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——— came UNE = Talk about food passons ca a A Look atthe suggestions above lor eating a heathy diet. Do you think nga, this dit is healthy? Why or why not? Complete the chart about the foods you eat each day. Compare charts SSSRSTSE with a partner. © DISCUSSION How are the Healthy Diet suggestions diferent from your chart? which do you think isa healthier diet? explain. Morsthan Sseningr 3 ty 2 une 1D i¥B0!pHoTO STORY. Read and listen to people talking about food choices ‘a: you tal me you were nto ty som? jay: Come on!’ realy good ‘voting Sweets? Alta: OX. Maybe just ate. toy: cout res ad a taung or loy:Hey, you ony ve oncet As: Vol, hetostmeitiools used tofu down choclate ‘pretty cod. How matycalotesare Ria: now. Buk fm watching my, In that hing anyway? ‘Nelght now. ‘cat (feral =carbohycrates F FOCUSON LANGUAGE Find an underlined sentence or phrase in the Photo Story with the same meaning as each ofthe following, 1 Idon’t know. 5 | really wanted 2 teak ay o lage 3 eat op my 7 syrot 4 tana oto get a myatite SPEAKING “sera cgpennt Read the descriptions of diets, Would you ever ry any of them? Sos tsuneo alance Why or why not? = unre "5B VOCABULARY Foed passions A tema Read ands. Then listen again and repeat. Tean’t stand fh, not crazy about chocolate. fon't care fr stoak I'm not much ofa pizza eater '’m nat much ofa coffee drinker. f Tim crazy about seafood 'mabig meat eater. ma big coffee drinker. Vim achocolate addict. 9 MIBBRILISTEN To ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Circle the correct words to complete each statement about the speaker’ food passions 1 she (is crazy about/ doesn tcate fo sushi 2 He loves can’t stand) asparagus. 3 She (isa mango lover / doesntcare for mangoes). 4 He (is big pasta eater / isn’t crazy about pasta). 5 She (isanice cream adic / cart stad ice cream). Pea & mangoes pasta ce cream ‘asparagus © PAR WORK Tellyourpartner about 44 rmrealyaseaood lower, some of your food parsions. butimnctersy aout cms. #P GRAMMAR Useto / used to Be crete Use use to and used 19 = the base form ofa verb to describe things at uate that were tue nthe past But are ro longer Yuin the presen. Treyueedio...2Ut | DPtperueet 7 {used to be crazy ebott candy, tut now | don't care for it ‘She dnt uve 8 ost cna, butmow she Fa al the Ue h Di you seco ata ltototy tos? [Yo isé, og | Yes iects | EMINENT 1 No, I gidn't. No, did't use te. ‘Use 1 / ysedto: use and form, Wat you us eve forbrsitnt” Ease andesuesge fut notonsmers) comers Why cid you use to eat so much? (Becatse didn'tuse to worry about my heath) 7 Seuss ge ues ‘Repeated sotonin he rast uns. GRAMMAR PRACTICE Use the context to help you complete each sentence with used to oF ‘dain use to. Then write two sentences about yourself V-GkY ones go outto eatalet,but 6 Ted nev eat alot of fatty foods, rowhe ea ai home moreoten, butnow be avoids them. 2 nina eat alorotpasta,but 7 BUR. dork alotof wate, but row she docs. now be has several gasses a day 3 vinnie dirnka lotof coffee, 8 May tke salad, butnow she tit now he's cole ace Nav sind avert tas a week 4 Anton swans Cota lot vegetables, 9 (used to). that now he dosent ee 5 Cate wsnsonswnrsnarans bate seafood, butnow 19 (dtuse to)! sold * She cagyaboutfish f , {JB PRONUNCIATION Sound reduction: used to .»3281 Notice how the pronunciation of fo in used to changes to /ta/ in natural speech, Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat. Practice the sentences an your own. 1S be a big meat eater 2 Sally RR be crary about fies 2 Jack SENG lke sweets. 