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Aesth Plast Surg

DOI 10.1007/s00266-017-0831-1


Anatomy and Aesthetics of the Labia Minora: The Ideal Vulva?

C. Clerico1 • A. Larry1 • A. Mojallal1 • F. Boucher1

Received: 23 September 2016 / Accepted: 5 November 2017

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York and International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2017

Abstract Female genital cosmetic surgery is becoming Keywords Labial hypertrophy  Labia minora  Labia
more and more widespread both in the field of plastic and minora reduction  Vaginal rejuvenation  Cosmetic
gynaecological surgery. The increased demand for vulvar vaginoplasty  Aesthetic genitalia surgery  Vulva  Vulvar
surgery is spurred by the belief that the vulva is abnormal perception  Labia minora anatomy  Labiaplasty
in appearance. What is normal in terms of labial anatomy?
Labia minora enlargement or hypertrophy remains a clin-
ical diagnosis which is poorly defined as it could be con- Introduction
sidered a variation of the normal anatomy. Enlarged labia
minora can cause functional, aesthetic and psychosocial Female genital cosmetic surgery is becoming more and
problems. In reality, given the wide variety of vulvar more widespread both in the field of plastic and gynaeco-
morphology among people, it is a very subjective issue to logical surgery. The term female genital surgery encom-
define the ‘‘normal’’ vulva. The spread of nudity in the passes various techniques aiming to ameliorate the female
general media plays a major role in creating an artificial vulvar area both aesthetically and functionally. These
image and standards with regard to the ideal form. Physi- various interventions of the female vulva can include
cians should be aware that the patient’s self-perception of surgeries of the labia minora and majora, the clitoris and
the normal or ideal vulva is highly influenced by the even the vagina where indicated. Among the proposed
arguably distorted image related to our socio-psychological techniques, labiaplasty or the reduction in labia minora
environment, as presented to us by the general media and hypertrophy is regarded as one of the most common female
internet. As physicians, we have to educate our patients on genital surgeries performed today, but the anatomical cri-
the variation of vulvar anatomy and the potential risks of teria behind this intervention and the pathological bases of
these surgeries. labial hypertrophy are still widely discussed subjects
Level of Evidence V This journal requires that authors among the scientific community. The increased demand for
assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full vulvar surgery by patients is driven by the belief that their
description of these evidence-based medicine ratings, vulva is abnormal in appearance. But the question is, what
please refer to Table of Contents or the online Instructions is to be considered the norm in terms of labial morphology?
to Authors For instance, the term ‘‘labia minora’’ itself raises this
question: Are they really supposed to be small? And if so,
what is considered large?
Labia minora enlargement or hypertrophy remains a
clinical diagnosis which is poorly defined as it could be
& C. Clerico considered a variation of the normal anatomy. Even though the anatomical description of the ‘‘ideal vulva’’ has no
1 strong scientific basis, its surgery is expanding. The goal of
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Croix-
Rousse Hospital, University of 103 Grande Rue de la Croix- this article is to provide the scientific literature a descrip-
Rousse, 69004 Lyon, France tion of the anatomical criteria constituting the ideal vulva,

