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lJnMnity of Puar1D Rico at Ponce

EngHsh Departmant _./

ENGL 4021 L03 •NUTES
Datr. Auguat 17. 2022

A regular a,eeting oftbe Course ENGL 4021 L03 of tbe University of Puedo Rico~ Pooce was beld in
rorm MTC-1 on August 17, 2022. 1be meeting conwnecl at 1:30 p.m., Professor I..e('.ampe insicJing wl
VICbia Olmo Rodrfgum.. seaetary. All stooads attended Solimar Rosado.

Minutes of August ts, 2022 were approved after correctioos•

1. Professor LeCompte weloomed studmts and gave tlne mmutes fm' tbe ftee writiag eureise.
1---_ 2. The professor discus.,ed tbe agenda. <l,
• highlighted the followiog sections:
• Free Writing
• Minutes
• Partti>lio-Ques
• Progrea Report
3. Professor LeCompte asted tbe students for evideoce ofthe websilB mr tbe portfolio project and
gave extra points to the sbJdeats tJlat shaNd the evidence.
4. The professor asted tbe studeots iftbey had questions or coacems llhc>Ut tbe website for tbe
5. ftoáS901' LeCompte snges&ed toche smdentsto sirm,aoodl« . . . . tmthepordbtioproject.
6. 111& paofessor disaJS'Sed the progiess report aod bigblighmd 1be fi>Dowing poinls:
• 8tudeots must aimplete eight hours of commnnity semce in the univ~s
garden oraooCbel' green mea in oollaboration widl d i e ~
• Thft stndents 1hould reftect on 1beir service as part oftbe project out
CEPA's plan fur tbe semester_
• 1be progn,ss report must bave molliple pages ami will be used as• example of a
final project ful' tbe portfolio.

l. IsabeDe Gomalez preseuted a motion to let 1he studeots dloose dleir partners tbr the progress
report; the motion canied.
2. Osear Gn,en ¡nsaded a motioa so tllllt 1he groups t0tSisted ofmor members; 1he motion
canied. . -

Acloyrnlllent¡ 1be meeting adjoumecl at 2:36 p.m.

Submitted by:

Victoria Otero Rodríguez, Secretary Da1e of Approval

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