4 They didn't BS@%6 like seaiood. CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A. 33H Read and listen to two people talking about thee food passions ‘A: Are you a big coffee drinker? B: Definitely. I'm crazy aboutcolfee. What about you? ‘As Lused to drink it lot. But recently I've cut hack 2 Well, | couldn't ive without it HRS RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model witha partner. MERALTLAD) 12x avout 101 passions [EID eee A NOTEPADDING Complete the notepad with foods My feodpeslons ‘you like and disk. Foodk Fm crazyabout | Food| can’t tan CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR Witha partner, change © Pe cetresion Made exchanging wfomaton about your food passions. Tak about what you used to and didn’ tuse to eat or drink. Use your notepad and the Vocabulary from page 64. Ac Are you a big... ? — DONTSTOP! v -What about you? + sek apoct more x Eosears anes (© CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about other food passions. ws & TEL Mate an excuse to dectine food CONVERSATION MODEL A pom Read andisten to 2 diner guest make an excuse to decline fod A: Plesehelp yourset 8: Everything look: grea! But I'l pass on the chicken, A: Don't you eat chicken? B: Actually, no.1'm a vegetarian. A: 'msoy. dat know that bl P' have something ele 8 PRRE RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. "EE VOCABULARY Excuses for not eating something ‘A pe Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat My Coffee doesn’t Vmon adiet. 1 dont eat beet. agree with me. mn trylng to lose welght. Its against my religion, Fmaltergle to chocolate Fmavolding suas. Idon’t care for brocca 1 IBOLLISTEN To ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen to each conversation. Write theletter to complete each statement. Then listen again to check your work. 1 cindy a isa vegetarian 2 Frankie bis avoiding fatty, salty foods. 2 Marie € i tying to lose weight. 4 Susan, d is dlegic to something. 5 George © doesnt care for seatood. 44 | usualy don teat red foods © PAR WORK Talk about foods ordinks you avoid. Explain why. {4 Luualy don teat red fonds & WTS GRAMMAR Negatne yes / no questions Use negative yes / no questions ‘10 confirm inermation yeu think ie rue Iso't Jane a vegetarian? (Yes, ste 3) Didn't he go ona cet last week? (Yes He's tying the Akins Det) + when you want someone to agree with you ‘Don't you love ralan food? (ves, ts celicous) SS emees I 2S = Bs oer mertnmy mete ate = @ ‘Hesn’t he tried the chicken? (No. He’s a vegetarian.) Negative yes / m9 GRAMNAR PRACTICE Complete each negative yes / no question. VA seonenne YoU allergic to tomatoes? 4B socomeones YOUF husband been on adiet? B: Me? No. You're thinking of my brather. B: Yes. Butit's driving him crazy. 2 Keswueseenes that lunch yesterday delicious? 5 Avsoosnsenuns asparagus disqusting? Bs Itwas fantastic! B: Actually, ike it 3k we already have staak this weel 6x you like your pasta? eos ¥es, we did 3; Actually it was a little too spicy for me. CICRITINTY Make an excuse to decline food A NOTEFADDING Lock at the photos.Ona separate sheet of paper, AAAI fice RAVOCUInSA/IG WHEAT EEE BEET aS Gg © CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With partner, change the Conversation Model to roleplay a dinner © conversation Use the photos o offer foods. Use shettish your notepad to make excuses to decline that food. Then change roles. OPTION: Role-playa dinner conversation with more than one classmate. A: Please help yoursel B: Everything looks ..... ! ButY'Ipass on the A: Don’t you eat steak B: Actually... ‘aha A: Imsomy.Ididn'tknow that. * Ste geeueene Be os «Fave ae 2 broccol beets © CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the conversation again ‘chocolate nts: ET ovr mci | BEFORE YOU READ EXPLORE YOUR IDEAS D0 you think people's eatng habits are better or worse then they used to be? Explain with examples. READING oss ‘ever woncered why American srusle wit watching thie weioh. Boy arenes aap ee eae eae Te beany sauces™coning sy Ua Now sre ron Corel Unive susBeS 2 posible znser_ A sty f almost 30 seta pee cles aout how ele and decisions about ene may fet weight Researchers ‘concluded fate French tent stop eating when the fe! fl. However, Americans tendo stp when ner pate completly enpey or ey have each! We end OF Hest fever TV sh ‘According 1 Dr. Joseph Mercola who writes extensively about health sues, the Freeh ee atng 1 at inporan part ther ety Thy enjoy fod ang, hereto, fea ge ie ae tc ees tig {do quck'y ae they squcere meni heen te ther activities of th day Mes tole American bave athe ait fo sens wendy ate actualy So ey {ep eating loop ater he French weld ave stopped In addon be ages ‘radton, he French endo sop daly, walking tosmall shops and farmers markets “where they have ache of Fes fits, vegetables, and eae aswell fohanaiy ‘Beas and cheses foreach meal Incorras, Americans (edo GV: te cast Ruse Supermreswo buy canned end ioe ood forthe whole week. Despite all these dlferences, cw report show fal ecent fede changes maybe affecting Fencheline hits Today the ate of obesiy—or exter overueisN— mang adults is only 6. However, as America fast-ood resaurant pan scceptace, She young tun tha Facks on older wadtons, he oes ate mone Hach Shite has rach 7a gowns [A UNDERETAND FROM CONTEXT Use the contest ofthe article to help you choose the same meaning aseach underlined word or phrase 1 Have you ever wondered why Americans siuggle with watching ther weight a havean easy ime have a dificult time don'teare about 2... while the French, wo consumeall hat ch food... 2 fatty, high-calrie food b lowfat, low-calorie ood « expensive fond 3. continue to stayin? 2 wry about their weight not become overweight € gain weight 4 Researchers concluded that the Fench tend to stop eating when they fee! ful 2 like they can'tsatany mare bored stout theirweight «hungry 5 .. the French see eating as an important partof ther este 2 personal care andappearance _b cultureor daily routine meals @ NTs © SummaRiZe According tothe aticle, why de the French siay thin while Americans gain weight? Write ¢foursentence summary of tne Reading. Then share your summary with the das. _| comnenin Amscany tech thine © COMPARE AND CONTRAST In your country, do people generally stay thin or do they struggle with watching ther weight? Are lifestyles in your __=g County coser to those of France or the US., as sel descnbedin the article? 46 an peop nore are more tke people in France ‘They ile teost het oy don gan weight easy FP TIED ixusitstvehne:s ie A. FRAME YOUR IDEAS Complete the lifestyle self-assessment. itech edad ‘Were yom succesful” Ores Ono Wy oreey nat? Reps [Eu letekeietinckk tele Ico, what changes have you made? Ostoppetesingtas fonds Wereyoumesenful? Oye Ove Ostetedeating whole aime Why or wity sot? Eaplain.. (© statedeatng nor vgatanis Qotner (exp, eet 150, what nave youdone? Ostatedwwouking outinagrm Were yousuccesstul? Oyes One Ostntedraming orvialking Why orwhynot? Explain eee Gane SLL, ae aries Bi agers ar ee one © DISCUSSION. How do you think your classmates change te ditto grove ter heath? {hive eon success wna ete compare to most people in your countty?Are they lad av arivelfanicl”? O*" generally heslther or less healthy? What co you think people need to do to have a healthy ifestyle? Bicctrvmricmtoieirtn | ear eees eee | | ROS ce ceeccscncn paoyse ace foet:Tey bad ot ‘that were new to you. Use them is your Dscussion. ‘i Sooo) ese WTS 6 qq RE LN | “EE nam vocagutany «Foca deseriptons Read and Isten Then Isten again and repeat. Ge wh ¥ It smellstornble, ae on eo | ais af wf 225, Itlookslike J ee B PAIR WORK Use the Vocabulary to descrbefoods you know. A Apples re crunchy. 79) LISTENING COMPREHENSION A. Silay LISTEN FOR DETAMLS First, listen tothe descriptions of foods {from around the world and wete the lettr of each food. Then Kise again and choose the Vocabulary that completes each description. ania sf 1 Ws (crunchy / chewy J hard), and tastes (lly sweet / sou. factne Kova 2 ittastes (sally /sweet/ spicy), andi’ (sft / hard / crunchy) o 3 Ws (sft / chewy / crunchy), and tases (salty / sweet / spi). 