Aesth Plast Surg

thus leading to better clinical assessment and clarifying the Although the classic anatomy of the external genitalia is
indications for interventions such as labiaplasty or labial fat well known, it was not until 1899 that Waldeyer made the
injections. first recordings of labial measurements. According to his
point of view a normal size labia may vary between 2.5 and
3.5 cm in size. More recent studies further identified the
Materials and Methods average labia minora size as 2 cm knowing that they have a
wide variation which can range between 7 mm up to 5 cm
A literature review concerning the labia minora was carried in size [1].
out. A literature search was conducted using PUBMED The vulva is the external part of the female genitalia. It
with the following keywords: labia minora, labial hyper- includes several structures whose main function is to pro-
trophy, labia minora reduction, labiaplasty, labia anatomy, tect the vaginal introitus and the urethral opening. It
vaginal rejuvenation, cosmetic vaginoplasty, aesthetic includes the labia majora, which are two skin folds lined
genital surgery, and vulva. with hair on their outer surface that join together forming
All articles concerning the anatomy of the labia minora the anterior and posterior labial commissures and superi-
were studied along with any articles describing surgical orly being a part of the mons pubis. The labia minora form
techniques applied to them. The articles studied were from two anterior folds of which the medial part goes up to form
reference journals in the field such as: Plastic and Recon- the clitoral frenulum and its lateral part ascends to form the
structive Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, J Pediatr clitoral hood [2]. The role of the labia minora is to prevent
Adolesc Gynecol, Annales de Chirurgie Plastique et vaginal dryness and guide the urinary flow [3]. To maintain
Esthetique. its role, the size of the labia minora has to be at least 1 cm
Regarding the inclusion criteria for the articles included in size. The vascularization of the vulvar area is supplied
in this review, we selected those principally dealing with by the internal pudendal artery, a branch of the internal
the anatomical, psychological and sociological aspect of iliac artery that passes through the greater sciatic foramen
the subject. Articles dealing only with the surgical man- and gives off the lower rectal arteries, posterior perineal
agement of labial hypertrophy were excluded. and labial branches, bulbar artery and the deep and dorsal
With concern to the descriptive anatomy, the appearance clitoral arteries. The venous return is via the internal
and perception of the vulva from an aesthetic point of view, pudendal vein and vaginal venous plexus, which itself is
the available literature can be described as lacking. Only anastomosed with the uterine venous plexus [4]. The pos-
seven articles were identified that directly covered the terior innervation is mainly provided by the internal
abovementioned subject. pudendal nerve (S2-4), the anterior region receives its
There was an evident lack of prospective randomized innervation from branches of the ilio-inguinal (T12-L1)
trials on the subject. Though, weak evidence articles rais- and the genito-femoral (L1-2) nerves.
ing a question on the subject existed.
Aetiology of the Labia Minora Hypertrophy
Most often the cause of labial hypertrophy is idiopathic,
and less frequently it can be congenital in nature [5]. Often
Embryology and Histology
patients are born with an enlarged labium that remains
undetected until puberty. Other sources of labial hyper-
The labia minora are formed from the urogenital folds
trophy are: androgenic hormone use [6], chronic irritation
appearing around the third week of development. They are
[7], in some cases hypertrophy has been seen to worsen
formed by a double sheet of stratified squamous epithe-
after pregnancy and increasing age. Certain ‘‘myths’’ and
lium, non-keratinized and contained within a connective
allegations exsist linking hypertrophy with masturbation
tissue that is fat free, rich in vascular and nerve plexus. The
and excessive sexual activity, but these have never been
labial skin contains sebaceous and sweat glands.
proven [8].
The Definition of Labial Hypertrophy
The labia minora can be described as a pair of muco-cu-
taneous skin folds, hairless and containing sebaceous A normal size labium has a length of 20–30 mm, a width of
glands. They have two upper expansions, one covering the 15 mm and a thickness of 4 mm [9]. The definition of
upper part of the clitoris, known as the clitoral hood or labial hypertrophy unfortunately remains poorly defined.
prepuce, and a lower one called the clitoral frenulum. Conventionally labial hypertrophy is defined as maximal

Aesth Plast Surg

labial width exceeding 5 cm [10, 11]. Rouzier proposed

4 cm [12] and Munhoz defined it at 3 cm [13].
More recently, the excess of skin of the clitoral hood is
also included in the labial hypertrophy definition, and
Cunha proposed 3 types of hypertrophy depending on the
degree of coverage of the clitoris [14] (Fig. 1).
Franco proposed in 1993 [15] dividing the hypertrophy
into 4 categories according to size:
Type 1 No hypertrophy, labia \ 2 cm
Type 2 Labia size between 2 and 4 cm
Type 3 Labia size between 4 and 6 cm
Type 4 Labia size [ 6 cm
However, it is very often seen that patients present for
labial reduction with a labial size below 2 or 3 cm. The act
of shaving and hair removal in the vulvar area has been
shown to accentuate the difference in size between the
labia minora and labia majora, which is considered not
very desirable by many patients [16]. It therefore appears
that because the criteria of the ‘‘ideal vulva’’ are very
subjective, its surgical indication remains at the discretion
of the surgeons [17].
Aside from these aesthetic concerns that are the most
frequent motives for a consultation, some functional
complaints are also frequently reported by some patients.
Some patients might complain about pain or discomfort
during sexual activities and in particular during penetra-
tion. Certain patients complain of a burning sensation
during intercourse. A majority of patients also complain
from irritation during certain sport activities such as
cycling, jogging and horseback riding. Finally, many
patients also showed reluctance to wear tight clothing such
as bathing suits in public, what was interesting to note also,
is that hygiene problems are uncommon.


