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● complete the sentences using the correct modal verb.

-There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You (needn't/may not) buy any.

-This is a hospital. You (mustn't/don't have to) smoke here.

-He had been working for more than 11 hours. He (need/must) be tired after such
hard work. He (may/should) prefer to get some rest.

-I (could/can) speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But
after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot
almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I (must/can) just say a few things in the

-The teacher said we (must/can) read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional.
But we (could/needn't) read it if we don't want to.

-(Need/Can)you stand on your head for more than a minute? No, I (may not/can't).

-If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you (needn't/mustn’t) worry. We will
help you become a fluent speaker but you have to work hard..

-Take an umbrella. It (might/should) rain later.

-You (needn’t/shouldn't) leave small objects lying around . Such objects (must/may)
be swallowed by children.

-People (mustn't/needn’t) walk on the grass.

-Drivers (could/must) stop when the traffic lights are red.

-(May/will) I ask a question? Yes, of course.

-You (needn't/mustn’t) take your umbrella. It is not raining.

-(Can/May) you speak Italian? No, I (may not/can't).

1. Choose the past simple or past continuous tense.


a) The teacher (to explain)_____________ the lesson when the lights (to go)___
b) The kid (to play)______________ with a bubble but the dog (to burst)________
c) I (not to work)____________ last summer, I (to be)_____________ unemployed.
d) (He - to do)_______________ a good job while he (to work)___________ in
your office.
e) My father (to send)___________ me a text message saying they (to
enjoy)_____________ the trip.
f) (They - to tidy)_______________ their room when you arrived?' 'No, they (to
start) doing it after we (to arrive)______________ .
g) We (to sit)______________ on the grass when a cricket (to jump)_____________
on Anna.
h) The documentary (to be)___________ very interesting, we learned how people
(to live)_____________ many centuries ago.
i) You (to look - negative form)______________ very happy last holidays, you (to
smile - negative form)______________ as usual.
j) (She - to arrive)_____________ on time?Yes, the show (to start)_____________
as she entered the room.

2. check which sentences are in past continuous

● What did you have for dinner last night?

● My grandad was sitting on an armchair.
● My brother and I played a board game yesterday afternoon.
● I didn't go to bed at 10 o'clock.
● Was Diana wearing a red dress?
● Yesterday at three o'clock, Martha was chatting on the Internet.
● John wasn't riding a horse.
● He did his homework.
● The tourists flew to Paris in the morning.
● At two o'clock Sandra wasn't waiting for the train.
● Brian didn't talk to his friend on the phone.
● Sue got home at half past four.
● My parents visited Rome last year.
● John and Martin ate hamburgers.
● Did John take a bus to work?
● Did you study English yesterday.

“In front of” “Al frente de” “Go through” “Atravesar” “On the “A la derecha”

“Go straight” “Seguir “Towards” “Hacia” “On the left” “A la

derecho” izquierda”

“Next to” “Al lado de” “Go along” “Continuar” “The next “La próxima
Street” calle”

“Go past” “Pasar por” “Down “Calle abajo” “Cross” “Cruzar”


“Between” “Entre” “A block” “Una “Make a U-turn” “Girar en ´U’”


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