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# Students In Class: 10 Subject GPA: 8 (E)

Year 10, Essential English (B - KNZ) - Semester 1, 2022

Class GPA: 8 (E)

Class Results and Differentiation

Please Note: Some results, in the placemat, are from subjects which are not directly linked to the selected subject. These results, indicated in bold, come from subjects that have been indirectly linked (that is, where no direct subject link exists for comparison, a similar subject has
been substituted to allow analysis).

Placemat Period: Semester 1, 2022. Comparison Period: Semester 2 A Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)
Report 2021.
Identified Students: N/A Students who are achieving high results may find that the Must Do, Could Do and Should Do activities are not very difficult.
No Result Pass Rate The disparity between literacy levels may restrict high achievers.
Current 0 0 8 (80.0%) 1 (10.0%) 1 (10.0%) 80.0%
Encouraging challenges and extension activities once students have completed Must Do, Could Do and Should Do activities. Providing students with
autonomy to investigate and extend upon knowledge in areas they find particularly interesting within units. Utilising interactive learning platforms to
A keep students engaged with the learning activities.

B Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)

B Identified Students: N/A Students who are achieving these results may find that the Must Do, Could Do and Should Do activities are not very difficult.

Rory Bolton (ENG - 09ENG: Denver Cruse (ENG - 09ENG:

C+) C+)
Sebastian De Amicis (ENG - Encouraging challenges and extension activities once students have completed Must Do, Could Do and Should Do activities. Providing students with
09ENG: C+) autonomy to investigate and extend upon knowledge in areas they find particularly interesting within units. Utilising interactive learning platforms to
Isaac Ayoub (ENG - 09ENG: C) Manaaki Bateman (ENG - keep students engaged with the learning activities. Modelling high level responses. Utilising graphic organisers to structure thinking. Using reflection
C for next step learning.
09ENG: C)
Ethan Burke (ENG - 09ENG: C) Oscar Rowell (ENG - 09ENG:
C Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)
Jeremy Stewart (ENG - 09ENG: Identified Students: Rory Bolton, Denver Cruse, Sebastian De Amicis, Isaac Ayoub, Manaaki Bateman, Ethan Burke, Oscar Rowell, Jeremy Stewart
C-) Students may be disengaged with the unit and class. Students may feel that they are not competent and their motivation decreases as a result.
Students may get frustrated easily and avoid class and home work.
Lincoln Bellve (ENG - 09ENG:
D) Utilise tiered vocabulary and provide examples with context. Chunking information and large tasks. Encouraging students to use audiobooks/voice
Below recordings and develop their reading skills collaboratively. Explicitly teach QCAA cognitive verbs and develop a glossary specific to the unit of work. I
Standard do, we do, you do within direct instruction/explicit teaching. Unpacking assessment tasks as a class. Recognise effort and positively reinforce students
when they complete activities at a good standard. Allowing students to use text to speech where appropriate. Building positive relationships with
students and developing rapport so that they feel comfortable within their learning environment. Exposing students to writing tasks similar to
assessment pieces that they will eventually complete.
No Result Hudson Parcell
PLP Below Standard Level: ( • Restricting Factors / • Improvement Strategies)
Identified Students: Lincoln Bellve Students may be disengaged with the unit and class. Students may feel that they are not competent and their
motivation decreases as a result. Students may get frustrated easily and avoid class and home work.

Utilise tiered vocabulary and provide examples with context. Chunking information and large tasks. Encouraging students to use audiobooks/voice
recordings and develop their reading skills collaboratively. Explicitly teach QCAA cognitive verbs and develop a glossary specific to the unit of work. I
do, we do, you do within direct instruction/explicit teaching. Unpacking assessment tasks as a class. Recognise effort and positively reinforce students
when they complete activities at a good standard. Allowing students to use text to speech where appropriate. Building positive relationships with
students and developing rapport so that they feel comfortable within their learning environment. Exposing students to writing tasks similar to
assessment pieces that they will eventually complete.

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At Risk Students

At Risk Sex House Subject GPA - Semester 2 Report 2021 Overall GPA - Semester 2 Report 2021 1.Absent from School 2.Late for School 3.Absent from School (ALL) 4.Absent from Class 5.Absent Part Day 6.Early Departure

Lincoln Bellve M O 5.00 (D) 5.00 (D) 1 4 3 9 0 0

At Risk Students: Subject GPA less than 7. GPA less than 1. Absence Instances in the selected Term/Semester: 1.Absent from School: more than 7. 2.Late for School: more than 5.

