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Casbah of Tetouan A Tone Poem for 5 Horns Kerry Turner ~ ZS, a 2% eka Bonepnn Cer The Casbah Of Tetouan was conceived during a visit to Morocco in the summer of 1988. The composer offers the following anecdote: "As we crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and first laid eyes on the North African coast, | knew we were in store for an adventure! The city of Tetouan was our destination; we were soon standing before its main gates. As we entered the city, our senses were overrun by the many exotic new sights, complementing the wild sounds and smells of the bustling ancient city. After proceeding only a few feet past hobbled live chickens, we found ourselves immersed completely in the endless, tiny alleys of the Casbah. It was a labyrinth of tunnels and passageways, lined with vendors and shops the size of walk-in closets. Anything could be had, including copperware, sacks of spices and grains, and silk. Street butchers displayed slaughtered lambs, goats and pigs, and a snake charmer with his cobra unnerved the unwary passerby. Somewhere around the urine-treated leather goods things began to swim before my eyes, After I informed the guide that I was ill, a young boy was sent to escort me to a quict place. The boy knew every secret passage and shortcut in the Casbah. He led me through even. tinier streets and tunnels, across nomad camps, and even through a kitchen! We sailed through the back door of a mosque, and out the other side, Finally we entered large, dark and cool house, which seemed to be some sort of palace. The boy led me to a back room and laid me down upon a bed of large pillows. I passed out. [awoke thoroughly disoriented. The first things I saw were six elaborately cloaked elderly men, wildly discussing in Arabic what could possibly be wrong with me, I heard exotic music and aromatic food assailed my senses. After closer observation I discovered I was in a fancy restaurant, being entertained by a belly dancer. Somehow my wife and brother found me and we resumed our inspection of Tetouan. I still felt lightheaded and rather doped by the "therapeutic" tea; my impressions of the city were somewhat hallucinogenic." -Kerry Turner The Casbah of Tetouan has been recorded on CD by the American Horn Quartet and is available on the EBS label. The Casbah of Tetouan A Tone Poem for 5 Horns by Kerry Turner ge es sempre soning malo eel af 218th -4- 21800in -6- i we oS austen -8- 21s001n [G]auegro con Brio Andante con Motg stepped a fr perrEeer Ce piso -10- pe Finger on to bello bos r sss 4 mm a Dal ce Saye reer SS ‘hale ovdly or china at oe ‘Bie eal 0+ einase bl 4 2 = peau (GUS re SS ee et ae aS tod a be. ~ atin ‘ogee bell oe wh downe o PP 2130016 motor & 2 2 -13~ 21s00In 2isooin -14- -1S- 21st, “Tempe Allegro a . = — erat 6FCh hore a R 21se0i9 -16- . ~ Horn 1 The Casbah of Tetouan A Tone Poem for 5 Horns Allegro con Bio poe ee, ne, x Se he SS by Kerry Turner fA] a J _ a fartbe bo aee ye So Gis Sele ile PK (ye = ce Sere - fey —-ATempo _. —— —_— $= Seri x lS : =< “ me Hei oven fh p Sa hp ‘Tempo Andante tee Fly pe a a & = = EE = mf a Allegro con Brio SSeS eee et oe CS Sree soit pete ghrnee etait pris Se = Ss 2150010 Be IG] Allegro con Brio ———— ike = ee eS Gea = = Maostoso Pesante de 108 gts a yb — 6 > = og — See Cee] ea cqen Posante [I] Allegro con Brio pat =——_ SS a - —ao = a SS note rl, ——— ———————— CSS pean gee 21300Ia8 —Fe— S| M] Straight in Tempo oe Straight in Tempo fp Lf Lf . repo Ate a . f = ae SS SSS Sea fo] 213001 ee Horn 2 The Casbah of Tetouan A Tone Poem for 5 Horns by Kerry Turner Allegro con Brio mite = == ‘lies : nen a et (ositp Inn eee = . yl f— Andante con Moto 2 a 6 me 3 oven _—— Peel ATempo wae oT ee we a Jae f SI slowly t amp ~—_# Fonps Aataats 4 = Sire Pp i molio Allegro con Brio > SSS SS 8 Gaal AALS PP 4 = — = = a SSS aa B > 2 = = == Ese fee! 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Macstoso Pesante «08 aos Efe== PP ef eee See ptt tts uen fore pgbsetstata Cee ee Posanto 1) altegro con Brio ee J PS ——s a | wee = tee aS + « w CS = ae : SSE £ box a K See ee = of pegteees hoki eee 4 i ape ee _. —y ps a = ; = Se ne oe — eee s = eet — See = ——— of tk M Straight in Tempo: a 2 Wa a poe ~ : 6S aS = == a St P —=_ tf e = Horn 4 The Casbah of Tetouan A Tone Poem for 5 Horns by Kerry Turner Allegro con Brio Andante con Moto SSS SS gf cel = 7 uh p A ~__ Tempo Andante + bee 2m SSS a er pric a cs NS up == SSS f oad = * i es 215c0Ind 8 vee A - - ee == SS Se a hl) aa a fl ime van vil, yeu Tap 2s00lad ASS Tempo Allegro bc pe _ = 3 . | SE ae Sg ge et 5 = 1 ° = Lp + 215001nL Horn 5 The Casbah of Tetouan A Tone Poem for 5 Horns by Kerry Turner Allegro con Brio Andante con Moto: a + [De bro— = ES = Sain =| mf =— . Yevalve e oe set) ATompo — = ¥ a SF 2 ae —— pe PP Ft Pp mf = a Tempo Andante ae aA eee ed fa =e » ees “Lf = abe 2 to soto sd i Allegro con Brio z page = 1, moto ° See Osh ett erin -2- 215001ne S = yt Efe ty SS eee Fp uF cS = = = SS ye pep pe GJ Atiegro con Brio = pee Sa ae, PR 2 3 i y a <—S f >P pp ~ s 8 Masstoso Pesante 4-1 —}— 4 — N SSS es St ~ = > Pesante 1 Altegro con Brio tS ee Se Se ve ee uf Wel 2as007ne ae L See = SE # —— gi * pf ee 2 (Dye fg 7 = if 7 M] straight in Tempo Straight in Tempo 4 aa = f =p par SS Sehr es “ f Lr Tempo Allegro f —=_ _ “s 2150016

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