It is unsurprising to see in our current time, with all that is

presented to us by the general media and female models
portraying images of what is claimed to be the perfect
beauty to the general public, that many people have
become more aware of their self-body image and that
perception of beauty has changed. While aesthetic surg-
eries involving breast, face and the body contour are
widely accepted, those involving the genitals were con-
Fig. 1 Labial hypertrophy classification according to Cuna [14]: Type
sidered taboo. Yet over the past 10 years we are witnessing 1: Hypertrophy limited to the labia minora. Type 2: Hypertrophy that
a rapid change in the demand for these operations and start involving the clitoral hood and frenulum. Type 3: Hypertrophy
subsequently, an equally large interest by surgeons. The with total involvement of the labia minora, clitoral hood and frenulum
majority of these demands are made concerning the mor-
phology of the labia minora, but in reality, given the wide of nudity in the general media plays a major role in cre-
variety of vulvar morphology among people, it is a very ating an artificial image and standards with regard to the
subjective issue to define the ‘‘normal’’ vulva. The spread ideal form. This is reflected by patients with issues

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 2 «The great wall of

vagina» (http://www.greatwall A work
of art displaying the vulvar casts
of various female volunteers.
This piece is one of many being
displayed at the exhibition. A
large variability in the appear-
ance of vulvas can be appreci-
ated by looking at this
impressive work. Image from
the official website of artist
Jamie McCartney (http://www.

concerning their vulvar appearance who are constantly external genitalia has a wide variability that must be
comparing their vulvar morphology with what they per- accepted in the majority of cases. Unfortunately, many
ceive as being normal and attractive. These concepts are women, especially adolescents, are obsessed with its
therefore important to explain to the patients who are appearance and refuse to accept this normal variability
psychologically affected by this dysmorphia. [24]. A great demonstration of this variability is shown in
this work of art by an English sculptor. He created casts of
Ethics and Legislation: The Ideal Vulva! the genitals of over 500 women and showed it in an
exhibition called ‘‘The great wall of vagina’’ (Fig. 2).
The cosmetic surgery of the genital area has had its fair What was interesting though is that this visit to the
share of criticism in the literature [18]. Colson considered exhibition had an impressive impact on the attending
it to be a trend, with no validated standards, no good woman. This experience had completely changed their
practice guide or sufficiently measurable results [17]. For opinion regarding their self-body image. Before having
Daniels, female cosmetic genitoplasty differs only slightly visited the museum, some women confessed that they had
from female genital mutilation, which is being practiced in difficulty with the form of their external genitalia. And
some countries in Africa, even though ritual amputation is after having seen the great variability presented in this
known to be banned in Europe [20]. According to the exhibition, they felt better and less worried. In conclusion,
World Health Organization (WHO), the definition of cosmetic vulvar surgery should not be offered to all
female genital mutilation is the resection of any part of the patients who raise a concern over the appearance of their
external genitalia for non-medical reasons [21]. It is also vulvas. It must be offered specifically when good indica-
known that European law protects woman from genital tions exist. The most important of these indication is true
mutilation and according to this law surgeons can face up labial hypertrophy with a functional or psychological
to 14 years in prison. To date, there has only been one case impact (knowing that the definition of labial hypertrophy is
of conviction in France and in Switzerland [22]. also vague). We should explain to the patients the existence
Many feminist movements rallied against the trend of of such variability that is normal, and that we should not
cosmetic genital surgery, where many women wanted to base our total decision solely on what is presented to us by
modify the appearance of their genitalia to more closely the media, internet or magazines [25].
match their vision of an ideal vulva. This perception of an Female genital mutilation (FGM), regardless of the type,
ideal vulva is unfortunately the product of the images being has been recognized as a harmful practice and a violation
shown in the general media and internet. A surgeon in the of the human rights of women. FGM can be divided into
USA is even showing his patients images from ‘‘Playboy four categories. Type 1: Partial or total removal of the
magazine’’ to help them choose the look that suits them clitoris and/or prepuce. Type 2: partial or total removal of
[17]. Yet the ideal vulva does not exist [23] and on the the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision
contrary it has to be understood that the appearance of the of the labia majora. Type 3: narrowing of the vaginal

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 3 Female genital

mutilation: World Health
Organization classifications

orifice with creation of a covering seal by cutting and any other injury done to the female genital organs for non-
appositioning the labia minora and/or labia majora, with or medical purposes (WHO 2008) [27] (Fig. 3).
without excision of the clitoris. Type 4: all other harmful Interestingly, labiaplasty is not the only medical
procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purpose practice exempted from legal prosecution knowing that it
[26]. corresponds to a sub-type of female genital mutilation
Hereby, if one refers to this WHO classification of listed by the WHO: genital piercings are among the
female genital mutilation, a labiaplasty would be consid- exceptions. However, genital piercing could imply cli-
ered a type 2a FGM, whether it is a partial excision toral piercings which could correspond to a Type 1, or a
(commonly known as a ‘‘reduction’’) or total excision. Type 4 FGM, which involves all other unspecified
Thus, the term female genital mutilation (or excision) practices on the female genital organs for non-medical
encompasses all procedures that involve partial or total purposes, such as piercings and punctures (WHO 2008)
removal of a part of the external genitalia of women and/or [27].

Aesth Plast Surg

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