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GRADE 8 Mathematics
(Prove Properties of Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal)

Prepared by:
Checked by:
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
a. prove properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal;
b. solve for the value of x using the properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal; and
c. appreciate the importance of the concepts of parallel lines cut by transversal in real life


TOPIC: Properties of Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal
REFERENCE: Mathematics 8 Learner’s Module pages 450 –453 and MSA Geometry pages 81–
MATERIALS: Printed visual aids or flash cards, protractor and power point presentation
VALUE INTEGRATION: Critical thinking and Cooperative learning



Daily Routine
 Opening Prayer Daily Routine

 Opening
Let’s bow our heads and feel the presence of the Lord… Prayer

…And adore his

Holy Name.
In the name of the Father , The Son , The Holy Spirit , Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus, We ask for addition of your mercy so we can be ..Amen
a mercy giver,

subtraction of temptations so that we do not fall into sin,

multiplication of your love so we can be a reflected image of your
character for others, and a dividing of your resources so we can be
a house of refuge for the downcast.

In your name we pray to you, Jesus, Amen.


 Checking of Attendance
Class, who is absent for today?
None ma’am.
Ok. Very good class.
Before we formally start with our lesson, kindly arrange your
chairs and pick up all the pieces of papers below your chairs.
After that, please sit down and keep quiet.

( The students will

follow the command
of the teacher)

Before we formally start our lesson for this day, may I warm up
your mind first. I know that you are familiar in factoring a
trinomial because that is your lesson last meeting right?

This game is entitled “Match me with my Factor”. So I have here

pieces of papers that has some problems that you need to factor. Yes ma’am.
You just have to connect the problems to their corresponding
factor using the ribbon. In this activity, I will be grouping you
into three. The first group, that will able to finish correctly this
activity will be given a rewards afterwards.
Congrats for a job well done class. Have you notice that the
activity that I give you while a back are all quadratic trinomials?

Class, our topic for today is about Factoring Quadratic

Quadratic trinomial is a second degree polynomial with three
terms . This is of the form ax 2+bx+c, where a , b and c are non
zero integral coefficients.

In the flow of our discussion, we may encounter a case where in

the quadratic trinomial are either a=1 or a≠ 1. Yes ma’am.
So I have here the examples wherein a=1.

1. x2-4x-12

So what is the factor of this given trinomial class?

Ok Very good.

2. x2-7x-18

How about the factor of this.

Very good.

3. x2+x-6 (Student A will

answer) Ma’am the
What is the factor of this trinomial? factor is (x-6)(x+2)
Very good. (Student B will
answer) Ma’am the
Did you understand the given examples class? factor is (x-9)(x+2)

So we have here the steps on Factoring trinomials of the form

x2+bx+c, where a=1
(Student C will
1. Find two factors of c whose sum equals the coefficient b answer) Ma’am the
factor is (x-6)(x+1)
2. Using the form (x+__ ) (x+__), Fill this in with the two factors
found in step 1.

In order to understand these steps, I will be presenting you some Yes ma’am.

Example 1. Factor the following trinomials.

a. x2-3x-18
b. x2+5x-6

So we have here the solution in letter a example.

a. x2-3x-18

In this equation we have here the value of a=1 , b=-3 , and c=-18

First step is we need to get the two factors of c.

Since c=-18 , the factors of -18 are,

-18 and 1

18 and -1

-6 and 3

6 and -3

-9 and 2

9 and -2

So which of these Factors that the sum is -3, Since the value of our b is (Students listen
-3? during the

Ok , Very good.

So now we have the -6 and 3. Now the factor of the given trinomial is
(x+3) (x-6).

Do you understand class?

So let’s move on to the second example.

b. x2+5x-6

In this equation we have here the value of a=1 , b=5 , and c=-6

First step is we need to get the two factors of c.

Since c=-6 , the factors of -6 are,

6 and -1

-6 and 1

3 and -2 Yes ma’am.

-3 and 2

So the factors that give the sum of b=5 are 6 and -1.

Therefore the factor of the given example is (x+1) (x-6).

Class Is there any questions?

So the examples that are given is the case wherein a=1.

Do you want more examples class?