External Heatmap

External Heatmap NAPLAN, Year: 9 PAT-Maths 4th Edition, Year: 9 PAT-Reading, Year: 9

Name Spelling Band Grammar & Punctuation Band Writing Band Reading Band Numeracy Band PAT-Maths Scaled Score Stanine PAT-R Scale Score Stanine
Jeremy Stewart 126.3 3 131.9 4
Oscar Rowell 7 6 6 8 7 131.4 4 152.3 8
Hudson Parcell - - - - - - - - -
Sebastian De Amicis 120.2 2 116.3 1
Denver Cruse 130.1 4 130.3 4
Ethan Burke 7 8 5 9 9 143.1 6 - -
Rory Bolton 8 7 6 6 8 133.7 5 125.1 3
Lincoln Bellve - - - - - 124.9 3 131.9 4
Manaaki Bateman 7 7 8 7 7 130.1 4 136.5 5
Isaac Ayoub 127.6 4 118.8 2


Academic Notes: High-Impact Teaching Strategies Selected: Goal Pastoral Notes: Students positioned in ability groups for collaborative Other Notes: Denver Cruse and Sebastian De Amicis require
setting, Academic Notebooks, Multiple Writing Exposures, Formative learning activities such as reading circles. substantial adjustments. Both students work closely with the Exceptional
Feedback Learners Department.

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Student Differentiation
Isaac Ayoub

Growth: -0.42 (Raw Score 118.8) Notes: Currently on a PLP and requires supplementary adjustments due to literacy difficulties. Sem 1 Student Goal: C- Sem 1 Teacher Goal: C+ Additional support
strategies as listed on unit plan.


Manaaki Bateman

Growth: 0.53 (Raw Score 136.5) Notes: Demonstrating upward trend and motivation to achieve well in this subject. Engages in class discussion and group reading. Sem 1 Student Goal: A Sem 1 Teacher
Goal: B Strategies: Formative writing feedback, collaborative learning strategies, writing exposures


Lincoln Bellve

AT RISK Growth: N/A (Raw Score 131.9) Notes: Not identified with a PLP. Low literacy and work avoidant. Sem 1 Student Goal: C Sem 1 Teacher Goal: C- Strategies: Clear expectations, collaborative
learning strategies, formative writing feedback, writing exposures


Rory Bolton

Growth: -0.12 (Raw Score 125.1) Notes: Currently on a PLP and requires supplementary adjustments due to imputed anxiety. Sem 1 Student Goal: B Sem 1 Teacher Goal: B- Additional support strategies
as listed on unit plan.


Ethan Burke

Growth: N/A Notes: Demonstrating motivation to achieve well in this subject. Is able to engage in class discussion but is not confident in group reading. Sem 1 Student Goal: C Sem 1 Teacher Goal: C+
Strategies: Formative writing feedback, collaborative learning strategies, writing exposures


Denver Cruse

Growth: 1.18 (Raw Score 130.3) Notes: Currently on a PLP and requires substantial adjustments due to reading impairment and language disorder. Quiet and often off task during class. Needs to use
laptop and text-to-speech instead of an academic notebook. Low literacy and work avoidant. Sem 1 Student Goal: B Sem 1 Teacher Goal: C Additional support strategies as listed on unit plan.


Sebastian De Amicis

Growth: -0.33 (Raw Score 116.3) Notes: Currently on a PLP and requires substantial adjustments due to anxiety, ADHD, speech impairment and literacy difficulties. Quiet in class and struggles to retain
information. Not a strong reader and falls behind easily. Sem 1 Student Goal: B Sem 1 Teacher Goal: C Additional support strategies as listed on unit plan.


Hudson Parcell

Growth: N/A Notes: Diagnosed with dyslexia. Has recently moved schools. No assessment data available currently. Sem 1 Student Goal: N/A Sem 1 Teacher Goal: N/A Strategies: Collaborative learning
strategies, formative writing feedback, writing exposures


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Oscar Rowell

Growth: 1.89 (Raw Score 152.3) Notes: Demonstrated significant growth in 2021. Quiet in class, however demonstrates motivation to achieve well in this subject. Sem 1 Student Goal: C Sem 1 Teacher
Goal: B- Strategies: Collaborative learning strategies, formative writing feedback, writing exposures


Jeremy Stewart

Growth: 0.09 (Raw Score 131.9) Notes: Showed slight improvement in 2021. Easily distracted in class. Gaps in literacy evident. Sem 1 Student Goal: N/A Sem 1 Teacher Goal: C Strategies: Formative
writing feedback, collaborative learning strategies, writing exposures


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