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Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan
alasannya. / Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer.

Answer: I think the conversation between Helen and Jane is an informal variety of language because
they are close friends and use everyday language.

2. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation.


1. “Hey” adalah cara tidak resmi untuk mengatakan “halo.” untuk menunjukkan bahwa Jane sangat
senang melihat Helen.

2. “what’s going on?” adalah kata informal untuk menyatakan, “apa kabar” atau “How are you?”.

3. Kurangnya tanda baca petik “ dalam dialog tersebut.

2. Hello, my name is Abdullah. I'm 20 years old. I worked as a member of the Indonesian National Police,
at first I was placed in the East Kalimantan Regional Police in the city of Balikpapan, then I was
transferred to the East Kutai Sanggata Police. Our main goal is to maintain security and order so that the
community can carry out all activities safely and conducively. The atmosphere in the work room is very
comfortable, because the room is neatly arranged in white, making me not tense in dealing with
problems. a conducive work environment for good communication between superiors and subordinates.
the room is spacious and clean makes me comfortable with the office. mutual respect between roles.
work according to their respective obligations, and need each other if needed. A positive atmosphere
will support the formation of commitment and togetherness. will ultimately improve the company's
overall performance.

My daily life as a police officer is quite time-consuming, starting in the morning, my activities begin with
a morning call, then after that, according to the direction of our leadership, there are guards around the
office and there are patrols to prevent crime and provide help to the surrounding community when
needed. until noon then at 3 pm we held an apple again, after that our activities were flexible but still
with stand-by conditions at the office until the evening at 9, after that we had a night call followed by
night patrols until the morning at 6, all We do this to prevent crime and provide assistance to people
who need our help, as members of the police, of course, 24 hours a day we are required to be ready,
whenever the state and society need our presence, we will be there. The police profession for me is not
only as an ordinary profession but an extraordinary dedication b for me for my beloved country.

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