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11/17/22, 1:32 AM ZICTA Statistics Portal

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Core ICT Indicators - Households

The core ICT indicators for households are updated every two years to coincide with the national ICT surveys

2013 2015 2018

Population - CSO Estimate (10 Years +) 10,395,801 11,557,725 15,470,270

Percentage of households with a radio 52.6 45.0 40.0

Percentage of households with a television 35.5 33.0 37.0

Percentage of households with a telephone 9.1   0.8

Percentage of households with a computer 4.8 7.1 8.1

Percentage of households with internet access on home PC at home 2.3 4.0 17.7

Percentage of households with internet access on other devices at home 3.6 9.0  

Percentage of households with mobile broadband internet service 4.8 8.1 8.5

Percentage of households with fixed Broadband internet service 0.5 0.2 3.9

Percentage of households with narrowband internet service 0.2 0.6 1.6

Percentage of households with Dial-Up or other internet service 0.3    

Percentage of individual using the internet 4.8 8.8 14.3

Percentage of individual with at least one mobile cellular telephone 33.1 51.0 53.5

Age of youngest internet user in Zambia (Years) 5.0    

Percentage of mobile cellular telephone with no IMEI number 13.4    

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11/17/22, 1:32 AM ZICTA Statistics Portal

2013 2015 2018

Percentage of individuals with smartphones 38.8 13.5 29.6

Percentage of individuals aware of mobile payment solutions 24.8 45.9 67.2

Percentage of individuals who have used mobile payment solutions 4.8 30.0 29.5

Percentage of individuals aware of internet risks 69.8 51.0 52.9

Percentage of individuals with membership to at least one social network 64.3 63.0 78.4

Percentage of households with mobile cellular telephone 8.2 64.0 73.6

Percentage of individuals that used computers (from any location) in the last 12 months      

Percentage of households with access to the Internet by access categories (Dial up, DSL, mobile narrowband, mobile broadband)      

Percentage of individuals that used computers (from any location) in the last 12 months      

Percentage of Computer use at: Home      

Percentage of internet use at: Home   73.0 49.7

Percentage of Internet use at: Work   33.0 20.9

Percentage of internet use at: Place of Education   16.0 6.5

Percentage of internet use at: Other persons home   8.0 11.1

Percentage of internet use at: Public Internet Access   3.0 1.1

Percentage of internet use at: Private Internet Access   10.0 7.8

Percentage of Individual Access to Internet:

- at least once a day"   54.0 60.0

- at least once a week but not every day"   35.0

- at least once a month, not every week"   8.0

- at least once a month "   1.0 5.8

- less than once a month"   2.0 1.1

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