Bragging about your Hometown Write five things that make your town special. Then find a partner whose hometown is not the same as yours. Using phrases from this unit, tell your partner whose town is better, Share the debate with the class. Whose town is really the best? My hometown is 1 . Five things which make it special are: MR wh 6 Discussion Below is a survey taken from World Traveler Magazine. Do you agree? Which would you add? 10 Most Romantic Cities 10 Best Kinds of Food 1. Paris, France 1. Mexican 2. Disseldorf, Germany 2. Italian 3. Venice, Italy 3. Catalan 4. San Francisco, USA 4. American (USA) 5. Kyoto, Japan 5. Chinese 6. Tai Pei, Taiwan 6. Thai 7, Buenos Aires, Argentina 7. Swiss 8. London, England 8. English 9. Seoul, Korea | 9. Indian 10. Casablanca, Morocco 10. French 10 Best Year-Round Climate 1. Americans (USA) 1. Quito, Ecuador 2. Japanese 2. Miami, USA 3. British 3. Rome, Italy 4. Persians 4. Seattle, USA 3. French | 5. San Juan, Puerto Rico 6. Greek 6. Valencia, Spain 7. Salvadorans 7. Cairo, Egypt 8. Brazilians 8. Kinshasa, Zaire 9. Koreans 9. Dakar, Senegal 10. Canadians 10. San Antonio, USA Le ee Be 39 1 Pattern Practice So the pattern is: LESSON 9 | gl I've seen some bad performances before, but that has to be the worst. verb adjective + noun noun / pronoun | superlative adjective work in pairs to complete the following: 1. I've_____———————_ some spicy food before, but____—— as to be the 2. I've some before, but San Francisco has to be the 3. lve some before, but The Louvre has to be the 4. I've some before, but English has to be the 5. I've some long books before, but has to be the 6. I've some films before, but has to be the 7. I've some bad days before, but has to be the 8. I've some brilliant TV shows before, but has to be the Now do the same with the following: \'VeE HAD SOME 9. bad vacations BAD DAYS BEFORE, BUT THIS HAS TO t BE THE WORST! CONVERSATION FRAME 2 Enthusiastic Mario 10. stupid jokes 11. lousy roommates One of the hardest things to do for someone who is learning another language is to express different kinds of emotion — especially strong or excited emotion. What pattern do you see in what Mario says? 12. bad dreams 13. brilliant ideas Elizabeth How did you like the play? Mario: Great. I've seen some great performances before, but Phantom of the Opera has to be the greatest Elizabeth What about the music? Not bad, eh? Mario: I'll say. I've heard some good music before, but that music has to be the best. 14. great actors 15. delicious steaks 16. hot summers 40 41 2 Insults Use the frame you just practiced to answer these question with an insult. For example: 4 More Insults Using things around you, make insults with your partner - only for fun! Use the frame. For example: Do you like my nose? > No. I've seen some big noses before, but yours has to be the biggest. How do you like my house? 2. How do you like my husband? w What do you think about my English? B How do you like my new hairdo? a How do you like my new car? ‘ Did you enjoy the dessert | made? ~ oO Do you like the wine I've chosen? oo So how do you like London? 9. Have you enjoyed our date? 10. Did you like my joke? 3 Superlatives Without consulting with a fellow student, fill in the most obvious superlative adjective in the following expressions. Then fill in the right-hand column on your own. I. the __river in America ‘The Mississipi 2. the river in the world 3. the city in America 4. the city in the world 5. the company in America 6. the multinational company in the world 7. the popular of the British royals 8. the popular of the British royals 9. the invention the world has seen 10. the drug in the world I've sat in some uncomfortable desks before, but these have to be the most. I've eaten some lousy burgers before, but this has to be the worst. "Ve EATEN SOME LOUSY BURGERS BEFORE, BUT THIS HAS 10 BE THE / 5 Discuss — Who’s the best? Below, discuss who / which is the best. Which country makes the most delicious food? Who makes the nicest car? Which country makes the finest wine? Who is the best boxer of all time? Which is the most romantic city in the world? Who is the best writer of all time? Which country makes the best cheese in the world? Which nationality are the best language learners in the world? Now in your class try to discover who is the best swimmer / singer / dancer / cook? Who is the most generous, the most interesting, the most charming student? 