Bulletin 20th November 2022

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St Mary’s Parish

Ko HehuTeKaiwhakatipu - In Christ We Live and Grow

St Mary’s Parish, 69 Ruahine Street, Palmerston North

Office Telephone: 358 5614 Email: stmaryspalmy@inspire.net.nz
Parish Priest: Fr Robin Kurian IC ph: 022 646 2153 (text preferred) Email: koyikkattil@gmail.com
Assistant Priest: Fr Ambrose Maliakkal IC Email: ambrosegmt@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Susan Learmonth, Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am – 2pm
St Mary’s School, Principal: Suneal Singh Office ph. 357 5015
Email: office@stmaryspn.school.nz

20th November 2022 Please pray for our sick

Lord, grant your healing and
consolation to all the sick:
Mary Bennett, Anne O’Donnell, Neil
Burton, Joanne Maunsell, Stephen
Kingsland, Carol Fitzsimmons (Denise
O’Brien’s sister), Pat Mullin, Gary Pugin,
Margaret Chiesa, Terry O’Brien, Fr David
Gledhill, Aukusitino Sae, Bernice Beirne, Ellinor Harris, June
McMillan, Terry Walsh, Fr Nicho Verkley (Kopua), Ricardo
Miranda, Vinnie Carroll, Edwin Evans, Kath O’Hagan, Shane Hoy,
Vincent Chan, Jan Rodgers, Clare McCartney, Sue Fryer, and all
those in care.
Prayer Chain – please call Sally on 326-9209 if you would
like a prayer for a special intention.

Please pray for our Recently Deceased – RIP

Stephen Poole (Feilding), Margaret Donald, Marcia Wilson (Sr M.
Marcellin) (Terry Wilson’s sister), Fr Michael McVerry sm, Jadwiga
CELEBRATING THE FEAST Rudzki (Rom’s aunty), Rosa Szewczuk, Margaret Morrison, HM
Queen Elizabeth II, Frances Foley, Fr Patrick Kennedy
OF CHRIST THE KING (Christchurch Diocese), Veronica Fenton, Mary Jefferies (OLOL
Parish), Anne Walding (Kilcock, Ireland), Fr Kevin Neal, Harry
Today as a Church, we conclude our liturgical year Lampen-Smith, Patricia (Trish) Drury, (Ezra’s wife).
and celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. The Gospel Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the
we proclaim shows the great mystery of our faith: In
faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
the moment of his crucifixion, Jesus is shown to be Amen.
King and Saviour of all.
Special Anniversaries in November
Luke's Gospel has been loaded with surprises: the Fr Shaun Hurley 1, Paul Whitehouse 1, Janet Quinn 2, Jeanine
poor are rich, sinners find salvation, the Kingdom of McIntyre 18, Julia McGowan 15, Kath Eder 19, Peggy Gildea 20,
God is found in our midst. Here we see the greatest Patrick Dunne 23, Verna Hyde 24.
surprise of all. We are confronted with the crucified
Jesus, whom faith tells us is King and Saviour of all.
The irony is that the inscription placed on the cross, Today’s Readings –
perhaps in mockery, contains the profoundest of 2 Samuel 5:1-3
truth. As the leaders jeer, the thief crucified by his Colossians 1:12-20, Luke 23:35-43
side recognizes Jesus as Messiah and King, and finds Next Sunday’s Readings –
salvation. Isaiah 2:1-5
Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:37-44
Jesus is King, but not the kind of king we might have
imagined or expected. His kingship was hidden from
many of his contemporaries, but those who had the ST MARY’S AGM - NEXT Sunday, 27th November.
eyes of faith were able to see. As modern disciples of No hospitality that day.
Jesus, we, too, struggle at times to recognize Jesus as
King. Today's Gospel invites us to make our own
judgment. With eyes of faith, we, too, recognize that COLUMBAN CALENDARS $12.00 and
Jesus, the crucified One, is indeed King and Saviour SVDP Christmas cards $5.00 –
of all. on sale from the Parish Office.
Mass Times : 21 - 27 November 2022 CONGRATULATIONS to
9.00am Monday our children making their
12.05pm Tuesday first Holy Communion
9.00am Wednesday today.
9.00am Thursday
Marcus Andal
9.00am Friday
Khasaundra Banez
9.00am Saturday Amelia Barbour
5.00pm Vigil Mass at St Columba’s, Ashhurst Ravi Birondo
10.30am Sunday Mass at St Mary’s Zion and Zara Chamberlain, Vince Cordero,
RECONCILIATION Saturdays after 9am Mass Alexis Enriquez, Johnray Garrovillo,
Matthew MacDonald, Logan Makiwa, Natanyll Mickael,
MINISTRY LIST - Sunday 27th November
Giada Rocero, Edison San Pedro, Oliver Silver, Avi Vasquez
Mass Coordinator: S.John
Sacristan: H.Autagavaia The Annual Sick & Retired Priests Special Collection - Sunday
Greeters: Dongon family 27 November 2022
Readers: M.Dongon, N.Mangoma, G.Rocero The Clergy Trust Fund provides for the well-being and care of
Offertory: T.Fehoko family priests in the Diocese. This includes stipends, food, travel home for
Eucharistic Ministers: I.Tavake, J.Bailey overseas priests, retreats and all costs relating to healthcare. The
Junior Liturgy: T.Makiwa, B.Abhilash Clergy Trust Fund is struggling to meet growing medical costs.
Hence, your giving to this special collection is most appreciative
Hospitality: No hospitality - AGM
especially by our elderly priests who then benefit from your
Collectors: T.Fehoko, P.Sojan, C.Wilson generosity. Your support is a great way of showing your gratitude
Counters: E.Drury, P.Widdup to your priests. Many thanks and blessings to all who contribute
Altar Linen: S.Learmonth to this special collection. Every contribution helps.
Prayers: P.Hayes Msgr Brian Walsh, Vicar General
Church Cleaners week beginning 21/11: Ephphatha group Chairman of the Clergy Trust Fund
Floral Arranger: M.A. Drury
HIBERNIAN SOCIETY FAREWELL MASS There is to be a farewell Mass for Fr Robin on
18th December at 10.30am. We will have a card for parishioners
The Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society (St Patrick's Branch 400)
invites all members, and those interested in becoming members, to a to sign and if you wish to gift something to Fr Robin please bring
social event. Details are as follows: 10:30 am (following 9:30 am to the office.
Mass), in the Cathedral lounge, Sunday 27 November, 2022.
Catering is provided. Those interested in joining the Society may RETREAT AT ST BRIGID’S, FEILDING Murray Adams will lead
email the Secretary, Richard Law richard.m.law@gmail.com for this retreat on Saturday 3rd December from 9am – 12 noon. All
more information. Please come and catch-up with old friends and are welcome to attend.
make new connections. We also give notice of our Quarterly
Meeting, to be held at the same venue, on Saturday 26 November,
at 3 pm. The Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society: "Catholics Online Synod Event for Oceania The Federation of the
helping Catholics". We can offer financial assistance to our Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania is holding an online
members for medical, dental, back-to-school, and other Preparatory Event in November called Our Ocean Home. This has
expenses. been scheduled for two hours on each day of November 28th,
29th and 30th from 5pm to 7pm NZ time, allowing all
JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP FOF Last one for the year on Friday 25th
participants to engage with and experience an online process of
November at the Diocese 5.30pm – 7pm. Years 6-9 welcome. Snacks listening, discerning and conversation together. This event is open
provided. Bring a friend. to all. To find out more and to register through Australian Catholic
University head to pndiocese.org.nz/synod or visit
December 12 – 16 2022, Highland
Young Catholic Leader (YCL) https://www.catholic.org.nz/news/media-releases/fcbco1/
Home Christian Camp, Pohangina Valley. YCL is a leadership
formation programme for students entering Year 13 in 2023, offered to ANOINTING MASSES
students from both Catholic and State schools. If you have any questions,
need more information or would like to register, contact Nick Wilson Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Thursday 24 November at 12.05
(Diocesan Young Catholics Team Leader) at nwilson@pndiocese.org.nz pm followed by hospitality.

