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B: Developing Ideas

Design specification: complete this in relation to you product:

Aesthetics We will use a nice and pretty design and aesthetic colors to make it more interesting for the
writer to watch and make them engaged.

Aesthetics is the way something looks and how pleasing something looks, the aesthetics
of the animation needs to have bright colors and different illustrations.

Cost Is there a maximum cost?

We will not use any money for our animation.

Is this a material cost/time cost/selling cost?

This would be a time cost because we are devoting our time to make an informing
animation for viewers.

Function What must it do?

The animation must be able to provide information to viewers about cyber safety.

What is its purpose?

It’s purpose is to provide information about cyber safety

Where will the product be stored?

The product will be stored on our devices

How easily can it be used/maintained?

It can be maintained if we save all of the changes made to the animation.

Materials What materials are available? What properties do the materials need to have?

The materials that are available are websites and teachers so they can help you?

Safety What safety factors need to be incorporated into the design?

We need to consider putting in appropriate themes, like no swearing or anything.

Size Are there any specific sizes that need to be considered?

The length of the video will be about 5-15 minutes.

What “human factors” need to be considered? What anthropometric data needs to be


The viewers need to know the consequences of not being cyber safe and the things that
could happen to them.
Think up ideas that may work. This stage should stretch your
imagination. Try to come up with original and unusual ideas.

Draw and explain 4 possible options for your project.

① Some ideas could be a slide show presentation that

has a person presenting it.

② A conversation between different people

③ Different scenarios that could be presented
④ An interactive conversation with the person in the
animation and the viewers
Annotate designs to identify key features and to explain design thinking (details annotation)

1. How did you come up with the idea?

I came up with the idea from watching different videos and different cyber
safety animations and combining the plot of a cyber safety game with a
different animation

2. Did something influence your thinking?

Not much. I only got the ideas from different animations which is basically

3. What materials do you think should be used, and why?

The materials that should be used could be canva which is easier to use and
different websites

4. What tools, equipment and processes would you use? Are the materials

I would use canva and use different drawing materials so I can be more creative.

5. Could the design be made in the time available and with your skills?

Yes, as I am a creative artist and good at editing so this will help me finish my
product by the deadline.

6. Do you think your client would like the idea?

Yes, they would as it teaches them about cyber safety and makes them more
aware which they will be grateful for if they ever experience such a situation.

Evaluate designs against the design specification: (Test and explain)

Is this your final design? Why/why not? (Make sure you mention if it meets the
requirements of the design specification).

iii. Select your chosen Design:

For this section you need to select the final designs that you have
chosen and explain why you have chosen these designs while
referencing the design specification at the beginning of this section.

a)Test your designs to decide on which your final will be:

Example of a Test for picking final design:

Design Integration of Use of 3D Simplicity of Overall Logo Total

Specifications cyber safety objects design presentation score

Design 1 3 3 6

Design 2 4 1 4 4 13

Design 3 1 1

b) Then explain why you have chosen this design while referencing all
of the design specifications at the beginning of this section.

Example: We chose design number 2. The reason we chose this design

is because it has the most appropriate code to monitor our garden. This
is because we have placed …..continue….In our design specifications we
stated that it should have …. On our circuit… . This design has all of these
pages and fulfils this requirement…..continue….

For each of the ideas you came up with, fill in the positives, negatives
and interesting things about each one.
Design Plus Minus Interesting/

• Details of components (identification of standard components, size/scale, material,
finish, etc)

Final design Component Material Length Width (mm) Thickness Quant Too
name (mm) (mm) ity ls

Main construction details Step by step how to make the game:

• •

● •

Test your product (give your 3 designs and final design to another students and check if its
easy to interpret or not

Final design Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Final design


Are the


(colour, texture,
shape, form,
line, balance,



Easy to

How the
components fit



Do you like the



In the space below, draw, sketch and explain in detail your final choice
for your project below. You can be as creative as you like and include
details about the features and components that will become your

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