Proposal - Janet Angelica (Last)

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Research Design

Presented as a Requirement for Seminar Examination


English Department





The researcher expresses the deepest gratefulness to Almighty God for the

blessing, grace and health so that the researcher could be able to finish this research

design entitled: “Prefix in English and Torajanese”.This research design is presented as

a requirement seminar examination.

The researcher also would like to give sincerest gratitude and appreciation to

Dr.Rina P.Pamantung, M.Hum, as a material supervisor who always helping and giving

material guidance to the researcher and Dra. Rosalina R. Rambing, DEA as a technical

supervisor for giving advice, correction and support to the researcher during the writing

of this research design. The researcher realizes that without the guidance and assistance

of the material supervisor and technical supervisor, the researcher would not be able to

complete this research design.

Furthermore, the researcher is thankful and grateful to her parents and family who

always support the researcher morally and materially, and give unending support to the

researcher all this time and the researcher would also like to thank her friends who

always help, motivate, supporter. Finally, the researcher realizes that this research

design is not perfect. Therefore, critics and suggestions are really needed for the

improvement of this research design.

Manado, October 2022



TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................ii
I. RATIONALE............................................................................................................................1
II. STATEMENT OF PROBLEMS.............................................................................................4
III. OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH........................................................................................................4
IV. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH.....................................................................................4
V. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..............................................................................5
VI. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK..........................................................................................9
VII. METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................12
VIII. WORKING SCHEDULE..................................................................................................13
IX. OUTLINE OF DISCUSSION................................................................................................13


Culture as the most basic level can be defined as shared symbols, norms, and

values in a social organization (Walsham, 2002). In addition, Hall (1990) defined

culture as a system for creating stories, and processing information. National culture

refers to deeply set of values that are shared by members of a nation (Gurung & Prater,

2006). In developing the value of its culture human needs a language as the basic part of


Language is the main instrument of humans in integrating themselves both

internally and externally as individuals and participants who function actively in human

groups or societies (Mc Quown, 1978: 171). Language is the boundary area between

thought and sound, which combine to communicate, and spoken language includes the

communication of concepts from speaker to listener through audiovisual means. Human

studies languages scientifically through linguistics.

Linguistics is the scientific study of language that involves the analysis of

language forms, language meanings, and language in context. Linguistics studies

language from the outside (words, sentences, pronunciation, etc.) to discover the

internal mechanisms of language. Richard and Schmidt (2002:26) define linguistics as

the study of language as a human communication system. Based on the object of study,

linguistics is divided into macro linguistics and micro linguistics. The field of macro

linguistics includes sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropolinguistics, stylistics,

dialectology, etc. While, the field of microlinguistics includes phonetics, phonology,

syntax, semantics and morphology.

The focus of this research is morphology. According to Geert Booij (2005)

Morphology the study of the internal structure of words. According to Yule (1986:60)

morphology is the study of the forms of words, and the ways in which words, and the

ways are related to other words of the same language. The understandings shows that

morphology is the study of words how they are formed, and their relationship to other

words in the same words. The minimal units of words that have a meaning is called


Morpheme is the morphological building blocks of word, are defined as the

minimal Linguistics units with a grammatical meaning Booij (2005:8), it means that

morpheme is the smallest elements of linguistics that deals with grammatical meaning.

According to Yule (2004) morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning of grammatical

function, and it can be divided into two types they are free and bound morpheme.

Furthermore, Lieber (2009) stated morpheme has two types there is bound

morpheme and free morpheme. Free morpheme is a morpheme which can stand alone

to make a word. Free morpheme can appear with other lexemes of they can stand

alone or “free” and Free morpheme consist two types they are lexical and functional

morpheme. Bound morpheme is a morpheme cannot stand alone, it needs a

combination to make a word. Word that contain bound morpheme is a word that has

grammatical function such as ed, -s/es, ing, en, er, ed, est. Bound morpheme only

together with other morphemes to form a lexemes. Bound morpheme in general tend

to be affixes.

According to Rene Van Den Berg (1989: 42) affixes is defined as a closed

class of grammatical elements within the word. They are bound morpheme cannot

occur on their own. A fair number of affixes change the word class of the root to

which they are affixed. There are three types of affixation in word formations, those

are Prefix, Infix and Suffix.

Prefix is a part of affixes that attached before a root or stem or base like re-,

un-, and in-, for example: re-make, un-happy, in-decent (Katamba and Stonham,

2006). This states means that an affix which is attached before a root or stem is called

Prefix. Prefix is the affixes which can be added to the beginning of a word. For

example: ab-normal, dis-agree, ex-change, im-material, re-act.

