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First Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


Help Me Make It Through the Night

HM BR 2 (00869) ( FS-12:00-1:30)
ROOM #728

Submitted By: Ayn Soliel B. Tabalin

Submitted To: Mrs. Welou Dil B. Diaz

I. Problem Statement

The lighthouse Insurance Company was found in 1970. It is engaged in selling nonlife policies
specifically those related to fire and allied, motor car, marine, personal accident, bonds, and
miscellaneous lines. The company is a stock corporation with 51 branches all over the Philippines
from Northern Luzon to Southern Mindanao. It employs a total of 305 employees manning the head
office in Makati City and all the branches.

II. Problem Analysis

• Has been
III. Possible established in 1970, has a lot of
Solutions • No training for Branch Manager Position.
experience in theindustry.
• Lacks people to fill up Branch Manager
• Has week-month training for new position
• Well trained employees under the Branch • Unsuccessful operations if the jobs are not
Manager who may be able to fill up the properly filled up.
position through experience.

1. If the corporation managed to give training for the rank and file employees, it's proper to give
trainings for the possible BranchManager. They should be the well-trained employees since they'regoing
to be responsible for running the branch and handling theirmanpower. The advantage here is that, of
course, they'll be able toforesee the possible situations they are about to handle when theybecome the
BM. The disadvantage is that it takes time and effort,and they may have to find someone eligible, who
knows everythingabout handling the corporation, to train the candidates for promotion.
2. They could hire someone from outside the company who has beena manager and has
reasonable years of experience in handling theirmanagerial position before applying in Lighthouse
Company. Theadvantage here is that they get someone who is already experiencedin being a manager
while the bad thing is that if the applicant is froma different line of business then he has no clue running
the InsuranceCompany.
3. The next option is to hire someone from the company, other than themarketing department,
who is more than willing to run a branch.They should find someone dedicated in proving themselves in
thecompany; who has been in the company long enough to know theoperations. The advantage is that
they get to hire someone loyal tothe company and willing to be a Branch Manager.

IV. Criteria and Solution Selection

The proper recommendation for this case study should solve theproblems stated above. And for that to
happen, following the courses ofaction listed may help in effectively managing the business. By
makingsure they have tackled all the information they need regarding theirbusiness. By filling up the
vacancies with the right candidate

V. Solution Implementation
Lighthouse Insurance Company is facing a big problem becausethey can't find someone appropriate
for the job of being a BranchManager. Being the Branch Manager is crucial since they get to
handlethe whole branch, they get to handle the daily operations of the branch,they get handle the
manpower in that branch, and they get this bigresponsibility of keeping up sales with the other
branches that drivesprofit for the whole corporation. They should be able to find the rightcandidate
for the job and they will have no problem after that.

VII. Writing

Medina, R. G. (2015). Business Organization and Management. Rex Book Store, Inc.

VIII. Supplemental comments

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