4 Ittastes (sally /sweet/ spicy). Some think (tastes / smells looks) awl 5 It (smells/ tastes /looks) great, and it (smell / tastes / looks) awful. ~- 6 They/re (crunchy /chewy hard), an they taste (sally / sweet / spicy). cava sa t “ml ‘s aassopper ee - cho de Cima roc fapan | —_.0 Und Siar 8 PRBILLISTEN To PERSONALIZE Listen again. After each food, discuss with 2 partner whether you would like to ty that food. Explain why or why not. CECTIOET) Descrite toca cishes IIT anc oran: =) far davahachs Description seftandsweet |. FRAME YOUR IDEAS Choose three local dishes that you would. recommend toa Vsitor to your country. Write notes about each. What’ in? flour, eggs, milk Name of dish: Description: in] What's in Name oraisn: Descaipuon: ame ot ain: What's init? Deserptton: 2 pt Wat's int > PARWORK Role-play a conversation in which one of you isa visitor to your county. Intreduce and describe your dishes to the “visitor.” Use the Vocabulary. For example: 44 ey Inaven’t What re they ke? 17 46 wet they're sot And hey taste sweet. Aeleabout the dish Comment onthe cigh lls nf them Iesnunse they ‘I Im alergsto_. Timea ea Racang — I'm at — es | estore! | Ginssator Ne 71 A. se85 Listen to the conversation ina restaurant. Cross out the foods that the speakers don’t mention. bbeetand broccot chicken clams noodles pasta pizza ‘salmon scallops. shrimp steak 18 ABE Now listen again and complete the statements. ‘The man dossn'tcarefor He would rather eat... © Complete the negative yes / no question for each situation. 11 The weather today is sunny and beausful. You turn to your friend and say "nen the weather Fantasie?” 2 You've just finshed dinner. was terrible meal. As youleave, ‘you szy to your tend: » that meal awful?” 3 You're sightseeingin China. From your tourbus window you see a Jong wall in the distance. You say to the person siting next to you: i thatthe Great Wall?” 4 You're surprised to see your friend eating breakiast at 11:30. You sy: *. you breallast yet?” |5 You see 2 woman on the street. You're pretty sure t's Norah jones, the singer. You go up to herand ask“, you Norah jones?” 1D. Whitefive sentences about things you used to or didn't use todo orthink when you were younger. For example: 1d! tole off hen Die rea Write short descriptions of the following foods. apples bananas carrots grapefruit kkeceam onions. squid steak PT ° “AParen Der St ee WRITING: °o So Wirte a paraaraph on the folowing topic: De you tink people are eating healthier less healthy foods than the used to? Give ‘examples to suppert your opinion Ith CO «ve ° enecins ees: ‘iberdlateg emanate | 1 Buicance for tha wreng ese ORAL REVIEW (CHALLENGE Choose adish and study the pphoto and the ingredients for one minute ‘Then lose your beok. Describe the dish, 1 Createa conversation for the man and woman in which they lookat the foods and talk about their food passions. For example: Have youtried Pad Thai? Hs terrific! 2 Createa comrersation in which the man or theweman suggests and affers foods. The ther makes excuses, Start like this: (le eae Ingrodlonte:eonoadles, Ingredients: co, oe, soy sauce, tolu, pearuts sh sauce, sesame of, ate sugar ime je, vegetable buck popper ‘A: Would you like some _? ‘avg ste sates 8: Actually, mi ar ose a dish and create 2 conversation ore = > Gltvaat someone Yon coun and 2 vor. For example Have youever hied _% Ingredients: chickan, 5 Ingredients: sal, vegeiable of, parsley, mint, ‘onions, gat, ‘onions tomatoes, tomatoes, are J sal, blac pepps, choceate raced wheat, hot peppers . lemen juice, Ingredients: onions, gatc, ‘ground beet, hard-boiled cans, atin, cheese, rocote peppers, vegetableot Tat soutood pions D9) DiMiate an excuse todecine toot Ddisassttette anges Ci decease

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