Our Lady of Lourdes on Wednesday 7 December at 11.00 am followed

LIFE TEEN SUMMER CAMP 2023 an amazing opportunity to meet by Seniors Dinner (RSVP to Donna
young Catholics from all around NZ, For more info contact Tausilia on Brown pastoral@pncathedral.org.nz seniors wishing to attend the Mass
021 509 439 or register via www.tinyurl.com/PNLTSC23 and Dinner).

FROM THE NZCBC The NZ Catholic Bishops Conference met in Rite I Reconciliation - St Mary’s on Tuesdays 29 November, 6, 13 and
Wellington recently in a scheduled regular meeting. A brief statement 20 December at 11am – 11.45am.
about some of the things that happened is available online at:
Rite II Reconciliation - Cathedral of the Holy Spirit on Wednesday 14
December at 7.00 pm.

Brother Peter Bray FSC, the Kiwi Vice-Chancellor of Bethlehem Food For Faith for Advent Subscribe at www.foodforfaith.org.nz to
University, will make a NZ speaking tour on behalf of the bishops to all receive daily email encouragements in preparation for Christmas. Also sign
our Catholic Dioceses early next year, to talk about the Holy Land, his up for weekly Homily Studio & daily Lectio Divina podcasts at the same
work with his students, and the lives of other ordinary Palestinians. In
preparation for the tour, he is making three videos; the second has just ST VINCENT DE PAUL meeting 22nd November, 5.15pm in Cathedral
been issued. It is very powerful. View it at: Lounge, all welcome.
MASS FOR LIFE – Friday 2nd December at St Mary of the Angels,
For more information about the videos and Br Peter’s speaking tour: Wellington and NATIONAL MARCH FOR LIFE NZ Saturday 3rd
https://www.catholic.org.nz/news/media-releases/brpeter-video2/ December, 2pm in Wellington. Please see noticeboard for details.
Please write your name and contact details in the space below and the Parish Secretary will contact you.
Phone number……………………………………Email address…………………………………………………...
Please place this slip into the offertory basket

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