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Direction: Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast mathematical investigation

and problem solving.

• A task where •A task where stu-

students do not know dents know what is
what is asked and its asked but do not know
•Both mathe-
direct way of solving. a direct way of doing it.
matical activity/
•More of divergent • A convergent activity.
task and a process.
activity. •Has definite goal
•Both involves the application
• Involve sustained which is the solution
of mathematics.
exploration of a mathe- of the problem.
• Give students the opportunity
matical situation. • Consist of generic
to use their imagination and to
• Open-ended mathema- methods/strategies in
get into the habit of doing so in
matical task. an orderly manner to
• Formuating problems find solution to
•Both has mathematical
And conjectures. problems.
• The students has no •The students are
•Both related to or use
box to start with. encourage to think
Heuristics to solve
•Involves problem po- outside the box.
sing and problem • A subset of inves-
solving. tigation as an
•A subset of p-solving. activity.

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