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As I write this tutorial, I would like you to know that this method is extremely valuable and UNSATURATED.

is definitely a “set it and forget it” kind of method. Especially since it does not expire or depreciate. On the contrary, as
you let this method sit once implemented, your content will mature and will especially begin to build authority in time.
Bringing you more and more traffic each month than the previous. Don’t worry, I’ll explain in a moment 

Long gone are the days when I used to go to my 7 or 8 KIK/SnapChat Forum sites to post my SnapChat username every
single day. Sometimes twice a day. Just to get some saturated measly, light traffic that hardly ever converted.

With my method, I can easily gain traffic to my SnapChat account in my sleep! I average about 400-600 new
follows/adds daily from using this method! Check out my recent SnapChat Story viewer stats below:

Okay, I’m sure you’re ready to find out how to do it right? Ok here we go!
There are tons of people looking for SnapChat usernames on SnapChat every single day/month! Here are a couple of
search terms and the search volume that people are typing in to try to find SnapChat names in Google:

“SnapChat Girls” – 74,000 Monthly Searches

“SnapChat Usernames” – 135,000 Monthly Searches

“SnapChat Sexting” – 40,500 Monthly Searches

As you can see, lots of people are searching every month for SnapChat usernames! Especially guys looking for girls to
talk to on SnapChat. These are your fish. Now I’m going to teach you how to reel them in! But how?

To make guys follow you on SnapChat we need to get your SnapChat username or snap code in front of them. Instead of
posting to forums and username listing sites every day, I’m going to teach you how to systematically target popular
keywords and rank high enough to get your SnapChat username and snap code in front of potential buyers.



Yes YouTube!

YouTube has a wealth of built in SEO (Search Engine Optimization – don’t worry about this for now) for just about any
niche there is. And it’s going to come in BIG for us when we are promoting SnapChat usernames and SnapCodes! This is
where we are going to ‘set it and forget it’ (or upload videos and check stats once in a while).
Here is a screenshot from only one of my short videos that I have uploaded to YouTube (I have many videos):

As you can see I uploaded this video on Jan 4th 2017, and today is April 3rd 2017. In only three months I was able to
accumulate 24,667 views on just this video! And most of my YouTube traffic is mobile users, which means they are most
likely screenshotting the SnapCode then adding me on SnapChat! Now that is TRAFFIC! And no, I don’t have many
subscribers. Right now I only have 470 subs. Subs are IRRELEVENT!

Just from this video alone, I’m driving MASSIVE targeted traffic to my SnapChat account. I have several other videos
doing the exact same thing. Some newer and some older. My SnapChat account is up to 150k views as of today!

There is so much unlocked potential in YouTube when it comes to getting eWhore traffic! Take a look at the YouTube
stats for a few broad keywords that we want to target below. (We’ll also be targeting other keywords too)

“SnapChat Girls” – 33,100 Monthly YouTube Searches

“SnapChat SnapCodes” – 1,300 Monthly YouTube Searches

“Sexy SnapChat Girls” – 6,600 Monthly YouTube Searches

“Girls on SnapChat” – 8,100 Monthly YouTube Searches

As you can see there is plenty of traffic searching for HQ (high quality) videos regarding SnapChat Girls or SnapChat
usernames, etc. We will tap into this vein of autopilot traffic that will CONVERT in numbers!

You will need to create a new YouTube channel and title is something along the lines of “Daily Snap Babes, Hottest
SnapChats, Snap Central, etc”

Note: The point of this guide is not to teach you how to create videos and upload them. You can find that information just
about anywhere (actually start with YouTube :) ).

The point of this guide is to give you the guidance to position your video in front of thousands to tens of thousands of
people looking for your content. With that said, I am going to assume you know how to use basic tools like Photoshop
and Windows Movie Maker (super simple). Again, if not, there are tons of tutorials online for free.

So let’s being with items you should have in your video, which consists of several pictures.
Example Video (screenshot frame in Windows Movie Maker – Windows 7).

From the above screenshot, you can see I have Windows Movie Maker window with one of the pictures selected (in the
large viewing area on the left). There are about 14 pictures added to the project on the right side.

Basically all I did was search for a HD wallpaper pic of sexy girls (I think I googled images ‘Sexy girls wallpaper HD’) and
saved it to my computer. Then I opened up Adobe Photoshop and started a new file at 1600 x 900 pixels. You want to
make sure you keep that ratio, especially because you’ll be uploading this video to YouTube in that perspective ratio.

In Adobe Photoshop

1.) Add your HD ‘Sexy Girls’ Wallpaper as the background of the picture
2.) Get a copy of your SnapChat Snap Code and resize/scale it to a decent size that’s easily seen. Make sure it’s
completely transparent on the outside of the edges. Also make sure the inside part of the “ghost” is transparent.

