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EXAMEN INGRESO NIVEL MEDIO 2020 (examen ejemplo)

Consider the upcoming text and then follow the instructions on page 2.


Luke Matthews has an amazing home, but he doesn’t live in a house – he lives
in a lighthouse. The lighthouse is, of course, near the sea and today you can
hear the waves crashing onto the rocks below.

“In fact you can hear the sea everyday,” says Luke. “It’s not really a quiet
place, it’s often windy and there are many noisy birds calling. There are no
cars or people near but there’s always a lot of sound.” Inside the lighthouse
it’s much quieter. The walls and windows are very thick to protect the building
from storms. Luke says he isn’t afraid of the storms. He knows that he’s safe
in the lighthouse, which is over a hundred years old.

The building is no longer a working lighthouse although there’s still a light at

the top for the ships. “Many lighthouses are empty now, and some don’t have
a light,” says Luke. “It’s quite easy to buy one to live in.” Luke is a writer and
for him it’s an ideal home to work and live in.

So why is a lighthouse a good place for Luke? “Well, the frst reason is that it’s easier for me to work
when there are no people around. I can turn of the telephone and write in peace. Writing is easier for
me when I am alone. Secondly, the views from the lighthouse are just wonderful. The morning
sunrises and evening sunsets are incredible, and the countryside all around is beautiful. I can see 360
degrees all the time and I love that. The views help me with my writing. When there’s a big storm it’s
wonderful. Finally, I love sea life. From the lighthouse you can see dolphins and whales and many
diferent kinds of sea birds. My favorite are the seals which play in the water. I fsh a lot too, and often
eat lobster and crab – they’re delicious!”

All the rooms in the lighthouse are on top of each other. On the ground foor there’s the kitchen
which also has a table and chairs for dining, above that there’s the living room. Above the living room
is a bedroom and small bathroom, and right at the top is the room where Luke does his writing. A
spiral staircase is right in the middle, and all the rooms are round, of course!

So, does Luke have any problems with his unusual home? “Not really. It’s difcult to grow vegetables
in the garden because it’s too windy, and there are too many rabbits! The nearest village isn’t too far
away, it takes me about half an hour to walk there. There are a couple of shops and also a pub if I
want to meet some other people but I prefer being by myself. For me it’s the perfect place!

Record a video of yourself in which you orally answer the following FIVE points:

1) Retell the text in a few words. What is “Alone in the Light” mostly about?

2) Living by the sea, Luke is constantly surrounded by wildlife. Describe the diferent interactions he
has with all the diferent animals. Which are positive and which not so positive?

3) Invent and retell the story of Luke Matthews before he moved to the lighthouse. In particular,
include the events in his life which led him to make such a strange decision.

4) Imagine you are talking with a close friend who is about to go live in a lighthouse. Which
suggestions would you give them, considering what you read in the text? Answer this question as if
you were talking with him or her directly.

5) In your opinion, which are the main diferences between living in a lighthouse and living in a
“normal” house?


* La duración mínima debe ser 3:30 y la duración máxima 5:30, podrán descalifcarse los videos que
sean más cortos que 3:30 minutos o más largos que 5:30 minutos.
* El video debe grabarse en un sólo archivo, preferentemente en una sola toma. No se aceptarán
archivos múltiples.
* NO SE PODRÁ LEER DE UN TEXTO PREPARADO bajo ninguna circunstancia. Si el equipo
evaluador tiene sufciente razón para creer que parte de las respuestas están siendo leídas de un
texto previamente escrito podrá dar el examen por descalifcado.
* En todo momento del video debe poder verse la cara y el torso del o la aspirante.
* El video debe ser grabado íntegramente en inglés.
* Otras personas (ej. familiares) pueden ayudar con la grabación, el control del tiempo y el orden
de las preguntas, pero nunca con ayudas orales o escritas relativas a las consignas o a la resolución
del examen.
* Es importante para la efcacia de la corrección que las consignas sean respondidas en orden.
* Si al responder todas las preguntas aún sobra tiempo, es preferible terminar allí la grabación que
volver sobre preguntas anteriores, a menos que el video aún esté por debajo del tiempo mínimo.
* Si al llegar al tiempo máximo de 5:30 aún no se han respondido todas las consignas es muy
preferible cortar la grabación y dejar el examen incompleto que continuar con el video para
completar las consignas y entregarlo con una duración superior, ya que podría ser descalifcado.
* Es importante grabar el video en el lugar de la casa con la mejor acústica posible, con la menor
cantidad de ruido ambiente y asegurándose de no estar tapando el micrófono al sostener el celular.

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