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Printed Pages : 4 ECS403, (Following Paper ID and Roll No, to be filled in your Answer Book) RD vounol [ETT TTT TT) B.Tech. (SEMESTER-IV) THEORY EXAMINATION, 2012-13 THEORY OF AUTOMATA & FORMAL LANGUAGES Time : 3 Hours ] { Total Marks : 100 SECTION - 1. Attempt all question parts : 10x2=20 (a) Draw the model diagram for finite automata and pushdown automata. (b) What is the role of finite automata for searching a keyword in documents ? (©) Write Regular Expression for the following languages : (@_ Set of all strings such that the number of 0’s is odd i) Set of all strings that do not contain 1101 as a substring (d) Design CFG for the language consisting of all strings of even length over {a, b}. (e) Briefly write about Church-Turing thesis with a neat diagram. (f) What is Moore and Mealy machine ? (8) Convert the given CFG into PDA by empty stack : G: S—>ABla A> SaS[€ Bb (h) Define the languages generated by Turing Machine, (@ State whether the following instances of PCP has a solution. Justify. Top =(10, 011,101) Bottom = (101, 11, 011) Show that 9* is € by constructing its NFA using Thomson's method. a ‘iim as ra. 2 SECTION -B Attempt any three question parts : @ Explain in detail about various models of Turing Machine. (i) State halting problem. Prove that “HALT py, is usdecidable”, Convert the following given Non-deterministic finite automata into minimized Deterministic finite automata. @ “@) © Given NFA: States/inpat A [3 = tas} | @ “q fr} Can t {8} | + [Sees ncaeeeeel fe} 3x10=30 Define inference, Derivation and Syntax tree. Consider the context free grammar G:P —> 0P0 | 1P1 | € and build derivation, syntax tree and inference for the string 0140 using grammar G. Construct Pushdown automata for the language L = { ww] w is in (0 + 1)*}. Give instantaneous description of the input 1111. Consider the following DFA and find its equivalent regular expression using Rij method. Given DFA: Attempt all questions : Attempt any two parts : Draw NFA- € transition diagram for the following regular expressions ; 3. a2 @ ® @ @) (@b)*h)a GOFF 14)410 SECTION-C 5x10=50 2xS=10 ‘Write an algorithm to minimize the given DF A using subset construction method. Construct DFA that accepts set of 2 ‘natural numbers which are divisible by 3. za 4, Attempt any one part : 1x10=10 (a) State pumping lemma. Prove that the language consisting of “set of all strings cover {a} whose length is prime” is not regular. (©) Mlustrate in detail about all the closure properties of regular languages. $. Attempt any one part : 1x10=10 (@) Write down the steps required to convert CFG into Chomsky Normal Form. ‘Consider the following CFG and find its equivalent CNF and GNF. G: S—> AsB|€ A> aAS|a B— SbS|A|bb (6) How to eliminate useless symbols and unit productions in a grammar ? Eliminate unit productions for the following CFG : G: E> E+TIT “TOT*FIF F> @U I> alb|Ja/ Ib 10/11 6. Attempt any one part : 1x10=10 (@) _ Prove that “Language L has a PDA that accepts it by final state if L has a PDA that accepts it by empty stack”, (®) Find equivalent CFG of the following given PDA : PDA P=( {q0, ql}, {a,b}, {a, Zo}, 8, 40, Zp) Where 8 : 8(q0,a,Z,)=(q0, aZy) 5 (0, a,a)=(ql, aa) 5(al,aa)=(ql,€) 8 (a1, € 2) =(a1,€) 112 3 PTO. 0112 Attempt any two parts : 2x5=10 @® ) © State Post Correspondence Problem and prove that “PCP is undecidable”. Design transition diagram for the language L = {a'bict |i, j > 0 and Turing Machine. Prove that “Every language defined by a regular expression is also defined by a finite automation”. 'j} using

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