11. th blem facing th Id tod: : ee Try to discover your own superlative people! 12. the mistake I have ever made Compare your answers with a partner and then with the whole class. Did you agree? 42 43 eR TELLING A STORY A New Item on the Menu In English, you can probably already tell something about what you do, what your hobbies are, and where you are from. You can probably even tell a story, but what about if you want the listener to feel excited about what you are saying? Natalie, a restaurant manager, is telling her friend about a difficult day at work. Would you eat at her restaurant? Use the sentences at the top of the next page to complete this conversation. Natalie: () Jimmy: What Natalie: (2) = Jimmy: A cockroach? Is that all? Natalie: (3) Jimmy: How big was it? Natalie (4) Jimmy: So what did you do? Natalie: (5) Jimmy: Were they angry? Natalie (6) Jimmy: That's not very good, is it? Natalie (7) Jimmy: So what did you end up doing with the roach? Natalie: (8) 44 a. Yeah, but this was not your average cockroach. You should've seen this thing. | mean, talk about ugly. Not only that — it was huge. Angry? We're talking downright furious! Not only did they scream and yell at me, but they called the health inspector. c. I'mcleaning a table, right, when all of a sudden everyone starts pointing to the floor and screaming “Cockroach! Cockroach!” d. Big. I'm telling you, this thing was so big that I thought it was a dog at first. | mean, | literally thought it was a dog e. You wouldn't believe what happened today at the restaurant f. Well, let's put it this way: Don't eat the chicken special tomorrow. g. Not at all. | mean, it was so bad that | literally had to call the police to keep them from getting violent. h. It's not what I did it's what the customers did. You want to talk about complaints s What's the Phrase? Using the cues, complete these two sets of sentences. 1. But this was not your a. downright furious! 2. You should've b. ugly! 3. mean, talk about c. seen this thing — it was huge! 4. We're talking d. but they called the health inspector. 5. Not only did they scream and yell at me, e. average cockroach 6. | was cleaning, when all of a f. believe what happened to me today! 7. 'm telling g. that | thought it was a dog 8. This thing was so big h. you, they were angry. 9. You wouldn't i. about complaints 10. You want to talk j. sudden everyone starts pointing at the floor and screaming. Now go back and underline the important phrases. For example: not your average. Pattern Practice With a partner, fill in the boxes below with your own examples. Your teacher will help. 3 Dialogue Practice 6 Role Play — The one that got away 1. Practice the dialogue in pairs. Be one of the following: Talk about: 2. Take turns being Jimmy and Natalie. a. A police officer A tough criminal 5 F b. A hunter Bigfoot 3. Practice until you can do the dialogue without reading it. ©. Afisherman A great white shark 4. Do it for the class. d. A newspaper reporter A big story : You will tell an incredible story based on your profession. The story should include phrases 4 Gap Fill from the dialogue and exercises. You may take five minutes to write what you will say, and then share it with your partner — then tell the class. Complete the short story with the phrases below: Here is an example to help you. talk about should've seen I'm telling you we're talking was not your average A newspaper reporter: You wouldn't believe the story I almost got , one day. ! was walking to my car, when all of a sudden | saw these Tonce had a chance to make a lot of money—1._____a lot. two guys robbing a bank. You should've seen how many guns they But 2 bad luck — my dog had eaten my lottery ticket! had — talk about heavily armed. Not only that — they had taken And, 3 _ this 4 jackpot. It was at three hostages! I'm telling you, | was scared. But you want to talk i ; bout bad luck... . | didn’t have my camera! I mean, | literally had | face when | 5 ' y least $25 million! You 5. === sy husband's face when forgotten my camera, So then told him what happened. That is, my ex-husband 5 Expansion — | mean, literally, and this 7 Discussion You probably noticed that I mean, literally and this were words repeated in the dialogue. These words also help to give emphasis when telling stories. Use them in the sentences below: The following piece of an advice column appeared recently in a newspaper: Dear Abby, The things that happen to me in normal life aren't really exciting. So when I'm at a party and people are telling all kinds of funny and exciting stories, sometimes | find a story that is 1. He has a lot of money — a lot. | MEAN, THis DOG LITGRAULY 2. You should've seen the money he had. guy was rich. 3. , talk about angry. 