In Indonesia there are more than 300 ethnic groups and cultures, and many

languages. Different social and cultural backgrounds with European, Middle Eastern,

and Asian influences make up the unique society of Indonesia. The indigenous ethnic

groups in Indonesia such as Batak, Sunda, Minahasa, Bugis, Toraja, etc. In language,

Torajanese dialects generally spoken by their own languange in daily interaction, which

make up the majority of the population of Torajanese is known as the language that has

a lot of linguistic features and it is very interesting to study further, it can contribute to

knowledge regarding language in general and Torajanese specifically.

Furthermore, the linguistic features in Torajanese has many implied meanings

that are used as guidelines in their lives and a manifestation of Torajanese, this is some

examples of prefix by torajanese languange such as ma(m/n-),ma(ng-), ti- and etc:

“Janet ma-ngiru’ wai” ‘Janet drinks water’

“Mita la-mamma” ‘Mita wants to sleep'

“Vito men-tiro lako salian” ‘Vito looks the outside’

The reason the researcher is interested in this research about prefix in English

and Torajanese because the researcher feels that currently the Torajanese users a speak

mixed with modern language because social media and online games greatly affect the

change in Torajanese speech. And the researcher wants to know how much mastery of

words using prefixes. For example, some young people speak a language that is more

modern than Torajanese languange, prefixes in social life are so wide that the researcher

chooses to research prefixes in English and Torajanese.


Based on the rationale above, the problem to be answered are :

1. What are the kind of prefixes in English and Torajanese?

2. What are the similarities and differences of prefixes in English and Torajanese?


Based on the statement of problem above the research objective of this research as


1. To identify and classify prefixes in English and Torajanese.

2. To analyze and describe prefixes in English and Torajanese.


The significance of this research are:


1. To provide some informations for those who want to study morphology,

specifically prefixes.

2. To provide an explanation prefixes in everyday life for those who are interested.


1. This research is primary useful for the readers to enlarge their knowledge about

prefixes in deep,because this research contains many theories that related with

topic,especially students of the English Department.

2. This research can be useful for lecturer. The result will give one this mastery can be

used by lecturer to get successful learning about prefixes, especially for linguistiscs

subject can use this paper as the guidance to enrich their knowledge about prefixes.

3. It can be made as a reference to other researcher in the field of language and

education of language and this study can help the researcher to increase knowledge

about prefix. Hopefully,this research inspires other researchers to develop or

tocother research in the same scope with different subjects.


The researcher found several previous researches related to the title that become

the researcher’s reference.

1. “Prefixes of Verbs and Nouns in English and Saluan Language (A Contrastive

Analysis)” written by Ngantung (2021). The writer used the theory of Brinton

(2010), O’Grady & Dobrovolsky (1992), and Brown (1980). This research used

descriptive method. The results of this study indicated that English and Saluan

language have the prefixes of verbs and nouns. The difference between the two

languages is that the English prefix of nouns only attached to the basis of nouns,

while prefix in Saluan language attached to the verbs and nouns.

2. “A Contrastive Analysis between English and Batak Toba Language in Prefixes”

written by Sianipar (2022). The writer used the theory of Naibaho (2006). In conduct

the data the writer used descriptive method with qualitative approach. The results of

this study the writer concludes that English and Batak Toba language are partly

correspondence in prefixes.

3. “A contrastive analysis between English and Indonesian prefixes and suffixes in the

descriptive texts of student’s textbooks” written by Mena and Kurnia (2018). The

researcher used the theory of Carter (2007). This research used descriptive method.

The results of this study is found similarities and differences of English prefixes, there

were no types of prefixes that forming verb, adjective, noun, and interrogative. While

Indonesia prefixes, there were no types of prefixes such as locative, temporal, and

negation prefixes. In English suffixes there were no forming numeral and


4. “Affixation in English and Arabic: A Contrastive Study” written by Igaab, Z. K., &

Kareem, I. (2018). The writer used the theory of Stagaberge (1965). This research

used descriptive method. The results of this study show that affixation found in the

compared languages. English is concerned with the types of affixes through the

process of affixation. Arabic is interested in the idea of al-wazn in the process of

affixation and it does not pay much attention to the types of affixes though both of

the two languages have the same ways of classifying affixes.

