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HRE 1O1- Grade 9 Religion

Culminating Performance Task

Date Assigned: _________________________  Date Due: ______________________________ 


 This CPT will give you an opportunity to explore the Scripture, using ideas and activities presented
during this course.  When all components have been completed you will have created a thorough
reflection of how to live a life in the light of the Covenant in today’s society.  

This assignment is worth 30% of your FINAL GRADE. 

Judeo-Christian Morality in Action

This culminating assignment focuses on living according to the values
reflected in the Commandment and Beatitudes.
It provides you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding
of the Judeo-Christian moral values and implications on our daily lives.
This culminating assignment is divided into two parts:
Journals and Prayer Cards.
Part I: Journals
Complete 3 journals
(150 words, double spaced, 3 paragraph essay format, on the following topics):
a) Describe a time you were dependent or bound to another.
Explain how this experience of dependence was similar to being dependent on God.
b) Describe a time you or someone you love experienced a sadness deep enough to be
considered mourning. Explain how the mourning was consoled.
c) Describe a time you had difficulty forgiving another.
Explain which you have more difficulty with – forgetting or forgiving.

Part II: Eight Beatitude or Commandment Inspired Prayer Cards

Design 8 prayer cards. Each prayer card will include:
a) The Beatitude or Commandment written out with the scriptural reference.
b) Illustrate the theme with an appropriate image (picture) from contemporary life.
c) Write a 2–3-line inspirational quote, biblical passage, song lyric, or poem
which reflects the value of the Beatitude or the Commandment.
d) Write a 4-line prayer reflecting the theme of the Beatitude or Commandment.

Level 1 50-59% Level 2 60-69% Level 3 70-79% Level 4 80-100% Final

Knowledge/ Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates:
Understanding •Limited •Moderate •Considerable • Thorough
• Unit ideas, concepts knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
• Relationships among Beatitudes and Beatitudes and Beatitudes and Beatitudes and
ideas, concepts Commandments Commandments Commandments Commandments
Concepts: •Limited •Moderate •Considerable •Thorough
▪ Understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Beatitudes’ and Beatitudes’ and Beatitudes and Beatitudes and Beatitudes’ and
Commandments Commandments’ Commandments Commandments’ Commandments’
themes. themes. themes themes themes
▪ Understanding of •Limited •Moderate •Considerable •Thorough
Beatitudes’ and knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Commandments. Beatitudes and Beatitude and Beatitudes and Beatitude and
Contemporary society Commandments Commandments in Commandments in Commandments in
application examples. in contemporary contemporary contemporary contemporary
society. society. society society
Thinking/ Inquiry Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates:
• Critical, creative •Limited critical •Moderate critical •Considerable •In depth critical
thinking skills in thinking thinking critical thinking thinking
•Limited reflections •Moderate •Considerable •Thorough
Concepts: on living Beatitudes reflections on living reflections on living reflections on living
• Contemporary and Commandments Beatitudes and Beatitudes Beatitudes
example chosen Commandments and commandments and
•Weak example; •Basic example; •Average example; Commandments
▪ Reflections on: limited explanation moderate considerable •Strong example;
Beatitudes and explanation explanation thorough
Commandments in our •No inspiration •Inspiration •Inspiration explanation
contemporary society. discussed discussed discussed with •Inspiration
superficially some depth discussed in depth
Communication Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates:
• Clarity, •Limited clarity •Moderate clarity •Considerable •Extensive clarity
communication of ideas illustrating illustrating clarity illustrating illustrating
• Use of symbols and Beatitudes’ and Beatitudes’ and Beatitudes’ and Beatitudes’ and
visuals Commandments’ Commandments’ Commandments’ Commandments’
Concepts: themes themes themes themes
▪ Illustrations convey •Poor design, •Basic design, •Considerable •Extensive design,
Beatitudes’ and presentation effort presentation effort design, presentation presentation effort
Commandments •Some effort •Extensive
themes. organization •Considerable organization
• Overall design and •Many errors organization
•Several errors •No errors
presentation of cards •Few errors
Application Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates: Demonstrates:
• Ability to make •Limited expression •Superficial •Considerable • In depth
connections between of faith. expression of faith expression of faith expression of faith
self and material world.
• Applies Faith •Limited application •Basic application •Considerable •Thorough
perspective. of grace to of grace to application of grace application of grace
• Prayer conveys faith. Beatitudes and Beatitudes and to Beatitudes and to Beatitudes and
Commandments. Commandments Commandments Commandments
• Personal connections
• Superficial •Considerable
made. •No personal •Thorough personal
personal personal
connections made. connections made
connections made connections made

The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 The Beatitudes (Mt. 5:1-12)

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