Puerto Rico Quick Guide v1.1

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Puerto Rico (single

sheet color-coded Quick Guide) [v.1.1] by Gwommy

Set Buildings and Doubloons on the game board. Each player takes Doubloons equal to # of players -1 st nd rd 1 & 2 players (& 3 player in 5 player game) place an Indigo Plantation on their board, everyone else gets Corn. All 8 Quarry Tiles placed face up in a pile next to Plantation Tiles equal to # of players +1 st 1 player (chosen randomly) gets the Governor Card. Role Cards = # of players +3 (omitting extra Prospectors). 3 Cargo Ships = # of players +1, +2, & +3. Colonist Ship with brown Colonist Markers equal to the # of players. Set aside Victory Points (3P=75; 4P=100; 5P=122). Set aside Colonist Markers (3P=55; 4P=75; 5P=95).

The Governor selects a Role Card and does that action, then everyone else gets to take that action. Next player in line selects a Role Card, then everyone else gets to take that action, etc. The special ability on a Role Card can only be used by the person that selects that Role Card. After everyone has selected a Role Card, the remaining 3 Roles get a Doubloon added to them. Then return all of the Role Cards, pass the Governor Card to the next player and start the next round.

The game ends at the End of a round when 12 Buildings are built, or there are no more Victory Points or Colonists. Final Score: Total VP + the VP of Buildings (the red-brown #) + extra VP from the occupied Large Buildings. The player with the highest VP total is the winner. In case of a tie, its who ever has more Goods plus Doubloons.

Settler: Take and place a Plantation Tile (Privilege: You may select a Quarry Tile instead). After everyone selects a Plantation, discard the rest and draw new Plantations equal to # of players +1. The Hacienda lets you randomly take an extra Plantation from the face down Plantations. The Construction Hut lets you take a Quarry Tile instead of a face up Plantation (cant use with Hacienda). The Hospice allows you to add a Colonist to a Plantation or Quarry (but not the extra one from the Hacienda). Mayor: Take turns collecting Colonists off the Colonist Ship (Privilege: Take 1 Colonist from the supply) Colonists have to be placed in circles on Buildings or Plantations, otherwise they may be placed in San Juan. Replace the Colonist Markers on the Colonist Ship by counting empty Building Circles from all of the players. Builder: Pay Doubloons (light gray # in a circle) to build 1 Building (Privilege: Pay 1 Doubloon less) You may only build each Building once. Each occupied Quarry you have may reducesthe price by 1 Doubloon. The maximum discount from Quarries for each Building is shown at the top of the columns on the Game Board. The University lets you place a Colonist marker on the Building that you just built. Craftsman: Take Goods from the supply that you can produce (Privilege: Take 1 extra Goods you can make) You must have that Plantation w/its corresponding Building (except Corn), and Colonists on each one. The Factory gives you extra Doubloons depending on the number of different types of Goods you make. Trader: Sell 1 Goods to the Trading House for Doubloons (Privilege: Sell your Goods for 1 extra Doubloon) Each player may only sell 1 Goods. Different Goods must be sold to the Trading House. When the Trading House is full then the round ends early & the Trading House is emptied. The Small Market earns you 1 Doubloon more for selling a Good, and Large Market is 2 Doubloons more. The Office allows you to sell a Good that has already been sold to the Trading House. Captain: Load Cargo Ships with Goods for 1 Victory Point each (Privilege: You get 1 Victory Point extra) Each Cargo Ship can only hold 1 type of Goods, and you must place as many Goods of a type as you can. You must continue to load Cargo Ships if possible until no one can load anymore Goods. Lastly, you may store 1 Goods on your Wind-Rose while the rest are discarded & empty any full Cargo Ships. The Harbor earns you 1 Doubloon extra each time you place Goods on a Cargo Ship. The Wharf lets you sell all of any 1 type of Goods on your own boat. This can only be used once per Captain Phase. The Small Warehouse lets you store all of any 1 type of Goods, a Large Warehouse is all of 2 types of Goods. Prospector: No actions are played (Privilege: You get 1 Doubloon)

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