5. “An Analysis Of Affixation Between English and Bataknese As Reflected In Holy

Bible: A Comparative Study “ written by Sianipar (2022). The researcher used the

theory of Bauer (1983). In conduct the data the writer used descriptive method

with qualitative approach. In the result the writer found out that in English, the

percentage Inflectional affixation 123,75 % and Derivational affixation 13,75%.

While, in Bataknese, the percentage Inflectional affixation 72,5 % and Derivational

affixation 26,25%.

6. “Afiks-Afiks Derivasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Tontemboan (Suatu

Analisis Kontrastif)” written by Malingkas (2022). The researcher used Lado’s

theory (1971). This research used descriptive method in conduct the data. The

results of this research showed that the English language has prefix and suffix only

whereas the Tontemboan language has prefix, infix and suffix. English and

Tontemboan have the function of changing the grammar of word classes and not

changing the grammar of word classes.

7. “Prefiks Kata Kerja Dan Kata Benda Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Saluan

(Suatu Analisis Kontrastif)” written by Ngantung (2021). The researcher used the

theory of Brinton (2010). This research used contrastive analysis method. The

results of this study showed the simillarities English and Saluan Languages have

the prefixes of verbs and nouns. The difference between the two languages is that

the English prefix of nouns only attached to the basis of nouns, while prefix in

Saluan language is attached to the verbs and nouns.

8. “Derivational Affixes of English and Pamona Language (A Contrastive Analysis)”

written by Pronoto (2022). The researcher used the theory of Fromkin (2014)

and Katamba’s (1993) theories and to contrast by using Lado’s (1971) theory. This

research used descriptive method. The results of this research shows that the types

of derivational affixes in English are prefixes and suffixes; the type of derivational

affixes in Pamona language are prefixes, infixes, suffixes, and confixes. English

and Pamona Language have the same prefix which have a function as a different


9. “Derivational Affixes in English and Tabaru Language (A Contrastive Analysis)”

written by Sidete (2019). The researcher used the theory by O’grady’s (1987)

theory and contrasting them by using Lado (1971) method. This research uses

descriptive method. The results of this research show that the types of English

derivational affixes are prefixes and suffixes; the types of Tabaru derivational

affixes are prefixes, suffixes and confixes. The functions of both English and

Tabaru language derivational affixes are whether to create new lexem that may

change the part of speech or not. 

10. “Contrastive Analysis Of Affixes In English And Mandailingnese” written by

Pulungan (2013). The researcher used the theory by using O’grady’s (1987) to

contrast the data. This research uses descriptive method which describes the objects

as real as presented. The results of this research found similarities of affixes in

English and Mandailingnese in process of prefixes and suffixes. The difference of

affixes in English and Mandailingnese is confixes. In English there is no confixes

but in Mandailingnese have confixes there are; Mang- + verb + -kon= verb, and

Ma- + verb + -kon = verb.

Based on the study above, it can be concluded that there are some similarities and

differences. In this research the researcher contrast the form also examines the kind of

prefixes as similar goal, but used different theory, collection method, and problems

studied are different.


The researcher uses the theory of Katamba and Stonham (2006) in this research

because it is effective and easier to understand. Prefix is affixes that attached before a

root or stem or base like re-, un-, and in-, for example: re-make, un-happy, in-decent

(Katamba and Stonham, 2006). This state means that an affix which is attached before

a root or stem is called prefix. Prefix is the affixes which can be added to the beginning

of a word. For example in English: ab-normal, dis-agree, ex-change, im-material, re-

act in addition in Torajanese: la-mendiok, si-reken, me-kutana.

1. The kinds of prefixes in English

1.1 Prefixes in-

The prefix in- means 'no' or the opposite of the attached word. Most of these prefixes

are attached to adjectives for example: in- becomes il- if the word that is attached starts

with the alphabet 'l', in- becomes ir- if it is attached to a word that starts with the

alphabet 'r', becomes im- if it is attached with a word that starts with the alphabet 'm', 'p'

or 'b'. Example: il-logical (not logical), ir-relevant (irrelevant), im-possible

(impossible), il-legal (invalid), in-sane (unhealthy), im-practical (impractical)

1.2 Prefixes mis-

The prefix mis- is attached to a verb or noun and does not change the word type. This

prefix means 'false. or 'wrong' for examples: mis-understanding ( misunderstood), mis-

behaviour (wrong behavior), mis-chief, misprint (misprinted), mis-calculate

(miscalculated), mis-use ( wrong use), etc.

1.3 Prefixes over-

The prefix over- is placed on a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb, meaning 'above' 'too' or

exceeds the specified limit or exceeds the usual size. For example: over-careful (too

careful), over-throw (tossed out of bounds), over-size (too big in size), over-eat (too

much to eat), over-age (too old), over-ripe (too cooked), etc.

