Sexting Module 1 2019 Essay

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“Sexting” by Stephen Balkham published by two-good-essays on the 24th of March 2009.

This extract helps understand the grounds for this latest trend and the negative consequences
associated with it. For this piece, I will identify the writer’s purpose, three organizational
strategies and two language techniques used to achieve the purpose and assess the validity of the
information presented in the extract. The writer’s purpose in this extract is to acquaint the
audience with the damaging repercussions of sexting
One language technique used by the author in this extract was a rhetorical question. This
technique was used at the start of the third paragraph to question the audience, the question
asked, “But what accounts for this disturbing phenomenon?”. This language technique helps the
writer to achieve his purpose by getting the audience more immersed in the extract because even
though this question is not to be answered, it allows the reader to think.
Moreover, another language technique that was put into use in this extract was the use of
irony. In the extract irony was used when the author said, “High tech has created a new low.”
With the use of this technique the author is trying to reference that even though that high tech is
supposed to benefit the way of living, it ends up creating a negative one. This helps the achieve
the writer’s purpose by showing the negative effects of the internet when it comes to sexting.
The first organizational feature utilized in this passage was evidence. This strategy was
implemented when the author mentioned a study and a website. This strategy helps the author
achieve his purpose by giving the audience a brief idea of the demographic involved and the
number of them that participate in this activity.
Additionally, another organizational feature used was illustrations and examples. This
strategy was used to give an example of a man named Philip Alpert who got nude pictures from
his 16-year-old girlfriend and circulated them. Due to his actions, he ultimately ruined his life.
This example was used by the author to achieve his purpose as he showed the life-ruining
consequences of sexting.
In addition, the last organizational feature administered was cause and effect. This strategy
was used by the author as he showed how the actions of an ex-boyfriend had led to a young
woman ending her life. This aids the author to achieve his purpose as it shows what these kinds
of actions can do and the magnitude of which these repercussions can occur.
This passage can be seen as valid for two reasons. To begin with is the relevance to present
issues as these problems still exist in modern day life, this gives the piece some sort of validity.
The other reason is the use of information from reputable sources like as this adds
to the credibility of the passage.
In conclusion, the writer illustrated the negative impact sexting has had on teenagers and
suggested a way to solve this problem. The language techniques and organizational features used
are all essential elements in the writer’s quest to achieve his purpose of acquainting the audience
about the damaging repercussions of sexting and to convince parents to talk to their children
about this topic.

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