4. We had to steal our a little interesting and I change it a little to make it very interesting. That's not lying is it? | mean, what would you do? Am | the only one who does food in order to eat. o place was huge! : oS this? (Og ate my homework! 5 5 Lucille 7. I'mtelling you, we were starving, =, ( - starving Sy How would you answer Lucille’s last three questions? 8. , you couldn't cut steak if your life depended on it. 46 47 RY BEING POLITE Proud Wilbur Armando and Angelina are visiting a family who have just moved in upstairs. Do they regret their visit? Wilbur: And did | tell you that Richard won first prize in the school poetry contest? Armando: How about that. Angelina: {under her breath) Big deal Wilbur: Oh... and did I show you his football trophy? (takes it off the shelf) Armando: Isn’t that something. Angelina: (to Armando) So what? Wilbur: He's so sweet. You know, he brings us breakfast every morning. Armando: Can't beat that. Angelina (smiles bitterly) Wilbur: Oh, you must see the ash tray he made for us. Is he artistic, or what? Armando: I must admit, he does show some talent Angelina: (to herself) I've seen better. Armando: (looking around) Hey, Wilbur. Who decorated your place? Wilbur: Giovanna, my wife. She did it herself — isn’t that something? Angelina: Quite impressive. Armando: (to himself) Big deal Wilbur: And she made that beautiful chair you're sitting on. Not bad, eh? Angelina Looks like a lot of work, | must admit. Armando: It's OK, I guess. 48 1 Matching In pairs, make a phrase by matching the correct word(s). Try to do it without the dialogue. 1. | must a. or what? 2. Quite b. something? 3. How about c. that, 4, So d. that, 5. Not e. OK. 6. Is he artistic f£. what? 7. Big g. better. 8. I've seen h. impressive. 9. Isn’t that i. admit, he does play the piano well 10. It's j. deal. 11. Can't beat k. bad, eh? 2 Sorting Sort the phrases above into the three boxes below. Some may be used more than once. Compare with a partner. —— - — i Meaning: Aren't you impressed? Meaning: I’m impressed. | | | | 3 Pair Work 6 Role Play - Your Dream Home : hi from the dialogue. 1. What other verbs could substitute seen in I've seen better, if you were responding to the Play the following characters. Use phrases from the 6 following statements: Husband You want to but a new home, and quickly a. This chicken’s delicious > Tve better! Wife You are happy where you are. You don’t want a new home. is chicken’s deliciou ve i b. This is one of = best cups of coffee I've ever had > I've better! Real Estate Agent You need to sell one of the homes (see advertisement). c. Your car sure is fast, and it handles great. > I've better! Be sure to spend 10 minutes preparing what you will say as a group, then after practicing, d. I really like that CD They're a really nice group > I've better! let the class watch. e. Not a bad book, eh? > I've better! f£. Does this airline have good service, or what? > I've better! 2. What other words can substitute something in isn’t that something? Give examples. eT 3. Not bad nd Not bad, eh? mean the same thing. True of False? 20+ SO 4. How about this and How about that mean the same thing. True or False? NEW CITY HOMES. NEW NEIGHBORHOOD. 6. Possible or Impossible? FROM $99,000. A: “Is he fast, or what?” B; 7 " WIDE SELECTION FINE LIVING id ome pick out anew San FEATURES 5. Another way of saying So what? is And what? True or False? b. I'll say. ae Saree *Ten-minute walk to c. He's quick, | must admit ‘City’s most convenient Tecusea petng a : nighborhed. ie ema d. It's OK hr dam * Fitness Center PRICING * Sauna 7. Possible or Impossible? Studio rom $9,000 just Ate heat of restaurant ae 7 5999 a month! row and the ivelest A Isn't he talented? F-betonrs ro $169,000 tants tees B: a. Big deal. 2-bedrooms from $189,000 * Easy financing b. It's a deal c. It’s really no big deal RM Properties 8. How can the way you Say It's OK change the meaning? 4 Dialogue Practice Work in groups of three playing Wilbur, Angelina, and Armando. Try the following sequence: |. Read the dialogue sitting down. 2. Read it while physically acting out the scene. 