Let’s move on to the case where a≠ 1

We have here the steps in factoring the quadratic trinomials where a


1.) Factor out any common monomial factor

2.) List all factors of a and c
3.) Try and check combinations of the factors of a and c until the
correct middle term (bx) is obtained.
None ma’am.
I have here some examples.

1. 8x2-14x+3

We have to get the factor of the value of a and c and list them all
No ma’am.
8=± 8 , ± 4 , ±2 , ±1

3=± 3 ,± 1

Next we have to try and check combinations of the factors of a and c

until the correct middle term (bx) is obtained.

Possible Produc Produc Middle Term

Factors of t of t of
outer inner
[ ∑ of the products of
8x2-14x+3 terms terms

(o) (I) ( O )∧( I )

(8x+3)(x+1) 8x 3x 11x

(8x-3)(8x-1) -8x -3x -11x

(8x+1)(x+3) 24x x 25x

(8x-1)(x-3) -24x -x -25x

(4x+3) 4x 6x 10x

(4x-3)(2x-1) -4x -6x -10x

(4x+1) 12x 2x 14x


(4x-1)(2x-3) -12x -2x -14x

In the possible factors that give the middle term -14x are (4x-1)(2x-3).

Therefore the factor of the given quadratic trinomial 8x 2-14x+3 is

equals to (4x-1)(2x-3).

Do you understand the first example class?

Let’s go to the next example.

2. 4x2-6x-10

In this given example there is this common factor which is 2.


In 2x2-3x-5 , we have the value of a=2 and c=-5

Since 2 do not have any factor other than 1 and 2, The factors of these
trinomial will have (2x+_)(x+_).

Now let’s just get the factors of c

Trial Factors of c Factors of Middle Term


1 1,-5 (2x+1)(x-5) -9x

2 -1,5 (2x-1)(x+5) 9x
Yes ma’am.
3 5,-1 (2x+5)(x-1) 3x

4 -5,1 (2x+-5)(x+1) -3x

Since the factor of 2x2-3x-5=(2x+-5)(x+1)

We have now the complete factor of 4x2-6x-10=2(2x+-5)(x+1)

Do you understand class?

Do you want more examples?


Since you do not have any question and you said that you understand
our lesson , try this activity on ½ crosswise sheet of paper.

I will be given you 5 minutes to do the activity.

Direction; Factor the given quadratic trinomials completely. This

activity will be equivalent to 10 points. Each item will be 2 points

1.) a2+6a+8
2.) b2+5b+4
3.) c2-6c-7
4.) 2a2-5a-12
5.) 3f2+6f-9

(After 5 minutes)

Are you done class? Yes ma’am.

No ma’am.

Exchange paper with your seatmates and let’s solve it on the board.


Class before we end the discussion, can you tell me what is a

Quadratic trinomial?

Very Good !

What are the first step in Factoring quadratic trinomial if a=1?

Yes ma’am.

Very good !

How about the second step?

(Student D will
answer) Quadratic
trinomial is a second
degree polynomial
with three terms .
Very good!

How about the steps in Factoring the quadratic trinomial if a≠ 1?

(Student E will
answer)Find two
factors of c whose
sum equals the
coefficient b.

(Student F will
answer) Using the
form (x+__ ) (x+__),
Fill this in with the
two factors found in
step 1.

1.) (Students
will be
Factor out
any common
2.) List all
factors of a
and c
3.) Try and
s of the
factors of a
Ok. Very good Class.
and c until
Here are some real life situation where you can apply our lesson. the correct
middle term
 Dividing something equally ( For example, we divide the 12 (bx) is
cut pizza in to 3 persons. In this example we can say that 3 is a obtained.
factor of 12. So if we divide 3 to 12 we can get 4. So the factor
of 12 are 3 and 4)

Now can you give me an example wherein we can apply this Factoring
of Quadratic Trinomial in real life?

(Students will

Direction; Factor the following quadratic trinomial completely.
1. d2+14d+13
2. e2+e-6
3. f2-11f-12
4. k2-15k-16
5. p2+p-6
6. 5m2+40m+75
7. 6p2-11p+5
8. 5n2—10n+5
9. 4b2-32b+60
10. 12z2-26z+10
Direction; Solve for the factor of the following;
1. w2-4w-32

2. y2-4y-12




Advance: Kindly read about Factors of Sum and Difference of two cubes.

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