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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: August 15, 2022

Call to Order:
A regular meeting ofthe Course ENGL 4021 L03 ofthe University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in
room ~ ~cm August 15, 2022. Toe meeting convened at 1:35pm, Professor LeCompte presiding and
Patricia Rodríguez Rodríguez, secretary. Ali students attended.

Approval of Minutes:
Toe minutes corresponding to the meeting of August 1O, 2022, were approved after being discussed and

Matters Discussed: oV\e...

l. Developing writing fluency: Professor LeCompte gavli)minutes for the free writing exercise.
(v Title for free writing: If you could choose a superpower, which one would you choose?
2. Professor LeCompte and the students read the minutes ofthe previous meeting and discussed
corrections to be made.
Toe professor highlighted the following corrections: : - )
• Using the active voice over the passive voice
• Use parallel structures throughout the document
• Use ofthird person pronouns

3. Professor LeCompte discussed the Travel Report special project.

The professor highlighted the following points:
• Students must attend a formal conference
• They will take notes on important points of the conference they attended
• Using the notes, students will create a one-page report.
• Each student must obtain formal evidence of attendance to conference

4. The professor announced an assignment

• Students must start their digital portfolio by registering on the website
• Students must bring evidence of the digital portfolio to the next meeting.

Adjournment: Toe meeting adjourned at 2:50pm.

Submitted by:

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Patricia C. Rodríguez Rodríguez,~ Date of Approval

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