2. The kinds of prefixes in Torajanese

2.1 Prefixes dipa-

The use of prefixes with passive patterns is imperfect, where the nouns filled the

position of the object are not fulfilled, but it was filled with adverbs. So the pattern

formula is: s + dipa- + passive verb + adv, such us shown below:

“Wilsen dipa-sisemba’lan banua” ‘Wilsen fought in the house’

“Ines dipa-sakke lan gereja” ‘Ines is blessed in church’

2.2 Prefixes ti-

Verbs with prefixes ti- have passive voice patterns but cannot the end of the sentence

is not an object. The place of an object is occupied by the adverb of place or time. The

pattern formula is: ti- + v3 + adv., such as in example below :

“Iren ti-kadang jo oto” ‘Iren stuck in the car’

“Motorok ti-sullun tama to uma” ‘Motorcycle fallen into the field’

2.3 Prefix un-

Of the prefix un- the verb will have an active and transitive pattern, means that the verb

includes the subject and object and the pattern formula is : s+un+v1+o. Examples of verbs

with such patterns are shown below:

“Asen un-tiro langi” ‘Asen see the sky’

“Marga un-kande bale” ‘Marga eat fish’

2.4 Prefix me (m/n-)

The prefix mem (n-) in verbs that are active but intransitive, means that the verb has a

subject, but does not require an object (intransitive), but only an adverb of place. The

formula for the pattern : s+me (m/n) + v1.+adv. Examples of verbs with such patterns are

shown in :

“Burung me-tiak langngan papa” ‘Birds fly on the roof’

“Areta me-kutana lako Solana lan banua” ‘Areta ask her friend in their home’

2.5 Prefix un-

The prefix un- builds a complete sentence, meaning that the verb require a subject and

an object, but the u-prefix if followed by a consonant in the beginning of verb, the

initial consonant will form a double consonant (cluster), so the pattern formula is: s +

un-cluster(v1)+o. The pattern of verbs are shown below:

“Juan un-niru wai lan banua” ‘Juan drinks water in home’

“Mita un-ntunu manuk jo dapo” ‘Mita grills chictto English prefixes.

3.Contrastive Analysis

In this research, the researcher will use the theory of Lado (1957) to contrast the two

languages. He said that one way to facilitate the teaching of a second language was to

contrast the first and second language systems to look for similarities and differences

(Lado, 1957: 2). He also said to find similarities and differences from the two

languages, there are seven types of contrastive analysis: 1) similar form and meaning, 2)

similar form but different meaning, 3) similar meaning but different form, 4) different

form and meaning, 5) different in their type of construction, 6) similar in primary

meaning butdifferent connotation, 7) similar meaning but has restrictions regarding the

distribution of geographic areas (Lado, 1957: 82).  Therefore, in this research the

researcher will contrast both English and Torajanese. In this case, the researcher will

analyze the similarities and differences.


This research the researcher will use descriptive qualitative methods. This

research comprised of the following steps :

1. Preparation

The first step in this research the researcher will reading several books, articles,

journals, and some previous research related to this research, and find several

supporting theories that will be used in this study. After that, the researcher will select 5

informants who is Torajanese native speakers especially North Toraja; 3 men and 2

women in age range of 18-50. Then, the researcher will interview 5 informants in

different times. The researcher also will use Torajanese dictionary to supporting this


2. Data Collection

In collecting the data, the researcher will identify and classify the data. The researcher

will have a conversation with informants while taking notes of the conversation. The

researcher will identify by underline the prefixes. After that, the writer will classify the

prefixes using Katamba and Stonham (2006) theory, then write them on the other paper.

3. Data Analysis

After identified and classified the data the researcher will analyze the data by using the

theory of Katamba and Stonham (2006). The researcher will analyze the data by writing

the similarities and differences of prefixes in English and Torajanese.


The working schedule of this research consists of four steps:

1. Preparation will take one week

2. Collecting the data will take one weeks

3. Data analysis will take two weeks

4. Writing up the final draft will take two weeks


Chapter I : Introduction

1.1 Rationale

1.2 Statement of Problem

1.3 Objectives of Research

1.4 Significance of Research

1.5 Review of Related Literature

1.6 Theoretical Framework

1.7 Methodology

Chapter II : Identification and classification the kinds of prefix in English

and Torajanese

Chapter III : Analysis and description of the similarities and differences of

prefixes in the two languages

Chapter IV : Conclusion and Suggestion



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