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MYP G9 Summative Assessment on Criteria D in PHYSICS Reflection on the impact of


Simple machines

Task: To prepare an oral presentation that reflects on the impacts of science in area of application
of knowledge in simple machines.

Requirements to the presentation

▪ Speech period: no more than 7 minutes

▪ Number of slides: no more than 7
▪ Information on the slides is presented in visual form (labeled illustrations, diagrams, tables,
graphs) aside from the Bibliography
▪ Language of speech: English
▪ Script of the speech is necessary

Structure of the slide presentation

▪ 1st General information
✔ Title
✔ Authors
✔ School
✔ Year
▪ 2nd Specific issue or problem
▪ 3rd Existing solutions
▪ 4th Application of science in providing the solution (one only)
▪ 5th Implications of using science to solve the problem
▪ 6th Advantages and disadvantages of the solution interacting with a factor (one only) and
▪ 7 References according to APA style

To rich the highest level of achievement you should
✔ explain the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or
✔ discuss and evaluate the implications of using science and its application to solve a
specific problem or issue, interacting with a factor (see the Appendix 1)
✔ consistently apply scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and
✔ document sources completely
MYP G9 Summative Assessment on Criteria D in PHYSICS
Preliminary work

Step 1. Choose one of the specific topics below:

1. Lever.
2. Wheel and axle
3. Pulley
4. Inclined plane.
5. Wedge.
6. Screw
Or other topic

Step 2. Research the chosen theme from different sides:

✔ What is global or specific problem that could be solved by using scientific knowledge about
your topic?
✔ What is solution? How does it work?
✔ What are implications of using science to solve the problem?
✔ What are advantages and disadvantages of the solution?

You may use the next links to understand how simple machines does work: ∙ ∙
∙ ∙
videos from twig-bilim:

Step 3. Make a plan of your speech. It has to include:

▪ Introduction (problem)
▪ Main body
✔ Existing solutions
✔ Detailed explanation of one solution
✔ Implications of using science to solve the problem
✔ Advantages and disadvantages of the solution interacting with a factor
▪ Conclusion (evaluation of using science to solve the problem)

Step 4. Write the script of your speech

Step 5. Make the slide presentation

MYP G9 Summative Assessment on Criteria D in PHYSICS

Appendix 1
Social Environmental

The people affected or involved, from a Is the issue an environmental one in


few people up to the global community. some way, either directly or r

How does this impact relationships and indirectly? Be specific about the

the way people interact with each other? impacts. What

part of the environment is impacted?

Economic Ethical
The costs and benefits of using science. Is it right or wrong to use science in this
Who pays or receives the benefit? Is it way? and if we do use it, is there a proper
worth it? way to do it?

Political Cultural
Is the government involved directly, or A problem in one place is seen differently in
are powerful groups trying to influence another for reasons such as faith or what
people or the government? people see as important. Will cultural
Should the government get involved, or expression and celebration interact with this
stay out? issue?

Inzhu: Hello everyone,
Today we are going to tell you about such a problem as inconvenience for wheelchair users in public places. As we all
know, people with disabilities face the problem of free movement in public on a daily basis. National Health Interview
Data and the 2000 Census estimates that wheelchairs typically are used 365 days a year for nearly 16 hours per day by 2
million Americans, therefore the yearly incidence of serious wheelchair-related accidents are rather high. In 2003, more
than 100,000 wheelchair injuries were treated in emergency departments in the United States, where it was found out
that child injuries mostly occur outside of homes and hospitals, i.e. in environments with stairs and curbs. It can be
understood that the problem of disabled people lies in their limited movements, which does not allow them to move
freely not only in public places, but also at their own houses.

Indira: Here you can see the reasons why does this happen:
Firstly, a poorly manufactured wheelchair
Secondly, problems with the surface where disabled people drive on wheelchairs (slippery, bumps, holes)
Thirdly, obstacles in the way (stairs, curbs)
Fourthly, violation of safety rules

Inzhu: There are such solutions as: stairlifts, portable ramps and stair climbers. The solution that we will analyze today
are ramps, which are designed to facilitate the descent and ascent of stairs. Ramps create an elevated path for wheelchair
users to travel on, so they usually have a specific slope, or pitch, that is allowed. The slope can be calculated using the
physics principle of the inclined plane - the smaller the angle of the inclined plane - the easier it is to rise a load and the
less dangerous it is to get down. This happens because the sloping surface of the inclined plane supports a part of the
weight of the wheelchair as it moves up the ramp. Therefore, to find the ultimate angle you need to take friction,
gravitational and normal forces into account. It can be shown through the formula: F = W sin θ (Britannica, 2014). The
more clear examples of the forces can be seen in this picture.

Indira: Let’s talk about the advantages of inclined planes (wheelchair ramps). One of the benefits of wheelchair ramps is
that they are designed to make it easier for people in wheelchairs to overcome obstacles, such as stairs or curbs. This
makes it easy for disabled people to overcome doorways, move around the house and around town, and it provides
unlimited benefits for special people, minimizing trauma and keeping them safe. Also, the surface of the inclined plane is
at an angle to the horizontal surface, due to which an inclined plane produces a mechanical advantage to decrease the
amount of force needed to move an object to a certain height, which makes it easier for a disabled person, who already
has difficulty moving around in the city. (According to statistics from AAZ in America, wheelchair ramps have
increased the safety of disabled residents by 63% and eliminated more than 200,000 cases of injury while moving around
at home and in the city.)

Inzhu: However, ramps have a negative influence on the social factor, if to be specific on the safety of wheelchair users.
Ramps for wheelchairs are created with accurate estimation of the slope. Therefore, if the ramp angle is calculated
incorrectly, it can have a negative influence on the health and safety of disabled people. Basically, a wheelchair ramp
should be 12 feet long for each foot of height. If a ramp is too steep there is a risk of tipping backwards. which causes
serious falls. Apart from the angle of the slope, the dangerous part can be in the weather conditions. In most cases, a
ramp that is over 6 feet in length must have handrails. A ramp can become slick and dangerous in the rain and without a
handrail a user may not be able to catch themselves if they begin to fall. It is even worse for wooden ramps to get wet,
since it can rot over time causing a ramp to cave in, so it should be coated in a slip-resistant paint so that it is less
slippery for the user (Craig & Olsen, 2021).

Indira: In conclusion, it can be said that physics, and science in general, is very important and necessary for solving the
problems of movement in space for people with disabilities, as well as for sick people in general. This can be proved by
one of the solutions to this problem, which we have presented today - inclined planes, which as you have already
understood keeps safety and makes life easier for the disabled people, for whom conditions in space are not yet so
developed, but thanks to studies of science and scientists development of the social factor, that is well-being,
preservation of rights, in general living conditions become much better, which is very important for the common people.
We have realized that health problems come at us at different ages in different ways, which science and technology help
us to cope with.

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