Like This
3.) Once you have your Snap Code in position, find a pic of a hot young girl and put in behind the SnapCode inside
of the ghost. So far you should have an image that should begin to look like this:

So far I only have used 3 layers: 1.) The Wallpaper, 2.) The SnapCode, 3.) The Girl inside the code.
4.) Now let’s add some text to the image. We want to make a call to action for people to screenshot your Snap
Code and follow you on SnapChat.
5.) Get some bubbly looking font (I like to use ‘Impact’ font) in and make a text layer. Type in something like
“Screenshot to see 100% REAL SnapChat college teens on SnapChat DAILY!” Something like this:

6.) Now save this image in a new folder somewhere. You are going to need to make a bunch more just like it!
7.) All we have to do is change the girl inside the Snap Code and replace her with a different hot babe.
8.) Also change the color of the Snap Code. There are two ways to do this:
-Quick & Easy: With the paint bucket tool.
-Perfection: Or using the magic wand to select the yellow part of the snapcode, duplicate it and then use the
“color overlay” in the blending options to change it to whatever color you like.

If you have an HD version of your SnapCode, the paint bucket option should work fine.
Now your 2nd picture should look something like this:

9.) Repeat this process and make a bunch more images (at least 12-16 images). Shouldn’t take you very long at all.
I have Windows, so I like to keep it simple. I use Windows Movie Maker which came with Windows when I purchased it.

1.) Open up your video editor and create a new project.

2.) Import/Add all the images you just created in Photoshop into your video editor
3.) Set a run time for each image to be about 5-7 seconds long.
4.) Set the transitions between videos to some kind of Blur or Blend transition. In Windows Movie Maker, it’s called
“Cinematic – Blur”. This will give the illusion that the Snap Codes are changing to a different one. It’s very deceiving!

After you have completed the above steps and have your images ready to go, then we’ll have to add some sexy music.
I like to use instrumentals of girl pop songs by artists like Kesha, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, etc.
For instance, I would search in YouTube for “Lady Gaga Telephone Instrumental”.
1.) Open YouTube and search for a song and put “instrumental” at the end of the search term.
2.) Then copy the full URL for that video. We will want to save ONLY the audio/music from it and create an MP3 file.
3.) Go to and paste in the URL that you copied:

Click Continue
Click Download. The converted MP3 file will download. Make sure you know where it’s being saved to.

4.) Now go back to your Video Editor program and import the audio MP3 you just made.
5.) Set the music to start at whichever part you like. Beginning of the song is fine too.

That’s it, you’re done! Just make sure to play back the video from beginning to end to make sure it looks and sounds
great. Then Save/Publish the video as a .MP4 or .MOV file. Now let’s get this video uploaded to YouTube and start
getting autopilot traffic!

1.) Log into your newly created YouTube Channel and click on the Upload button by your profile picture (top right
2.) Select your video file to upload to YouTube.
3.) While the video is uploading, YouTube allows you to customize the title, description, tags, and thumbnail for your
4.) Title – I would recommend a great keyword-rich title like: Sexy Teen SnapChat Girls SnapCodes 2017 or College
Girls Sexy SnapChat Usernames etc.
5.) Description – You can add whatever you like here. I would recommend something like “Check out our hottest real
SnapChat babes with their snap codes and usernames!”
6.) Tags – For the tags I would recommend you make several. Here are some great example tags to use:
7.) Video Thumbnail – This is the first thing guys will see when searching for videos. Very important to pick a good
thumbnail that is relevant to the title and content. YouTube will offer 3 thumbnails be default that were pulled from
your video. Feel free to use either one of these thumbnails or you’ll have to create a custom thumbnail in

Now check everything once more. Check your title, description, tags, and thumbnail are exactly how you want them.
Click SAVE.
WAHOO! You’re done and on your way to gaining MASSIVE, TARGETED, niche-specific traffic to your SnapChat account!

After a while, you can start to see visitor/traffic information on your video’s analytics.
On the left side of your Video Manager, click on Analytics, then click on Overview to see previous data. Or click Realtime
to see current LIVE traffic data.
Make sure your video DOES NOT contain any nudity or obscene images. YouTube will remove your video if it
Including the words “Porn Star” in your video title seems to generate a lot of traffic! Ex: ‘Hottest SnapChat Porn
Star SnapCodes’
Make sure your video is at least 30 seconds long.
Only upload one video every few days. DO NOT spam YouTube!
Don’t be overly aggressive in your descriptions.
Make sure your SnapCode is large in the video so that it can easily be scanned by SnapChat app when people
save it as a screenshot.
Repeat these steps to continue making more videos and change up your pictures and YouTube titles/tags to
attract an even bigger audience to your videos, resulting in MORE TRAFFIC to your SnapChat!

If your audio/mp3 file is always an instrumental version of a song in your videos, you can enable YouTube Monetization
and earn MORE CASH from advertisers! Just make sure to keep your content clean and friendly, otherwise your video
will be flagged for demonetization. [More Info on YouTube Monetization]

Want MORE free traffic? Well check this out! You can repeat the same process for adult tube websites too! Sites like
Xvideos, RedTube, & PornHub. But instead of using PG-13 pictures in your video, you can make them X-Rated! I also
throw in some amateur phone recorded videos in between too! My newest video has gained 1,436 views in its first 2
days of being published on PornHub! I also have it listed on Xvideos and RedTube! Triple the traffic!
Enjoy your soon-to-be exploding SnapChat account!

-eWhoreLeader | HF

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