3. Do it without the script as much as possible, until you feel comfortable. 4. Do it for the class. 5 Discussion 1. What does the word ‘vanity’ mean? Are you vain? When passing a shop, do you look at your own reflection in the glass? Do you know someone who is vain? What do they do? 2. Armando and Angelina both get a little jealous. Do you get jealous easily? When was the last time you were jealous of someone? What would make you jealous? Do you let people know you are jealous? How do you react? 50 LESSON 12 CONVERSATION TABOOS 2 Dance Class It is important to know how to be tactful when telling someone that they've got something wrong. Some people are very proud and take offense easily if they are not corrected in a delicate manner. Something is not right with this conversation. With a partner, decide what should be changed. Instructor: OK. So, it’s one-two-three, one-two-three. Got it? Student: (student tries) Like this? Instructor. That's completely wrong. Student (tries again) How about now? Instructor: Only a little better. Watch again. (shows student again) Student: (student tries) Like this? Instructor: Wrong. You'll never get it Student: Well, maybe if | practice enough I can dance like Fred Astaire. Instructor Don’t make me laugh With a partner, re-write the conversation. The phrases below will help you. I think you're on the right track not exactly Well, | don't know about that | wouldn't go that far you'll get the hang of it you've got the right idea When you finish: 1. Ask the teacher for more suggestions 2. Practice the new conversation with and then without script 3. Act out the new conversation , then show the class 52 Role Play A: Wow! S/he's a great dancer. I'm going to ask her/him to dance. B: Sorry. | saw her/him first. In pairs, decide: 1. Who is A? 2. Who is B? 3. Where are they? (i.e. A disco? What kind of disco?) 4, Make a complete conversation until you reach a solution 5. Your teacher will ask you to show the class. What would you say? Your boss has just told you something that you know is wrong and idiotic. Which of the following would you find appropriate to say? 1. That's an interesting way of looking at it I've never thought of it that way before. You're joking, right? You think so? Are you sure about that? 2. 3 4 2, 6. | understand what you're saying. 7. What are you talking about? 8. Are you serious? 9. | don't see it that way. 0. You're wrong 11. I'll have to think about it some more. 12. Maybe. 13, Is that what you think? 14. What makes you say that? 15. Well I don’t know. Which ones would be sure to get you dismissed? Discussion Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Do you give up easily? Do you prefer to do only those things which you do well? If someone corrects your English, do you feel embarrassed? Rwne 53 LESSON 13 REACTING PREDICTABLY Stuart Gets Sacked Getting negative information and then reacting to it in a natural way — that is what this unit is about. Complete the conversation using the phrases at the top of the next page. There is only one correct order. Stuart is talking with his co-worker. Why does he lose his job? Stuart: () Mayumi Jeff - Who else? Stuart: (2) Mayumi: it never fails. It's not what you know, but who you know. Stuart: (3) Mayumi. It looks like the boss didn’t even consider us. Stuart: (4) Mayumi: More than you Stuart (5) Mayumi Of course. Stuart: (6) Mayumi The boss promoted her, too. Stuart: (7) = Mayumi: Yours. Stuart: (8) 54 As usual. And how much are they going to pay him? So... Who got the promotion? | was afraid of that. Figures — the boss’ nephew. | should’ve known I had a feeling he would. So what job does she have now? I thought so. And Jeff's sister, Dee? Just as | thought. And I'll bet he got a company car. . Typical. Everyone said he was going to get it, and sure enough ee 0 o Goo Phrase Correction Each phrase below has something that makes it wrong (for this unit). Circle the mistakes and check with a partner. 1. Topical. 2. I think so. 3. Like usual. 4. It's figured. 5. As I thought. 6. It seldom fails. 7. | must've known. 8. | was scared of that. 9. Jeff - who otherwise? 10. I had a sensation he would. 11. I'd bet he got a company car. 12. It's sure enough, he got the promotion Gap Fill Now put in a correct phrase from the exercise above to complete the sentences below. 1. Chicken again? known 2 : you were going to call me. 3. He ran off with his secretary, 4. Who perfected that technology? The Germans, ) D fails - you jump in the shower and the phone rings. 6. you don’t really speak Japanese, do you? 7. Sold out? : 8. you're the manager because you're the only one wearing a tie. 9 It made my lunch this morning but forgot to bring it 10. On time, Mr. Hill. 11 enough — my keys were in my jacket. 12. So you were the one who took my umbrella sO. Now go back and underline all the phrases used in this lesson to respond to negative information. 55 3 Joke Match Choose a line from the box below to complete the following jokes: 6. From Daddy — who else? c. | was afraid of that. d. I'll bet that's for me! e. But honey, we have been for 30 years! f. But we're at the restaurant! g. Dog? That's my husband! fh. But mommy — that's mine! | i. But doesn’t she wear contacts? j. It figures that you wouldn't remember me. +k. Really? I can’t even imagine what the life of a long-distance operator is like. | a. I had a feeling you were coming! I. A: As usual your dog seems to be in perfect health, Mrs. Baker Just as I thought! You’re married! What did the psychic say when the guests arrived? What did the prisoner say when the phone in his cell rang? It never fails. You tell the maid to be careful and she still shrinks your favorite sweater! And do you take John to be your lawfully wedded husband? Ido. Who's there? Figgers. Figgers who? Who said it? Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones are a happily married suburban couple who have two children — one boy, and one girl. Below are some things they have said recently - but not necessarily to each other. Can you guess who said what? Work with a partner. 1. It's my car, too. 13. Can I give you a hand, honey? 2. Dinner's ready! 14, Have you seen my shoes? | can’t find them. 3. What's for dinner? 15. How do | look? 4, How's my hair? 16. Do we have to go to your mother's for dinner? 5. Where did I put the remote control? 17. | don’t want to always have to clean up your mess 6. I've fallen in love with someone else. 18. You left the toilet seat up. 7. Will you marry me? 19. Oh! It’s simply beautiful! 8. Isn’t she cuuute! 20. Let me help you with your coat 9, Would you like me to walk you to your car? 21. You're cute when you're angry. 10. Can you open this for me? 22. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. You forgot 11, I'm getting married! 23. Not tonight. . . | have a headache. 12. I'm getting wrinkles. 24. Are you listening to me? Role Play Work in pairs. Study the following instructions: Student A Look at the headlines below. Pretend you're reading a newspaper and mention them to B. For example: The headline says: President says he'll raise taxes. You say to B Looks like the President's going to raise taxes again Useful phrases for A: Looks like Says here that Listen to this Student B Keep your book closed. React to the headlines using phrases from the dialogue. Take turns being A. For example: Figures. Where did you hear such a filthy word, young man! : How typical! The men aren't lifting a finger to wash the dishes. : | should've known she liked my husband. She was always winking at him. B: A B: A B: A B: A: B: A: B: Cc: 7. A: Knock knock B: A: B: A: A: B: A B: A: B: A: Back in school, we knew Wendy's voice would be heard all around the world, and sure enough B: 4 Dialogue Practice 1. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 2. Take turns being Stuart and Mayumi 3. Practice until you can do the dialogue without reading it. 4. Do it for the class. 56 Unemployment at all-time high Bruce Willis to star in new action film Bad weather predicted for weekend Crime rate up for third year in a row Scandal in the Royal Family Joan Collins to marry again Cost of education soars to new high New study shows restaurant-dining harmful English most widely-spoken language, says expert Americans unsatisfied with Parisian service French unsatisfied with English food Japanese score higher on tests than Americans Men get higher pay, better jobs Most American Olympic athletes took steroids Economists see no end to inflation Queen actually.a man! Devastating forest fire caused by cigarette UFO sighting a fake McDonald’s to build first restaurant on moon Housing prices up thirty per cent Lunatic threatens to kill Mayor, says he Seismologist: Earthquake ‘likely’ in heard ‘voices’ California within the next 30 years 57

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